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ReSPECT Newsletter Norfolk and Waveney March 2020_

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Partner Newsletter March 2020 Images from the Norfolk and Waveney ReSPECT Launch Event - 3rd February 2020 ReSPECT Going Live Launch Event Success A system-wide launch event was held on 3rd February 2020 at The Forum in Norwich A passionate introduction was given by the Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, followed by talks and presentations on what the process means for health and social care On the18th of March 2020, ReSPECT will go live in Norfolk and Waveney This will be the start of a transition that has been in development since 2018 and has involved and been driven by all partners of the STP On this date, specific organisations across Norfolk and Waveney will start producing ReSPECT Forms For other organisations there will be a period of transition, with full implementation expected by Summer 2020 A wide range of organisations were represented in the audience, as well as stalls run by stakeholders The event was very well received Newsletter Contents This newsletter provides you with a summary of how different organisations will transition to ReSPECT It also gives an overview of the different ways in which staff can access training Page - ReSPECT Transition and Primary Care Page – ReSPECT Training Information Page - Staff Poster to print and disseminate Norfolk and Waveney ReSPECT Transition What will happen on the 18th of March? Organisations in Transition On this date, specific organisations across Norfolk and Waveney will start producing ReSPECT Forms, with full implementation expected by Summer 2020 ReSPECT forms will replace DNACPR forms, but DNACPR forms will remain in circulation and will still be recognised by all providers Some organisations are ready to respond to ReSPECT forms, but are still in preparation for producing ReSPECT forms These organisations will continue to write DNACPR forms on the 18th of March, but we will be working with them to transition to ReSPECT in the coming months Organisations ready to start completing ReSPECT Forms with patients on the 18th of March will be: These organisations include: • • • • • • • • • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital James Paget University Hospital Norfolk Community Health & Care Individual GP Practices Individual Hospices ReSPECT in Primary Care ReSPECT has been presented to the LMC, Councils of Members, LDGs and at events All Practice Managers have received a letter with full information on how to adopt ReSPECT It is up to Practices to decide when they are ready implement Partner organisations ready to respond to ReSPECT Forms include: • • • • • • • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust Individual GP Practices Individual Hospices East of England Ambulance Service & Emergency Service Partners Queen Elizabeth Hospital East Coast Community Healthcare Social Care Providers Norfolk County Council ERS & Ezec IC24 The priority is to ensure all Primary Care Staff have a Level One Awareness (see page & 4) of ReSPECT as of the 18th of March For those who are not ready to adopt ReSPECT, DNACPR Forms will still be valid and recognised across the STP A Primary Care Digital Task and Finish Group has formed and is working to evaluate and provide guidance on the digital considerations of using ReSPECT We will be continuing to work with GPs and Practice staff over the coming months to assist with adoption of ReSPECT ReSPECT Training Summary Standard ReSPECT training with set learning outcomes have been agreed across the Health and Care Partnership Training materials are available to all organisations For more information about training please contact your organisation’s ReSPECT Lead or email: ReSPECT@nnuh.nhs.uk ReSPECT Training Levels Training Description Example Staff Groups Ways to access training Level – ReSPECT Awareness This training is for all staff expected to undertake Basic Life Support (BLS) training as part of their core training, and delivers four key learning objectives Porters, Patient Transport Services, Receptionists, Health Care Assistants - This training is for clinical staff who have a responsibility and duty of care for a patient/patients with a completed ReSPECT form Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists - Level – ReSPECT Reader - - To be integrated into each organisation’s British Life Support Training We encourage these learning objectives are also be disseminated via staff posters (see page 4), emails and team meetings, especially during ReSPECT Adoption Face-to-face training using STP Provided training slides Scorm-compliant Elearn available for organisations Nation ReSPECT Learning web app Social Care ReSPECT Train-the-trainer workshops Level – ReSPECT Writer UNDER DEVELOPMENT This training is under development but will be for healthcare professionals who not already hold a DNACPR competency, who may be best placed to hold ReSPECT discussions and fill in the ReSPECT form, however will not sign as the Senior Clinician Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Specialist Nurses, Registered Managers (Social Care) UNDER DEVELOPMENT - STP-agreed face-to-face competency based training course Level – ReSPECT Writer (Senior Clinician) This training is for Senior Clinicians who already hold a DNACPR competency, and will undertake the ReSPECT process with patients, or may review ReSPECT forms completed by other clinicians and sign as the Senior Clinician GPs, Registrars, Consultants - - Face-to-face training using STP provided training slides Scorm-compliant Elearn available for organisations National ReSPECT Learning web app For more information on the ReSPECT process: www.resus.org.uk/respect/ For queries please email: ReSPECT@nnuh.nhs.uk Gita Prasad, Head of Acute Transformation and Clinical Programmes, Gita.Prasad@nhs.net Caroline Barry, ReSPECT Medical Lead, Caroline.Barry@nnuh.nhs.uk Mary Leishman, ReSPECT Project Manager, Mary.Leishman@nnuh.nhs.uk .. .Norfolk and Waveney ReSPECT Transition What will happen on the 18th of March? Organisations in Transition On this date, specific organisations across Norfolk and Waveney will start... transition to ReSPECT in the coming months Organisations ready to start completing ReSPECT Forms with patients on the 18th of March will be: These organisations include: • • • • • • • • • Norfolk and Norwich... page & 4) of ReSPECT as of the 18th of March For those who are not ready to adopt ReSPECT, DNACPR Forms will still be valid and recognised across the STP A Primary Care Digital Task and Finish

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 14:29

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