Sense Perception and Connection: Sensory Eating A Marie Callendar's Chicken Pot Pie Logic tells us it came from the factory, to the grocery store to our freezer, to our plate….BUT it is so much deeper than that: The farmers that slave over their crops rain or shine Up at dawn and work till sundown Wheat, carrots, and peas The ranchers that raise healthy chickens, and must feed them and care for them – for close to a year The Chicken who must give their lives to feed others The buyers at Marie Callendar’s, who must go through every chicken, carrot and pea to make sure they are up to their high standards The bakers who make the crust and the sauces Those who cut up the vegetables Everything is made from scratch The ingenious scientists who created the special paper metallic bowl that browns the Pies in a Microwave Every step is crucial before it ever gets to the grocery store! ALL those people worked together to make a meal for one person! Are we aware? Do we honor them? These types of assignments teach students that everything is connected!