i s pcriornird b y partial fraction t’sp into transient anti cm*i pole of tlir system ( - s), tMerrr1iiic.s the transitlnt part and the p l c ~ of llle exuit,iitiori ( s = i-~ ~o) detciinine tht? exritat ioii part As ;-\lri~acly xricntionctl d m e the tlecay part i s idmt ical t o t 11 oiid term in (7.17 7.44).i.r the irittrml part pivaary T h e results of our intensi\ c 1111estigatioii of first-order initial condition pioblerns can 1x1 summarisd by t l w iolloxving poiitts: ’The 1,aplace txmsform alltws the respoiise ol air EVl-system to unilateral biglid\ to bc> dctrrnii~ledjust as elegantly as with bilateral sigiials Vse of tlic (31 H’erentiation lieo or ern for right-sidrd sigirals t rriits a input signal at I = O a prr-determined initial \-iillitl of thc out1 r i he resporrsr to a right-sidctl sigiial can l ) split ~ into exterrial tcrm a11 itrterriill a d ;III