Women’s Auxiliary Corps (WAC) administrative jobs Over 6,000 were given commissions African American women served in segregated WAC units WOMEN’S AUXILIARY CORPS (WAC) A British Army and Indian Army women’s auxiliary WACs served in numerous support roles in Britain, India, the Middle East, and every other British theater of operations WORLD DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE (1932–1934) See Geneva Disarmament Conference WORLD ECONOMIC CONFERENCE (1933) One of the 20th century’s more spectacular diplomatic failures, this conference of dozens of participating states convened in London to seek a solution to the Great Depression The major powers—the United States, France, and Great Britain—could not agree on exchange rate stabilization After several fruitless weeks the conference disbanded when President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the American delegation home The failure had lasting effects: the American and British treasuries became mutually hostile Instead of international economic cooperation, the revolutionary and revisionist states—Nazi Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union—turned to pursuit of radical autarky and military aggression WOTAN See Y-Gerät WOTAN LINE The south end of the Wehrmacht defensive line along the Eastern Front in the autumn of 1943 The center and northern end was called Panther, and the entire line ostentatiously termed the Ostwall by Adolf Hitler See also Donbass offensive operation WRECKER U.S forces term for what the British called a “recovery vehicle” and American civilians more commonly called a “tow truck.” Wreckers came in varying sizes but most were heavy, as befit the task of moving damaged military vehicles For instance, the “Diamond-T” had double booms, each with a 5-ton winch WUNDERWAFFEN “wonder weapons.” A category of special weapons which Adolf Hitler, but few others, thought might be war-winning systems They included atomic bombs, railway guns, various jet fighters and bombers, flying wing transport gliders, the “Amerika” long-range strategic bomber, surface-to-air missiles, Elektroboote U-boats, and superheavy tanks such as the proposed PzKpfw X and PzKpfw XI Some truly monstrous ideas included 1,000 ton and heavier “Land Cruiser” super tanks mounting 800 mm superguns or even twin naval guns Almost none of these weapons made it past prototype stage, and the few that were 1188