The following rage powers complement the invulnerable rager: come and get me, flesh wound, guarded life, increased damage reduction, inspire ferocity, reckless abandon, regenative vigor, renewed life, renewed vigor, and renewed vitality Invulnerable Rager Rage Powers The invulnerable rager may choose from the following rage powers as well Danger Sense (Ex) Prerequisite: Invulnerable Rager Benefits: The invulnerable rager cannot be caught flat-footed or lose her Dexterity modifier to her AC if the attacker is invisible while she is raging She can lose her Dexterity modifier if immobilized or feinted by her opponent Fortitude from Pain (Ex) Prerequisites: Greater Guarded Life, Invulnerable Rager 12 Benefits: The invulnerable rager may ignore nonlethal damage up to her DR from a single attack before applying damage reduction to the attack while raging 44