striving for change, striving to understand self and the world in a better way and to grow as a better person in one’s domains of life Boniwell’s idea of eudaimonia is akin to Maslow’s (1965) concept of self-actualization, and it does not always involve pleasant moments Instead, a person must overcome challenges and barriers, both external and internal for personal development Carl Rogers (1961a), one of the first eudaimonist thinkers of the 20th century, observed that people who made real progress toward attaining a good life may not always regard themselves as happy and content Boniwell further suggested that several factors contribute to personal growth: delayed gratification, grit, capacity for sustained effort, and emotional control, or an individual’s ability to manage impulses and emotions, a component of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso model of emotional intelligence (Salovey et al., 2012), as discussed earlier Boniwell’s (2012) research also showed that transcendence is another route to the eudaimonic pathway to well-being Boniwell asserted that transcendence is distinct from personal growth, although the two can coexist Transcendence relates to one’s commitment to something, or someone, other than self It is about finding a purpose in life and living according to that purpose, but the purpose must be for the sake of others, something larger than self For example, transcendence could relate to a mother’s dedication and commitment to her children or a meaningful work that an individual does for a wider community Many thinkers and positive psychologists like Aristotle (trans 2017, para 1101a10), Ryff and Keyes (1995), Seligman (2012), and McKee (2017) underscore the value of finding meaning and purpose in life, or transcending self, for the sake of a greater good, a way to eudaimonic happiness and well-being 33