5/25/2021 Home San Francisco – Quality Counts California Quality Partners County Program Pro le and Services San Francisco Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies Children’s Council of San Francisco Contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency using the website information here to access the child care search tool or call 1800-KIDS-793 (1-800-543-7793) for more information and support Wu Yee Children's Services Contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency using the website information here to access the child care search tool or call 1800-KIDS-793 (1-800-543-7793) for more information and support County Program Pro le: San Francisco The QCC County Program Pro le provides county data from the Common Data File (CDF) and the Annual Progress Report (APR) For counties that are a part of a consortium, the QCC County Program Pro le provides a combined view of the CDF and APR Both qualitative and quantitative data are presented to provide a local view of early learning and care climate QRIS :: San Francisco Quality Connections https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 1/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California Quality Connections is an initiative of First San Francisco, in partnership with San Francisco’s O ce of Early Care and Education Our vision is a city where all families have access to the highest quality of care and education for their children beginning at birth To achieve this, we recognize and support the extraordinary passion, skill, and expertise early educators and the professionals that support them bring to this profession Through Quality Connections, First San Francisco is working to ensure that all early learning settings are guided and supported in their quality improvement e forts Quality Connections helps de ne and measure speci c quality indicators for participating early learning programs, aligned to state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) standards Through this rating process, Quality Connections and early learning programs are able to target quality improvement e forts in the areas that will most bene t them Quality Connections partnerships provide training, technical assistance, and coaching to support early educators’ re lection on strengths and challenges, and focus on areas that will systematically improve quality San Francisco has a unique history of supporting high-quality early care and education through local funding and through initiatives such as Preschool for All and Early Learning Scholarships All city-funded early education programs participate in quality rating and assessment, training, and education supports through Quality Connections In total, Quality Connections provides these services to more than 150 child care centers and more than 250 family child care homes/educators throughout San Francisco County Contact Information website http://qualityconnections rst5sf.org/ contact Jennifer Martinez phone 1-628-652-7013 email jennifer.l.martinez@ rst5sf.org Funding Streams County general fund through San Francisco O ce of Early Care and Education First IMPACT CDE QRIS Block Grant Partner Agencies PreK-3rd Grade Alignment San Francisco Uni ed School District https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 2/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California San Francisco State University City College of San Francisco San Francisco Child Care Planning and Advisory Council Children’s Council of San Francisco Wu Yee Children’s Services San Francisco O ce of Early Care and Education San Francisco Department of Public Health San Francisco Inclusion Networks WestEd Assessor Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers The City and County of San Francisco requires QRIS participation as one of its embedded standards for funding This baseline standard is shared with existing and interested providers with information about QRIS improvement supports to support them to meet those standards Sites that meet the state and local standards become eligible to participate in the San Francisco Early Learning Scholarship and Preschool for All Programs, which provide additional market rate funding and local vouchers for early care and education slots Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies Quality improvement supports are available to all Early Learning Scholarship sites Supports include coaching, training, short-term technical assistance, reimbursement of training fees (for CPR and rst aid), conferences, access to unit-bearing coursework, teacher action grants, and release time for speci c interventions Local Approach to O fering Financial Incentives and Stipends Sites participating in the Early Learning Scholarship at the Tier level qualify for incentive layer funds regardless of setting type Stipends are provided to teachers for some professional learning community facilitation and leadership activities The City of San Francisco has a workforce investment program called EdVance, which operates independently from the QRIS The EdVance program supports degree attainment through a cohorted, equity-based program for working educators EdVance participants are eligible to receive stipends for class completion Graduates of the EdVance programs are paid a $7,000 stipend for working in a Title V program for up to two years “When [coaches] support us, [they] really, really look at the quality—what’s the best for the children.” –Jerry Yang, Executive Director, Kai Ming Head Start https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 3/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California How Children Are Served by QCC Number of children served by age groups Total number of children served = 10,362 Highcharts.com QCC Settings https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 4/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California Early care and education (ECE) providers participating in QCC A total of 429 early care and education (ECE) providers participated in QCC last year Highcharts.com https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 5/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California Alternative Settings Highcharts.com Children Served by Setting https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 6/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California A total of 10,362 children are served by sites participating in QCC Highcharts.com Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 7/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California Screened with a developmental screening tool dedivorP ecivreS dna citsiretcarahC dlihC Receiving subsequent referrals based on screening With an IFSP With an IEP Receiving voucher payments Homeless In foster care 20 40 60 80 100 Number (Percentage) of Children Highcharts.com Children’s Races and Ethnicities https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 8/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California Hispanic or Latino American Indian or Alaska Native Asian yticinhtE dna ecaR Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White More Than One Race Unknown Race/Ethnicity 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Number (Percentage) of Children Highcharts.com QCC Tier Rating Distribution https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 9/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California sredivorP fo )egatnecreP( rebmuN 250 200 150 100 50 Tier Count Tier Count Tier Count Tier Count Tier Tier Count Not Rated Count Footnote 1: Providers receive tier ratings based on how well they meet program standards and guidance, which follow three core areas (1) Child Development and School Readiness, (2) Teacher Qualifications and Teacher Interactions, and (3) Program Leadership and Learning Environment Tier ratings help providers identify areas for improvement and find ways to sustain success Highcharts.com Language Spoken with Children https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 10/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California egaugnaL English Spanish Arabic Armenian Cantonese Filipino Hmong Japanese Korean Mandarin Punjabi Russian Vietnamese American Sign Language (ASL) Other Unknown 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number (Percentage) of Children Footnote 1: QCC providers aim to develop and support childrenʼs early language skills Providers at the QCC settings reported using the following languages for instruction with children Many sites provide instruction in more than one language, thus, the percentages may add up to more than 100% Highcharts.com Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Goals https://qualitycountsca.net/ca_county/sanfrancisco/?audience=quality-partners 11/12 5/25/2021 San Francisco – Quality Counts California QCC supports quality improvement for early learning and care programs The table below shows the most common QIP goals for this region Child Observation and Assessmen… Individualized Curriculum Plannin… Developmental and Health Screen… Social–Emotional Development C… Health, Nutrition, and Physical Ac… Inclusion of Children with Special … laoG PIQ Equity, and Cultural and Linguisti… Qualifications for Center/FCC Tea… Effective Teacher-Child Interactio… Ratios and Group Size – Centers … Physical Environment Count Director Qualifications – Centers … Program Administration Count Family Strengthening and Engage… 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Number (Percentage) of Sites Highcharts.com Testimonial When [coaches] support us, [they] really, really look at the quality—what’s the best for the children Jerry Yang, Executive Director, A Local Head Start Agency Disclaimer | Copyright © 2021 Facilitated and Funded by First California and California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division 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