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Rollins Alumni Record October 1960

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Rollins College Rollins Scholarship Online Rollins Magazine Marketing and Communications Fall 1960 Rollins Alumni Record, October 1960 Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.rollins.edu/magazine Recommended Citation Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications, "Rollins Alumni Record, October 1960" (1960) Rollins Magazine Paper 199 http://scholarship.rollins.edu/magazine/199 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at Rollins Scholarship Online It has been accepted for inclusion in Rollins Magazine by an authorized administrator of Rollins Scholarship Online For more information, please contact rwalton@rollins.edu ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD No OCTOBER, 1960 VOL XXXVII ENTERING CLASS LARGEST IN HISTORY DEAN OF ADMISSIONS PATRONS INVITATION This month we are sending out invitations to the friends of Rollins College to become Patrons for the year 1960-61 Patrons contribute $50 annually ($100 for a husband and wife) to the Diamond Jubilee Fund which is used to strengthen faculty salaries Patrons are guests of the College at the annual Founders Week dinner, and seats are reserved for them at important academic functions John O Rich '38, has been named the first Dean of Admissions at Rollins College With the College since 1949, Jack has been director of admissions for ten years In making the announcement President Hugh McKean said the new title recognizes his outstanding devotion and service to Rollins Every Alumnus is cordially invited to join with the many nonalumni friends of Rollins and become a patron of the College Please consider this a formal invitation to every graduate and former student who wishes to join in this Rollins activity This method of invitation is being used for all our Alumni, however your name will be placed on the Patron's invitation list if you wish Checks may be sent to Alumni House or to the College Alumni Patrons contributions will be credited to the Alumni Fund Hugh F McKean The largest freshman class in the history of Rollins College registered during Orientation Week, according to John O Rich, Dean of Admissions Entering freshmen numbered 362 and there were 46 transfers from other colleges and universities There are more men than women among the new students enrolled—205 men and 203 women These figures are for the undergraduate students and not include the more than 100 graduate school students expected to take advantage of the graduate programs in physics and business administration Dean Rich said that the number of applications took a huge jump this year, particularly in the number of men He indicated that the co-operative programs with leading graduate schools have attracted more able students seeking to enter the professions "We are pleased with the improved academic preparation of the entering group", he said, "and the increased volume of applications has permitted a more selective admissions policy." John Tiedtke, second vice president and treasurer of Rollins said: "At Rollins the chance is offered to develop many abilities of thinking, analysis, and organizing and presenting Ideas It is the goal of the College to make Rollins the outstanding liberal arts college in the Southeast." Entering students from Florida numbered 128 with 53 coming from the rest of the South More than 200 will be from Northern states, 10 from the West and seven from foreign countries Hurricane Donna Unwelcome Visitor to the Campus The brief and unwelcomed visit of hurricane Donna to the Campus, while a mammoth cleanup job for the Buildings and Grounds Department One winds fell on Pinehurst, above left At right George Cartwright watches of tree limbs, leaves and moss which littered the Campus, just readied for made a brief visit to the Pelican causing about $500 worth of damage wreaking no serious damage, left in her wake of several trees to go down before her heavy cleanup crew removing a part of the tons the opening of the fall term Donna also THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD NEW FACULTY Sixteen new faculty members were welcomed to Rollins for their "freshman" year at a reception given by President and Mrs Hugh F McKean at the newly redecorated Alumni House, Friday night, Sept 30 The new members of the Rollins Family in the receiving line were: Mrs Patricia Drabik, Speech, A B., M A and Ph D., comes to Rollins from U.C.L.A Paul N Geisel, Sociology, B A., M A and Ph D., comes to Rollins from Tuskegee Institute in Alabama Mrs Lillian Gleason, Spanish, comes from Guadalajara where she has lived since 1947 She holds both M A and Ph D degrees A Maynor Hardee, French, B A and M A from Duke University where he has taught since 1956 O'Neill Kane, Business Administration, retired U.S Army Colonel, who is doing graduate work at the Univ of Calif Marcus R Kelly, Education, B A and M E., comes to the Campus from California Murray J Landsman, Psychology B A and M A., returns to Rollins from Gainesville Benjamin McKulik, English, who is working for his Ph.D in English, taught last year at the University of South Carolina Hubert Marcotte, French, B A and M A., University of Montreal, taught last year at Bolles School in Jacksonville Richard P Momsen, Jr., Geography received his Ph.D from the Univ of Minn, this fall and comes from Boulder, Colo Lawrence W Thomas, English, received his B A from Principia College and his M A from the Univ of Mich William H Trapnell, French, has been working on his M A at Middlebury College and taught last year at Hampden Sydney College in Virginia Emily E Webber, Music, comes to Rollins from the Univ of Texas She has her B A and M A and Ph D degrees in Music Gordon James Wilson, Organ and Piano, has appeared in concerts across the country and holds B A., B M and M M degrees James R Wright, Spanish, has his B A and M A and during the past year studied at the University of Madrid Stanislav Zimic Spanish, received his M A in French and Spanish from the University of Miami and is working on his Ph D at Duke HOW TO STUDY WEEK "How to Study Week" was an unqualified success according to all who participated in the intensive week of work in which 68 entering students received instruction and training designed to help them make the most of their academic skills through improved study habits While the enrollment this year was limited to 68, more than double that number applied for admission If evaluation shows the expected benefits the program will be expanded to include more students next year DIAMOND JUBILEE The 1960-61 Diamond Jubilee celebration will officially open at the fall convocation November 4, the date in 1885 when Rollins College opened her doors to approximately 50 charter students The time will be 9:45 a.m The observance of Rollins' 75 years of higher education in Florida will continue throughout the academic year Special commemorative events are scheduled for the observance of this important year in the history of the College, with Founders Week, Reunion weekend and Commencement activities highlighting the year celebration The full schedule of events will be announced in subsequent issues of the RECORD SPORTS PICTURE SOCCER Members of the Tar Soccer squad will open their eight game season Oct 15, when they meet the Emory University team in Atlanta Coach Joe Justice hopes this year to regain the Arthur McKean Trophy, which the Tars have been without for two years Home games in the Sandspur Bowl will be with Florida Southern, Oct 22; Jacksonville, Nov 5; Stetson, Nov 19 The Tars will meet Stetson in DeLand, Oct 29; Florida Southern at Lakeland, November 9, University of Florida at Gainesville Nov 12 and Jacksonville University at Jacksonville Dec BASKETBALL The Tar court squad will play a total of 22 games during the 1960-61 season which will open December 3, when they meet the University of Miami team at home Although seriously hampered by the lack of our own courts, Coach Nyimicz is not discouraged with the outlook for the coming season Home games which again will be played at the Winter Park Hi Gym or at the Orlando Air Force Base court, are: University of Miami, Dec 3; Valdosta State College (Ga.), Dec 2; Stetson, Dec 5; Jacksonville Univ., Dec 7; Howard College, Dec 12; Transylvania University, Jan 6; Georgia Southern, Jan 10; Mercer, Jan 13; Fla State, Jan 28; Florida Southern, Jan 30; Tampa Univ., Feb 20 Road games: Citrus Invitational, Lakeland, Fla., Dec 12 and 13; Fla Southern, Lakeland, Jan 4; Valdosta State, Valdosta, Ga., Jan 20; Georgia Southern, Collegeboro, Ga., Jan 21; Tampa Univ., Tampa, Jan 24; Miami Univ., Coral Gables, Feb 1; Mercer, Macon, Ga., Feb 4; Birmingham Southern, Feb 6, and Howard College, Feb 7, at Birmingham, Ala.; Jacksonville Univ., Jacksonville, Feb 11, and Stetson, DeLand, Feb 18 THEATRE PROGRAM Five challenging productions have been scheduled by Arthur Wagner, director of the Annie Russell Theatre, for the coming season "Brigadoon" of Broadway fame, will open the season with the initial performance for the public November In keeping with a long established custom, Rollins Alumni who are members of the Central Florida Alumni Club will be guests of the ART at a dress rehearsal performance Sunday night, November Talented Edith Royal of the Royal School of Dance will choreograph the dances for the fanciful season opener Noel Coward's "Blythe Spirit" will be the second on the list of plays for the season and will run from December to 10 "The Flyers" which is scheduled for Jan 31 through Feb 4, was written by Rollins' own Dr Irvin Stock "Playboy of the Western World", an Irish comedy by John M Synge and published in 1911 is scheduled for the week of March 7-11 Frenchman Jean Giraudoux is the author of "Tiger at the Gates" which will close the season the week of April 18-22 Season tickets or tickets for single performances can be reserved by writing to the theatre or calling MI 4-0227 FIELD HOUSE With campaign plans completed, the descriptive brochure, setting forth the plans for the Dean Enyart Field House at the printers, the all Alumni drive for funds for this much needed building for the Campus will get under way next month, according to Henry S Lauterbach '37, who is heading the national campaign Chairman Lauterbach points out that this is the first major funds campaign by Alumni for Rollins College With the loss of the long inadequate Rec Hall by fire, the Campus is without any indoor athletic facilities When you get your copy of the brochure, consider carefully the great need for this building Think generously Contributions, tax deductible, can be paid over a period of three years GRADUATE PROGRAM Advanced work in both physics and business administration are again offered for the second year in Rollins' growing graduate program, according to John Tiedtke, acting dean The physics program, under the direction of Dr Dan Thomas, with 55 enrollees, began the fall term Oct It will run through Dec 16 Dr Charles Welsh again directs the graduate program in business administration which will offer six courses In this department the fall term, with 88 advanced students registered, runs from Oct 17 to Jan 31 THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD ON CAMPUS Alumni Related Freshmen Welcomed CENTER MANAGER Gorham B Harper, Jr., '60, has been named manager of the Student Center succeeding Mr James Gregg, who died August 13 Management of the Center has been assumed by Morrison's, who also operate the dining hall Cancer Grant For the third successive year Rollins has received an $11,020 grant from the U.S Public Health Service to continue its study of synthesis of potential anti-cancer chemicals Dr Don Carroll of the Chemistry Department, working with a group of top science students since 1957, has produced more than 50 new compounds which may lead to treatment of cancer Science Foundation Panelist Dr John S Ross of the Physics Department served on a NSF panel in Washington in September which will make recommendations for 1961 summer institutes to the foundation During the summer vacation he attended a three-week summer school conference on advanced astro-geophysics at Georgetown University Operation Bootstrap Enrollment for these evening classes at Rollins reached 172 for the first term which began August 22, according to Prof George Saute, director of the community program Of this number 83 are from the community, 10 from Sanford Naval Air Station, 11 from McCoy AFB and 68 from Orlando AFB The first session ends October 13, the next begins Oct 24 Encyclopedia Contributor Dr Rhea Smith, for the second year, is preparing articles on Portugal and Spain for the annual publication of the Encyclopedia Americana He is holder of the Cervantes Gold Medal, awarded for his book "The Day of the Liberals in Spain" Lincoln Microfilm A prized set of microfilm (97 reels) containing the writings and speeches of Abraham Lincoln has been presented to Mills Memorial Library by the Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission John B Fisher, Washington attorney and father of Marilyn Fisher, Rollins Sophomore, is a member of the commission and has presented other valuable gifts to the College in the past MATCHING FUNDS Many industries and businesses, as a part of their programs of financial assistance to higher education, match the Alumni contributions of their employees A check of your company's policy may double your annual contribution to the Rollins Alumni Fund Pictured above are Alumni related entering students who were guests of honor at a reception at Alumni House, Thursday, Sept 29 The annual affair was in charge of Betty Wheatley Johnson '30 and lone Pope Bassett '29 cochairmen Club Schedule A varied and interesting program is being planned for the members of the Rollins Alumni Club of Central Florida this year, according to Howard Mallen '52, president of the group The opening event of the season will be the traditional dress rehearsal performance at the Annie Russell Theatre when Central Florida Alumni will be guests of the theatre staff This year "Brigadoon", popular and successful Broadway play, will open the dramatic season on Campus The special performance for the Alumni will be Sunday evening, Nov Club members are invited to attend the opening game of the basketball season on Dec 3, when the Tars meet the University of Miami team, either at the Winter Park High School gymnasium or at O.A.F.B They also will be guests of honor of the Athletic Department at the opening baseball game The annual Reunion dance, inaugurated by the local Alumni last April, will be another outstanding event for the Reunion next April Other events for the year will be announced at a later date The Pelican Party this year was one of the most successful ever held by the local group and the attendance was the largest on record A complete schedule of events will be mailed to all Rollins Alumni in Central Florida at a later date Entering students with Alumni relatives are: Elke Arndt, sister of Evelyne Arndt Mitchell '60; Zoe Cleveland, cousin of Helen Hoyt Cleveland x62; Chester W Cornwall, Jr., nephew of Faith Cornwall '45; Peter Cumbie, nephew of Peggy Hudgings Sykes x42 and Judy Hudgings Mason '45; Rust Deming, son of Olcott and Louise Macpherson Deming '35 and '37; Susan Dix, niece of Adelaide Voorhees McCulloch xl3; Roberta Evans, cousin of Peggy Lawmill Ballman x51; Gene Faubel, son of Jean Astrup Faubel '36 Alice Ferriday, niece of Jack Fulton x40; Martha Gill, cousin of Dorothea Manning Fox '53; James Hamilton, brother of Janice Hamilton Haldeman '58; Barbara Hartzell, cousin of Anita Tanner Daubenspeck '60; Kate Holmes, sister of John Holmes x60; Marion and Dale Justice, daughter and son of Joe and Edith Scott Justice '40 and x42; Ingo Kozak, son of Carleton C Emery '49 Clarence Law, son of the late Clarence Law x39; Catherine Lloyd, daughter of Helen Cavanaugh Lloyd x30; Marguerite Massie, cousin of Deana Lund Upson x60; Stephanie Mills, daughter of Elisabeth Davis Mills x34; Sally Quarles, niece of William Koch '49 and John Koch '43; Roberta Sanderson, sister of Stephanie Sanderson Cline x61; Virginia Sands, sister of Saundra Sands x59; Stephen Schoen, brother of Marc Schoen x60; Myrus Singleton, son of Maude Rouse Singleton '54; Kathleen Stone, daughter of Forrest and Georgianna Hill Stone '17 and '31 Susan Todd, cousin of Ann Todd Johns '57, and Robert Todd '60; Alison Ullman, daughter of Eleanor Goldsmith Ullman x35 and James Veasey, son of James Veasey, Jr x34 THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD and activity through the years She is also a member of AAUW, Mobile branch, Engineering Wives Club, and PTA The Lewters make their home at 1567 Shore, Mobile, Ala CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 'QQ In September Eunice Baldwin Mclntosh and her husband celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary "If all of our immediate family could have been present there would have been 51, including 33 grandchildren," says Eunice They still make their home in Santa Ana, California '1Q SECRETARY: Marguerite Doggett, 11920 Union Turnpike, Kew Gardens, L L, N Y Friends and classmates of Josephine Keller Dolive will be sorry to hear of the death of her father, George C Keller, which occurred at his home in Mount Dora on July 14, at the age of 94 'IQ Anne C Stone, 1808 Stonehurst Road, Winter Park, Fla Friends and classmates of Elizabeth Russell Fuessle will regret to hear of the death of her husband, Kenneth, on May 30 A Book-A-Year Memorial has been established at Mills Memorial Library in Kenneth's memory # 10 SECRETARY: Dr Florence M Stone, 10 Montague Terrace, Brooklyn 2, New York Winifred Hanchett Flood and husband Paul spent a wonderful summer at The Duke's Oak Summer Theatre Workshop in historic Cooperstown, New York SECRETARY: 'OO *•*• SECRETARY: Ruth Waldron Stone, (Mrs Alvord L.) Robles Ave., R 6, Box 941, Tampa, Florida Betty Yowell Pittman has recently given the Archives some valuable old newspaper clippings, programs and photographs from the time her mother was a student at Rollins, and also pictures taken during the long period when her father served as a Trustee of Rollins ")A SECRETARY: Helen Waterhouse, P.O *^ Box 24, Maitland, Fla Alice Waterhouse Peterson and husband Harry attended the graduation of their son, Robert, at the University of Florida in June, and were accompanied to Gainesville by Alice's sister, Doris Waterhouse Rossell x23 and daughter Dodie After spending a short time with relatives in Maitland, Robert, his wife and three year old son left for Ashland, Mass., where Robert has accepted a position with General Electric Co '25 " Trillis Wesseler Windom (Mrs William H.), 341 Holt Ave., Winter Park, Fla We send our sympathy to Nora McNeill Staton (Mrs Ted), whose mother, Mrs Mary McNeill Wallace, died in Orlando July 31 at the age of 81 '26 SECRETARY: ECRETA S RY: Catherine Young, P O Box 341, Altamonte Springs, Fla Thirty-fifth Reunion April 28, 29, 30, 1961 Friends of Margery Ufford Williams (Mrs Robley) will be sorry to hear that she was called to Winter Park from her home in California when her mother, Mrs Clara Ufford, passed away on September 15 "17 SECRETARY: Katharine Lewis Lehman (Mrs R J.) 419 N Interlachen, Winter Park, Florida Althea (Miller) and O C Van Hyning covered more than 13,000 miles by motor in Mexico last spring, where they studied orchids, Bromeliads and Cycads, and report a wonderful trip Son Howard was recently graduated from the Juilliard School of Music in New York, and has been appointed as 1st Percussionist with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Daughter Shirley, was married this summer, and plans to enter Temple University in Philadelphia this fall Bill ie (Freeman) Greene spent some time at the University of California where she took a course in horticulture and in scientific illustrating Billie also worked in the Agriculture Library of the university drawing botanical illustrations and gathering material for the new book on tropical plants which can be grown in Florida which she is illustrating and co-authoring with Mary Noble, of Jacksonville Pnil Boardman continues as a Project Engineer and Construction Manager for American Viscose Corp and has just completed a $3,600,000 film plant for Avisun Corp in New Castle, Delaware Phil makes his home at 2644 Kirk Ave., Broomall, Pa '28 '29 SECRETARY: Nancy Brown, 1307 \4th St., Apt 4, Santa Monica, Calif Ollie Sherman Bandy writes that he received his Doctor of Education from the University of Florida on August 13, 1960 He says "It is now official! Thirty years after receiving the Master's degree at Rollins, the doctorate has been conferred by the University of Florida" Ollie is presently Director of Secondary Education, Pasco County Public Schools, Florida '30 SECRETARY: Clara Adolfs, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida Mazzie Wilson paid a brief visit to the campus in mid-July while on a trip to Florida Her many friends will be sorry to hear that her father died at Mazzie's home in early July, after a long illness, and was buried in West Palm Beach We send our sympathy to Aurora McKay and her sisters on the death of their father, Mr D B McKay, at his home in Tampa on September Mr McKay received an honorary degree of Doctor of Literature from Rollins College in 1928, and had recently celebrated his 92nd birthday '3] SECRETARY: Jewel Lewter, 1009 N Bumhy Ave., Orlando, Florida Thirtieth Reunion April 28, 29, 30, 1961 At the national convention of Phi Mu in St Louis in late June Dorothy Hartridge Lewter (Mrs F A.) was signally honored when she was elected to serve on the national council as membership director Dorothy was a member of Alpha Omega chapter of Phi Mu at Rollins during her college years, and has continued her interest Dr B J Balcar has just returned by ship and train from a summer vacation in Europe He flew eastward in June and visited England, Denmark, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Italy and Portugal His new address is 62 Via Castanada, Monterey, Calif 'JO T helm a VanBuskirk Douglass (Mrs Henry) 2646 Fairway Ave., S., St Petersburg, Fla We send our deepest sympathy to Watt Marchman whose wife, Virginia (Orebaugh) died at their home in Fremont, Ohio on June 27 after a long illness A Book-A-Year memorial membership at Mills Memorial Library has been started in Virginia's name SECRETARY: Betty Lynch Danner has resigned from her teaching in Ridgefield, Conn., and moved with her daughters to Princeton, N J in order to benefit from better schools and more activities Their new address is 377 Franklin Ave., Princeton, N J Tedc, y Buck wants her friends to know that she is now back on full schedule at her post in the African mission field after her serious operation in January, and making plans for furlough in 1961 Mail will reach her at Chikore, Craigmore P O., Southern Rhodesia, Africa '34 Robbie Robertson was recently named president-elect of the Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce for 1961 by the Directors # 35 SECRETARY: B G Fishback Galey (.Mrs John T.) 401 Shady Ave., C-707, Pittsburgh 6, Pa News from Gordon Jones includes a snapshot of himself and his charming wife, Zena "I was married on January to a delightful English girl, with a 13-year-old son, both of whom are making me quite proud and happy" says Gordon The Jones' address is 10743 Ashton Ave., Los Angeles 24 Calif Virginia McCall English (Mrs Bruce) visited her brother, Dr John T McCall '48 and his family in Gainesville, Fla in late May and June, and paid a brief visit to the campus to take in commencement activities Ted Ehrlich became Assistant to the Rector and Director of Religious Education at St Mark's Episcopal Church Medford, Oregon, on August In April of 1961 he plans to return to Indiana University to defend his thesis for the Ph D in Adult Christian Education Ted's new address is 332 Stanley Ave., Medford, Ore '36 Helen Jackson Hadley (Mrs Paul) Box 2550 R.R 1, Glencoe, Mo SECRETARY: Twenty-fifth Reunion April 28, 29, 30 1961 ,„,rFriends of Betfy Trevor Buffum (Mrs Sampson) will sympathize with her in the loss of her husband, who disappeared from his yacht "Folly" THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD early in August His sloop was found drifting in the outer harbor of Toronto, Canada, where he had sailed from his summer home in Youngstown, N Y., intending to compete in the Freeman Cup Race monic in London's Festival Hall in a Brahms piano concerto # Jack Liberman attended the advanced Physics-Chemistry Institute of American University at Washington, D C under a National Science Foundation Grant last summer J7 SECRETARY: Grace Terry Marshall (Mrs Nelson) Univeristy of Rhode Island, Kingston, R Sally Farnsworth Dale and husband Neal, with daughters Linda and Susan, took an 8,000 mile tour of the west this summer The Dales live in Scarsdale, N Y., with a summer home in Christmas Cove, Maine, and Neal is Director of Labor Relations for Corn Products, Inc '42 ^ '44 ^ Betty Knowlton Shore (Mrs Jack L.) 2070 Venetian Drive, S.W., Atlanta, Ga SECRETARY: Marjorie Coffin Mathews (Mrs Philip) 3060 Scott St., San Francisco, Calif Marjorie Hansen Wilder's short story, "Don't Leave Me", appeared in the October 1st issue of the Saturday Evening Post Don't forget to read it 45 SECRETARY: Edith Bennett Confehr ~7 , (Mrs W D.), 9904 Parkwood Dr., '&

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 21:37


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