Nowadays,socialnetworkhasdevelopedverywidelyandstrongly.Itallowsp e o p l e toconnectwithfamily,friends,toshareallinformationwithallusers.Theinnov ationoftechnologyhasplayingakeyroleandapowerfultoolininfluencinga n d changi ngbehaviourofconsumer.Socialnetworkhasbecome moreandmorepopularasthedai lylife,sothesetoolshasbeenperceivedassourcesforcustomert o searchinformationa boutproductsorserviceduringtheirbuyingdecisionprocess.
Social networks serve as vital platforms for sharing information, experiences, and reviews that engage users, including friends and followers (Sinem Ozer, 2012) These platforms not only provide helpful resources but also significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions (Seaman, 2013) Additionally, social networks have emerged as one of the most effective marketing and business development tools in recent years Customers often rely on the information shared on these networks as guidance in their decision-making processes Furthermore, businesses utilize social media as an advertising channel to reach potential customers, ultimately enhancing their opportunities for growth and success (Seaman, 2013).
Since 2015, global internet and social network usage has surged by 21%, with 2.8 billion users reported in 2017 (Kemp, 2017) Social networks have transformed communication, information gathering, and decision-making, especially for young students and modern parents, who increasingly rely on these platforms for peer-to-peer interactions (Kemp, 2017) A significant 83% of prospective students utilize social networks to research study abroad opportunities As globalization and advancements in science and technology continue, studying abroad has become essential for many young individuals aspiring to achieve the "Global Citizen" dream, broadening their knowledge beyond traditional educational methods This experience enhances students' awareness of diverse cultures, fostering a deeper understanding of today's society compared to conventional education in their home countries (Johnson and Stewart, 1991) Additionally, Kinginger (2007) noted that students who study abroad often exhibit superior cognitive and creative thinking skills compared to those with solely local educational experiences.
Oneofthereasonswhystudyingabroadisbecomingincreasinglyimportanti s that globalizationhasopenedupinternationalemploymentopportunities.Qiang(2003)observ edthatt h e r e i s a noticeableincreasei n t h e numbero f internationall a b o r recruitment d u e t o globalization.Thiscreatesa n e e d f o r competitioni n t h e internationallabormar ketwhichaffectsmanystudentsinseekingopportunitiestoenhancetheircareerprospects byachievinghighqualityeducationwithqualificationswhicharerecognizedaroundthew orld(Mpinganjira,2009).U p ton o w , theconceptofoverseasstudyhasbeendevelo pedanditseemtobepotentialservice business.Overseasstudyhasbeen becomingtheeducational activities.
The rise of social networks has significantly impacted how enterprises communicate with potential consumers, particularly in the education consultancy sector, which aims to influence the choices of parents and students According to Morris (2012), students increasingly rely on social networks to assist in their university selection process These platforms serve as valuable resources for prospective students to gather information and make informed decisions about studying abroad and choosing destinations (We Are Social Report, 2017) Students utilize a variety of information sources, including the internet, social networks, newspapers, word of mouth, education consultancies, and government resources, to aid in their decision-making.
Despite the wide range of information sources available, overseas students often struggle to make informed decisions regarding their course selection and job prospects after completing specific programs This highlights the necessity for professional advice and guidance in their decision-making process Social networks play a significant role in assisting students with university choices, presenting an opportunity for educational agencies to enhance their visibility and attract prospective students With the rising demand for studying abroad in Vietnam, there has been a notable increase in education consulting agencies aimed at helping students navigate the study abroad process The competitive landscape has led to the emergence of numerous agencies, such as OSI Vietnam, which face challenges in adapting to technological advancements while seeking proactive strategies to engage prospective students through social networks.
OSIVietnam has been in the market for over 20 years but remains relatively unknown and unsuccessful As a small enterprise with only 12 employees, the company faces unreasonable job allocation, requiring each employee to juggle multiple roles, which hampers marketing effectiveness While employees receive training in professional counseling and customer care, they lack marketing training, and the absence of a specialized marketing department has led to ineffective publicity and a narrow focus on visa application processing With a very low marketing budget, the company struggles to engage in communication activities and organize events Consequently, OSIVietnam requires a cost-effective yet impactful marketing plan to enhance its visibility and success.
Eventhought he companyh a s website:www.osivietnam.comandf a n pa ge o n Facebookb u t doesn o t regularlyu p d a t e , refresht h e contenta s w e l l a s d o n o t h a v e specialistsinchargesoitdoesnotbringeffectivemarketingforthecompany.Theyonlyha dineffectivemarketingpolicieslikeannually;thecompanycoordinateswiththeThanhNie nNewspapertoparticipateinthegraduatingseasonconsultancyprogram.Althougheffecti veimmediatelya t t h a t timeb u t d o e s n o t b r i n g long-termandstable effects.
Furthermore,thecompetitorsareusingsocialnetworkingandmarketingonlinev e r y strongs o t h e r e i s f e w e r customersk n o w a n d willingt o chooseO S I Vietnamand traditionalapproachmentstrategyhasbecomepassiveandoutdatedsot h e companynee dtothinkaboutchangingandreplacingthemarketingplanassoona s possibleor theywilldecreaseday byday.
OSI Vietnam is currently facing significant challenges in acquiring new customers through traditional methods and relationships, as recognized by their director Understanding the need to adapt to a rapidly changing business environment, the company acknowledges that a passive approach will lead to being left behind in a highly competitive landscape An author, who has a personal connection to OSI Vietnam, is motivated to help the company navigate this difficult period After discussions with the board, it became clear that establishing a marketing department is essential, albeit constrained by a limited budget Consequently, the author has identified social media marketing as an effective tool to enhance OSI Vietnam's image and reach a broader audience within the social community.
AndauthorchoseOSIVietnambecauseauthorusedtobecounsellorofthatcompan y,soIknowtheyarelackingthemarkingstrategyeventheirserviceisgood butwithoutadvertisementt h e y w i l l l o s e t h e i r businesst o o t h e r competitors.S o , n e x t sectionauthorwillintroduce about
OSIVietnamandtheirproblemthatneedtoh a v e solutionformarketingcampaignasthere asonwhyauthordothisresearchtoh e l p them issuetheircurrentproblem.Whethersocialnetworkhasagreatimpactoncustomer’smakin gprocessa n d t h e r e havemanyresearchesa b o u t t h i s issueb u t u n t i l nowtherear enospecificstudiesforthisfieldinVietnam.So,inthisstudy,authorchoosest h e topic“
Theimpacto f s o c i a l networktostudent’schoicea n Educationconsultantagency:So lutiono f marketingo n socialnetworkforO S I Vietnam”
Students:w h o havealreadyh a d studentvisat o studyabroadb y Educationconsult antcentres.T h e y h a v e g o n e throught h e selectionprocesst o makef i n a l dec ision,thereforunderstandt h e m willh e l p authorfindo u t whichfactorshavebr oughtthehighestefficienciesandhowsocialnetworkplaysaroleandwhichsoci alnetworkingsitestheyhaveusedintheprocessoftheirchoice.I n t h i s thesis,a u t h o r willfocuso n s t u d e n t s w h o studiedi n USA,CanadaandAustralia.
- OSIVietnamStaff:Theyknowtheproblemsandtheneeds.Theyhavemoreefficie ntmarketingcampaignst o attractm o r e studentsa n d developtheirbusiness.
- Educationcounsellors:authorchoosestointerviewbecausetheyareworkingi n th ecompanywherehasbeenrunningmarketingonlinesothatwecanseemoreclearl ytheeffectiveofsocial networkingmarketing.Thengive solutionf r o m theirexperience tohelpOSIVietnam developtheirmarketingstrategy.
- Parents:theyhavethemostinfluenceonstudentontheirstudyabroaddecision.Acc ordingtoresearchofMcFadden(2015),thereisnearly60%ofprospectivestudent sreporttheyresearchschoolswiththeirparents,and61%o f p a r e n t s saidthatthey willmadethefinal decision.
In thisresearch,authorhasusedbothprimaryandsecondarydatasources.S e c o n d a r y data:allinformationwasfoundedonbooks,magazines,internet andPrimarydata:hasappliedsurveymethodthroughquestionnaires.
Semis t r u c t u r e interview’sobjectivei s e x p l o r i n g t h e i n s i g h t s andspeci ficinformation.
Inthisstudy,authorchoosedirectinterviewonebyonewith4kindsofresearchobjectiv estotaketheiropinionstodevoteintotheresearchasmuchideasfr om manydifferent subjects,there are13participantsacceptto jointheinterviews:
- Students:whoareinternationalstudentsinUSA,Canada,theyarethep e r s o n s t hatsuccessfulstu de nt visabyO S I Vietnam.Authorcontactedthemf o r invitingth einterviewandmadetheconversationonebyoneonFacebookmessenger,Zalo, Sk ype…
Theyare veryhappyandsatisfiedwithOSIVietnama n d promiset o s h a r e eve ry promotionf r o m OS I Vietnamo nsocialnetworks.
- Parents:a u t h o r madeintervieww i t h 2 p a r e n t s w h o a r e workingw i t h O S I Vietnamf o r t h e i r childrent o studyabroad.T h e y k n e w OSIthroughtheirfri ends’introductionandtheyalsosaidthatwithoutsomeonetoldt h e m t h a t companyt hentheywillnotknowwhotheyareandnevercomesotheytotallyagreedthatOSIsh ouldhavemarketingtopromotetheirbrandtomanypeopleespeciallyonsocialnetw ork.
- Boardo f directoro f O S I Vietnam:directoro f OSIVietnama n d Officemanag erdiscussedaboutthelackofmarketingcampaignoftheenterpriseandt h e y a r e fa cingwithloosingmanystudentsandtheydemonstratedO SI mustchangetoadaptto newtechnologyera.Thatwhytheyacceptauthortodothethesiswithusingitasthereal case.
- ReferencefromthemarketerandcounsellorfromotherAgents:Thesep e o p l e haveexperienceofmarketingonEducationfieldinotherAgents,theya r e evenesta blishedlaterthanOSIVietnam,buttheyarenowevengrowingfasterthanOSIbec ausetheyhavetheactiveapproachmentonsocialnetworksw h e r e h a v e a w h o l e worldcommunity.Theyg a v e authormanyi d e a s a b o u t h o w t o domarketingonsocialforstudyingabroaddemand.
Theinterviewstookaround30minutesto45minutes,andsometroublewitht h e ti mezone andinternetso someoftherecordswere notgoodbutafterthat authoralsore- contactedforcompletingthetranscriptversions.Throughthetimedoingmythesis,author isinrushseasonatworkingsoshehadtravelledalot.Butafterall,s h e triedherbesttocom pletethesisontime.
Thisstudyusescombinationofqualitative.Qualitativeresearchisthemethodwit hcollectinginformationwithoutnumericalformanditusuallyrelatedtot h e emotionsofh uman,orbehavior.Discoveringtheexperienceofparticipantsinaqualitatives t u d y i s v i e w e d a s a phenomenologicalapproach.Furthermore,
Qualitativeresearchissuitabletoanswerthequestionof“How”and“Why”(Henninketal.,2 011).
The attitude, values, and behavior of researchers should be acknowledged at the beginning of qualitative research, as they play a crucial role throughout the study A prime example of qualitative research is group interviews, which utilize structured questions that allow for open-ended responses, enabling respondents to articulate their thoughts in their own words This approach facilitates in-depth analysis and a genuine understanding of the respondents' perspectives on the research problem However, it can be time-consuming and is limited by the number of respondents involved (Palys & Atchison, 2014) Qualitative research is fundamentally exploratory, aiming to uncover the reasons, opinions, and motivations behind certain phenomena (Palinkas et al., 2015; Flick, 2015) Researchers often identify trends through qualitative methods, which can be unstructured or semi-structured, with interviews being the most common approach (Robson & McCartan, 2016) Ultimately, the chosen technique should provide valuable insights into the core issues being studied.
T h i s insightmayincludet h e responseso f t h e participants,t h e i r commentsorideas (Tayloretal,2015).
InthisstudyauthorchoosethechoicemodelofEngle,1995;Kardes,Cronley,C l i n e (2011)ashermainmodeltofollowandgivemorefindingabouthowsocialnetworkscan b e effectiveo n eachstep.T h e r e a r e f i v e steps:N e e d ; Informationsearch;Evaluateo f Alternative;Purchasedecisiona n d P o s t purchase.F o l l o w i n g f i v e steps,ithast heirownfactorsthatcanbethereasonforfurtherstepsandfinaldecision
Findingofthisresearchfoundthateffectofsocialnetworkwillbestrongonstep2( Informationsearch)andstep3(EvaluationofAlternative)becausestudentsw i l l nearly 100%gotointernetandsocialnetworkforseekingandtakingalltheirconcernssoeverypo sitiveornegativerecommendationwillbetheirissue.OnStep1 (Need),theeffectjustme diumsincewhattheyseeonsocialnetworkwithgoodperformancet h e n w i l l b e t h e i r motivationt o k n o w exactlywhatt h e y w a n t andw h e r e t o g o Goingt o step4, itjustt h e mostdependsonactualserviceandconsultantskillofAgentsandhowmuchthey givetheircustomersbeliefthenmoreopportunityo f businesst h e y canw i n T he laststep( Postpurchase)w i l l closef o r decisionmakingprocessofthispersonbutwillbethenextbe ginningstepsofothers t u d e n t s
Thisresearchb r i n g s t h e theoreticala s w e l l a s practicals i g n i f i c a n c e t o a llenterprisesi n t h e fieldo f Educationconsultancy,marketing,i t alsoidentifiest h e i n f l u e n c e ofsocialnetworktoconsumer’schoice,especiallystudentsintheprocesso f f inding,comparinganddeciding.Fromt h i s researchtheycancomeu p withappreciatepoli ciest o attractt h e i r targetcustomers,s u p p o r t marketing,builda n d developthestrategi estoimprovecompetitiveness.
Thefirstchapterwillshowtheoverviewofresearchtopic,researchobjective,researc h question, scope andmethodologyofthis study.
Theorieso f socialnetworks,Student’schoicea n d t h e linkbetweensocialnetwor ksandStudent’s decisionmaking processwillbeintroducedinthischapter.
Int h i s c h a p t e r s h o w e d t h e methodologywhichw a s usedf o r t h i s s t u d y t o explaintheresearchquestionmentionedinChapter1,itisqualitativereseach.
Toexplainandanalyzetheresultsfromtheinterviewprocess.Itthenprovidesu s e f u l marketingsolutionsfortheEducationalconsultancycompanytoaddressexistingmarke tingsolutionsande n h a n c e thev a l u e o f t h e Agencies'simaget o potential students.
AccordingH S B C Group(2017),t h e trendo f studyingabroadi s growingr a p i d l y I n particular,t h e highestresulti s belongt o Asianparents,w h o tendt o considers endingt h e i r childrentooverseasstudymoret h a n othercountries.T h e resultsshowtha tAsianstudentsmakeup53%ofthetotalnumberofinternationals t u d e n t s
Intopfiveofthehighestproportioncountries/ territoriesthatparentsconsideringtherearefourcountries/ territoriesinAsia,indicatingastrongdesiretostudyi n ther e g i o n Indonesia,6 1 % (up1 % ) , China:5 9 %
(up1 5 % ) , andHongKong:5 2 % T h e r e i s a similartrendi n Vietnam,w i t h a signi ficantnumbero f 63,703Vietnameses t u d e n t s pursuingundergraduatea n d postgra duateprogramsa r o u n d theworld.Ingeneral,thetrendofoverseasstudyiscontinuin gtoincrease.Comparedt o j u s t 2 1 millioni n 2 0 0 1 , t h e numbero f undergraduat ea n d postgraduates t u d e n t s i n t h e worldi n 2017h a s reachedmoret h a n 4 6 million( H S B C , 2017).
IIE(Instituteo f InternationalEducation)estimatedt h a t i n t h e 2016/2017acad emicy e a r , t h e UnitedStatesh a d attracted1,078,820undergraduatea n d postgraduatest udents,t h e UnitedKingdomh a d nearly497,000internationals t u d e n t s , France310,000and Australia292,000(IIE,2017).
NewZealand 5% Therankingalsoreflectsthechoiceof theVietnamesestudents.AccordingtoH S B C data(2017),thetopfivedestinationsfor overseasVietnamesestudentsare U S A (19,336),Australia(13,147),Japan(6, 071), France(5,284)andUnitedK i n g d o m (4,236)
(HSBC,2017).Furthermore,relatedtoInternationalstudents u r v e y (ISS)2018(Nicol, 2018),therearemorethan80%ofpotentialstudentswhoa r e lookingatstudyingoverseain 11EuropeancountriesgothroughsocialnetworkwhenchoosingandapplyingUniversity.I ti s the channelt h a t s t u d e n t s collectinformationanddiscussionwitht h e i r peers The surveyalsoshow thatSocialnetworkingsitesa n d socialnetworksaret h e p l a c e t h a t 6 5 % studentsf i n d informationbeforedecidinganinquiryaboutoverseasstudyand27%studentsrefer whenapplying,20%o f collectinginformationabouttravellingabroadplanaftergettingoffer and20%findoutsolutiontogettheoffer(Nicol,2018).
Int h i s s u r v e y , Nicol( 2 0 1 8 ) affirmedt h a t e v e n Parents,Family,frien ds,Educationcounsellors… areparticularlyinfluentialonstudent’s choiceofoverseastudybutsurelythatstudentst hemselvesarethemostimportantdecidingsocertainly,i t i s crucialt h a t educationcomp anylistentoviewpointo f prospectives t u d e n t s carefullycanhelpincreaseratingofsat isfactionandperceptionofstudents.Anyways,Nicol(2018)stillidentifiedthatStudents believeandtrustinformation’ss o u r c e s fromEducationAgents(47%agree)whenthe yconsideringandchoosingh i g h e r educationinoverseascountry.
(Nicol,2 0 1 8 ) 4 8 % studentssaidthatAgentsareusefulforthemand34%agreeEduc ationagentsh a d influencedt h e i r choiceo f schooland2 7 % influencedchoiceo f desti nation.A n d as afactthatauthorseethatEducationconsellorsplayaskeyroleofthe choiceo f studentsandthepotentialofthisbusinessisveryhighifagentscanapproachandh a v e therightstrategyofmarketingtorecruitinternationalstudents.Anundeniablefacttha tEducationagentsarepartofmanyinternationalUniversityfortheirrecruitment,especial lyforinternationalstudentswhenseekingvisas.Andofcoursea g e n t s facewithmany challenges.
(Nicol,2018) Thatwhy,nowinthe centuryofincreasinglycompetitiveglobalEdu cationmarket,especiallyinVietnam thatcompetitioni s becomingmorestressfult h a n e v e r whent h e numbero f consultingf o r studyingoverseaservicecentrescontinuestoinc rease(TranThiPhuong,2019)a s b e l o w charto f thenumbero f VietnameseEducatio ncounsellorcentresf r o m quarter III,2017to thefirstmonth of2019.
QuarterIII,QuarterIV, QuarterI, QuarterII,QuarterIII,QuarterIV, January,
AmongthousandsofAgentsinVietnam,OSIVietnamisoneofthecompanies t h a t t h e i r servicei s overseastudyservicea r e facingwiththeiro w n challengetoada ptt o t h e boomingo f technologynowadayst o keepgrowingandreplaceanotherproactive approachstrategytoprospectivestudentsthrough socialnetworkingmaketingchannels.
I n addition,authorchoseO S I Vietnamb e c a u s e authorusedtobetherecounsellor,soIknowtheyarelackingthemarkingstrategye v e n theirserviceisgoodbutwithoutadvertisement;theywilllosetheirbusinesstoo t h e r com petitors.S o , n e x t sectionauthorw i l l introduceaboutO S I Vietnama n d t h e i r proble mthatneedtohavesolutionformarketingcampaignasthereasonwhyauthordo thisresearchtohelpthemissuetheir currentproblem.
OneS t e p InternationalEducationConsultingC o , L t d (OSIVietnam),operating basedonalicenseissuedbytheDepartmentofPlanningandInvestmento f HoChiMinhCi ty,specializingineducation,tourism,immigration,foreigninvestment.OSIVietnamisrep resentativeformanyLanguageInstitutes,SecondaryS c h o o l s , HighSchools,Colleg es,Universities… i n manycountriesw h e r e haveh i g h educationsuchas:U S A , Australia,C a n a d a , Ne wZealand,Singapore…O S I Vietnamisaprofessional
Companyinconsultingschool,major,state forstudentstoattainthebestchoiceofstudyingabroadplan.Inaddition,preparingdocume ntsforenrollingschoolandapplyingvisaa r e importantpartst h a t demandknowledge,ex perience,andskillfromadvisorsinordertohavethebestoutcome.OSIpossessesa s t r ong,professional,a n d a devotepersonnel’sw h o conductfilesa n d obtainedwell- traininga n d practicalprogramf o r eachc a s e ,
( O S I Vietnamreport,2018).AtOSIVietnam,thesehavefourcorevaluesarepursueda ndimplementedconsistentlythroughoutitsmorethan20yearsofoperation:"Transparen cy-Professionalism-Experienceand Trust."
DirectorsaidthattransparencyatOSIVietnamcanunderstandasthework,sequen ceo f t h e mostdetailed,a n d scientificconsultationprocess.T h e financialstatementsar ealwaysclear,detailedfromthebeginning.Allthecompanyservice'sfees,therelevantag enciesasstipulated,especiallythetuitionfeesfromtheschool,livingexpensesarealway shave clearinvoices.TheprofessionalismofOSIVietnamisreflectedintheextensivek nowledgeoftheconsultantsonprofessionalknowledge,socialknowledgea s w e l l a s c u l t u r e a n d customso f manycountries.
Understanding student psychology is crucial for parents to effectively encourage, warn, and maintain strict boundaries without compromising on important matters With a dedicated team, OSI Vietnam ensures that students' overseas study plans are smooth and favorable The organization has built trusted relationships with major partners in the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore With over 20 years of experience, OSI Vietnam has successfully assisted thousands of young individuals in obtaining visas for the U.S and other developed countries In recognition of its efforts, OSI Vietnam was honored in 2013 as one of the "Top 50 Trademarks."
FamousBrands"AwardorganizedbyVietnamIntellectualPropertyAssociationandAwar df o r EducationDevelopment(2015)w i t h t h e title"PrestigiousEducationOrganizatio n"awardedbytheAssociationofVietnamStudyEncouragement.OSIVietnamisalsoo neofthe300representativeenterprisesofHoChiMinhCitytoparticipatein"Coopera tionwiththecityofinnovation"inAugust2016(OSIVietnamreport,2018).
Between 2007 and 2010, the number of studying abroad applications saw a significant growth, rising from 208 cases in 2007 to a remarkable fourfold increase by 2010 However, from 2010 to 2014, the growth rate slowed, with a decline noted from 1,146 cases in 2014 to only 894 cases by 2017 A positive trend emerged in 2018, as the number of applications increased again, surpassing the previous year's figures by 224 cases, according to the OSI Vietnam report (2018).
Basedonthereportin2018ofOSIVietnam,fromthetimeofestablishment,O S I Vi etnammainlyadvertisesinnewspapersandavailablerelationships.Thecompanyhasabso lutelynomarketingdepartment,mostcustomersgetthroughtheintroductionofthose whohavebeenworkingwiththecompany,thiswayofdoingbusinesshaspartlyhelpedth ecompanytog r o w salesq u i t e well.Moreover,t h e numbero f p e o p l e w h o k n o w t h e companyw a s increasing.T h e maincustomero f t h i s periodwastheparentswhointend tosendtheirchildrentostudyabroad.
Therevenueo f companyincreasedsteadilyb u t a t mediumlevela n d t h e r e w a s n o breakthrougha n d almostaccesst o customersonlythrought h e traditionalwayo f w o r d o f mouthmarketingo n existingrelationships.(OSIVietnamreport,2 0 1 8 )
In 2018, OSI Vietnam faced significant challenges as the number of cases for study abroad consulting dwindled to around 10 per day, highlighting the intense competition in the education agency market With competitors rapidly increasing their presence through effective promotions and extensive social media engagement, OSI Vietnam struggled to keep pace The company's outdated customer engagement strategies, primarily relying on traditional word-of-mouth and newspapers, rendered them less influential in a landscape where social networks have become the primary source of information and marketing To successfully expand their business, OSI Vietnam must adopt a modern marketing strategy that leverages social media and innovative outreach methods.
Recognizet h e importanceo f marketing,especiallyi n t h e digitala g e , t h e Boa rdofDirectorsdecidedtorunasocialnetworkmarketingstrategy.TheyjoinedFacebookan dhadtheirownFanpagetoconnectwithallstudentsandrelationship.Theygotverygoodsi gnificantofincreasingfollowersonFacebook,theycameandcontactedwithOSIVietna mforconsulting.Soon,thebusinessisgrowing again.Followingt h e successfulo f n e w marketingp l a n , OSIVietnama re settingu p and wideningtheo n l i n e , especiallysocialmarketing,recruitn e w specificmarketers. ( O S I Vietnam report, 2018)
- Companyh a s experiencedstaffs,h i g hqualification,goodconsultings kills,dedicated,t h o u g h t f u l
- Goodservices:stronglysupportst u den ts n o t onlyduringtheapplicat ionprocessb u t alsoaftersuccessful v i s a (immigrationprocedurewhe nst ud en ts goabroad, accommodationarrangement,rene wvisa,…)
- Haven o t focusedo n promotiont o raiseu p t h e i r o w n b r a n d andi mage
- Thew a y t o reachpotentialstu de n ts issomewhatpassive,basedonl yonwordofmouthandreferralsfro mexistingcustomers
- Younggenerationsn o w useinternet andsocialnetworksa s t h e i r sourcet ofindinformationa n d sharingtheire xperience
Inthemodernlife,whentheinternetisbecomemoreandmorepopularandcustom ersusuallyuseinternetasthetooltosearchinformation,communicateandshopingonli neorfindsevices.Itiseasytostayconnectedwhereverandwheneverp e o p l e a r e d u e t o worldwidei s increasingw i t h usingsmartphonesandmobiledevices.T h e advances i n Informationtechnologyi s helpingt o migrateenterprisea n d consumerrelationshipst o interactivel e v e l Moreover,givingthecustomersopportunitytovoicetheiropinion willnotleadtopositivewordofmouthandcanthreatentheenterprise’simageandreputa tionwiththeircustomer(Wilson,2012).
In today's digital age, the Internet and social networking platforms have gained unprecedented importance, leading to increased conversations and engagement Social networks are essential for viral marketing, enabling the rapid spread of marketing messages as users share content with their relationships Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn are central to these viral marketing campaigns, as businesses seek to integrate social networking into their marketing strategies This shift has altered consumer buying behavior, compelling marketers to explore new ways to reach potential customers, as traditional marketing's influence wanes Successful marketing communications rely on a strong foundation, including innovative, high-quality products and well-designed, market-oriented websites Social networks facilitate the creation of public profiles where members share knowledge, experiences, and personal information, further enhancing engagement.
….Contactw i t h othermemberst o exchangeandsharet h e sameinterests(CheungandL ee,2010).Socialnetworksmakeushavethedifferentthinkingaboutmarketing,enterprise sandconsumerscaninteractdirectlyandhaverelationshipwithoneanother(Solomonet al,2010).Digitalnetworkstodayisnotonlyinformationaccesstools,butitalshasbeeni nteractiontools,whichareusedb y individualst o exchangeands h a r e information,cont ents,opinions… andcustomers’sbehaviorw i l l changewhentheyinteractw i t h others(Heinrichse t a l , 2 0
1 1 ) A s consumersliket o interactionandcommunicationw i t h eachothera n d w a n t toreferadvicefromdifferentpositiveornegativeproductsorservices,virtual communitieswillhaveanimpactonconsumers'purchasingdecisions(Evanetal,2 0 0
9 ) Peoplecangathertosharetheirthoughts,idears,commentsonSocialnetworkingsit es;s o i t w i l l b e t h e p l a c e f o r marketerst o listena n d respondtocustomers,revie wcontents(Weber,2 00 9) , t h e advertisementsv i a socialnetwork,t h e meassagew i l l r eachf a r morep o t e n t i a l customersintendedtoreach(Weber,2 0 0 9 ; Weinberg,2009 ).
Socialnetworksaretheplatformswhereindividualcanconnectwithothers( L e e , 2013).ItwasstatedbyWeinberg(2009,page149)as“generictermsforsitest h a t are used toconnectuserswithsimilarbackgroundsandinterests”.
Regardingt o researcho f Boyda n d Ellison( 2 0 0 7 , page2 1 1 ) , Lee( 2 0 1 3 , p a g e 2 5 ) , socialnetworkingsitesplatformsh a v e f e w commonelementsas:“ ( 1 ) u s e r s areabletocreateinteractiveandcustomizedprofileswithinaboundedsystem,
(3)viewa n d traversetheirlistofconnectionsandthosemadebyotherswithinthesyste m”.A t presentthereisnospecificresearchontheconstitutionofsocialnetworks,but w i t h thewayitisformedanditsoperation,theauthormakesuptheconstitutionoft h e s ocialnetworkincluding:
- Node:Anentitywithinanetwork.Thisentitycanbeanindividual,abusines sor anyotherorganization.
- Tie:istherelationshipbetweentheentities.Therearemanytypesofl i n k s inthenetwork.Initssimplestform,asocialnetworkisasingle,scalargrapho f theappro priatelinksbetweennodes.Wecanrepresentthisnetworkwithagraphb y whichthenode sarerepresentedbypointsand thelinks representedby thelines.
Asr e p o r t o f Kemp(2018),t h e numbero f n e w u s e r s u s e s o c i a l n e t w o r k aroundtheworldhasincreasedrapidly.Itismorethan3billionpeopleusesocial networkforeachmonth.Despiteanotoriousyear,Facebookisstillincreasing15%compare dto thesameperiodin2017andreached2.17billionusersinearly2018.
According to Kemp's 2018 statistics, Vietnam has a population exceeding 96 million, with 35% residing in urban areas In 2018, the number of Internet users reached 64 million, marking a 28% increase from 2017 Additionally, there are 55 million social media users in Vietnam, reflecting a 20% growth compared to the previous year Vietnam is actively participating in the global digital marketing growth trend, with Vietnamese users spending nearly 7 hours a day online, integrating social media into their daily lives.
DuetoSocialnetworkingsitesinVietnam,thenumberofactiveaccountsismoreth anhalfofthepopulation(57%)anditisbecomingthemostcurrentcommunicationtoolsfo rbusiness.Belowfigurewilllist12currentlyfamoussocialnetworkplatformsinVietnam.Thenumberone,ofcourse,isFacebook,followbyGoogleandYouTubee (Kemp,2018)
Social networks are becoming integral to educational companies' marketing campaigns, yet many enterprises remain uncertain about how to effectively implement these strategies Providing incentives for education counselors to gather information and foster dialogue can enhance outreach efforts Social networks offer a diverse range of creative ideas that align with a company's mission and goals Increasingly, education agencies are recognizing social networks as powerful tools for building brand awareness, enhancing marketing knowledge, and gaining customer insights However, many universities and colleges still rely on traditional marketing methods, such as print advertisements, brochures, and local partnerships, to attract and recruit potential students globally This approach primarily emphasizes face-to-face interactions between counselors and students.
Asuponmentionabouthoweffectiveofsocialnetworkmarketingandbenefiti t b r i n g s t o enterprise’sbusiness,i t i s exactlyw i l l contributet o educationmarket.Indisputab let h a t t h e improvementandinnovationo f technologyi n 4.0centuryhasstronglyaffe ctedtoeducationindustry.Internetandsocialnetworkingsitesplayacrucialinstrument forhighereducationsector.Nowadays,many
International schools worldwide are leveraging social media for international marketing to attract students Research indicates that students often turn to the internet for decision-making (Gomes and Murphy, 2003) Consequently, education marketers must engage in online marketing to meet student demands and build strong relationships within competitive higher education sectors (Reddy, 2014) Countries like the UK, Australia, and Singapore view websites as effective marketing tools (Maringe and Carter, 2007) and utilize local agencies to enhance their image and promote themselves Currently, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are essential for education marketers to connect with prospective students Aghaee supports this approach.
(2010)demonstratedthatsocialnetworkwasusedtosupporth i g h e r education.Mod ernstudents,ofcourse,theyreferdigitalnative,butitisstilllimitationo f negativeaspectss i n c e i t i s losso f verbalcommunicationlikeb o d y language(Aghaee,2010)soaftersoci alnetwork,educationconsultantagencieswillb e importantpersonstogivetheusefuladvi cetostudents.
Socialnetworkinghasincreasinglychangedthew a y students,firms,industriesan deducationinstitutionsconducttheirbusinessandspreadinformation(Qualman,2010) Amongits,FacebookisbecomingthemostpopularchannelsandnearlyhalfofFacebooku sersarestudents.So,Educationagenciesmusttofocusont h i s channeltoreachoutmorep otentialstudents (Reddy,2014).
Int h i s research,a u t h o r w i l l s t u d y a b o u t themostu s i n g socialnetworking siteslikeFacebook,Y o u T u b e , Twitter,LinkedInt o understanda n d thinka b o u t so lutionsonits also.
Instagram,YouTubecanmakes u r e t o c o n n e c t w i t h allp r o s p e c t s t u d e n t s i n 2 4 h o u r s persevendaysanditisveryaccessible.AsReddy(2014),nowmanyinternati onalschoolsoffervirtualtourbygoingtotheirwebsites.Studentscanfindmuchphotogra phy,videosabouttheirenvironment,facilities,classrooms,programs,library,andstadium. Choudaha(2013),statedt h a t videoso f institutioncampus,whichpostedtoYouTube,pro videdapotentialconvincingcommunication.Reddy(2014),h e alsodemonstratedi t i s n ecessaryi f Educationagencyoruniversityopenforumsforstudentstodiscussallabout theirissuesanddesiresandencouragethemtoshare opinionorpersonal views.
Facebook, founded on February 4, 2004, initially for Harvard students, has grown into the world's largest social network Key components include user profiles, statuses, groups, and fan pages, with the fan page concept launched in November 2007, allowing universities to showcase themselves; by 2008, 420 universities were utilizing this feature Users can become "fans" of pages, sharing content with their friends, creating a viral marketing effect Students can join various groups to interact and share experiences on diverse topics Today, many universities and schools maintain Facebook pages for members to access information and engage in study groups In Vietnam, numerous agents leverage Facebook for marketing, hosting live streams and events such as scholarship opportunities and updates on visa policies for international students.
… Thenstudents,w h o a r e no w livingi n Facebook’scommunityt h e y spendalmostt h e i r timeo n Facebookw i l l meettheAgentsthroughthischannelwillnotbedifficulttou nderstand.Sawetal.(2012)
YouTube is a video-sharing platform founded in 2005 that has become one of the most popular channels for a wide range of content, including entertainment, business, and educational videos It allows users to upload and share their videos, while audiences can comment and share their opinions The platform is widely used globally, serving millions of people who appreciate dynamic videos for easy access to information and real-life concepts Universities, institutions, and organizations utilize YouTube to showcase their facilities, programs, and activities, fostering communication and engagement with students As viewers increasingly seek videos that provide reviews and feedback, the ability to see and hear real experiences enhances trust and connection with the content.
(2012)indicatedthatstudentsu s e YouTubefortheireducationpurposes.Yes,YouTube canbeusetobeeffectivechannelfor Education Agentstodomarketing.
WecountinuewithTwitter:Itwascreatedin2006anditwasonlinenews.Twitte rhasaninterfacethatallowsuserstosendandreadnewsormessagesfromo t h e r users. Twitterisatext- basedthatislimitedto140characters.Itcanbeusefuli n education,bothforstudentsandt eachers,byfacilitatingtheexchangeofinformationrelevantt o upcominge v e n t s andpr ojects.F u r t h e r more,studentscans h a r e theimportantlinksandmentiontheduedateof theirnews.Atthesametimes,alla n o t h e r u s e r s w i l l receivet h e notificationsoo n t heycanshare,f o r w a r d o r responetothiscontents(Jacqueminetal,2014).
Similart o Facebooko r Twitter,i t i s Instagram,peoplecancreateaccountw i t h hasprofileandnewsfeedanditissocialnetworkingapponsmartphonemadef o r sharingv ideosandphotos.Allusersarefollowinganaccountcaneasyseethep h o t o s , videosor newsfeedwhenthisaccountpostittotheirownInstagram.And becauseInstagramnowcanbelinkedtoFacebooksostudentsorInstitution,especiallyEd ucationagentscanmakemanyhothashtagsalongwithmanyphotosa b o u t Internatio nalstudyabroadevents,Schoolvisit,… whichsuchbreakingnewsh a s h t a g s fromAgentsorinstitutesrelatedtostudyabroado rpolicychangingthats t u d e n t s areinterestedincanbethebestwaytoengagemorep otentialstudentstof o l l o w andsharetootherpeoplewhowant toknow.
OnemorechannelthatauthorwanttounderstandisLinkedIn:Thiskindofsocialn etworkingsitewasdesignedtocreateprofessionalidentityonlineandkeepi n touchwith friends;g e t moreprofessionalopportunity,businessc h a n c e , n e w ventures,inspirati ons,insights,…
(Reddy,2 0 1 4 ) Profileo f membero f LinkedInemphasizestheirhistoryandeducati on.Itrequiresallmemberstogetpre- existingrelationshiptojoin.SincethisistheprofessionalpagesoifAgentscanliveonthis,t h e n moreinternationalschoolscanseetheirprofileandlinkwiththemforcorporationov erseasrecruitment.Theycant r u s t profilesi n L i n k e d I n m o r e t h a n others.Andfoll owthischannel,EducationAgentscanhavepotentialtoreachtheh i g h levelofrecruit mentfromstudentswhocometheretoseekthetrustcompanyf o r h i g h e r education.
Finally,therearemanysocialnetworkingsitesthatUniversityorAgentscanu s e to attracttheirprospertivestudentsasauthormentionabove,andeachsitehasdifferentch aracteristicofdoingmarketing,marketingmustunderstandthesepointst o maketheright contentsandstategy,carefullybeforepostinganytopictoincreaset h e spillovereffectsan dtopicalfeatures.Bythisway,theycaneasierpromotetheirb r a n d nameandmarketing, advertisementsneverberedundant,justneedtoknowh o w t o chooset h e r i g h t target ,r i g h t channela n d rightt o p i c o f interest,t h e y willdefinitelybecomefamous.
Mostpreviousresearchshowedvalueofmarketingonsocialnetwork,butaf e w st udiesfocused onbenefititwouldtakeinHighereducationrecruitment.Social networkwillsupportEducationagenciesachieveinternationalizationbasedons t u d e n t supportandfaculty.Therefore,Institutionsnowaretryingtoseektheinternationalizati onthroughsocialnetworkingsites.
Choudaha(2013)pointedo ut therea rea t least4 benefitst ha tsoc ia l networking canmakearerelevance,speed,cost, personalization.
Relevance:establishinganaccessible,effectiveandeasytousesocialnetworking channelswithfuturestudentswill certainlycontributetoresourceefficiencya n d c o s t effectiveness.Socialnetworkw i l l a d a p t tos t u d e n t ’ s prefere nce demand.
Speed:p r o v i d e s authenticinformationa n d fastp a c e s t o meetstudent’se xpectation,decisionandperception.
Cost:Socialnetworkw i l l h e l p Educationagencieseasyt o reacha hugeresourc eo f s t u d e n t s a n d spreado u t t h e i r promotioninformationwithoutusingtoo muchmoneyastraditional marketinglikeevents,exhibition,…
Personalization:Studentcang o throughsocialn e t w o r k t o readandviewinfor mationintheirlocalnativelanguage.
Students are often recognized as digital natives, spending much of their lives in digital environments (Thompson, 2007) Joly (2007) referred to them as the Generation of Social Networking, and research by Schoeder and Greenbowe (2009) shows that these students actively engage in social networking activities Statistics from Junco and Cole (2008) reveal that 72% of students are interested in directly interacting with counselors, while 62% prefer reading school profiles or blogs from current students Additionally, students utilize social networking sites to gather information that aids in their school selection process (Morris, 2012) Social networks offer powerful tools and opportunities to enhance marketing strategies and recruitment processes for higher education institutions, adapting to the evolving trends and decision-making preferences of future students Consequently, many education agencies are leveraging social networks to promote their services to prospective students, proving to be a successful and effective marketing tool for the modern young generation (Reddy, 2014).
Authorisgoingtofollowtheconceptofstudentchoice,tofindwhatarethemostfa ctort h a t canb e s t u d e n t ’smotivationt o studyabroadandwhichstudentchoicemodelt h a t authorcanb e u s e d a s t h e b a s i c o n e andapplyt o h e r currentthesis.Nextsection willshow allthoseissues.
Understanding students' mobility and their desires is crucial for agents seeking to stimulate curiosity and determination to study abroad By gaining insights into students' expectations, education companies can uncover passive business opportunities An effective strategy for attracting and marketing to students involves analyzing push and pull factors (Reddy, 2014) Recognizing what students want and their preferred destinations will guide education consultants in designing and growing their businesses International universities are attracting students globally by leveraging innovative techniques, including social networks (Choudaha and Chang, 2012) The influence of social networks on students' decision-making processes is significant, as they rely on these platforms to gather information about potential institutions.
Nowadays,thetrendofoverseasstudyisdevelopinginmanycountriesintheworld,e speciallyamongyounggenerationindevelopingcountrieswhowanttogot o developedc ountriest o experiencea n d t o studyi n anbettereducation environment.SowhydoVietnamesestudentsstudyabroadwhilecostisexpensive,includi ngtuitionandlivingexpensesinforeigncountries?
Despite numerous reforms and innovations in educational content across all levels, the impact remains minimal, with a heavy focus on theoretical knowledge that lacks relevance to job training objectives Vietnamese universities struggle to align their curricula with international education standards, making it challenging for students to transfer or change majors Employers express dissatisfaction with graduates, citing deficiencies in practical skills, foreign language proficiency, and professional conduct According to the Vietnam Labor Market Report No 16, published by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs in Q4 2017, these issues highlight the disconnect between education and labor market needs.
( 2 0 1 8 ) s h o w s thatt h e r e h a v e 251,3thousandunemploymenta r e universitygra duatesor higherleveland78,8 thousandofcollegestudents.
Given the alarming state of university education in Vietnam, studying abroad has emerged as the best option for students Graduates from developed countries are more likely to be recruited by international corporations, providing them with a wealth of opportunities, whether they choose to stay abroad or return home Studying overseas is viewed as an investment in the future, enhancing career prospects and offering higher salary options in international companies Additionally, it allows students to immerse themselves in a multicultural environment and gain valuable experience The demand for overseas study is rapidly increasing in Vietnam, leading many students and parents to seek assistance from education agents, which has made the consultancy market highly competitive This surge has resulted in numerous education centers operating in major cities, some of which lack proper licensing, complicating the decision-making process for parents and creating challenges for reputable education consultancies.
Withthewaveofoverseasstudyontheportofcooling,theeducationconsultancyser vicei s lookingfornewdirectionsf o r t h e i r marketingstrategies.Accordingt o informa tiongainedb y theauthorincurrenttrendsi n thefieldo f studyingabroad,peoplea r e attrac tedb y videoclips,p i c t u r e s o f reallifeforeigncountries,schools.Thisisthenewelement ofSocialnetworkmarketinginthefieldo f overseasstudy,helpingcompaniesinthefield ofeducationconsultantcieshavemoreopportunitiestoreachtheircustomers.
Decisionmakingisaverycomplicatedprocessoftenundertakenbystudentsw h o haveplantostudyhighereducation(MaringeandCarter,2007).Knowingthefactorst h a t i n f l u e n c e s t u d e n t ’ s decisionmakingi s v e r y importantf o r Education consultantmarketers.A s researcho f MazzarolandSoutar(2002),t h e educationchoiceb ehaviourstagedasdecisionmakingprocessandfactorsimpactonchoice.O t h e r stud iesindicatedthewaysthatstudentschoosetostudyinforeigncountryinsomesituations:i nsteado f studyinginhomec o u n t r y , studentschoosetostudyabroad,thisisthefirstsitu ation;thenextisdestinationandthelastoneisspecificinstitution(MazzarolandSoutar,2 002;Chen,2007).PushandPullfactorwasusedi n researchofMazzarolandSoutar(200 2)toknowhowitinfluencesonstudent’schoice.
As competition among higher education institutions intensifies and budgets tighten, universities are increasingly focusing on recruitment and marketing strategies In the past, students often relied on financial aid, scholarships, and government exchange programs to study abroad; however, many are now funded by their families (Choudaha and Chang, 2012) According to the Wealth Report (2017), Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing super-rich countries in the world, with the number of millionaires rising to 13,400 by the end of 2016, an increase of 2,200 from 2015 (Knight Frank, 2017) This economic growth has led to a higher demand for studying abroad, as more families can afford to support their children's education Consequently, students face the critical challenge of selecting the right university, as their choice will significantly impact their financial, emotional, and philosophical well-being for the rest of their lives.
Overviewof thetrendofstudyingabroad
AccordingH S B C Group(2017),t h e trendo f studyingabroadi s growingr a p i d l y I n particular,t h e highestresulti s belongt o Asianparents,w h o tendt o considers endingt h e i r childrentooverseasstudymoret h a n othercountries.T h e resultsshowtha tAsianstudentsmakeup53%ofthetotalnumberofinternationals t u d e n t s
Intopfiveofthehighestproportioncountries/ territoriesthatparentsconsideringtherearefourcountries/ territoriesinAsia,indicatingastrongdesiretostudyi n ther e g i o n Indonesia,6 1 % (up1 % ) , China:5 9 %
(up1 5 % ) , andHongKong:5 2 % T h e r e i s a similartrendi n Vietnam,w i t h a signi ficantnumbero f 63,703Vietnameses t u d e n t s pursuingundergraduatea n d postgra duateprogramsa r o u n d theworld.Ingeneral,thetrendofoverseasstudyiscontinuin gtoincrease.Comparedt o j u s t 2 1 millioni n 2 0 0 1 , t h e numbero f undergraduat ea n d postgraduates t u d e n t s i n t h e worldi n 2017h a s reachedmoret h a n 4 6 million( H S B C , 2017).
IIE(Instituteo f InternationalEducation)estimatedt h a t i n t h e 2016/2017acad emicy e a r , t h e UnitedStatesh a d attracted1,078,820undergraduatea n d postgraduatest udents,t h e UnitedKingdomh a d nearly497,000internationals t u d e n t s , France310,000and Australia292,000(IIE,2017).
NewZealand 5% Therankingalsoreflectsthechoiceof theVietnamesestudents.AccordingtoH S B C data(2017),thetopfivedestinationsfor overseasVietnamesestudentsare U S A (19,336),Australia(13,147),Japan(6, 071), France(5,284)andUnitedK i n g d o m (4,236)
(HSBC,2017).Furthermore,relatedtoInternationalstudents u r v e y (ISS)2018(Nicol, 2018),therearemorethan80%ofpotentialstudentswhoa r e lookingatstudyingoverseain 11EuropeancountriesgothroughsocialnetworkwhenchoosingandapplyingUniversity.I ti s the channelt h a t s t u d e n t s collectinformationanddiscussionwitht h e i r peers The surveyalsoshow thatSocialnetworkingsitesa n d socialnetworksaret h e p l a c e t h a t 6 5 % studentsf i n d informationbeforedecidinganinquiryaboutoverseasstudyand27%studentsrefer whenapplying,20%o f collectinginformationabouttravellingabroadplanaftergettingoffer and20%findoutsolutiontogettheoffer(Nicol,2018).
Int h i s s u r v e y , Nicol( 2 0 1 8 ) affirmedt h a t e v e n Parents,Family,frien ds,Educationcounsellors… areparticularlyinfluentialonstudent’s choiceofoverseastudybutsurelythatstudentst hemselvesarethemostimportantdecidingsocertainly,i t i s crucialt h a t educationcomp anylistentoviewpointo f prospectives t u d e n t s carefullycanhelpincreaseratingofsat isfactionandperceptionofstudents.Anyways,Nicol(2018)stillidentifiedthatStudents believeandtrustinformation’ss o u r c e s fromEducationAgents(47%agree)whenthe yconsideringandchoosingh i g h e r educationinoverseascountry.
(Nicol,2 0 1 8 ) 4 8 % studentssaidthatAgentsareusefulforthemand34%agreeEduc ationagentsh a d influencedt h e i r choiceo f schooland2 7 % influencedchoiceo f desti nation.A n d as afactthatauthorseethatEducationconsellorsplayaskeyroleofthe choiceo f studentsandthepotentialofthisbusinessisveryhighifagentscanapproachandh a v e therightstrategyofmarketingtorecruitinternationalstudents.Anundeniablefacttha tEducationagentsarepartofmanyinternationalUniversityfortheirrecruitment,especial lyforinternationalstudentswhenseekingvisas.Andofcoursea g e n t s facewithmany challenges.
(Nicol,2018) Thatwhy,nowinthe centuryofincreasinglycompetitiveglobalEdu cationmarket,especiallyinVietnam thatcompetitioni s becomingmorestressfult h a n e v e r whent h e numbero f consultingf o r studyingoverseaservicecentrescontinuestoinc rease(TranThiPhuong,2019)a s b e l o w charto f thenumbero f VietnameseEducatio ncounsellorcentresf r o m quarter III,2017to thefirstmonth of2019.
QuarterIII,QuarterIV, QuarterI, QuarterII,QuarterIII,QuarterIV, January,
AmongthousandsofAgentsinVietnam,OSIVietnamisoneofthecompanies t h a t t h e i r servicei s overseastudyservicea r e facingwiththeiro w n challengetoada ptt o t h e boomingo f technologynowadayst o keepgrowingandreplaceanotherproactive approachstrategytoprospectivestudentsthrough socialnetworkingmaketingchannels.
I n addition,authorchoseO S I Vietnamb e c a u s e authorusedtobetherecounsellor,soIknowtheyarelackingthemarkingstrategye v e n theirserviceisgoodbutwithoutadvertisement;theywilllosetheirbusinesstoo t h e r com petitors.S o , n e x t sectionauthorw i l l introduceaboutO S I Vietnama n d t h e i r proble mthatneedtohavesolutionformarketingcampaignasthereasonwhyauthordo thisresearchtohelpthemissuetheir currentproblem.
OneS t e p InternationalEducationConsultingC o , L t d (OSIVietnam),operating basedonalicenseissuedbytheDepartmentofPlanningandInvestmento f HoChiMinhCi ty,specializingineducation,tourism,immigration,foreigninvestment.OSIVietnamisrep resentativeformanyLanguageInstitutes,SecondaryS c h o o l s , HighSchools,Colleg es,Universities… i n manycountriesw h e r e haveh i g h educationsuchas:U S A , Australia,C a n a d a , Ne wZealand,Singapore…O S I Vietnamisaprofessional
Companyinconsultingschool,major,state forstudentstoattainthebestchoiceofstudyingabroadplan.Inaddition,preparingdocume ntsforenrollingschoolandapplyingvisaa r e importantpartst h a t demandknowledge,ex perience,andskillfromadvisorsinordertohavethebestoutcome.OSIpossessesa s t r ong,professional,a n d a devotepersonnel’sw h o conductfilesa n d obtainedwell- traininga n d practicalprogramf o r eachc a s e ,
( O S I Vietnamreport,2018).AtOSIVietnam,thesehavefourcorevaluesarepursueda ndimplementedconsistentlythroughoutitsmorethan20yearsofoperation:"Transparen cy-Professionalism-Experienceand Trust."
DirectorsaidthattransparencyatOSIVietnamcanunderstandasthework,sequen ceo f t h e mostdetailed,a n d scientificconsultationprocess.T h e financialstatementsar ealwaysclear,detailedfromthebeginning.Allthecompanyservice'sfees,therelevantag enciesasstipulated,especiallythetuitionfeesfromtheschool,livingexpensesarealway shave clearinvoices.TheprofessionalismofOSIVietnamisreflectedintheextensivek nowledgeoftheconsultantsonprofessionalknowledge,socialknowledgea s w e l l a s c u l t u r e a n d customso f manycountries.
Understanding student psychology is crucial for parents to effectively encourage, warn, and set boundaries without compromise With a close-knit and dedicated team, OSI Vietnam ensures that students' overseas study plans are smooth and favorable The organization has built trusted relationships with major partners in the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore With over 20 years of practical experience, OSI Vietnam has successfully assisted thousands of young people in obtaining visas for the U.S and other developed countries In recognition of its efforts, OSI Vietnam was honored in 2013 as one of the "Top 50 Trademarks."
FamousBrands"AwardorganizedbyVietnamIntellectualPropertyAssociationandAwar df o r EducationDevelopment(2015)w i t h t h e title"PrestigiousEducationOrganizatio n"awardedbytheAssociationofVietnamStudyEncouragement.OSIVietnamisalsoo neofthe300representativeenterprisesofHoChiMinhCitytoparticipatein"Coopera tionwiththecityofinnovation"inAugust2016(OSIVietnamreport,2018).
Between 2007 and 2010, the number of study abroad applications recorded by OSI experienced significant growth, rising from 208 cases in 2007 to a remarkable fourfold increase by 2010 However, from 2010 to 2014, while the number of applications continued to rise, the growth was less pronounced Notably, there was a decline in applications from 1,146 cases in 2014 to just 894 cases by 2017 A positive trend emerged in 2018 when the number of applications increased again, surpassing the 2017 figures by 224 cases, according to the OSI Vietnam report.
Basedonthereportin2018ofOSIVietnam,fromthetimeofestablishment,O S I Vi etnammainlyadvertisesinnewspapersandavailablerelationships.Thecompanyhasabso lutelynomarketingdepartment,mostcustomersgetthroughtheintroductionofthose whohavebeenworkingwiththecompany,thiswayofdoingbusinesshaspartlyhelpedth ecompanytog r o w salesq u i t e well.Moreover,t h e numbero f p e o p l e w h o k n o w t h e companyw a s increasing.T h e maincustomero f t h i s periodwastheparentswhointend tosendtheirchildrentostudyabroad.
Therevenueo f companyincreasedsteadilyb u t a t mediumlevela n d t h e r e w a s n o breakthrougha n d almostaccesst o customersonlythrought h e traditionalwayo f w o r d o f mouthmarketingo n existingrelationships.(OSIVietnamreport,2 0 1 8 )
In 2018, OSI Vietnam faced significant challenges as the number of cases for study abroad consultations dwindled to around 10, highlighting a decline in business The company struggled against increasing competition from educational agencies that aggressively promoted their services on social media platforms As a result, OSI Vietnam fell behind competitors due to its outdated customer engagement strategies, relying heavily on traditional marketing methods like word-of-mouth and newspapers With universities and education companies globally embracing social network marketing, OSI Vietnam's lack of a modern marketing strategy hindered its ability to expand and attract new students and parents.
Recognizet h e importanceo f marketing,especiallyi n t h e digitala g e , t h e Boa rdofDirectorsdecidedtorunasocialnetworkmarketingstrategy.TheyjoinedFacebookan dhadtheirownFanpagetoconnectwithallstudentsandrelationship.Theygotverygoodsi gnificantofincreasingfollowersonFacebook,theycameandcontactedwithOSIVietna mforconsulting.Soon,thebusinessisgrowing again.Followingt h e successfulo f n e w marketingp l a n , OSIVietnama re settingu p and wideningtheo n l i n e , especiallysocialmarketing,recruitn e w specificmarketers. ( O S I Vietnam report, 2018)
- Companyh a s experiencedstaffs,h i g hqualification,goodconsultings kills,dedicated,t h o u g h t f u l
- Goodservices:stronglysupportst u den ts n o t onlyduringtheapplicat ionprocessb u t alsoaftersuccessful v i s a (immigrationprocedurewhe nst ud en ts goabroad, accommodationarrangement,rene wvisa,…)
- Haven o t focusedo n promotiont o raiseu p t h e i r o w n b r a n d andi mage
- Thew a y t o reachpotentialstu de n ts issomewhatpassive,basedonl yonwordofmouthandreferralsfro mexistingcustomers
- Younggenerationsn o w useinternet andsocialnetworksa s t h e i r sourcet ofindinformationa n d sharingtheire xperience
Social network
Regardingt o researcho f Boyda n d Ellison( 2 0 0 7 , page2 1 1 ) , Lee( 2 0 1 3 , p a g e 2 5 ) , socialnetworkingsitesplatformsh a v e f e w commonelementsas:“ ( 1 ) u s e r s areabletocreateinteractiveandcustomizedprofileswithinaboundedsystem,
(3)viewa n d traversetheirlistofconnectionsandthosemadebyotherswithinthesyste m”.A t presentthereisnospecificresearchontheconstitutionofsocialnetworks,but w i t h thewayitisformedanditsoperation,theauthormakesuptheconstitutionoft h e s ocialnetworkincluding:
- Node:Anentitywithinanetwork.Thisentitycanbeanindividual,abusines sor anyotherorganization.
- Tie:istherelationshipbetweentheentities.Therearemanytypesofl i n k s inthenetwork.Initssimplestform,asocialnetworkisasingle,scalargrapho f theappro priatelinksbetweennodes.Wecanrepresentthisnetworkwithagraphb y whichthenode sarerepresentedbypointsand thelinks representedby thelines.
Asr e p o r t o f Kemp(2018),t h e numbero f n e w u s e r s u s e s o c i a l n e t w o r k aroundtheworldhasincreasedrapidly.Itismorethan3billionpeopleusesocial networkforeachmonth.Despiteanotoriousyear,Facebookisstillincreasing15%compare dto thesameperiodin2017andreached2.17billionusersinearly2018.
According to Kemp (2018), Vietnam has a population exceeding 96 million, with 35% living in urban areas In 2018, the number of Internet users reached 64 million, reflecting a growth of over 28% from 2017 Additionally, there are 55 million users of social networks, marking a 20% increase compared to the previous year Vietnam is experiencing significant growth in digital marketing, consistent with global trends The report highlights that Vietnamese users spend nearly 7 hours a day online, with social networking becoming an integral part of their daily lives.
DuetoSocialnetworkingsitesinVietnam,thenumberofactiveaccountsismoreth anhalfofthepopulation(57%)anditisbecomingthemostcurrentcommunicationtoolsfo rbusiness.Belowfigurewilllist12currentlyfamoussocialnetworkplatformsinVietnam.Thenumberone,ofcourse,isFacebook,followbyGoogleandYouTubee (Kemp,2018)
Social networks are becoming integral to educational companies' marketing campaigns, yet many enterprises remain uncertain about how to effectively leverage these platforms Providing incentives for education counselors to gather information and foster dialogues can enhance engagement Social networks offer a diverse array of creative ideas that align with a company's mission and goals Increasingly, education agencies are recognizing social networks as powerful tools for enhancing brand awareness, marketing knowledge, and customer insights Despite this, many universities and colleges still rely on traditional marketing methods, such as print advertisements, brochures, and local partnerships, to attract and recruit potential students globally, primarily through face-to-face interactions between counselors and students.
Asuponmentionabouthoweffectiveofsocialnetworkmarketingandbenefiti t b r i n g s t o enterprise’sbusiness,i t i s exactlyw i l l contributet o educationmarket.Indisputab let h a t t h e improvementandinnovationo f technologyi n 4.0centuryhasstronglyaffe ctedtoeducationindustry.Internetandsocialnetworkingsitesplayacrucialinstrument forhighereducationsector.Nowadays,many
International schools worldwide are leveraging social media for international marketing to attract students Research indicates that students often turn to the internet for decision-making (Gomes and Murphy, 2003) Consequently, education marketers must harness online marketing strategies to meet student demand and build strong relationships with potential students in the competitive higher education landscape (Reddy, 2014) Countries like the UK, Australia, and Singapore recognize websites as effective marketing tools (Maringe and Carter, 2007) and utilize local agencies to enhance their image and promotion Additionally, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter play a crucial role in helping education marketers connect with prospective students, a method supported by Aghaee.
(2010)demonstratedthatsocialnetworkwasusedtosupporth i g h e r education.Mod ernstudents,ofcourse,theyreferdigitalnative,butitisstilllimitationo f negativeaspectss i n c e i t i s losso f verbalcommunicationlikeb o d y language(Aghaee,2010)soaftersoci alnetwork,educationconsultantagencieswillb e importantpersonstogivetheusefuladvi cetostudents.
Social networkingsiteswasused byotherinternational students
Socialnetworkinghasincreasinglychangedthew a y students,firms,industriesan deducationinstitutionsconducttheirbusinessandspreadinformation(Qualman,2010) Amongits,FacebookisbecomingthemostpopularchannelsandnearlyhalfofFacebooku sersarestudents.So,Educationagenciesmusttofocusont h i s channeltoreachoutmorep otentialstudents (Reddy,2014).
Int h i s research,a u t h o r w i l l s t u d y a b o u t themostu s i n g socialnetworking siteslikeFacebook,Y o u T u b e , Twitter,LinkedInt o understanda n d thinka b o u t so lutionsonits also.
OnlinecommunicationandVirtual platforms
Instagram,YouTubecanmakes u r e t o c o n n e c t w i t h allp r o s p e c t s t u d e n t s i n 2 4 h o u r s persevendaysanditisveryaccessible.AsReddy(2014),nowmanyinternati onalschoolsoffervirtualtourbygoingtotheirwebsites.Studentscanfindmuchphotogra phy,videosabouttheirenvironment,facilities,classrooms,programs,library,andstadium. Choudaha(2013),statedt h a t videoso f institutioncampus,whichpostedtoYouTube,pro videdapotentialconvincingcommunication.Reddy(2014),h e alsodemonstratedi t i s n ecessaryi f Educationagencyoruniversityopenforumsforstudentstodiscussallabout theirissuesanddesiresandencouragethemtoshare opinionorpersonal views.
Facebook, founded on February 4, 2004, initially catered to Harvard students before expanding globally to become the largest social network Key features include user profiles, status updates, groups, and fan pages, which were introduced in November 2007, allowing universities to promote themselves effectively By 2008, 420 universities had embraced this concept, leveraging fan pages for viral marketing as users shared content with their friends Students can now join various groups to connect and share experiences on any topic of interest Additionally, universities and schools utilize Facebook to engage members, share information, and foster study groups In Vietnam, many agents are leveraging Facebook for marketing, hosting live streams, and providing updates on scholarship events and visa policies for international students.
… Thenstudents,w h o a r e no w livingi n Facebook’scommunityt h e y spendalmostt h e i r timeo n Facebookw i l l meettheAgentsthroughthischannelwillnotbedifficulttou nderstand.Sawetal.(2012)
YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform founded in 2005, allowing users to upload, share, and comment on videos It encompasses a wide range of content, from entertainment to educational materials, attracting millions of users globally The platform's dynamic videos provide easy access to information while enabling viewers to see and hear real concepts Universities, institutions, and organizations utilize YouTube to showcase their programs and activities, fostering communication and trust among students and audiences As a result, people increasingly seek out videos that feature reviews and feedback, as this visual and auditory engagement helps them connect with the content more effectively.
(2012)indicatedthatstudentsu s e YouTubefortheireducationpurposes.Yes,YouTube canbeusetobeeffectivechannelfor Education Agentstodomarketing.
WecountinuewithTwitter:Itwascreatedin2006anditwasonlinenews.Twitte rhasaninterfacethatallowsuserstosendandreadnewsormessagesfromo t h e r users. Twitterisatext- basedthatislimitedto140characters.Itcanbeusefuli n education,bothforstudentsandt eachers,byfacilitatingtheexchangeofinformationrelevantt o upcominge v e n t s andpr ojects.F u r t h e r more,studentscans h a r e theimportantlinksandmentiontheduedateof theirnews.Atthesametimes,alla n o t h e r u s e r s w i l l receivet h e notificationsoo n t heycanshare,f o r w a r d o r responetothiscontents(Jacqueminetal,2014).
Similart o Facebooko r Twitter,i t i s Instagram,peoplecancreateaccountw i t h hasprofileandnewsfeedanditissocialnetworkingapponsmartphonemadef o r sharingv ideosandphotos.Allusersarefollowinganaccountcaneasyseethep h o t o s , videosor newsfeedwhenthisaccountpostittotheirownInstagram.And becauseInstagramnowcanbelinkedtoFacebooksostudentsorInstitution,especiallyEd ucationagentscanmakemanyhothashtagsalongwithmanyphotosa b o u t Internatio nalstudyabroadevents,Schoolvisit,… whichsuchbreakingnewsh a s h t a g s fromAgentsorinstitutesrelatedtostudyabroado rpolicychangingthats t u d e n t s areinterestedincanbethebestwaytoengagemorep otentialstudentstof o l l o w andsharetootherpeoplewhowant toknow.
OnemorechannelthatauthorwanttounderstandisLinkedIn:Thiskindofsocialn etworkingsitewasdesignedtocreateprofessionalidentityonlineandkeepi n touchwith friends;g e t moreprofessionalopportunity,businessc h a n c e , n e w ventures,inspirati ons,insights,…
(Reddy,2 0 1 4 ) Profileo f membero f LinkedInemphasizestheirhistoryandeducati on.Itrequiresallmemberstogetpre- existingrelationshiptojoin.SincethisistheprofessionalpagesoifAgentscanliveonthis,t h e n moreinternationalschoolscanseetheirprofileandlinkwiththemforcorporationov erseasrecruitment.Theycant r u s t profilesi n L i n k e d I n m o r e t h a n others.Andfoll owthischannel,EducationAgentscanhavepotentialtoreachtheh i g h levelofrecruit mentfromstudentswhocometheretoseekthetrustcompanyf o r h i g h e r education.
Finally,therearemanysocialnetworkingsitesthatUniversityorAgentscanu s e to attracttheirprospertivestudentsasauthormentionabove,andeachsitehasdifferentch aracteristicofdoingmarketing,marketingmustunderstandthesepointst o maketheright contentsandstategy,carefullybeforepostinganytopictoincreaset h e spillovereffectsan dtopicalfeatures.Bythisway,theycaneasierpromotetheirb r a n d nameandmarketing,advertisementsneverberedundant,justneedtoknowh o w t o chooset h e r i g h t target,r i g h t channela n d rightt o p i c o f interest,t h e y willdefinitelybecomefamous.
Mostpreviousresearchshowedvalueofmarketingonsocialnetwork,butaf e w st udiesfocused onbenefititwouldtakeinHighereducationrecruitment.Social networkwillsupportEducationagenciesachieveinternationalizationbasedons t u d e n t supportandfaculty.Therefore,Institutionsnowaretryingtoseektheinternationalizati onthroughsocialnetworkingsites.
Choudaha(2013)pointedo ut therea rea t least4 benefitst ha tsoc ia l networking canmakearerelevance,speed,cost, personalization.
Relevance:establishinganaccessible,effectiveandeasytousesocialnetworking channelswithfuturestudentswill certainlycontributetoresourceefficiencya n d c o s t effectiveness.Socialnetworkw i l l a d a p t tos t u d e n t ’ s prefere nce demand.
Speed:p r o v i d e s authenticinformationa n d fastp a c e s t o meetstudent’se xpectation,decisionandperception.
Cost:Socialnetworkw i l l h e l p Educationagencieseasyt o reacha hugeresourc eo f s t u d e n t s a n d spreado u t t h e i r promotioninformationwithoutusingtoo muchmoneyastraditional marketinglikeevents,exhibition,…
Personalization:Studentcang o throughsocialn e t w o r k t o readandviewinfor mationintheirlocalnativelanguage.
Social networkingengagement
Students are often referred to as digital natives, spending much of their lives in digital environments (Thompson, 2007) Joly (2007) describes them as a Generation of Social Networking, as research by Schoeder and Greenbowe (2009) shows that students actively engage in social networking activities According to Junco and Cole (2008), 72% of students expressed interest in direct interaction with counselors, while 62% preferred reading school profiles or current student blogs Social networking sites serve as valuable resources for students when selecting the right school (Morris, 2012) These platforms offer powerful tools for enhancing marketing strategies and recruitment processes in higher education, adapting to the evolving trends and decision-making of future students Consequently, many educational agencies are leveraging social networks to promote their services to prospective students, proving to be successful and effective marketing tools for the modern young generation (Reddy, 2014).
Authorisgoingtofollowtheconceptofstudentchoice,tofindwhatarethemostfa ctort h a t canb e s t u d e n t ’smotivationt o studyabroadandwhichstudentchoicemodelt h a t authorcanb e u s e d a s t h e b a s i c o n e andapplyt o h e r currentthesis.Nextsection willshow allthoseissues.
Whatis Vietnamese studentmobility?
Nowadays,thetrendofoverseasstudyisdevelopinginmanycountriesintheworld,e speciallyamongyounggenerationindevelopingcountrieswhowanttogot o developedc ountriest o experiencea n d t o studyi n anbettereducation environment.SowhydoVietnamesestudentsstudyabroadwhilecostisexpensive,includi ngtuitionandlivingexpensesinforeigncountries?
Despite numerous reforms and innovations in educational content across all levels, the impact remains minimal, with knowledge still heavily focused on theory There is a disconnect between training objectives and the job market needs for students, as domestic universities lack alignment with international education standards This gap makes it challenging for Vietnamese students to transfer or change majors Companies express dissatisfaction with graduates, citing deficiencies in practical skills, foreign language proficiency, and professional conduct According to the Vietnam Labor Market Report No 16, published by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs in the fourth quarter of 2017, these issues persist in the labor market.
( 2 0 1 8 ) s h o w s thatt h e r e h a v e 251,3thousandunemploymenta r e universitygra duatesor higherleveland78,8 thousandofcollegestudents.
Given the alarming state of university education in Vietnam, studying abroad has emerged as the best option for students Graduates from developed countries are more likely to be recruited by international corporations, opening doors for their future, whether they choose to stay overseas or return home Studying abroad is viewed as an investment in one's future, providing students with enhanced career opportunities and the flexibility to work globally due to universally accepted qualifications Additionally, overseas education allows students to explore diverse cultures and develop valuable skills through real-world experiences As demand for overseas study increases in Vietnam, the education consultancy market has become increasingly competitive, with numerous education centers operating in major cities This has led to an uncontrolled environment, where unlicensed businesses flourish, making it challenging for parents to make informed choices and complicating the landscape for reputable education consultancies.
Withthewaveofoverseasstudyontheportofcooling,theeducationconsultancyser vicei s lookingfornewdirectionsf o r t h e i r marketingstrategies.Accordingt o informa tiongainedb y theauthorincurrenttrendsi n thefieldo f studyingabroad,peoplea r e attrac tedb y videoclips,p i c t u r e s o f reallifeforeigncountries,schools.Thisisthenewelement ofSocialnetworkmarketinginthefieldo f overseasstudy,helpingcompaniesinthefield ofeducationconsultantcieshavemoreopportunitiestoreachtheircustomers.
Decisionmakingisaverycomplicatedprocessoftenundertakenbystudentsw h o haveplantostudyhighereducation(MaringeandCarter,2007).Knowingthefactorst h a t i n f l u e n c e s t u d e n t ’ s decisionmakingi s v e r y importantf o r Education
udent’s decisionmaking
The competition among higher education institutions is intensifying, while budget constraints pressure them to enhance recruitment and marketing efforts In the past, students sought financial aid, scholarships, and government exchange programs to study abroad, but now many are funded by their families (Choudaha and Chang, 2012) According to the Wealth Report (2017), Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing super-rich countries globally, with the number of millionaires increasing to 13,400 by the end of 2016, up by 2,200 from 2015 (Knight Frank, 2017) As the Vietnamese economy grows and the percentage of affluent families rises, the demand for studying abroad is also increasing This study highlights that one of the significant challenges students face is choosing the right university, as this decision will impact their financial stability, emotional well-being, and life philosophy for years to come.
Institutionchoiceandstudent’s decisionmaking
Int h i s p a r t w i l l clarifyt h e detailso f descriptionaboutf i v e componento f s t u d e n t ’ s choicemodela s followingthestudyo f Englee t al.,
(1995)andKotler(2009)hadpointedouttheconsumer decisionmakingprocessas the 5steps:
In this study, the author utilizes a specific model to investigate the impact of social networking on each step of students' choice of education agencies By systematically linking this model to various related frameworks, the author aims to develop a conceptual model that enhances understanding of the student choice process The research highlights that when analyzing existing models, all relevant inputs can be integrated into this step-by-step approach for clearer identification of the decision-making process Ultimately, the author focuses on this model to achieve the study's primary objective.
Proposedconceptual modelofresearch
Becausethisresearchis thechoiceofstudentontheirhighereducation,the firsts tepwillbemodifiedtomatchthesituation.ThisStepwillchangethetitletob e “Need”.
Studentsinthisstage begint o kn ow the needand opportunitywillbring t o t h e m iftheystudyabroadorevenitisbasedontheirparent’saspiration.Thisstages t u d e n t alsobeimpactedbyfamily,friends,institution(Adams,2009).Withinternationaltrend sandglobalization,studentshavemorechoicestomakedecision.Thesestagesveryimport anttofindourmotivationofstudentthatstudentwanttoleavetheirhomecountryforhigh ereducation.Exploreit,authorcanpickupwhethersocialnetworkwillimpactto themornot?
Relatedt othe student’sneed, authorsawthatthe“Push andPull”factorof Mazza rolandSouta(2012)is morelikelytoshowalmostthose enquiries.
- Pushfactors :are factorsthatmotivatestudentswanttoleavetheir countrytostudyabroad,suchas:theconditionofcountryispoor,lessofcareeroppo rtunities,unemployments,thequalityo f h i g h e r educationi s n o t good,
MazzarolandSouta( 2 0 0 2 ) I n Asiancountries,parentsa r e b i g roleo f pushfact orsi n sendingtheirchildrentooverseass t u d y L i k e Thaifemales t u d e n t s g o t o studya b r o a d becauset h e y a r e i n f l u e n c e d b y theirp a r e n t s (Ta keuchi,2008).Orbecausetheirparentshaverelativesinthosecountries(Jen kins,2 0 0 1 ) Anda s s t u d y o f Andradea n d Evans(2009),foundthats t u d e n t s wentstudyabroadtogetouttheircountryandparents’s aspiration.
- Pullfactors :are theopposite sites,wherehavethebestlivingcondition,easyt o h a v e theg o o d jobs,h i g h qu alityo f highereducationsystem,moderntechnologyprograms(Phang,2 0 1 3 ) , en vironmentissafea n d pleasant(MazzarolandSouta,2002).
- FollowingthereseachofMacreadyandTucker(2011),somePushandpullfacto rswill input toresearchmodelas:
- Parent’saspiration:theywanttheirchildrentohavebetterlifeorthemevent h e y usedtostudyabroadsotheyunderstandhowbenefitofoverseasstudycouldbring totheirchild.Theywanttobringthebestfuturethroughhigher educationtheirchildrenb e ca u s e ofbenefitswhentheirChildsreturnhome c o u n t r y (Bodycott,2009;LeeandMorrish,2011).Onemorereason,itcouldb e that theyhaverelativeoutsidetheresothatwhytheyexpectchildrentog o
- Betteracademic:t h i s i s t h e motivationforalmosts t u d e n t s whow a n t toex pandtheir knowledge.
- Highqualityo f education:T h e opportunitiesi n h i g h qualityo f educationa n d specializestudywhichstudentscannotfindintheirhomecountryoritd o e s not meettheir expectations.
- Livingabroadexperience:studentsw a n t t o challengethemselvest o liveindepe ndentlyinanothercountry.
- Internationalrecognizedqualifications:itisthemostimportantmotivationb e c a u s e i t w i l l openmanyopportunitiesf o r t h e i r futureemploymenta n d set tlement.
- Professionalcareeropportunity:t h i s i s theg o a l o f internationals t u d e n t s b e c a u s e thedegreeofdevelopcountrysuchasUK,USA… havegreaterjobsopportunitiesthanlocal’sdegree(Counsell,2011).
- Travel:overseass t u d y i s alsoa n opportunityf o r studentst o exploren e w l a n d s , t o b e a b l e t o meetmanydifferentculturesandtohavemorerelationships.
Many students from Asian countries choose to study in English-speaking countries such as the USA, Australia, Canada, and the UK to enhance their career prospects and gain knowledge of Western culture This decision not only provides excellent learning opportunities but also significantly improves their English language skills, as proficiency is best developed through daily interactions with native speakers Furthermore, most current academic research and materials are available in English, making it a crucial language for students pursuing higher education.
Whenstudentrecognizedt h e need,theywillseekrelevantinformationandtraceh o w t h e y canrecognizea n d judgep o t e n t i a l universities( H o s s l e r a n d Gallagher,1 9
8 7 ) Studentsu s e d differentw a y s inthisstageo f decisionmaking.K a r d e s etal. (2011)pointedouttherehavetwosourcesforstudenttofindinformation,theyareintern alandexternalsearch:Internalasthememoryofconsumera n d external:includesstorevi sit,referf r o m friends,family,w o r d o f mouth,onlinesocialnetworks.Studentsalsopre parealistofalternativeschoolsoreducationagenciesoptionsi n t h i s p h a s e Thisi s t h e mainactivityf o r studentst o g a t h e r information,statedbyHosslerandGallagher (1987).
The internet and social networks have become essential tools for consumers in their information search and decision-making processes (Hawkins, 2010) Students actively seek information to make informed choices regarding education (Chapman, 1981), requiring access to comprehensive details about schools, educational consultants, programs, courses, tuition, application processes, and obtaining student visas As noted by Menon (2004), effective information search fosters awareness of various alternatives For overseas education consulting centers, providing accurate, reliable, and high-quality information is crucial for establishing connections with students and building long-term relationships (Adam, 2009) When students are satisfied with the information provided by an agency, it reinforces their choices and mitigates external influences Consequently, the internet and websites serve as vital resources for students researching information, significantly impacting their decision-making.
Rogers(2017)haddonethesurveythetypesofcontentthatstudentswanttol o o k f o r o n t he internetare:Scholarship;Informationab o u t college( e g , specificmajors);Ad missioninformation;financialaid;collegerating;informationa b o u t campus.
Soo n , int h i s research,authorfoundt h a t t h e r e h a s muchinformationt h a t s t u d e n t wantst o k n o w w i l l b e t h e factorssteert h e i r choice,a n d whatt h e y a r e l ookingforandhowthoseinformation’saffect them.Itincludes:
Financialissuesincludelivingcostandp a r t timej o b s canb e strongfactoraffectto student’schoicebehaviour(Maringe,2006).MazzarolandSoutar(2001)h a v e the sameobservationt h a t t h e availabilityo f parttimej o b s w i l l influences t u d e n t s anditisoneofthewaysforthemtosupportfinancialissueforstudying abroad.O t h e r factorsw e r e s h o w n b y Cubilloe t al.
( 2 0 0 6 ) : c o u n t r y , city(nation)imageoreducationinstitution(reputation)’s imagethatinfluencestudent’s choice.
When selecting a destination for higher education, students consider various factors such as safety, multicultural activities, international experiences, and the overall quality of the university environment According to Chen and Zimitat (2006) and others, the value of a university lies in its relationship and services toward students rather than just revenue or facilities Student satisfaction plays a crucial role in influencing their choice of institution, as highlighted by Petruzzellis and Romanazzi (2010) Engelke (2008) found that students prefer institutions that prioritize satisfaction and align with their needs and expectations The quality of the educational experience contributes significantly to a university's reputation, as satisfied graduates often act as ambassadors for their alma mater Additionally, Mazzarola and Soutar (2002) emphasize that factors such as institutional reputation, partnerships with other reputable institutions, high-quality faculty, and student enrollment numbers significantly impact students' decisions.
When choosing a college or university, students prioritize programs and courses that will enhance their career prospects, with tuition fees significantly influencing their decisions among similar offerings from various institutions (Price et al., 2003) According to Maringe (2006), financial considerations have become a primary factor in selecting higher education options, overshadowing traditional motivations such as personal interest in subjects Additionally, students' characteristics and motivations play a crucial role in their pursuit of higher education, particularly in relation to future job satisfaction (Chen, 2007) Obtaining a higher education degree is associated with better job opportunities, employment status, and lifestyle improvements (Binsardi and Ekwulugo, 2003) Ultimately, the importance of future career prospects is a critical factor for students when making decisions about their educational paths.
AsMacreadyandTucker(2011),thepolicyonvisaissuanceisafactorthats t u d e n t s wanttoknow.AndsothattheywillcometoseekwhoarethebestAgentswi th profe ssionalservicei n doingS t u d e n t v i s a T h e y w i l l f i n d informationf r o m t h a t age ntsalso.
Aftersearching,studentswillpreparealistofalternativesincludeteachers,cou nsellor,Family,relative,alumnio r acquaintancesa r e studyingt h e universityt h e y w anttochooseorwhoareworkingwiththeagentstheywanttochoose.Theywilltakeadv icefromt h e i r family,friends,relatives,
…,andA d a m (2009)addmorehighlighti s t h a t university’srepresentativei s t h e keyt o s u p p o r t studenttogettherightinformationbycontactingdirectlytoconsultant.
Consumerw il l evaluateand comparesomealternativeso f pr od uc t funtionsw i t h t h e i r desireafteridentifyingt h e suitablesolutionrelatedtot h e i r n e e d a n d accu mulatingallinformation(Sternthala n d Craig,1982).B a s e o n theirgoalso r motives,the ywillestablishsomecriticalfor evaluatingdecisionalternatives(Sternthala n d Craig,1
Consumers often make choices based on simple factors like the lowest price, but their decisions can also stem from complex processes that evaluate how well options meet their needs After assessing various alternatives, consumers develop beliefs about these options, which influence their intentions and attitudes, ultimately guiding their final choice Research by Bettman and Zins (1979) highlights that students consider at least three education agencies before making a decision, processing information through pathways influenced by brand or attribute Students carefully evaluate the reliability of these agencies to minimize their selections Following the acquisition of important information, they repeatedly assess and compare different brands until they feel confident in their choice This research aims to explore how students compare global institutions and education agencies, utilizing in-depth interviews to understand their decision-making process and satisfaction with their selections.
RegardingtoLeeandMorrish(2011),Universitywouldliketoattractmores t u d e n t groupsincasetheyhadawarenessofvaluesandculture.Togetthisissue,commun icationwillplayanimportantrole.Itappearswhenmessagesaresentfroma p e r s o n tot h e i r connectionsw i t h a purpose,mediumi n environmenta n d expression( A l l w o o d , 2 0 0 2 ) Today,i n digitalsociety,internetp l a y s a s crucialinstrument(Chrirkova,2
0 1 1 ) , therea r e linkb e t w e e n culturea n d communication,t h e y w i l l affects t u d e n t s ’ behaviours,includesnorms,v a l u e s , socialpracticesa n d beliefs(LustigandKoester, 2006).Besidestraditionalcommunicationsuchasfamilymembers,f r i e n d s , professor,a dvisors,p u b l i c relations,printedmedia,
… wereusedtorecruitstudentsbyinstitutioninthepast(ChenandZimitat,2006),n o w int erneto c c u r s acrossb e c a u s e i t o f f e r s manyalternativechannelsf o r discussion(Ki metal.,2009).Recommendationandreferralsbywordofmouthare alsostrongfactorsi n f l u e n c e s t u d e n t ’ s choice.A s undeniablet h a t internet,esp eciallysocialnetworksa re creatinga hugesp ace foruse rs totakeinformationa n d co mmunicationfasterandeasier(Wurtz,2006).
Recapitulatingthealternativeso n t h i s stagew o u l d be:A d v i c e f r o m t h e i r family,friends,relatives;Commentfromsocialchannels;Qualityoftheinstitutiono r a g e n t thattheyareinterestingandevaluatethereliabilityoftheAgent.
Students make informed choices by evaluating various alternatives, often influenced by diverse information sources, particularly the internet and social networks (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2010) Research by Kotler (2009) highlights that consumer decisions are swayed by public evaluations on social platforms When selecting an education consultant agency, students align their preferences with the agency's characteristics The reputation and qualities of the institution play a crucial role in their decision-making process, with recommendations from social networks and external information sources significantly supporting their choices.
Kotler and Keller (2009) identify two key factors that can impact purchase intention and decision-making: the attitudes of others and unanticipated situational factors The attitudes of others refer to the extent to which negative perceptions or reluctance from peers can influence an individual's preferred choices, thereby affecting their purchase intentions Consumers are notably influenced by public evaluations and customer reviews on social networking sites Additionally, students often narrow down their options based on considerations such as financial aspects, tuition fees, destination, country, environment, and the quality of academic programs and courses (Chapman, 1981; Jackson, 1982; Culbillo et al., 2006; Mazzarol and Soutar, 2002).
Mordentechnologyprogram(Jackson,1 9 8 2 ; Phang,2 0 1 3 ) andthepropertyo f instituti onoragency(Kotler, 2009)
After making a decision, consumers experience varying levels of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, leading them to evaluate their choices Feedback on the quality of products or services is crucial, as customers will compare their expectations with the actual experience (Kardes et al., 2011) This evaluation influences whether they choose to use the product or service again (Silverman, 2001) When customers are satisfied, they are likely to recommend the product or service to others For students seeking assistance with studying abroad, agencies play a vital role in managing applications, visas, accommodation, and ongoing support while they are far from home International students often face numerous challenges and require additional effort and support from education counselors to adapt to their new environments (Andrade, 2006).
Sinceth is researchwa nt to ge t theinsighto f student’schoicet ocreateth e marke tingp l a n o n socialnetworkf o r OSIVietnams o authorwonderi f socialnetworkcanaf fectonstudent’schoiceornot?
Inaddition,wonderifAgentsinformationonsocialnetworkandrelatedinformationabouta gentwillbeimportantt o them.Willthey chooseAgentfortheirstudyabroadplan?
Ast h e s u r v e y i nDigital,S o c i a l , a n d Mobile:T h e 2 0 1 4 SocialAdmissionsR e p o r t o fPratt,Dalfonso,Rogers( 2 0 1 4 ) , “ Therewa s nearly67%o f studentsaidt h a t conversationo n Socialnetworkinfluencest h e i r decisiono n wheret o e n r o l ”a n d Fac ebookisthenumberonesitesforstudenttofindinstitutioninformation,the secondisYouTubeandTwitter.Prattetal.
Figure2.10.Studentinteractonsocialmedia(Digital,Social,AndMobile:The2 0 1 4
Infact,a u t h o r sawt h a t Educationconsultantagenciesh a v e p l a y s importantr o l e insupportingprospectivestudentstochooseschoolforstudyingabroad.Although moststudentswillfindoutforanddecidebythemselves,butmanyalsog a t h e r infor mationandadvicesfr om friends.However,h o w muchsocialnetworkcanaffecttostudent choiceaseachstepofthisresearchmodel,authorwillchaseonn e x t chaptert o considera n d makesomesolutionwhenapproachcustomera s t h e r i g h t situationand demandofeach steps.
Theproposedconceptualmodelo f t h i s researchi s b a s e o n combiningallfactor a n d elementst h a t socialnetworkingw i l l i n f l u e n c e i n t o thes t u d e n t choiceproc ess.Followingthismodeltofindouthowandwhichstepthatsocialnetworkhasstronglyim pactandfromthatunderstandingwillsupportmarketingchoosether i g h t conceptand eratopromoteandapproachnewstudents.
Socialmedia effectedtostudentchoice
Advice from their family, friends, relatives Comment from social channels Quality of the institution or agent that they are interesting Evaluate the reliability of the Agent
Financial, tuition Fee, cost Destination, country, environment Quality of Academic, program and course, modern technology program The property of institution or agency
School, Programs, courses, Tuition fee and opportunity of future career
Feedback Willing to share and introduce
Int h i s c h a p t e r , a u t h o r s h o w t h a t socialnetworkingcanhavea meaningfuli n f l u e n c e onstudent’schoice.Thestudyhasrisenthatyounggenerationandhigheredu cationinstitutionareabundantusers ofsocialnetwork.Studentsusesocialnetworkingsitesasthesourcesofseekinginformatio nandassistthemtoselecttheuniversitytoattend.
Bybreakingdownintoindividualitemsofreferencemodelsandcombiningw i t h thefactorsthatsteerstudentswondering,authorwilldodirectinterviewwithmanydiffe rentparticipantstoaffirmwhetherthisconcept canbeusedforEducationAgenttoreferencewhen theyplanningmarketingstrategy?
Educationconsultingenterprisesareawareoftheimportanceofinformationa n d communication.T h e availabilityo f socialnetworksitesallowsdirectcommunicationw i t h prospectivestu de nts, whichcouldhelp t o betteri nf or m t h e i r selectionprocess.T o c o n n e c t s t u d e n t s moreactivelya n d facilitatet h e i r d e c i s i o n - makingprocesses,Educationagenciesneedtounderstandtheirtrendofusingsocialnetwor kingsitesandmasteringcapabilitiesinculturallyappropriatedevelopmentofcontent.Henc e,theobjectofthisstudywastorummagethebehaviourofstudentonusingsocialnetwork,w hoareintendingtostudyabroad.Moreover,theaimofthisstudyistodiscover thehabita tofstudentswhentheyusesocialnetworkfortheirstudyabroadmakingchoice process.
Qualitative research was chosen for this study as it effectively addresses the "How" and "Why" questions (Hennink, 2011) This approach aims to gain a deeper understanding of student behavior, particularly their choice experiences (Creswell, 2007) Conducting qualitative research in natural contexts allows for a better grasp of individual opinions and views, which are shaped by cultural and historical circumstances Engaging with respondents in their natural environment enhances the understanding of their thoughts (Creswell, 2007) According to Rossman and Rallis (1998), qualitative research facilitates a deeper exploration of student behavior, opinions, and experiences, while also investigating less understood situations or phenomena To further comprehend student mobility, qualitative methods such as focus groups, case studies, observations, and simulation activities are employed, providing rich narratives and descriptions of participant experiences (Parkinson and Drislane, 2011) This method allows for a closer understanding of student mobility.
Whenlookinga t considerationthes u b j e c t o f s t u d e n t choiceandinhibitiont o w a r d s studyingoversea,itallowsaplatformoforiginalconfirmationsandenlightenm entg e t throughpreviouslyblindelementsa r e advantageous.Thus,a qualitativemethod doesnotonlyacceptforthisissuebutalsogivestudentssubtletyo f humanconditiona n d c oncentratet o t h e richnesso f obtaineddata.T h e mostpopularmethodconductsinqual itativeresearchisinterview.Itisflexibility,efficiencyandauthenticitythroughinterview process(Bryman,2012),creatingi d e a l forthisresearch.
Withthis ideaalongwithprovidingthe mostsuitablemethodtoaccuratelyg r a s p thesensitivityo f t h e participantinthisresearch,facet o faceinterviewandonlinevideoin terviewhavebeenconductedandtheresultanalyzedincurrentrealtimeandretroactively throughrecords.
Theanalyticalmethodinthisstudyhasappliedthematicanalysisprinciples( B r a u n andClarke,2006).Thisisarepeatprocessthatrequiresdatacollection,dataencryptio ntosearchf or patternsandsort data.Recordsaremadeaftercompletedsimultaneously w i t h theongoingd a t a collectionp r o c e d u r e T h i s allowsauthort o continueexplorin gnewsituationsi n subsequentinterviews.Whenallinterviewsh a v e beenrecorded,the authorstartsdevelopingthecode.Codeisanissue,ideaort o p i c thati s discussedb y t h e i ntervieweea n d canb e determinedthroughreadingd a t a ( H e n n i n k e t al.,2 0 1 1 )
T h e a u t h o r accustomst o herselfw i t h t h e d a t a b y constantlyreadingthedata andidentifyingthecode.Encryptionallowsauthorstoexploreandlabelrepetitiveissues andshapethatappearandthencategorizethemi n t o differenttopics.Afterthat,theto picswererefinedandarrangedinorder,maina n d secondarytopics.Finally,theauthorha sreportedallitems(Phang,2013).Thestudyincluded6stepswhichwerepresentedbyBra unandClarke(2006)asf o l l o w s :
(1) Accustomedtothedatabyreadingitmanytimes:Aftercompletingt h e i nterviewrecords,t h e a u t h o r transcribedi n t o worddocumentsi n Vietnameselanguag efirstb e c a u s e Vietnamesei s t h e motherlanguageo f bothauthorandparticipantsan dsenttothemtoconfirmtheauthenticityinformationorcorrectanymistakecollectioninfo rmation.Nextstep,theauthorreadalldatamanytimest o understandandtranslatedintoEng lishversion.T h e aimo f t h i s jobi s t o takedeepknowledgedataforfurtheranalysis steps.
(3) Spliteda n d combinedcodes:codingi s t h e processo f settingd a t a b y colla psingandmergingdataandwritingawordthatrepresentsacategoryinthemargin(Cre swell,2009).
(4) Classifiedc o d e s i n t o topics( m a i n a n d s u b ) : Authorcodedt h e parti cipantsin 4kindsofobjects:
(5) Refiningandspecifyingtopics:Theauthorreferencedallthesethemest h a t appearedtoseehowtheywereconnectedtotheresearchquestionsanddonatea n overv iewof theanalysisbymakingsubjectivemap.
(6) Makingt h e reporto f analysis:representedt h e findingsa s w e l l a s c omparedwithpreviousstudy.
Toensuret h e validitya n d reliabilityo f t h e d a t a , d a t a provisiona n d codeex pansion,f o r m t h e b a s i s f o r subsequentd a t a analysis,whichi s v e r y important(H enninketal.,2011).Toensurethetrustworthinessofthisresearchfollowedthemeasures :
- Applya contributedmodelt h a t ha s beensetu p toanalyzeinterviewdat a a n d t o ensurethatresults themesarebasedondata.
Becauseofauthorhadinterviewedwithoverseastudents,whowerelivinginU S A andCanada,andweweredifferenttimezone,soitwassuchdifficulttosetupconvenienceti meforbothsidestodotheinterviews.Anyways,theinternetconnectionw a s n o t g o o d s o sometimesi t t o o k moretimet o r e c o r d B y thew a y , finallyithadbeendonewith goodcommunication.
Authoralsohadmanydifficultwithgettingacceptantfromparentssinceallt h e directinterviewsweredeniedbecausetheyhavelesstimeandbecausetheyarealmosti nveryhurry.Authortriedtocontactthembyphoneand2ofthemagreedf o r metomake interviewatnight.
Andbecausethisresearchbasedonpersonaldescriptionofparticipants,soitmight notenoughallthefactorsthatcaninfluencethestudentchoiceofeducationa g e n t And itshouldbemorecompletedof aquantitativeresearchoffuture study.
Thecommonmoralprinciplewithintervieweesisnotharmful(QuandDumay,201 1).Toensurethis,theauthorinformedOSIVietnamstaffsandstudentsa b o u t t h e purpos eandfieldo f thestudya n d obtainconsentbeforetheyagreet o participatet h e interviews.T h e authoralwaysstartedb y askingforpermissiont o recordtheentireinterview.Todefend thepersonalinformationofparticipants,theyremainanonymousthroughoutthestudyfro mdatacollectiontodataanalysis.Theiridentityishiddenin report.
Chapter summary
The selection of qualitative research methods is appropriate for this study as it aims to understand the "Why" and "How" behind experiences, thereby raising awareness and expanding knowledge Interview data offers rich insights into students' diverse experiences with social networking sites, shedding light on their choices By asking questions, discussing answers, and analyzing recollections and personal feelings, researchers can better understand these experiences and identify common themes This approach aligns well with the theoretical framework established in the literature review.
Chapter4 presentstheobservationo f researcher,t h e analysisinterviewo f reverbe rationsandtranscript.Thischapterwillstartwithanexplanationofthedatagatheringand demographicsoftheparticipants.Theparticipant’sprofileandsummaryofinterview willbethenpresented.Fromthedataanalysis,severaltopicscameoutandpresentedasthey matchtoeachresearchquestion.
Thefindingsarediscoveredbycomparingdifferencesandsimilaritiesamongt h e t h r e e groupso f interviewers.Featuresa n d expertisesa r e indicatedamongt h e maintopic s Participants arecategorizedin 4kindsofobjects:
Participants Title Gender Major Destination
S1 OverseaStudent Female Nursing Houston,USA
S5 OverseaStudent Male Computerscience Ottawa,Canada
Eachinterviewis analyzedandlistedb ysections.The sectionswerebased o n pre viousobservations,experiences,documents;andthecontentofthestatement.H o w e v e r , anothercategoryw a s b u i l t f o r anyn e w information.T h e genrecreatessub- genrestomakeitnarrower.Interviewleadstomanygenres.Researchershaveoverlooke dafewstatementsthatonlymentionafewandarenotrepresentedinanymajorcategory.Mo reover,theresearchersdidnotdiscussbrieflyaboutalltypesint h e analysis.Sectionshav ebeenselectedbasedonhowoftentheyarementionedbyparticipants.
The conversation with the Director and Office Manager at OSI highlighted the company's marketing strategy, which has driven its growth through exceptional service and strong customer loyalty However, with the rise of globalization, information technology, and social networks, they face challenges if they continue to rely solely on traditional methods like newspapers and word-of-mouth The management recognizes that adapting to current trends is essential for survival and growth in an increasingly competitive landscape.
O2 emphasized the evolution of information technology, noting the shift from traditional methods that primarily reached older generations to a more modern approach targeting younger audiences who predominantly use platforms like Facebook and Messenger The company recognized the need to adapt to these new trends, as they had not effectively engaged with this demographic Since 2018, O2 has prioritized Facebook as their primary marketing channel, acknowledging its widespread use in Vietnam compared to other social media platforms Additionally, they have utilized influencers such as vloggers and YouTubers to create videos that share insights about the company's services, further enhancing their outreach strategy.
The primary methods for contacting students include phone calls, emails, and in-person consultations While chat tools are available, they have proven to be ineffective and passive However, engagement on Facebook has significantly increased, with one organization noting that after joining the platform, their follower count surged, leading to 1,000 to 5,000 views This demonstrates the effectiveness of social media marketing After just two weeks of implementing social network marketing, they observed a 20% increase in student interest and attendance Posting on Facebook enhanced interaction and spread awareness about their services, indicating that serious online marketing can create more opportunities and boost confidence in establishing a professional marketing team.
Authorconnectedt h e counsellorsf r o m othera g e n t s t o sharingtheirsocialnetw orkmarketingexperience.T h e y a r e thep e r s o n s w h o inchargeprofessionalmarkete r(C1),othersarecomefromAAAEducation,EduLinks.Lookingattheirmarketingst rategyt o f i n d o u t w h y theyc h o o s e socialnetworkt o promoteandapproachtheirta rgetstudents.
Established 15years 7years 16years 22years
Location Ho ChiMinh City;Ha Noi Ho ChiMinh
Marketing Onlinemarketing;Offline; Onlinemarketing; Onlinemarketing; type Seminar;workshop; Offline;
Facebook,YouTube,Zalo,Google Facebook,YouTub e,Twitter,Google
Facebook,Google ,YouTube, Skype,Instagram, Twitter
Website n,
Morethan10years Nearly4years 5years Lessthan1year
Althoughothera g e n t s h a v e lessestablishedy e a r s t h a n O S I Vietnam,b u t theyhadclearmarketingstrategyw i t h b o t h onlineandofflineforms,effectivelyshowing thattheyaregrowingveryfast.Theyalsogainahugecustomerresourcet h r o u g h soc ialnetworkmarketing.C3said:“WeknowthateveryonehasFacebook,evenparents,sothis isaverypotentialchannel.Infact,mycompanywillinvestthem o s t i n advertisingo n Fac ebook.A b o u t 5 0 and6 0 - 7 0 % o f c u s t o m e r s c o m e fromFacebook.”
Approachingcustomersbyactivelypromotingtheirownimageisclaimedtob e eff ectivemethod.Andtheycanattractthousandsoffollowersandfrompostsorlivestreamso n F a c e b o o k C2estimated“therea r e a l s o certainviewsthatr a n g e from500to25
00or 3000viewsfor1clip,sowhenpeoplewatcht h e video,they w i l l leavetheirvalua bleinformationsuchasemail,phonenumbersandfromthereo u r counsellorswillupda teandexploit thatresource”.
Fromt h e sharingo f participants,C 1“Regardingsocial,t h e r e a r e 2 types:t h e f irstt y p e i s social0 donga n d thesecondtypeiss o c i a l withcost”,andt h e b u d g e t for marketingonsocialnetworkisnottoomuch,itisaround1millionto2milliondongperda y.Andreallywith thisbudget, theycanearnmorefromthat.
Knowmorea b o u t thew a y t h a t o t h e r Agentsd o foradvertisingandlearna b o u t thetipsfromthemisveryusefulforOSIVietnamtohaveaplantofollow and createt h e newtechniquesandnewidentitiest o catchu p witht h e i r potentialclients.
- Stage1(Need):isthedemandofstudyabroad,andthefactorsaffects t u d e n t s onthisstagearedetailedby: o Parent’s aspiration(S5,P1,P2) o Personalexpectforbetterfuture:willincludeBetteracademic,Highqualit yofeducation(S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6) o Exploringcultural heritage(S3) o Internationalrecognizequalification(S1,S2,S3, S5,S6,P1, P2) o Livingabroadexperience(S4, S6) o Career opportunity(S4,S6,
P1,P2)Furthermore,authoraddingmorefactor s: o Challenge themselvesto beindependentand moreactive(S1,S6) o Travelling(S1) o Immigrant(S6)
Onthisstage,i f studentscanseet h e realreviews,v i d e o clipsaboutnewc o u n t r y o r e v e n theyseet h e i r friendso n Facebooko r o t h e r socialnetworkingsharingi nformationthenitiseasytomakethemcuriousanddemandcanbeappeared.Soon,therol eofsocialnetworkingatthisstageisimportanttoarousedemandofpotential customersif theycanhitmentalityofstudents.
- Stage2 (InformationSearch):A f t e rdeterminingtheirdemandt o stud yabroad,theystartedlookingforrelevantinformation: o Countrythattheyaregoingtostudy(S5,S2,S3) o ThestrengthofSchoolor whatis specialof theinstitution(S4,S6) o Courseorprogramtheywanttostudy(S2,S3,S4, S6) o Schoolfee(Tuitionfee)(S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6) o Livingcost(S3,S6) o Environment(S1,S2,S3,S5,S6) o Schoolranking(S1) o Opportunitytotransferto otherbetterschool/University(S4) o Scholarship(S6) o Immigrantopportunity(S6) o Part-timejobpolicyforinternational students(S6) o Visaprocedureforstudent(allparticipants)
Andasaboveresult,studentsfindinformationontheinternetandreferencef r o m t h e i r reliables o u r c e s Theycomet o G o o g l e , Facebook,a n d Y o u t u b e f o r searching.Nevertheless,f o r studentsw h o d o n o t h a v e a n y persont o advicet h e n t h e y w i l l gothroughsocial networktocollect allkind ofanswerfortheir concerns.
Thisisthemostimportantstagefortheagentstoreachstudents.Understandt h e k eyissuesthatstudentsareinterestedintoruntherightandontimemarketingprogramsw illbringthemahugedataresource.Buildingastrongimagebysocialmarketingatthis stagewillbethepremiseforthenextstepforcompanytobeablet o closethedeal.
In the evaluation stage, students gather sufficient information to compare various options They seek advice from relatives, friends, and family while refining their opinions based on feedback from previous students, assessments, and the reliability of information sources Direct contact with agents, whether face-to-face, via phone calls, or emails, is essential for evaluating service quality and verifying the accuracy of marketing claims Additionally, students look for reliability and confidence in social networks by checking the volume of positive reviews and consistent recommendations from others.
Thisstep,i f marketercanu s e thev i r a l p o w e r o f socialn e t w o r k t o spreadt h e i r goodservicetomanypeopleitwillbethedecidingfactor.
Parent’s aspiration (S5, P1, P2) Personal expect for better future: will include Better academic, High quality of education (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6)
Exploring cultural heritage (S3) International recognize qualification (S1, S2, S3, S5, o o S6, P1, P2)
Living abroad experience (S4, S6) Career opportunity (S4, S6, P1, P2) o o financialissues,tuitionfee,curriculum,destination,country,environment,qualityo f aca demic,programandcourse,Mordentechnologyprogram,andthemostimportantcriteriap ropertyo f institutiono r agent…
Theychoosea n Agenti s t h e feelingo f enthusiasm,persuasiveabilityo f counsellors,pro fessionalism,thoughtfulnessa n d trust.Throughresultso f t h i s researchauthorseet h a t socialnetworkingdoesnotplayadecisiverolemuchatthisstep,itdependstotallyontheq ualityofserviceandconsultingskillofstaffs.
Step 5: Post-Purchase Evaluation marks the conclusion of one process and the initiation of another This phase is crucial, as satisfied students who achieve good results are likely to share their positive experiences, recommend the service to others, and leave favorable reviews on social media Such positive feedback can significantly enhance the visibility of the company and attract new customers Conversely, if students post negative reviews or comments, it poses a challenge for the agent in acquiring new clientele.
.H o w e v e r , iti s calleds o c i a l networksthatinevitablyhaveconflictinginformationflo ws.Itisimportantthatthecompanyhasagoodgraspofhoweffectiveandeffectivethes ocialnetworkistopromotethe beneficialcasesthatassertquality isthekey forall success.
Table4.9.Summary o Challengethemselvest o b e independenta n d moreactive( S1, S6) o Travelling(S1) o Immigrant(S6)
When considering studying abroad, students should evaluate several critical factors, including the country of study, the strengths and unique features of the institution, and the specific courses or programs available It's essential to assess tuition fees and living costs, as well as the school's ranking and the potential for transferring to better universities Opportunities for scholarships, immigration, and part-time job policies for international students also play a significant role in decision-making To refine their choices, students should seek advice from relatives and friends, gather opinions from previous students, and verify the reliability of information sources Directly contacting agents through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, or emails can provide insight into the quality of services offered Additionally, consulting social networks for reviews and recommendations can help ensure the credibility of the information gathered.
PurchaseDecisio n o Financial, tuitionfee, cost o Destination,country,environment o Qualityo f academic,p r o g r a m a n d course,moderntechn ologyprogram o Thepropertyofinstitutionoragency Post
Purchasedecision o Feedback o Willingtoshareandintroduce CombiningallfindingsauthorsuggestthefinalmodifiedresearchmodelofSocial networkseffectonStudentchoiceEducationAgents:
- Authorevaluatedt h e effecto f socialnetworkso n eachphase.Followingresults,a uthorfoundthatsocialnetworkshavestrongaffectonInformationsearch;Evaluati ono f Alternativea n d PostPurchasephases.S t u d e n t s andp a r e n t s allcome tosocialnetworksforallkindofinformationandrelyonitt o selectsomechoicesam ongmanyresources.InthesephasesifAgentcanmakecorrectmarketingstrategy, topicsorhashtagsitwillhelpthemtocomecloserwith theircustomersand bring themhugeresourcesfortheirbusiness.
- Afterpos tpurchaseevaluationcompleted( c h o ic e processended)th en P o s t pu rchasedecisionwillopenthenewroundtobebasicinformationofothers,a n d soo nitwillbeincreasedthenumberofspreadingcompany’simageandrelatedinformat ionto promoteandmakethecompanybrandtobestronger.
Parent’s aspiration Advice from their family, friends, relatives
To ensure the credibility of an educational institution or agent, it is essential to refine and consider the opinions and reviews of former students Engaging in direct communication through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, or emails can provide valuable insights into the quality of the institution or agent of interest Additionally, evaluating the reliability of the agent is crucial for making informed decisions.
Financial, tuition Fee, cost Destination, country, environment Quality of Academic, program and course, modern technology program The property of institution or agency
Feedback Willing to share and introduce
Destination, Environment, Living Cost, part time job
School, scholarship, Programs, courses, Tuition fee and opportunity of transfer, future career
The analysis reveals that social networking serves as the initial touchpoint for students and parents considering studying abroad, significantly influencing their information search and decision-making processes Individuals often turn to the internet, particularly social networks, to gather relevant information While the purchase decision may not heavily rely on social networks, it is shaped by the direct consultations with agents After selecting an agent's services, students and parents tend to share their experiences—both positive and negative—on social media This underscores the importance of managing and strategizing information dissemination, as it can shape perceptions and influence future decisions for others seeking similar opportunities.
AnunderstandingofhowsocialnetworkeffectstudentchoiceisimportanttoEducat ionAgencyrecruitingprospectivestudents.T h i s researchg a v e t h e generaloverviewoft hemostimportantAgentbrandreputationandthefactorswilli n f l u e n c e tostudentf inaldecisionmaking.
Inconclusion,theresearchquestionsw e r e answeredb y findingsa n d t h e resea rchobjectivewassuccessfullyachieved.Alongwiththeexperienceandi n s i g h t s ofinter viewparticipants,authorwillalsoproposesuggestionsinconcerntot h e researchissue.
ThroughtheinterviewswithStudents,Parents,OSIVietnam’sdirector,Officema nagerand3 marketerso f o t h e r Agents,t h i s researchproposeda n e w modelofstuden tchoicewithfocusingonanEducationAgencywhentheyplanningt o studyabroad.
Ast h e f i n d i n g s , studentsnowadaysg o t o internetf o r seekingallk i n d s o f inf ormation.Especiallywhentheyhavea studyabroadplan,t h e y alsocamet o socialnetwor ktoreadreviews,andlookatmoredetailpolicy orspecialinstructionsw e r e postedalli n socialnetworks.I f t h e y cansee,m u c h agree mentw i t h objectst h e y focusonthenitwillstronglyimpactontheirchoice.Bythe w ay,if itisthenegativecommentsfromanyonethentheywillconcernaboutthisissue.
Eventheyh a v e introductiono r n o t theyalwaysg o tosocialnetworkst o affirma n d g e t moreselectionsb e f o r e makingfinaldecision.Theyw i l l comparemanychoices and thenpick upsomeofthebestevaluationchoicefrom social.
LikeS2,wholivinginUSAnow,shesaidthat“evenmymomintroducesmeO S I Vie tnam,butafterthatIalsofoundmoreaboutthatcompanyontheinterneta n d trytocon nectotherstudentswhoworkedwiththembeforetogetmoreadvicesandlookintosomer eviewso n s o c i a l n e t w o r k s t o m a k e surethatm y choicei s correct”.
AndbecauseVietnamesestudentswanttoseekscholarshipinformationandt h e s choolt h a t mostsuitablew i t h t h e m mosta n d theyg o t o interneto r s o c i a l comm unityto getadvices.
Orf r o m thefindingresulta s a b o v e , allstudentsw a n t t o k n o w a b o u t there commendation,thefeedbackandrealsharingexperienceofpreviousstudentsonsocialnet works.Theyseeitisthereliabilitysourcesfornextstepoftheirplan.
Authoro n e a g a i n demonstratessocialn e t w o r k s havestrongeffectt o s t u d e n t ’ s choicewhentheyfindinformation,evaluationthealternativeandsharingt h e i r t hinkingabouttheirexperienceof anyservice/ choices.It islike th ewa yo f modernTechnologygenerationlife.
Furthermore,n o t onlystudentsb u t alsoparents,t h e y alsou s e socialnetworks,of coursetheytrusttheirintroductionfromthepersontheyknowbuttheyalsohavetheirpare ntsgroupcommunitytoshareexperienceofotherparentswhohavesameplanwitht hem.Withthissegment,socialnetworkstronglyeffectsbythepositiveo r negativecommen tswhent h e y reviewo r discuss.P a r e n t s a r e easyt o extrudeo n e selectiont h a t c o m m u n i t y givenegativefeedback.S o o n , understandt h i s pointofviewsthenEducati oncanchoosethemosteffectivesocialchanneltod o marketingandmakeallinformation p u b l i s h o n i t w i l l b e clear,enough,andstronglypositive.
Oneagain,i t i s reaffirmedb y o t h e r marketersa b o u t h o w s o c i a l network increaset h e i r business,i t i s moret h a n 50%t o 60%o f t h e i r customersa r e c o m e f r o m socialnetworkswhentheypublictheirpromotion.Studentscometoviewands h a r e t h e i r p o s t , b y thisw a y t h e y havea h u g e resourcea n d approachstudentb y activeway s.
GetwellwiththeirdesireandbehaviourwillhelpEducationAgentsbuiltupa stron gmarketingcampaignsonsocialnetworks,tobethehostofsometopicthats t u d e n t s wanttoknowthentheywillautomaticcomeandbringmoretheirconnectorsw hoa r e w onderings u c h informationliket h e m t o t h e company’sf a n p a g e , i t willh e l p them remindsenterpriseimagei n t o t h e i r minea n d maket h e m moreconfidentandpriorityal ternativechoices.
Researchquestion2 : W h a t socialnetworkingsitesd o studentsu s e t o sear cheducationconsultantagency?
Baseo n Chapter4 , authorsummaryt h e mostcommonsocialnetworkingsitest h a t s t u d e n t s refera r e : Facebook,YouTube,Instagram,Twitter,Z a l o , LinkedIn,and Websites…
Agentsrefer: Facebook,YouTube,Zalo,andWebsites…
- School’sinformationlike:Scholarship,school’sranking,tuitionfee,recruitmentp olicy,internationalstudent’ss u p p o r t policy,program,course,facility, opportunityto transfer, valueofthe certificate,…
- Countrycharacteristic:Environment,culture, weather,policy
- Livingcondition:livingcost,accommodation, transportation,parttimejob
- Futureopportunity:immigrant,globalcareerjobs,high- techemployees,goodsalary…
- Exploreanddevelopb e n e w experience:travelling,n e w relationship,internatio nalenvironment,Mordenattitude, livingindependent…
- Visaarrangement:itisthemostwonderingofstudentsandparents.Becauset h e y carea b o u t howt o prepare,s u c h a s Englishcertificate,s c h o o l record,familyf inancial,documentation,interviewwithembassy…
Onchapter4 , students,p a r e n t s a n d agentssuggestsomesocialnetworkingsitesthe yinterestedin asfollow:
Baseo nthisresult,n e x t sectionauthorw il l g i v e somepersonalsuggestionf o r O
S I Vietnamt o c h o o s e t h e socialnetworkingsitesa s t h e i r firsttrialt h e n e w onlinemar ketingcampaign.I t w i l l t h e initialapproachmentt o t h e i r targetcustomers.Ifthey ca ndowell,theywillchangetheirtraditionalapproachmenttog e t morebenefita n d wide nt h e i r companya s t h e BoardDirectorplanningu n t i l 2 0 2 5 toopen1moreoffice.
Regardingtofindingfrompreviouschapters,authorfoundthattheinternet,especial lysocialnetworkingnowadayshasstronglyimpactedtostudentwhentheymakedecision. Everythingcanbefoundonsocialnetworks.Andnotonlystudents,b u t alsoParents,who arethemostfactoraffectedtostudyabroadofstudentdecision,willcomet o socialnetworki ngt o seekmoreinformationandconfidentw i t h t h e i r choices.
OSIVietnamcancreatecommunitiesonsocialnetworksforspecifictopicso r subj ectswhichmentionabovethatprospectivestudent’senquiriesandcarea b o u t Theseco mmunitiesc o u l d involveO S I Vietnam'scounsellors,c u r r e n t studentsandassubjectexpertstoanswerspecificwonderingandqueriesthatprospectivest udents raise.
Fromsummaryresultoffinding,students,parents,Agents,andmarketerarealls uggestsomepotentialsocialnetworkschanneltodomarketingonlineinVietnamforEduca tionmarket.Facebookisthenumberonechoice,thenYouTube,Z a l o , LinkedIn,Twitt er,GoogleAds,Website,…
ButinthisresearchauthorwillsuggestOSItop3channelsforthetrialandgetwellwithma rketing,whichstrategyt h e y haveneverprofessionalbefore.Itwilldevotetotheirpro motioncampaign,tospreadtheirbrandnametotheinternetsocialgenerationandadaptton ewtrendofyoungstudentsandinnovationoftechnology.
Thisisthe mostrecommendationandthenumberonesocialnetworkingpaget h a t Vietnamesey o u n g generationa r e u s i n g n o w S o O S I canuseFacebookn o t onlyf o r promotionb u t alsof o r makinglastingrelationshipswiths t u d e n t s a n d p a r e n t s tomakethem engageconstantlywithOSIcontents.
Firstly,O S I w i l l o p e n t h e i r o w n FacebookP a g e andsharingh o t contents e v e r y dayandsharewithstudents.AllcustomerswhoarefollowingOSIFacebookw i l l seetheir newsfeed.
Postedthecontentsthatstudentswanttoseeklikescholarship,schoolinformation, e v e n t s , u p d a t e f r o m embassy,reviewso f v i s a approval…
I t shouldvisibility,timely,quicklyinteraction,commentsa n d sharew i t h othercommuni ty.T h e hashtagandtopicfocusonthehotnewsforeachseason.Withpostingphotos,vid eos,l i n k s o n O S I p a g e andtago t h e r customerswhoimprovet h e visibilityo f Facebo ok contents.
Makevideosa b o u t internationals t u d e n t ’ s life,sharinginformationo f interna tionalstudents,meetingwithschool’srepresentative,schooloverviews,introductionO SIservice,interviewsuccessfulvisastudents,parents’ reviews,…
Companyusethischanneltosharenewcontentseveryday,forcommunicatio nw i t h parents,s t u d e n t s , u p d a t e information,p o s t e d e v e n t announcement
Companymustupdatetheirwebsiteasdailywithhotnewsaboutchangingp o l i c y , scholarshipopportunity,school’sinformation,studyabroadtipsfordifferentc o u n t r y , visaapplicationprocedure,visasuccessfulcases,eventsthatcompanytakep a r t in,newcorporationwithinternational school,….
Basedo n t h e results,t h i s sectionaimst o p r o p o s e marketingp l a n f o r O S I Vietnam.AuthorhopedthattheseguidelineswillhelpOSIVietnaminpromoting,mana gingandassistingVietnamesestudentsasoneoftheirtargetsegments.Accordingt o t h e resultso f t h i s studyauthorsuggestst h e h i g h involvemento f companyinhandling Vietnamesestudents:
Vietnamese students are increasingly recognizing the importance of pursuing higher education in developed countries for a better future Observing the success of peers who have studied abroad creates a psychological impact, motivating them to seek similar opportunities Social networks play a crucial role in attracting their interest, allowing companies to highlight the benefits of studying abroad Key hashtags such as #BenefitOfStudyAbroad, #OpportunityOfStudyAbroad, and #GlobalCitizenByStudyingAbroad can be used to engage potential students By promoting the advantages of an international education, including enhanced travel experiences and improved life prospects, students can envision a transformative journey through studying overseas.
OSIVietnamcancreateasmuchasnewsfeedontheirFacebook,companywebsit e,Zalopage,YouTubewithvividimages,honestanddetailed,tangibleaboutt h e benefitst hatstudyabroadwillbring tostudents.Bygivingpositivenewsthath a s apsychologica leffectonaregularbasis,eachdaywillstimulatethepsychologyo f studentswhowanttost udyabroad,wanttohaveexperienceslikewhattheyarethinkingaboutit,samea s t h e thing stheyseeo n O S I Vietnamposted.T h i s i s a psychologicalmeasuretoevokemoreofthep otentialneeds,expectation,aspirationf r o m deepwithintoturnitintoastrongmotivati onandleadstudentstorealizethatt h e y reallywanttostudyabroad.
Makevideos“Studyabroadexpertisehistory”o f realstudents,w i t h detaile ddailyactivitiesandtheirachievements,skilfullyintegratingpositivephotosa b o u t t h e differencew i t h t h e Vietnameseenvironment,t h e dynamism,beautifulscenesand modernfacilitiesofforeignschools.
Makeinterviewandvideoswithstudentswhoareverysuccessfulnowafterst udyingabroad,suchassome“successfulstartupcompany”ofoldoverseas t u d e n t s o fOSIVietnam.
Canada,Australia,USA,NewZealand,Europeancountriesare the topcountriesthatVietnamesestudentsteertostudythere,soOSIcanmakethenewsfeed s u c h a s “Discover5 b e a u t i f u l scenesi n t h e t o p 2 0 mostbeautifulplacesi n Canada
”;“Benefito f studyabroadi n Australia”;“ W h y toomanyp e o p l e wantt o studyi n USA?
”;“Immigrationp o l i c y forinternationalstudentsi n C a n a d a ”;“ExploreBeautifulEuro pewithOSIVietnam” a) Informationsearch:
Thisstage,s t u d e n t s a n d p a r e n t s c a n f i n d i n manysourcesf r o m traditional likeEducationFair,InternationalScholarshipevent,directemail,… andofcoursemainpowerofsocialnetworkwillbeshowninthisstagewhentheywillallcol lectinformations o marketermustg i v e a s mucha s i n f o r m a t i o n a n d references i n t o socialnetworksthenitwilleasyforcustomerstovisittheirpageandknowab outcompany’sbrand.
Keywordsa n d topicss h o u l d covera s mucha s concerninginformationa s s t u d e n t s need.Theycanmakevideostoshareaboutthetipshowtoliveinforeignc o u n t r y , differentb e t w e e n studyi n U S A , Canada,Australia,E U , … h o w t o g e t scholarship,h o w t o p r e p a r e f o r interview,h o w t o a d a p t newenviro nment,internationalstudent’sdailylife,schoolvisit, program,opportunity,….
Strategy“Scholarshipforinternationalstudent”:Thisisthemostinterested informationt h a t studentsa r e lookingfor,t h e y w a n t t o collegemanypotentialscho larships,s o O S I cancorporatew i t h Internationalschoolst o providea n d promotemore scholarshiptostudents.
Strategy“ Got o Canadaw i t h O S I Vietnam”;“workingpermitf o r inte rnationals t u d e n t i n Canada”:s u c h detailinformationallaboutt h e policyo f studyin Canadaor“ProcessofStudentDirectStream(SDS)forCanadastudyingabroad”
Strategy“StudyabroadinEuropeancountry”:Withthesocialpolicyf o r in ternationalstudentlikeg o o d tuitiona n d scholarshippoliciesi n Europeancountriess u c h a s Germany,t h e Netherlands,Finland,Austria,Switzerland,Sweden, Europeis now in therangeofgreat majorityofVietnamesestudents.
So,p u b l i c s manyinformationo f Universityi n t h e s e countiesw i t h t h e i r recruit ment proceduref o r studentst o haveoverviewthewaytheycancatchu p theirstudyabroadplan.
Strategy“Comparationabo ut studyabroadi n US , Canada,Australiao r b etweenmanydifferentcountries”:makethenewsfeed,videosbyexpertofOSIVietnaman dAlumnistudentstosharesomedifferentpolicy,condition,environmentofmany different countriesforstudentstorefer.
Strategy“Guidelineofstudyabroadpreparation”:publishthechecklistand guidelineofstudyabroadproceduresothatstudents wanttoknowandsetup theirroadmap.Asmuchclearlycheck listcan betrustedbystudents.
Strategy“TipsofinterviewforF1VisatoUS”:Createminiworkshopa n d li vestreamo n Facebookw i t h expertt o s h a r e experiencef o r interviewingF1v i s a , q uestionforUSAVisainterview,importantdocumentsneedarrangecarefullyf o r intervie wing,makevideostosimulatetherealinterviewandpostinFacebook,YouTube.
Strategy“Meetingwithinternationalschoolrepresentative”:setupthemeeti ngwithrepresentativeofinternationalschoolslike“MeetingwithPierceCollegeatOSIVi etnam”,“NewZealand–Aucklandgirl’sgrammarschool”
Hottip“Studyingabroadin USisonly good peoplecangetvisa?”:dosomenewsandvideosaboutpredictingthereasonforrefusingthe USvisaandhowt o p r e p a r e forinterviewingwithembassy. b) Evaluationthealternative:
- Createdetailedinformationaboutcapacity,serviceo f companyandsuccessfulVis acases.PostedthesuccessfulvisaphotostoFacebook,Zalo
- CreateF a n p a g e “OSIVietnaminternationalstudentcommunity”o n Facebook bygatheringallstudentswhoareworkingwithOSIVietnamasthechannelthatmo restudentswillvisittoseetherealexperience,feedback, reviews,… andinteractwithstudentsonthispagetomakemorepositiveeffectt o increasethetrus tandvalueofOSIVietnamBrand.MoremembersjointhisF a n pageorForum, moreopportunityfor OSIVietnam.
- Updatenewtopicsandreviewsa s frequently,thens t u d e n t s canseeh o w succe ssfulofusingserviceofOSI.Asmuchsuccessfulcasespublishintosocialnetworks thenmorestudentswillknowandtrustthecompany.
- Replyenquiryemailf r o m studentso r contactallinformationlefto n F a n p a g e and quicklyinteract studentonsocialnetworks.
- Afterinteractingonsocialnetwork,trytoinvitethemforvisitingcompany.T h i s stepisveryimportantbecausetheycanshowuphowtheirserviceisgooda n d bettert h a n othera g e n t s B y t h e i r experiencea n d s k i l l s , t h e y needcommunicatewith studentscloselyandquickly. c) PurchaseDecision:
- Contactwithstudentsbysocialnetworktoremindthemthe“Todolist”sot h a t th eywill feelthatourserviceisgoodand takecarethemclosely.
- Uset h e strengtho f servicea n d makestudentsatisfyw i t h allthingtheyreceivef romOSI.
- Gathers t u d e n t s whog o t t h e V i s a a t officet o maket h e v i d e o , p h o t o s and recapthemeetinginformationabout“Pre- departureforstudentswhoaregoingt o goabroad”.Itdoesnotonlymakestudent sfeelthattheyaretakingcaresomuchbyOSIVietnamandtheywillvery happywiththeir service. d) Postpurchaseevaluation:
Itisveryimportantstep.Wheneverservicesuccessful,makevideosorreviewsandf eedbacksabouthowtheirfeelabouttheserviceandaskthemtosharei n t o theirsocialnet workssametimewithpostedtoFacebookandYouTubeofOSIVietnampage.
ConnectingwithAlumni:encourageinternationalalumnitowritereviewso f O S I Vietnamt o t h e i r personalblogsaboutt h e i r experiencesa n d h o w O S I Vietna mhelpedthemachievetheirgoals
PublishthephotosofsuccessfulvisasintotheCompanywebsites,Facebook.I t wil lbethereferencetopic,realcasesforothersprospectivestudentswanttoseek.T h e person whopostedintotheirpersonalpagewillhelpOSItospeedtothousando t h e r usersandof coursethey willbetrustedthanever.
Withsomesuggestionasabove,itwillgivemorerealideasforOSIVietnamt o creat eandsetuptheirmarketingplantoattractmoreprospectivestudents.Itwillh e l p t o reinforceandaffirmOSIVietnambrand.
Theinterviewwas conductedwithpeo pl ew ho havebee nclosepa rt ne rs ofO
Theresearchi s limitedi n termso f timea n d funding,s o t h e numbero f sampl esissmalland notcomprehensive.
This study aims to enhance the effectiveness of the OSI marketing strategy through quantitative research, focusing on leveraging social networking promotions with a limited budget By doing so, organizations can elevate their digital marketing efforts and, once profits are realized, expand into offline campaigns and study abroad events These initiatives will facilitate direct interactions between potential clients and counselors, ultimately strengthening the brand's professional image and establishing it as a reliable provider of overseas study services.
Infurtherresearch,authorwilldothequantitativewithnewestdigitalmarketing whichinheritedfrom thesuccessofthisinitialsoc ial networkingmarketingcampaign.Andcombinewithdigitalmarketingauthorwilldoresearchf o r offlinemarketingstrat egy,tofindoutthemosteffectivewaysandsetupclearlyr o a d mapsforlongtermalong withsolutionforthe updatedtechnologyeverydaya n d t h e changingoftrends.
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