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World War II Participants and Contemporaries: Papers Container List ACCETTA, DOMINICK Residence: Fort Lee, New Jersey Service: 355th Inf Regt, Europe Volume: -1" Papers (1)(2) [record of Cannon Co., 355th Inf Regt., 89th Inf Div., Jan.-July 1945; Ohrdruf Concentration Camp; clippings; maps; booklet ”The Story of the 89th Infantry Division;” orders; song; ship’s newspaper, Jan 1946;map with route of 89th Div.] AENCHBACHER, A.E "Gene" Residence: Wichita, Kansas Service: Pilot, 97th Bomber Group, Europe; flew DDE from Gibraltar to North Africa, November 1942 Volume: -1" Papers [letters; clippings] ALFORD, MARTIN Residence: Abilene, Kansas Service: 5th Inf Div, Europe Volume: -1" Papers [copy of unit newspaper for 5th Inf Div., May 8, 1945; program for memorial service; statistics on service and casualties in wars and conflicts] ALLMON, WILLIAM B Residence: Jefferson City, Missouri Service: historian Volume: -1” 104 Inf Div (1) (2) [after action report for November 1944, describing activities of division in southwest Holland; this is a copy of the original report at the National Archives] AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana Service: Veteran's organization Volume: 13" After the War 1943-45 [a monthly bulletin published by the Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, Aug 1943-April 1945] American Legion Publications (1)-(11) [civil defense; rights and benefits of veterans; home front; citizenship; universal draft; national defense and security program; Americanism; employment manual; Boy Scouts-youth program; G I Bill of Rights; peace and foreign relations; disaster; natural resources; law and order; UMT-universal military training; national defense; veterans’ employment; 1946 survey of veterans; reprint of two pages from The National Legionnaire, June 1940; instructors manual for military drill; United Nations; junior baseball program] Army-Navy YMCA Bulletin, 1942-44 Atlas of World Battle Fronts [1943-45] China at War, 1939 [four issues published by the China Information Publishing Co.] Clippings [submarine war; Alaska; U.S enters war; defense of Philippines; Pacific war] Defense Papers, 1940 [three booklets by American Assoc For Adult Education] Government Pamphlets (1)(2) [War Production Board-plant efficiency; Special Services bulletin; Armed Forces song book; Air War report, Jan 1944; aviation cadets; Office of Price Adm.-wartime rationing; Fed Security Agency-”Spare Time: A War Asset for War Workers”] Miscellaneous Pamphlets & Bulletins [guide to military insignia; Ships (periodical)article on Liberty Ships; booklet of games and puzzles; four issues of Industrial Press Service, July, Sept 1944; USO bulletin, June 1943] Petition to FDR Sept 1941 (1)-(4) [Mothers Mobilizing Against War, April to Sept 1941; petition forms and lists of names] Post-War Bulletin 1943 (1)(2) [Mar.-Aug 1943; world govt.; changes in home life; servicemen’s benefits; internationalism; Britain-planned economy; rise of communism; world food problem] Report by Supreme Commander [re operations in Europe of Allied Expeditionary Force, June 6, 1944 to May 8, 1945] The Scrapper (1)(2) [newsletter published by the American Industries Salvage Comm (1942) re scrap metal and rubber drives, War Production Board, role of children, women, and press] Stars & Stripes 18 Apr 1947 [5th birthday edition of paper] Westinghouse Valley News Sept 1942 [contains photos of all servicemen from the valley] War in Pictures [photographs and drawings, 1940-1942] War Report Conference of Sept 1943 [edited minutes of War Dept Conference of industry, labor, and newspaper leaders; remarks by various military leaders on all aspects of war effort] World War [1940 war stories] ANDERSON, LEONARD A Residence: Kansas City, Missouri Service: Shipfitter, US Navy, Pacific Theater; present at Pearl Harbor attack Volume: -1" Memoirs [attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941; chronology for six years service in Navy] ANDERSON, R.M Residence: Dallas, Texas Service: National Commander, China-Burma-India Veterans Association, Inc Volume: 1" Proclamation (1)-(3) [1992 proclamation and signatures of CBI veterans] ANONYMOUS June 8, 2004 Volume: -1” Miscellaneous Items Newspapers [Ocean News, undated; Ramps Aweigh, May 24, 1945, aboard USS Lejeune; Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, July 3, 1944] Newspapers – The Camp [Sept 17 & 24, 1944; weekly paper published in Berlin for British POWs held in Germany] Newspapers – The Oversea Kid [Aug 13 & Nov 26, 1944, Jan 14 & Apr 2, 1945; weekly paper published in Berlin for US POWs held in Germany] ANTOLINI, LOUIS Residence: Jeannette, Pennsylvania Service: Military intelligence, North Africa & Europe Volume: -1” Memoir [work in North Africa and England; importance of knowing enemy’s Order of Battle; interrogation of prisoners] ARMSTRONG, EDNA HOLM Residence: Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania Service: Clerk in Census Bureau, Washington, DC Volume: -1" Memoirs [life in Washington, D.C during the war; drills, rationing, housing shortage, war bonds; clipping with headline, “War is Over,” Aug 15, 1945] ARMSTRONG, FRANK H Residence: South Burlington, Vermont Service: 283 Light Field Arty Bn, Europe Volume: -1" Memoirs [tower of Millen Castle in Netherlands used as observation post, Oct 1944] AUNE, ALLEEN M Residence: San Antonio, Texas Service: Sister of Capt Charles C Johnson III, Air Corps pilot, South Pacific Volume: 7" Clippings (1)-(9) [war news, 1940-1943; some clippings relate to wartime service of Capt Charles C Johnson III] Correspondence [1940-43, relating to service of Charles Johnson and death in 1943; letters, telegrams, and V-mail; postcard with photo of BT-14] Memorabilia (1)(2) [postcards; programs; poster; speech; transcript of meeting of relatives and friends of POWs, civilian internees, and missing personnel-Mar 1945; certificates] Official Papers [orders; enlisted record; officer’s commission; diploma] Photographs [photos of Capt Charles Johnson and mother; postcard photos of Randolph Field in Texas] Printed Material [flying cadets; 1940 magazine for Randolph Field cadets; Morrison Field Air Base weekly magazine, 1941; Air Force journal, 1943] Scrapbook (1) (2) [clippings and letters, 1937-1940; training and testing; some articles relate to Johnson] 201 File - Charles C Johnson (1)-(3) [orders; promotions; awards; flight record; commendations; corres.] AVERY, THELMA Residence: Creal Springs, Illinois Service: Nurse, 20th Hospital Train, Europe Volume: 4" Memorabilia [postcard views of France, c WWI; map of Europe] Miscellaneous Papers (1) (2) [soldier’s diary, “While Waiting,” Mar 1945; Switzerland, 1945; Christmas Menu and roster for Gardiner General Hospital, 1943; FDR form letter; list of personnel in 20th Hospital Train; poem, “The Invasion;” memo re indoctrination for return to U.S (tongue-in-cheek); 1953 Boy Scout National Jamboree; history of hospital ship, USS Haven (Korean War)] 201 File 1943-46 (1)(2) [orders; certificates; I D Card; pay authorization; officer’s qualification record; clothing requisition; physical exam; separation papers] 201 File 1947-54 (1)(2) [orders; reports; applications; questionnaires; certificates; memorandum] 201 File 1954-66 (1)(2) [orders; reports; personnel data sheets; unit photo; certificates; memos] 201 File 1966-72 (1)(2) [orders; memoranda; data sheets; certificates; retired reserve status] AYERS, MINDY Residence: Chanute, Kansas Service: granddaughter of William Moore Gray III, Co K, 114 Inf Regt, 44 Div, Europe Volume: -1” William Gray Memoir [training at Ft Benning, GA; 9th Service Command, Ft Douglas, Utah; 44 Inf Div in Europe; importance of training and leadership] BAHNER, STAN T Residence: Topeka, Kansas Service: 171 FA Bn, 45 Inf Div, Sicily & Italy Donated by: Kevin Bahner, Pam Ferrell & Colleen Leiker Volume: 3” Correspondence [WWII awards; discharge papers; post-war letters from veterans organizations] Diary (1)-(3) [service in Sicily & Italy, June 1943-April 1944; includes original diary, electrostatic copy and typed transcript of entries] Photos (1) (2) Printed Material (1)-(3) [45 Inf Div newsletter July 1944; 45 Inf Div booklets; tourist literature; German & French language booklets; Stan Bahner obituary 1996] BAKER, CAROLINE Residence: Cottonwood Falls, Kansas Service: Women's Army Corps, Africa and Europe Volume: 2" Clippings [Stars and Stripes, Aug 15, 1945, “Peace;” Air Transport Command; WACs] Miscellaneous (1)(2) [WAC qualification certificate; brochure on separation center; map; information on Switzerland; directions for passengers on over water flights; information bulletin for WAC personnel on Enterprise; Glasgow Red Cross Service Club; USS Enterprise; discharge papers] Newsletters (1)(2) [G.I Neptune and The U.S.S Enterprise newsletters, 1946; cartoons, news of the ships, and news from larger cities around the world (Washington, Nuremberg, London, etc)] Orders (1)(2) [List of orders and transfers for Caroline M (Cahoone) Baker from April 27, 1944 to May 15, 1945] Photos [photos of ship life, entertainment, crew members, various ships, and U.S Military Cemetery Chamhigneul] BALDRIDGE, ROBERT C Residence: Lawrence, New York Service: 34th FA Bn, 9th Inf Div, Europe Volume: 1" Memoirs (1)-(4) [draft and published copy of memoirs, Victory Road; letters regarding book; a first hand account of a young artilleryman’s military background and training in the United States and England, followed by his battle experiences with the US First Army from the invasion of Normandy to the end of the war in Europe, and occupation duty in Germany] BANKES, LINDA Residence: Abilene, Kansas Service: step-daughter-in-law of George Youker of Kansas, US Navy, Pacific, 1943-45 Volume: 2" George Youker Papers [letters to and from home, one of the letters has a line missing which shows his letter had been censored] George Youker Scrapbook [variety of memorabilia, such as train ticket that took sailor’s wife to Detroit to see her husband for the last time before he sailed for the Pacific; various post cards, sheet music, issuing of family allowance and the discontinuance of family allowance, letter from the Commission for Relief in Belgium(relief from WWI), and photo of his regiment with a listing of names] BARBER, CAROL J Residence: Rapid City, South Dakota Service: Widow of Gaylord Barber, US Navy, Pacific Volume: -1" Papers [April 20, 1945, letter from Buck Barber to his family re his travels and what he has encountered on the ship; celebration of the 4th of July; fighting-a few small skirmishes] BARR, HOWARD E Residence: New Orleans, Louisiana Service: Armed Guard, US Navy Volume: 1" Articles [variety of articles, such as the sinking of the S.S Black Point, the last American Flag merchant ship sunk by a German submarine, Christmas in Murmansk, the Navy’s Armed Guard and their mission to protect U.S shipping from the Germans’ U-boats, some cartoons and maps, the supremacy of the Texas and the Lakehurst; eyewitness description of the sinking the of LaSalle and the killing of former Mayor Carl F Zelder, the sinking of the U-853 and its vital statistics, and the use of kamikaze pilots in the war] The Pointer (1) (2) [veterans magazine, Navy's Armed Guard from January 1992 to April/May 1992] BARRETT, JOSEPH P Residence: Havertown, Pennsylvania Service: 474th AAA Bn, Europe Volume: 1" Memoirs [ Good Luck To Him Now, a published memoir which is based on 500 letters which Barrett sent home over a 34 month period and 60 or 70 letters that were sent to him to describe the home front in 1943; incorporated into the book are old clippings and magazine stories; story covers his time in the army from December 26, 1942 until his discharge on November 8, 1945] Papers [clippings and stories of the European Theater of Operations and members of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Organization; stories and newspaper clipping from June 3, 1992, which is a D-Day retrospective] Unit History - 474th AAA Bn [The Maverick Outfit, a book about the 474th AAA Bn and the hardships and challenges they faced, 1942 until 1945] BATES, CHARLES C Residence: Green Valley, Arizona Service: weather officer, US Navy, Europe Volume: 1" Swell Forecast Section Final Report (1) [activities and investigations of the Swell Forecast Section, Admiralty, from February to August, 1944; objects of the section were to provide sea, swell, and surf forecasts for the Allied invasion of Europe, and to test, apply, and develop the methods of wave forecasting] Swell Forecast Section Final Report (2) [51 reporting stations situated along the south and east coasts of England transmitted three daily reports of wave height and period to the section in London; these reports provided synoptic information of existing wave conditions which was used as a basis for forecasts and furnished data for the investigation of wave phenomena; study concluded that North Atlantic swell, by the time it reached the invasion beaches, would be reduced in height by more than half the height near Cherbourg, and need only be considered when exceptionally heavy at Land’s End; wave forecasts for the English Channel and adjoining sea areas were incorporated in the “OVERLORD” forecasts issued by Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces and Allied Naval Commander, Expeditionary Forces, before and throughout the operation] Swell Forecast Section Final Report (3) [contains a number of technical papers dealing with the following subjects, the technique of forecasting sea, swell, and surf, a rapid method of forecasting ocean swell, the accuracy of the basic forecasting data, the change in wave height from deep to shallow water, methods of obtaining wave information, effect of tides, tidal currents, bars, and shoals on wave heights, wave refractions] Swell Forecast Section Final Report (4) [a number of synoptic weather episodes for which wave computations have been worked out in detail by the methods of both Sverdrup and Suthons and compared with observed values; in the appendix are collected full descriptions of the reporting stations, a paper on codes, an account of a method of measuring wave height and length with graticuled binoculars, together with diagrams and other supplementary material; remainder of reports goes on to tell more in depth of the investigation into the project of “OVERLORD” and the use of the sea for success in this operation] BAUER, ROBIN Residence: Shawnee, Kansas Service: Material collected by her grandmother during 1930s Volume: -1" Papers [photos and clippings of troops and ships in Hawaii, 1931- 32; post cards and small newspaper articles re the 19th Infantry] BEACH, JOHN B Residence: Santa Clara, California Service: Co C, 16 Inf Regt, Inf Div, Germany Volume: -1" Articles [1948 magazine (BLUE BOOK) article which tells of the story of an American Infantry unit; fought in Normandy to Huertgen Forest in Germany; heavy casualties] BEAGHLER, RALPH Residence: Wamego, Kansas Service: USS Electra Volume: 2" Clippings [news of the Valley Forge; photos of the French ship Richelieu; article on the Mid-West “IT IS THE STEADY HEART OF A NATION AT WAR” (1942); editorial on National Security and the Japanese surrender; Hiroshima and Nagasaki; French newspaper from December 1942] French Books [two books for translating French to Spanish or Spanish to French; a handbook of English-French conversation] Maps [French map of Casablanca; road map of Northwest Africa and the area from Casablanca to Rabat] Memorabilia [idea pad from the First Anniversary Ball for the crew of the U.S.S Electra in Ashley Park, Charleston, S.C., May 20, 1943; menu for Christmas Dinner; a menu from a 1942 New Year’s Eve party; menu for the Big “E’s” First Anniversary March 17 1943; menu for Easter Sunday April 25th 1943; plotting coordinates on a circle; clippings with photos of Commanders James J.Hughes, Jules James, and Dewitt W Shumway] Tourist Literature [photos and postcards of Casablanca] BEATTY, WILLIAM E Residence: Henrietta, New York Service: SHAEF, Europe Volume: -1" Memoirs [booklet compiled from the Chansonee Reunion, Music and Morale Memories of the European Theater of Operations, a book on the Com-Z Chansoneers the group Beatty performed with during the war; A Chairborne Paris-Trooper’s Journey To VEDay : May 1945 (1995); an eyewitness account compiled from correspondence, diary, and memory; events of April and May of 1945; being stationed in Paris prior to VE-Day] BEEGLE, LaVERNE Residence: Bedford, Pennsylvania Service: Infantry officer, Aleutians Volume: -1" Papers [articles about the Battle of Attu and the Reconquest of the Aleutian Islands; many of the articles are about Lt Russell Beegle’s eyewitness accounts of the battle and letters sent home to his wife] 10 Residence: McKeesport, Pennsylvania Service: 273 Inf Regt, Europe Volume: -1" Papers [accounts of the US and Russian armies linking together; newspaper of the Stars and the Stripes announcing the American-Russian linking] WALLACE, DAVID H Residence: Frederick Maryland Service: married Evelyn Schmitt,niece of James R McKeen, Sea Bees, Pacific Volume: -1" James R McKeen Letters[original V-mail and original correspondence from 1943 to 1945] WARD, KENNETH Residence: Payson, Arizona Service: Air Rescue Squadron, Pacific Volume: -1" Papers [patches; clearance cards; certificates and awards; newsclipping; air combat photographs] Photographs [xeroxed photos of division, individuals, certificates, newsclipping] WARD, REBA Residence: Dallas, Texas Service: Sister of George R Gilbert, Marine coprs, Pacific Volume: -1" Papers [report of separation from the US Marine Corps; xeroxed magazine clipping; xeroxed copy of honorable discharge papers] WATERMAN, MARTHA R Residence: Asheville, North Carolina Service: widow of Maj Robert Waterman, Air Force, Home Front Volume: 4" Papers [scrapbook of photos, documents and artifacts relating to Robert Waterman’s service] 163 Unit History - Marianna Army Air Field, 1942 WATTS, VAN Residence: North Hollywood, California Service: U.S Navy, Pacific Volume: -1" Clipping [newsclipping entitled “Where was I on December 7"] WEAVER, JOHN R Residence: Merriam, Kansas Service: US Air Force, Europe; POW in German luftwaffe stalag Volume: -1" POW Registration Form [original and xeroxed copy] WEFALD, ROBERT O Residence: Bismark, North Dakota Service: Collector Volume: 1" Unit History - 816 Engr Aviation Bn WEIMER, DANIEL Residence: Jacksonville, Florida Service: Son of Earl Weimer, Army Air Corps, Alaska and Philippines Volume: -1" Diary (1)-(3)[original and retyped manuscripts of life at the Aleutians and the Philippine Islands from October 1943 to January 1944] WELDON, RUTH Residence: Bartlesville, Oklahoma Service: Widow(?) of Gilbert E Weldon, Battery C, 432 AA Bn, North Africa & Italy Volume: 1” Diary (1)-(3) [original diary, electrostatic copy and typed transcript, covering Mar 1943Sept 1945; describes social activities and sight-seeing in North Africa & Italy] 164 WELLMAN, STANLEY Residence: Freeport, Illinois Service: 158th Engr Combat Bn, Europe Volume: -1" Papers [original memorandum commending troops of the 158th Engr of January 1945; commendation to the commanding officers of all companies of January 10 1945] WHEELER, GERTRUDE Residence: Manhattan, Kansas Service: Secretary, School of Agriculture, Kansas State Agricultural College (now Kansas State University) Volume: 15" [Note-papers donated by her daughters Marialyce Taylor & Eunice Justus; they consist mostly of letters she received from graduates of the School of Agriculture who were in the military] Letters A [letters from Merrill Abrahams in N Ireland of 1943;letter from Lieutenant Maynard L Abrahams of the US Army Air Forces from San Marcos, Tx and England; graduation announcement of John Aiken from the Luke Field Army Advance Flying School] Letters B Letters C Letters D, E Letters Driver, William[original correspondence from William Driver] Letters F, G Letters H[letters from Donald Henderson of 1944 and 1945, location is Camp Polk, La and Germany; letters from Gordon Hoath of 1943 and 1945, member of the 3715th AAF Base Unit located at Burbank, California] Letters Hines, Clesson Leigh[letters ranging from 1942 to 1945; member of the Navy CC Division stationed on the USS South Dakota] 165 Letters I [correspondence with Lt Don Irwin of the A-Excess Officer Co., written 1944] Letters J, K [V-mail from Joseph Jagger of the 335th Infantry in Germany; V-mail and additional correspondence from Sgt WW Justus, mentions Paris;telegram from Justus; 1945 letter from Luke Kissick, member of the 74th Fighter Sqdn stationed in China; 1944 letters from Norman Kruse from Luxembourg and Belgium] Letters L [letters from Robert Leonard from Hawaii; letters from Merlin E Line in France] Letters M [1945 letters and postcards from Russell Miller stationed in France; 1944 letters from Carol Montgomery, stationed at Ft Benning, Ga and France] Letters Massey, John R.[letters from Lt Massey of Co E, 261st Infantry; stationed in the European Theater] Letters N [1945 letters from O.W Norly of the USNR stationed on the USS San Diego; Letters O, P, Q [letter from PFC Fred Palmer, member of the Co I 274th Inf., training at Ft Leonardwood Mo and service in Europe] Letters R [letters from Eldon Reichart] Letters Russel, Darrell[1944 and 1945 letters from Russell, stationed in the European Theater] Letters S [1944 letters of Paul Sanford, Med Det 342 Inf;1943 letters of Harold Snyder; letters from KP Storey of USMCAS] Letters T, U, V [personal letter from Roy Tebo, Jr.; notice of commendation] Letters W (1) (2)[1945 letter from Sgt C.L Wahl; newsclipping of German V-1 bomb explosion; Christmas cards and greeting cards;1945 letter from Pfc Wayne Ward of Co I 305th Inf] Letters Werts, Merrill H.[1945 letters stationed in France and Germany] Letters Winner, William H (1)-(3) Letters Winter, John S 1942 (1)-(3) Letters Winter, John S 1943 (1)-(3) Letters Winter, John S 1944 (1) (2) 166 Letters Winter, John S 1945 Letters Winter, John S Undated Letters X, Y, Z Miscellaneous Papers [Christmas poem; list of students and graduates who entered the draft; War Department pamphlet; FDR pamphlet; list of military awarded shoulder patches] WHITCHER, ROBERT G Residence: Rancho Pales Verdes, California Service: 3118 Signal Service Group, SHAEF, Europe Volume: -1" Circuit Service Orders [orders from April to November 1945] WHITT, FRANK Residence: Tacoma, Washington Service: Brother of Clyde Whitt, 577 Squadron, 393 Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, Europe Volume: -1" Clyde G Whitt Diary [diary running from January 6, 1943 to June 23, 1944 containing dates, xeroxed photos and mission assignments] WHITTIER, RODERICK P Residence: Donated by son Duncan Whittier of Pittsburg, Kansas Service: Anti-aircraft battalions, Panama, US & Europe Volume: 3" Certificates & Commission [certificates from Camp Davis, North Carolina and Camp Stewart, Georgia; certificates from the Barrage Balloon school, army extension courses and from the President of the United States; military records] Letters [letter from the reserves office concerning active duty training; letter from the VA pertaining to an application for outpatient treatment; notice to report for hospitalization or domiciliary care; Property Slips & Receipts [certificates of release from the Ft Dix hospital; property turnin slips; shipping tickets] 201 File (1)-(6)[official military papers] 167 WICHMAN, JOAN Residence: Menasha, Wisconsin Service: daughter of Lawrence Ganzel, Co G, 347 Inf Regt, 87 Inf Div, Europe Volume: -1” Lawrence Ganzel Memoir [service in Belgium; secret crossing of Rhine at Oppenheim Mar 1945; George Patton; liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp; visit to Germany 1995] WICKSTEN, LAYTON Donated by: Mary K Wicksten & Linda Leathley Residence: Sun Valley, Nevada Service: artist with 28th Air Depot, India Volume: 40" Album #1[certificate for crossing Equator; original and printed cartoons for Yank magazine; original and printed sketches of military and native scenes in India; photographs of troops in India] Album #2[original pencil sketches of Indian people, street scenes, and countryside; photographs of GI’s, Indian people, and Indian sites] Album #3[cartoons and drawings, both original and printed, of Indian people and U.S mililtary personnel; photographs of people and scenes in India] Album #4[printed and original sketches and articles by Wicksten for armed forces publications, scenes of Indian people and U.S military personnel; official military papers, certificates, passes, and permits] Album #5[printed illustrated articles by Wicksten entitled, “Depot Review” which portrayed G.I.’s serving in India] Album #6[printed illustrated articles by Wicksten entitled, “Depot Review” which portrayed G.I ‘s serving in India] Album #7 [”Depot Review” articles as in #5 and #6; illustrated articles entitled “Indian Folk” and “Scene in India”, published in Army camp newspaper] Album #8[printed copies of illustrated articles by Wicksten on “Indian Folk” published in Army camp newspaper] 168 Art Work[over 200 original pencil sketches, paintings, and drawings by Wicksten on such subjects as U.S servicemen in India and their activities, natives of India and their customs, and scenes of life in India] Miscellaneous Items (1) [numerous issues of Tiger Rag, base newspaper of 28th Air Depot at Bengal, India, 1943-46, all contain articles or cartoons by Wicksten; one newspaper from a Mississippi ordnance plant, 1943; photographs of U.S soldiers in India and some Indian scenes] Miscellaneous Items (2)[copies of articles designed by Wicksten for military publications, including cartoons and “Depot Review”] WIESE, JAMES Residence: Gresham, Oregon Service: Rocket ship, D-Day Volume: -1" Papers [accounts of the invasion of Normandy; accounts of the invasion of lower France; quotes from the New York Herald June 22, 1944; xeroxed photos; program for the 50 year reunion of “Operation Overlord”] WILKINS, ARTHUR N Residence: Kansas City, Missouri Service: Co B, 343 Inf Regt, 86 Inf Div, Europe & Pacific Volume: 3" Letters Dec 1943[mentions Ft Leavenworth, Ks and Camp Fannin, Tx.] Letters Jan.-Apr 1944 (1) (2)[mentions Ft Benning, Ga Letters May-Aug 1944 (1) (2)[mentions Camp Livingston, La.] Letters Sept.-Dec 1944[written from Camp Cook, Ca.; mentions Camp San Luis Obispo, Ca.] Letters Jan.-May 1945 (1) (2)[sketches; letters from Camp San Luis Obispo, Ca.; letters from France and Germany] Letters Aug.-Dec 1945[from Camp Gruber, Ok.; from Ca.; Thanksgiving menu] Letters Jan.-Mar 1946[mentions San Jose, NE, Luzon, P.I] 169 Miscellaneous Papers[account of infantryman’s life related in letters he wrote, “Dirt Behind Our Ears”; photos; honorable discharge form; daily newsletters] WILKINSON, EUGENIE R Residence: Frisco, Texas Service: Army nurse, Italy Volume: -1" Papers {re travel in Balkans] WILLIAMS, Mrs GLENN Residence: Colony, Kansas Service: Wife of Glenn Williams, 481 AAA Bn, Europe Volume: -1" Papers [brief history of Williams; xeroxed photos; rosters; daily newsletters; newspapers “Warweek”] WILLIAMSON, PATRICIA Residence: Durham, North Carolina Service: Wife of Frank Williamson, US Navy, 1942-46 Volume: -1" Diary [Nov 1942 to Aug 1945; Frank Williamson served on Navy destroyers in the European, Mediterranean, and Pacific Theaters; reference to D-Day] Miscellaneous Papers [obituary of Frank Williams; notice of separation from US Naval Service] WILLIS, WARREN W Residence: Joplin, Missouri Service: Marin Corps pilot, Pacific Volume: 2" Memoirs (1) [family background in Abilene, Kansas; ROTC at Kansas State University; pilot training in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota & Florida; base at Newport, Arkansas; service in Caroline and Marshall Islands, Pacific; service of other family members] Memoirs (2) [reference material copied from internet; includes data on airplanes, aircraft carriers, Marine Corps, military bases in US, Pacific Theater, cartoons, bombs, depth charges and PT boats] 170 WINDHOLZ, PAT Residence: Hays, Kansas Service: Daughter of Edmund Pfannenstiel of Hays, 112th Inf Regt, 28th Inf Div, Europe; prisoner of war in Germany 1945 Volume: 1" Papers (1) (2) [correspondence & reports concerning POW camp near Bad Orb, Germany, where Pfannenstiel was held; also some correspondence with former prisoners and guards in late 1940s] Post-War Papers [biography of Pfannenstiel compiled by his daughter; articles re his receipt of POW medal in 1980s; his trip to Bad Orb, Germany, in 1989] A Wartime Log [copy of notebook kept by Pfannenstiel while a POW; contains drawings, lists of fellow prisoners, and documents relating to his military service] WINDHORST, LEROY Residence: Wells, Kansas Service: Instructor, Pre-Flight School, AAF Bases in Texas Volume: 4" Aircraft Electrical Systems [technical manual] Aircraft Recognition (1)-(3)[aircraft spotters guide; aircraft recognition for preflight school] Elementary Flight Maneuvers Inspection Forms [booklet] Math Textbook [booklet] Miscellaneous Papers [memorandum report; roster; student guide to airplane engines branch] Naval Vessel Identification [booklet] Physics Textbook [booklet] Public Speaking Guide [booklet] 171 Training Exercises (1)(2)[aircraft electrical systems from academic department; airplanes engines branch; aircraft mechanics’ tools branch; airplane structures branch] WINTEROWD, B.D Residence: Rochester, Washington Service: 81 Armd Rcn Bn, North Africa and Italy Volume: -1" Memoirs [account of war entitled “One Soldiers Memories,” donor served North Africa and Italy, 1942-1945] WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR Residence: Horseheads, New York Service: soldier in England Volume: -1" Newspaper [copy of “The Daily Telegraph” a London paper of June 13, 1945] WOELLHOF, LAWRENCE Residence: Topeka, Kansas Service: North Africa Service Command, US Army; brother of Lloyd Woellhof, US Navy, Pacific Volume: 2" Lloyd Woellhof Papers [travel orders; letter from department of Navy regarding Lloyd Richard Woellhof; xerox photo of Honolulu memorial; newsletter “The Lone Sailor”] Lloyd Woellhof Flight Log [copy of New Testament; aviator’s flight log book] Lloyd Woellhof Letters [telegram; letter to mother; correspondence from Navy regarding son MIA; notice of settlement claims; letters from the Veterans Administration] Lloyd Woellhof Memorabilia [photos; news clippings; memorandums; certificates and awards; roster] Miscellaneous Letters WOOD, NANCY Residence: Junction City, Kansas Service: Daughter of Leland L Sphar, civilian employee, Manhattan Project Volume: -1” 172 Articles [articles on Hanford plant from Washington State Historical Society magazine] Leland L Sphar Papers [photo; awards; biographical sketch; memoir by Grace Sphar re life at Richland, Wash, Hanford plant] WOODBRIDGE, GEORGE R Residence: Grand Rapids, Michigan Service: 336 Engr Combat Bn, Europe Volume: -1" Papers [personal message note to all troops from the C-in-C; 1994 reunion program containing rosters, xeroxed photos and accounts of Omaha Beach to the Elbe River; newsclippings] WORTHINGTON, WILLIAM Residence: Delaware, Oklahoma [donated by Joe Todd who received them from Worthington’s niece Ms Norma Wallace of Bartlesville, OK] Service: Co F, 43 Engr Regt, Pacific Volume: 3” Financial Papers [car registration; insurance] Letters 1941-42 (1) (2) [voyage to Australia] Letters 1943 (1) (2) [New Guinea] Letters 1944 Memorabilia (1) (2) [program for 1946 military parade in England; V-Mail forms] WREND, JOSEPH R Residence: Madison, Wisconsin Service: 19th Special Service Co., Europe Volume: -1" Diary 1942-45 [xeroxed copy of memorandum calender] German Documents [xeroxed copies of German letters and envelopes] Photographs [xeroxed copies of photos and descriptions] 19th Special Service Co., Material [rosters] 173 WUSS, DOROTHY Residence: San Jose, California Service: Wife of Peter G Wuss, sergeant, XVIII Corps, Europe Volume: 4” German Army Organization [charts showing standard organization of various types of German army units] Japanese Maps [class papers on how to read Japanese map symbols] Maps & Aerial Photos – Class Papers (1) (2) [class papers on how to read maps and aerial photographs] Maps & Aerial Photos – Manuals (1)-(4) [printed Army manuals] Miscellaneous Manuals [guide to uniform insignia; Japanese military signs; Japanese air & ground forces] Miscellaneous Papers [ration book; orders; honorable discharge certificate] WYHS, CHARLES R Residence: St Charles, Missouri Service: home front Volume: -1" Poem [written by his mother during war] YAKSTIS, JEAN Residence: Ellenton, Florida Service: friend of Capt Morton S Pratt, US Navy, Pacific Volume: -1" Morton Pratt Papers[certification cards; newsclippings and xeroxed newsclippings; memorandum; military correspondence; poem; xeroxed photographs] YOUNG, BARBARA Residence: Independence, Missouri Service: collector Volume: -1" Army Song Book 174 Defense Postal Savings Stamp Albums[books of postal stamps] YOUNG, Dr F.W Residence: Waucoma, Iowa Service: U.S Air Force, Europe Volume: 1" Papers (1)-(4)[xeroxed “Texans for Ike” material; flight manual; professional drawings of military planes; newsmaps of the armed forces;aeronautical maps of Lincoln, Ne., Sioux City, Dubuque Ia, and Milwaukee;aeronautical charts of Lake Erie,Illinois,Wabash and Kanawha Rivers,Wichita and Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and Estacado Plain] YOUNG, JOANN Residence: Raytown, Missouri Service: Niece of William Gregg McCready, US Marine Corps in US and Pacific Volume: 1" William McCready Papers (1)(2)[military keepsakes newspaper photo; cartoon; civilian readjustment booklet; newsmagazine for forces in Guam; mentions USS California; book entitled “Think It Over Mate”] YUZWA, ANDREW Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada Service: Signal Armd Bn, N Africa & Europe Volume: -1" Memoirs [wartime accounts of the 1st Signal Armored Battalion I Armored Corps of the 7th Army originating in Ft Knox, Ky.] ZAJAC, JEANETTE HODGES Residence: Michigan Service: Wife of Casimir John Zajak, U.S Army Air Force Volume: 2.75" Scrapbook [autobiographical account of the life of Casimir John Zajak compiled by Jeanette Hodges Zajac including photographs, ephemera, electrostatic copies of WWII military documents, silk pilot’s maps and personal reminiscences of WWII] 175 New Donors, 2008 SCHOLL, NANC Residence: Abilene, Kansas Service: Daughter of Mr & Mrs Elwain Dreyer of Ferndale, California Volume: -1” Papers [items the Dreyers received from Theodore Guthrie, a soldier in North Africa and Italy; includes an e-mail message, 1943; a photograph of Guthrie; an Italian lira note] SHYROCK, GEORGE W Hudson Turner, Jr., Biography [192 FA Bn, 43 Inf Div; training in US; visit to New Zealand; wounded on Guadacanal] SHAEF Veterans Association Residence: Veterans organization of Lakewood, NJ; disbanded Dec 2007 Service: SHAEF, Europe Volume: 5” Booklets [Army Song Book; French dictionary] Correspondence [letters from SHAEF veterans, 1986-89; many contain anecdotes regarding their recollections of SHAEF] Miscellaneous (1) (2) [articles; menus; memorabilia; poetry; roster of Public Relations Division] Orders (1) (2) [copies of military orders, 1943-46] Photos Questionnaires (ETOUSA) Questionnaires (SHAEF) (1)-(5) Reunions Telephone Directory Dec 1944 176 END OF CONTAINER LIST 177

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2022, 13:32
