Finding the Common Ground Between Science and Spirituality Some spiritual traditions teach that the individual is considered a manifestation of the Immanent, each a different visible incarnation of the One Others teach that That One resides inside each manifestation; also variously referred to as God within, soul, atman, the real self, or the spark of the divine in us It is a paradox that remains a mystery Yet those who have found the spark within them know that it exists The beauty of That One is that it emphasizes the infinity of the Transcendent that remains infinite even after manifesting itself as an infinite number of diverse beings in the universe, each with an infinite spark at its core and as its cause A human being or any other object in the universe can be understood in this way Every object is pervaded by That One as its immanent spark Every object is thus infinite, complete, whole, perfect, and beautiful like its immanent spark As human beings, we need to open our eyes to see this infinity, completeness, wholeness, perfection, and beauty Our world outside is like the world inside of our minds If we think we are limited, incomplete, abridged, imperfect, and unattractive, that is the way we will think of others as well We will, in fact, not only limit our own progress, but we will also limit our ability to connect with the immanent spark in all other things All real-life objects and beings that we meet in the world are well-defined We see something well-defined as also limited, with well-defined boundaries If you focus on the defined-ness of other things, you will close the door to seeing the limitless being inside Infinity denotes endlessness or a lack of limitation The spark inside has no limitations unless they are self-imposed 131