varieties of wheat and cattle, citrus fruits and chillis, many of which had never before existed in nature Today, genetic engineers are exploring the hidden potential for improving a given food plant or animal not just within that species, but among all species, in the entire living world’s cornucopia of DNA and its possible modifications Genetic engineering holds the promise of bringing great improvements to the production and quality of our foods However, like any powerful new technology, it also has the potential to cause unintended and far-reaching consequences And as the instrument of industrial agriculture, it’s likely to contribute to the ongoing erosion of traditional, decentralized, small-scale food production and its ancient heritage of biological and cultural diversity It’s important that these environmental, social, and economic issues be considered by all concerned — by the biotechnology and agriculture industries, the governments that regulate them, the farmers who plant and raise their products, the cooks and manufacturers who turn the products into something edible, and the consumers who support the whole system by buying and eating food — so that in the long run this new agricultural revolution will benefit the common good as much as possible Vitamins A, C, and E are also antioxidants (see below) Phytochemicals The first edition of this book reflected the prevailing nutritional wisdom circa 1980: we should eat enough fruits and vegetables to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and to keep our digestive system moving Period What a difference 20 years makes! .. .and economic issues be considered by all concerned — by the biotechnology and agriculture industries, the governments that regulate them, the farmers who plant and raise their products, the. .. products, the cooks and manufacturers who turn the products into something edible, and the consumers who support the whole system by buying and eating food — so that in the long run this new agricultural revolution will benefit the. .. new agricultural revolution will benefit the common good as much as possible Vitamins A, C, and E are also antioxidants (see below) Phytochemicals The first edition of this book reflected the prevailing nutritional wisdom circa 1980: we