Virginia Commonwealth University for Harding University PA program REQUIRED PREQ COURSES CW Equivalents University/College or General Chemistry 8 credits Lab required CHEM 101 General Chemistry and CHEZ 101 lab AND CHEM 102 General Chemistry and CHEZ 102 lab CHEM 301 Organic Chemistry OR CHEM 403 Biochemistry Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry 3 credits NO Intro/Survey Organic accepted No lab required Microbiology 4 credits No micro for allied health Lab required Human A&P 8 credits Usually 2 semesters and a sequence of I&II or a semester each of Anatomy and Physiology. Do NOT mix sequence of I&II with stand‐alone courses. Lab required Courses for allied health not accepted. College Algebra or Calculus I or Statistics 3 credits Not business stats General/Intro or Developmental Psy (Life span) 3 credits Psy Elective (coursework similar to the following) 3 credits Developmental psy lifespan– only use 1 time) OR Physiological psy OR Abnormal psy OR Cognitive neurosci Medical Terminology (beginning 2019‐20 cycle) An Upper level (per your University designation of upper level or division) Biology course This must be completed in a University setting credit hrs, no lab required The course should be similar to the following list: Cell biology, Immunology, Virology, Pathophysiology, Genetics, and Pharmacology (this is not an exhaustive listing of acceptable courses) AND be designated UPPER LEVEL Courses should be mammalian or vertebrate based and be within the core biological sciences departments Epidemiology, Biochemistry, and Biology II will not be accepted to meet the upper level biology requirement IF you have questions, please contact the program Date updated 2/18 BIOL 209 Medical Microbiology AND BIOZ 209 Medical Microbiology lab OR BIOL 303 Microbiology AND BIOZ 303 Lab BIOL 205 (lab included) Basic Human Anatomy AND PHIS 206 Human Physiology and PHIZ 206 lab MATH 151 Precalculus Mathematics or MATH 200 Calculus with Analytic Geometry or STATs course (not business) PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology or PSYC 304 Life Span Developmental Psychology PSYC 304 Life Span Developmental Psychology or PSYC 401 Physiological Psychology or PSYC 407 Psychology of the Abnormal or PSYC 412 Health Psychology Or others in this department HPEX 250 Medical Terminology BIOL 300 Cellular & Molecular Biology or BIOL 308 Vertebrate Histology or BIOL 310 Genetics or BIOL 440 Developmental Biology OR BIOL 445 Neurobiology and Behavior OR BIOL 448 Neuroscience or BIOL 450 Biology of Cancer or BIOL 455 Immunology