deep gratitude Paul is not despondent; he does not despair Only a sure hope could give birth to such an exclamation as, “In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness” (4:8) XIX SURVEY OF TIMOTHY A FIRST READING First mark your Bible to show segment divisions beginning at the following verses: 1:1, 3; 2:1; 3:1; 4:1, 6, 9, 22 Then read the letter through, aloud if possible, in one sitting for rst impressions Be aware of the segment units as you read What atmosphere you sense in the letter? What key words and phrases stand out prominently? B SEGMENTS Read the letter again, segment by segment Assign segment titles Try to identify a main subject of each segment Are you beginning to see di erences of content of the segments? Do the same for the paragraphs of the epistle, using this set of paragraph divisions: 1:1, 3, 6, 11, 15; 2:1, 8, 14, 20; 3:1, 10, 13, 14; 4:1, 6, 9, 19, 22 Record on paper any new observations and impressions C STRUCTURE Because this letter is very personal, we are not surprised that it does not have an elaborate organization such as does a doctrinal book like Romans At the same time, we observe that the master author Paul did not put together the letter in a haphazard way You probably sensed a togetherness of the composition in the readings you have already made What would you identify to be the introduction and conclusion of the letter? Review the main subjects that you assigned to the segments Do any combinations of segments cover any general area of subject? For example, is there a concentrated section of exhortations and warnings? Look more at the paragraphs, and note the ow of Paul’s thinking as he writes to Timothy Identify each segment for its emphasis of any one of the three time elements of past, present, future Try to arrive at a basic outline for this epistle D SURVEY CHART Study carefully Chart 101 Note the following: The parting words of 4:6-8 are the climax of the epistle Study the outline beginning with thanksgiving for Timothy Scan the chapters and account for each part of this outline Note the three-part major outline, past — present — future Check this out by scanning the epistle again Do these three time references represent the general emphasis of each particular section? The topical outline on the bottom of the chart lists the references to God’s Word as these appear throughout the epistle ... out by scanning the epistle again Do these three time references represent the general emphasis of each particular section? The topical outline on the bottom of the chart lists the references... be the introduction and conclusion of the letter? Review the main subjects that you assigned to the segments Do any combinations of segments cover any general area of subject? For example, is there... elements of past, present, future Try to arrive at a basic outline for this epistle D SURVEY CHART Study carefully Chart 101 Note the following: The parting words of 4:6-8 are the climax of the epistle