English Language Teacher Non-Residential, 35 Hour Job Description July 2018: UNIVERSITY WEST OF SCOTLAND (UWS), AYR St Andrew’s College Language School teachers are responsible for the planning and teaching of effective EFL classes to 11-18-year-old students They must also undertake related administrative tasks and welfare responsibilities CAMPUS LOCATION PROSPECTIVE DATES AGE OF STUDENTS WEEKLY CONTRACT HOURS WEEKLY CONTACT/TEACHING HOURS DAYS OF WORK SALARY UWS AYR Address: Ayr Campus, University Avenue, Ayr KA8 0SX 2ND JULY - 27TH JULY 11-18 35 30 5* £455.OO Hours Teachers’ hours are spread over a 35* hour, working week Student contact hours will normally be 30 hours per week Administration e.g meetings, updating records of work, etc and lesson preparation time, is included within the 35 hours contract week *The number of teaching hours may vary according to the needs of the campus, you may occasionally be asked to work a Saturday or Sunday AYR Timetable You will likely teach x 1.5* hour lessons each day (Monday - Friday) The maximum class size is 15 Half of the students will have x 1.5 hour classes in the morning and the other half in the afternoon There is a short break between the morning and afternoon classes and a Lunch break *The exact lengths and times of classes will be confirmed nearer to your start date, as they are dependent on clients and venues First class will likely start around 9am and the final class could finish at 5:30pm SALARY PER WEEK: £455 over Days (£400 gross / £55 holiday pay) = £13.00ph including holiday pay before tax and national insurance deductions* Holiday pay is paid at 12.07% of gross basic pay Salaries are paid in arrears into a UK bank account every week All teaching staff ON zig zag provided lunch and should accompany students to the canteen ● ● *You will be Taxed by HMRC For more information on UK Tax visit https://www.gov.uk/income-tax-rates National Insurance: https://www.gov.uk/national-insurance Overtime There may be opportunities to teach overtime at the on-campus, Academic Manager’s discretion This must be agreed in advance and given approval by Senior Management (off-campus) It will always be dependent on the needs of the company Overtime may be in the afternoons, evenings or at the weekend Teaching overtime is paid at the hourly rate of £12.25 Rarely, additional administrative duties (deemed ‘additional’ to your job description) may be assigned for overtime, but must also be approved through the on-campus Academic Managers by Senior Management This would be paid at the hourly rate of £8.50 You may be required to work in excess of 48 hours per week and you will therefore be required to opt-out of the European Working Time Regulations Evening and weekend work might be required REVISED JAN 2018 St Andrew's College Language Schools Ltd, The Pentagon Centre, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ, Scotland, +44 (0)141 229 0963 www.standrewscollege.com Support and Materials In 2018, St Andrew's College Language Schools will have appx campuses running simultaneously With this in mind, we have developed an online Teaching and Learning ‘Shared Drive’, where resources, timetables, attendance etc can all be kept and updated in real time It is part of your job description to use ‘the shared drive’ both as a support tool and as an administrative duty St Andrew's College Language School’s Teachers are provided with teaching support, including a syllabus with course book (to be used as a course structure), and a Teacher’s Handbook which outlines our Teaching and Learning guidelines code of practice and conduct In addition, a range of supplementary resources and a variety of teaching materials are provided online on the shared drive All staff receive electronic Teaching and Learning guidelines prior to employment The company handbook and policies will also be available on the shared drive and on your campus Induction Teachers are required to attend a face to face induction covering Teaching and Learning expectations, Child Protection and Safeguarding and company Health and Safety guidelines On the rare occasion when a teacher cannot attend the face to face induction your on-campus Academic Management team will have the responsibility to provide you with all information that you need The induction will be very close to your start date and paid at the rate of £8.50 per hour Safeguarding and Child Protection On the application form, you will be required to declare any criminal convictions and your eligibility to work in the UK To work with St Andrew's College Language Schools, you must provide a Disclosure (PVG to work in Scotland/DBS to work in England) and this must be dated within three years If you have been working abroad for more than years, you must provide the equivalent 'police check' from that country Whichever one you chose to supply, it must be ‘Enhanced’ and specific to your suitability to work with under 18s You must also provide an email address and contact telephone number of referees who can verify your suitability for the post and suitability to work with those aged -18 Please bear in mind that the procedure to receiving a Disclosure check can take up to 18 weeks In the event your disclosure is still pending at the commencement of your employment, you must agree to comply with St Andrew’s College Language Schools, Safeguarding and Recruitment policy All new Disclosure checks made through St Andrew’s College Language Schools are payable by the employee and will be deducted from your salary This may range from £18 to £65 depending on the Disclosure you need Main Duties and Responsibilities Teacher of English: Reports to: Director of Studies / Academic Manager / Senior Teacher (on Campus) Welfare, Safeguarding and Health and Safety a) To have read and understood the staff handbook and be fully conversant with our policies for the welfare and protection of students At all times whilst on duty, all staff are responsible for the care, welfare and safety of students b) Ensure that all St Andrew’s College Language Schools Health & Safety policies are implemented and monitored c) Be able to name and identify the First Aid people and follow the First Aid policies on the campus d) Be familiar with and ready to implement the Emergency Action Plan e) Be familiar with and ready to follow the Fire Safety regulations f) Know/follow and share the ‘campus rules’ with the students g) Know who to talk to and have the contact details of the relevant people in the company and on the campus regarding any concerns with the above REVISED JAN 2018 St Andrew's College Language Schools Ltd, The Pentagon Centre, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ, Scotland, +44 (0)141 229 0963 www.standrewscollege.com Teaching and Learning 1) Plan, prepare and teach English Language Lessons that are relevant and appropriate to the students learning needs, interests and culture, whilst following the St Andrew’s College Language schools, summer school educational program Foster a safe and positive atmosphere for both students and colleagues Show initiative, take responsibility and set a good example for students both in and outside the classroom Corridor safety, chaperoning your class to venues etc ● Be prepared for and ready to adapt to new students, making sure that continuous enrolment is taken into consideration and that new students are welcomed and introduced into classes ● Be willing to try new approaches in lessons and utilise the potential of the resources in the classrooms ● Be responsible for the students’ books ● Exploit the students’ books content (where relevant) ● Use any materials/provide information to students that St Andrew’s College Language School deem ‘essential’ ● Work with your teaching colleagues to share experience and knowledge and enhance the core curriculum ● Include in lessons, strategies for independent learning both inside and outside the classroom ● Deliver student-centered lessons with a strong emphasis to practice and improve oral communication ● Set clear learning aims and ensure students know what they are learning and why they are learning it ● Ensure students record their learning achievements in their books ● Follow the company guidelines on board work ● Follow the company guidelines on the essential information that must be displayed on your classroom wall ● Be responsible for the resources provided to you and return them at the end of your teaching contract 2) ● ● ● ● Assist in the running of the Student Placement Test as directed Provide clear guidance to students on how to take the placement test Monitor placement tests professionally Mark placement tests efficiently Teach ‘temporary classes’ while placement tests are being marked, using the provided St Andrew's College teaching materials 3) Complete documentation and proper records as required ● Take the online class register within the first five-ten minutes of class ● Report any absent/late students or students who not match the register to the Academic Management team or on duty supervisor within ten minutes ● Document anything of concern on the online class register ● Report anything of high concern to your academic management team e.g levels, ages, behaviour on the same day ● Write up an online lesson Log after each class ● Complete Risk Assessment Forms for ‘out of class’ lessons ● Any other paperwork that may be required due to changing circumstances 4) Observations ● Be formally observed teaching by the Director of Studies/ Academic Manager or Senior Teacher (at least once per contract) ● Provide a detailed lesson plan for this observation using the provided proforma ● Be observed by a visiting British Council Inspector (if asked to during an inspection) ● Provide a simple lesson plan for this observation using the provided proforma ● Attend the agreed feedback session ● Be willing and prepared at all times to have an on-the-spot observation for quality assurance and professional development ● Be willing and prepared to take part in peer observations, if asked to 5) ● ● ● ● Attend meetings as arranged by the Director of Studies/Academic Manager Daily meeting for everyday updates Weekly meeting for whole team feedback Individual meetings if required and for appraisal Focus groups with St Andrew’s College Language School senior management teams REVISED JAN 2018 St Andrew's College Language Schools Ltd, The Pentagon Centre, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ, Scotland, +44 (0)141 229 0963 www.standrewscollege.com ● ● Weekly ‘TD’ Teacher Development sessions Others if required 6) The activity programme is as important as the academic programme, and students have the right to expect an equally high standard of delivery for both aspects ● Have up-to-date knowledge of and take an interest in the students’ activity programme/s ● Encourage the involvement of students in activities and events ● Look at ways in which classroom learning can assist the students with their activity programme and implement them CPD ● Complete a teaching self-assessment/needs analysis at the beginning and end of your contract ● Contribute to the staff profile (staff room walls) ● Be willing to share knowledge informally or through leading a short TD session ● Take part in the employee appraisal system Additional feedback may be given at the end of the course 8) Additional duties as required Essential Requirements ● Undergraduate (Level 6) Degree + Cambridge CELTA/Trinity CERT TESOL or a QTS award if, it is primary level, or secondary level English or Foreign Languages ● Knowledge of the use of English and the linguistic systems underlying it ● Excellent communication skills (both written and spoken) ● Flexibility, in both teaching and non-teaching duties, and the ability to work well with other colleagues ● Awareness of the responsibilities of working with students under 18 ● Smart and tidy appearance Desirable Requirements ● Experience in both the teaching and welfare of students under 18 ● Experience of working with multicultural and multilingual groups REVISED JAN 2018 St Andrew's College Language Schools Ltd, The Pentagon Centre, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ, Scotland, +44 (0)141 229 0963 www.standrewscollege.com