Total War USN deployed several types of acoustic torpedo deliverable by ship, aircraft, or submarine See also divers; E-boat; Fukuryu; Motor Torpedo Boat; PT Boat; Swordfish; torpedo blister TORTURE See biological warfare; concentration camps; Gestapo; Holocaust; July Plot; NKVD; partisans; prisoners of war; resistance; Unit 732 TOSEI-HA “Control Faction.” Part of the Issekikai association of field grade officers of the Imperial Japanese Army It split from the Kodo-ha faction in 1931, over the latter’s sponsorship of destabilizing political assassinations and then of the Mukden incident Kodo officers named their enemies “Tosei-ha,” many of whom congregated around General Kazushige Ugaki, though the term was not favored by those with whom it is identified Tosei officers were more united by opposition to Kodo-ha recklessness and insubordination than any unifying principle of their own, beyond uniform agreement on the desirability of imperial aggression by Japan The failure of the Kodo-ha “February Rising” in 1936, which was followed by executions of 19 young Kodo-ha, left the imperial cause within the Japanese Army to the somewhat more moderate Tosei-ha TOSUI-KEN The guiding principle of the Japanese military, especially the Imperial Japanese Army Its essential point was that supreme command and strategic direction, not just operational command, must never be surrendered to civilian authorities That was the mirror opposite of the way the Western powers and the Soviet Union conducted strategic planning TOTAL WAR War fought with unlimited means for limitless strategic purposes, engaging the whole economy and population in the effort Karl von Clausewitz recognized this trend as emerging from the French Revolution He called it “absolute war.” Others identified its roots as reaching back earlier than that, to the rise of the new capabilities for mass violence of the early modern state Erich von Ludendorff coined the term “total war” in 1935, in appreciation of the carnage and commitment to victory made by all parties during World War I By the mid-20th century the trend toward total war engaged popular passions in a way never seen before Civilian populations and homes, in addition to workplaces, were designated as legitimate targets of attack That in turn encouraged broad retaliation against “enemy civilians,” until virtually no one was considered a noncombatant Japanese thinkers developed a concept of total war in the 1920s that foresaw future conflicts as determined by mass mobilization and strength of national “spirit,” rather than what Ludendorff had called Materialschlacht The Japanese idea of total war was championed by a powerful minority of military thinkers and 1089