Zakharov, Matvei V (1899–1972) integral part of imperial exploitation of Korea and Japanese-occupied northern and coastal China Several zaibatsu were prominent in newly conquered areas of northern China from the start of the occupation in 1937 They worked together under auspices of the “North China Development Company.” Many used forced labor provided by the Army In 1939 Nissan was finally invited into Manchuria After the war, Allied occupation authorities in the Supreme Council, Allied Powers (SCAP) sought to break up the zaibatsu, viewing them as obstacles to resumed growth and even more to political democracy By 1947 the reform effort was set aside during the “reverse course” in occupation policy, away from fundamental change in Japan’s national life and political culture toward rapid economic reconstruction so that Japan might serve as a bulwark against Soviet domination of North Asia Out of 1,200 zaibatsu and other large firms initially slated for break-up by SCAP, only 28 were actually dismantled In their place rose new concentrations of corporate power known as “keiretsu,” including Honda, Sony, and Toyota, among others ZAKHAROV, MATVEI V (1899–1972) Marshal of the Soviet Union Like many successful Red Army commanders, his first experience of war came with the Tsarist Army in World War I Zakharov was an early Bolshevik, at 18 years of age helping storm the Winter Palace and precipitate the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 He then fought with the “Reds” during the Russian Civil War (1918–1921) In the interwar years he proved an exceptional military student and staff officer During most of BARBAROSSA he did critical work organizing Soviet rear areas, feeding troops and equipment into desperate defensive battles in the western Soviet Union In January 1942, he was sent back to the front lines as a senior staff planner, preparing a number of major defensive campaigns then counteroffensives in the south and southwest In the final months of the war he helped plan and conduct Soviet offensives into Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Austria After the war he held various General Staff positions, including two stints as chief of staff between 1960–1971 ZEITZLER, KURT (1895–1963) German general He was appointed chief of the OKH on September 24, 1942, replacing Franz Halder as chief of the Heer and principal military adviser to Adolf Hitler He grew increasingly irrelevant in that position during the great campaigns in Ukraine and the Crimea over the winter of 1943–1944, during which Army Group South was shattered and driven into Rumania while Hitler raged and raved about disloyal generals and made more operational decisions on his own Zeitzler was dismissed by Hitler in the summer of 1944, in the midst of the great crisis for Army Group Center in Belorussia occasioned by the staggering success of the Red Army offensive code named BAGRATION (June 22–August 19, 1944) He was in any case already deeply depressed and completely worn out He was replaced as chief of staff by Heinz Guderian He was arrested by the British after the war but was never charged with war crimes 1206