FIGHTER AFTER THE BATTLE OF WITCH HILL, inquisitors flocked to the Order of the Thorn Many did so hoping to avenge the fallen, but knew that such a cause would take years to complete Worse, many of the CityStates’ citizens were divided on the issue of witchcraft For every wise woman a village loved, there stood another ready to lay a curse Over time, the Order of the Thorn developed a lengthy (but arguably fair and accurate) process by which they judged those practicing witchcraft Unfortunately, they subsequently lost many of their less patient inquisitors to independent activity Today, a number of inquisitors continue to hunt down witches, acting as executioners without license This puts them at odds with the arcane community Far too many who practice sorcery fall victim to ‘the cause.’ Not surprisingly, the arcane community is quick to hunt down rogue—and frequently unstable—inquisitors These are almost universally turned over to the Order of the Thorn, or in its absence, the local authorities The witches that catch a rogue inquisitor have their own methods of justice, many of which they learned from past inquisitors F ighters are widespread in Rhune They live in every kingdom, society, and region on Midgard, from the most remote ælven forests to the bitter cold of the Fel Kingdom in the far north In the City-States of Vallinar, several unique schools train particular types of fighters Only the glitterfane, healers by nature, avoid such a calling Those called to defend their remote monasteries use charms to turn away enemies instead INQUISITOR I nquisitors are uncommon in the City-States of Vallinar Most are attached to the various churches, persecuting and correcting those that deviate from their faiths Many zealots, after years, eventually become inquisitors They are found in great numbers within the Order of Thorn, where they spend their lives hunting down diabolists, summoners and servants of the Thrall Lords Few dwarves become inquisitors When they do, they guard against the creeping decay of the Dark Whisper among their own kind They guard dwarven halls, protect strongholds and stand besides dwarven judges at their tribunals to ensure the guilty meet just ends Few ælves, glitterfane, or clockwork elves become inquisitors Their particular societies don’t encourage such behavior—especially the glitterfane—and those that would become inquisitors frequently so because of outside influences The aryandai produce a number of inquisitors, nearly all of them serving Velluna-Akka as huntertrackers Because the aryandai are natural enemies of the aberrations that serve the Thrall Lords, this calling compliments their desire to seek out and destroy such creatures BATTLE OF WITCH HILL 28 RHUNE: Dawn of Twilight