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Samurai sheepdog book of many things cam 16

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Comradery (Ex or Su): To be an aeon, one must possess a compassionate soul Starting at 5th level, allies adjacent to the aeon gain the benefits of his current guardian’s ward ability In addition, each ally within 30 feet of the aeon gains a bonus equal to the aeon’s adaptation bonus to saves made against death effects Guardian Sacrifice (Sp or Su): At 8th level, an aeon can cause his arcane guardian to implode violently, granting him its sacrifice benefit Using this ability costs rounds of the aeon’s guardian summoning Once an aeon uses sacrifice, he cannot summon another guardian for rounds, and he cannot resummon a sacrificed guardian for 24 hours Enhanced Armor (Su): At 14th level, the aeon can choose a single +1 magic armor property to apply to his arcane armor when he summons it Once chosen, this property can only be changed once per day, when the aeon regains spells At 17th level, the aeon can instead apply a single +2 property, or +1 properties of his choice At 19th level, the aeon can instead apply a single +3 property, or any combination of +1 or +2 properties totaling +3 Undying Loyalty (Su): At 20th level, allies within 30 feet of the aeon are immune to death effects and gain the benefits of his current guardian’s ward ability Arcane Guardians An aeon can tap into his emotions with his magic to summon one of the following arcane constructs as a standard action Each guardian is described in a similar manner and gains the same general benefits, as noted here In addition, each guardian progresses as an animal companion, gaining Strength and Dexterity bonuses, natural armor, and tricks as the aeon who summons the guardian gains levels Each guardian automatically knows a special trick that allows its aeon to direct it to use a special ability as a free action once per round Summoning: Any requirements to summon a guardian must be met within 24 hours of doing so While most aeons learn to live in a way that maximizes their ability to summon particular guardians at any time, they are not required to so Alignment: A guardian’s alignment is not influenced by the aeon’s own alignment, nor does the guardian care if its alignment is different from the aeon’s, so long as the aeon meets the requirements to summon it Special Abilities: Each of a guardian’s special abilities are listed, in order, after its alignment A guardian uses the aeon’s caster level to determine the strength of its special abilities Ward: When summoned, each guardian grants its aeon a ward that protects him or harms his enemies in some way Sacrifice: At 7th level, a guardian can be sacrificed to grant a more powerful benefit to its aeon Once sacrificed, a guardian cannot be resummoned for 24 hours Abjuration - Sinja, the Warden Sinja appears as a great, horned lizard made of iron with large, red eyes and a curious horn Summoning: To summon Sinja, an aeon must have no fear in his heart, no cowardice Sinja can be summoned if the aeon has shared his goods or services with others Alignment: LN Damage Reduction: Sinja’s damage reduction improves by +1 per aeon levels This alters Sinja’s special quality Emotional States You are in the right emotional state to summon a specific guardian construct so long as you are expressly NOT in the wrong one For example, you feel brave unless you are suffering from a fear effect You are also happy unless you are expressly under an effect that makes you sad or describe your character as being sad Consider tying the character’s background and memories into certain emotions when describing your actions This will not only make for good roleplay, but also add to the depth of the character as a whole Natural Armor (Ex): Sinja’s base natural armor bonus is +6 at 1st level, and +10 at 7th level This alters Sinja’s AC Shield Other (Sp): Sinja can be directed to cast shield other as a spell-like ability Ward: The aeon and Sinja each gain spell resistance equal to 10 + the aeon’s level + his Charisma modifier Sacrifice (Su): Sinja’s sacrifice creates an antimagic field, as the spell, centered her space or the aeon Conjuration - Pauper, the King Pauper appears as a great eagle with feathers of rainbow and the head of a beautiful woman Although beautiful, the head is disheveled and unkempt, in stark contrast of the majesty of the eagle’s body Summoning: To summon Pauper, an aeon need be humble and respectful, without pride Pauper can be summoned if the aeon bows while formally introducing the guardian Pauper can only be called by the humble and respectful The act of summoning it requires that one bows Pauper comes only to those whose pride does not hold them back and it never bows before kings Alignment: LN Claws: Pauper uses a claw attack that deals 1d8 slashing damage on a hit At 7th level, it deals 1d10 instead.This alters Pauper’s attack Fly: Pauper has a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability and a bonus on Fly checks equal to the aeon’s level + his Charisma modifier This alters Pauper’s speed Splendorous Energy (Sp): Pauper can be directed to spread her wings in splendor as a standard action, creating a blast of energy before it The blast affects all creatures in a 120-ft line, dealing 1d6 damage per aeon levels or healing the targets for the same amount The damage type can be acid, cold, electricity, fire, positive energy, or negative energy A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half the aeon’s level + his Charisma) halves the damage 15

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 20:15


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