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BSD Second Grade Back-to-School Feedback Survey After school on Thursday January 21 we sent a two-question survey to all parents/guardians of students enrolled in second-grade hybrid classes, asking them to provide feedback on how the day went if their student attended school The survey was sent to 1,448 people and as of 3pm on Friday January 22 we received 414 responses, a response rate of 29% Question 1: How was the first day back at school for your second grader? (1 Star = Poor, -Stars = Excellent) Results: 390 respondents provided a star rating The average rating was 4.4 out of stars, with 86% of respondents rating the day or stars Rating Star Stars Stars Stars Stars Total Count 30* 21 68 266 390 % 8% 1% 5% 17% 68% 100% *At least 11 of these 30 respondents did not send their students to school, so their ratings reflect something else Question 2: What went well and what can we improve? Any comments or suggestions for us? Complete set of responses as of 9:30am on 1/26/2021) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enthusiastic teachers and staff, small class sizes Everything was absolutely perfect We couldn't be happier Thank you so much BSD! My daughter loved it all, so am happy Drop off went well My kid is super excited to get onto the bus Might be looking for change of environment for learning My daughter was pumped to be back! The drop off and pick up seemed well organized She was happy to also get a recess At this point we are feeling good Everything was great Children liked in person interaction with teacher and other kids Teacher was very nice Learning experience in person is much better Amazing! My child is soooo happy to see her teachers and friends THANK YOU BSD and especially the teachers/principal for making this happen We know it is not easy and we are very appreciative of the opportunity to be back We will continue to our parts to keep everyone safe Thank you again!! [child] was so excited to see her friends but only one classmate showed up Not much learning but still have fun going to school My daughter said it felt "amazing" to be back in school She enjoyed seeing her friends, being outside to play, and just in the classroom There was little enthusiasm for the actual work and she is usually very excited about that aspect She missed her teachers They were so happy to be in a classroom and see friends A bit disappointed their teacher wasn't there but they were in such high spirits when they got home We appreciate that his teacher came to teach That's all we want! We feel that the safety measures put in place will keep everyone healthy They loved seeing their friends and their principal! They really missed seeing their teachers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I appreciate the BSD blast by email and phone so we didn't need to listen to chatter on social media Thank you for all your efforts every step of this process all year long Happy to be in person with her peers Was missing her teacher, but was very engaged with the substitute Seemed like a packed two and a half hours It was great that they were able to have a small recess She's so happy to be back at school Sounded like there wasn't quite enough to to fill the time [child] was happy to see a couple other people from his class but he didn't feel like he learned anything He wants to learn and be with his friends [child] says nothing was wrong! He had a great day The kids were so excited to return to school! They got to see another caring adult and a few other students They need the social interaction, even the introvert One kid was upset that the sub didn't follow the schedule exactly He has expectations of routines, and improvising throws him He has gotten too accustomed to not doing anything out of the ordinary since March It'll be good for him to get used to the new teacher :-) Needed smart board Mitigation efforts were clear and provided a safe environment for students and staff My daughter felt safe and said she felt welcomed and had the biggest smile on her face before school and am even bigger smile after Only improvement would be to have her teacher back in the classroom My son had the entire bus to himself, the driver was courteous and on time The educator who showed up (not his actual teacher) has my utmost admiration There were a total of students in his class and he received the love and attention he deserves Thank you BSD for finally taking this stance to get kids back to school Now, get ALL kids back to the classroom Sub Teacher took great care of kids Taught something from science from their curriculum My kid was happy! To improve- request to not take kids on playground for recess They could play something in class Please bring back our teachers We hoped my daughter could have her teacher the same as up until now but it was changed just before I understand the situation but my daughter was really disappointed with it "Something that went well is they we still got to see our friends and we got to our work and I don't think we need to improve anything." Twin sibling: "We got to see Ms [] in person, and I got to learn about my name But I was a little bit bored." We are so excited to be back at Eastgate Elementary that we simply want to say thank you for making our kids a priority! Thank you! They need to be in school! They were so excited to step foot inside a classroom for the first time since March The back and forth uncertainty or not going in person only hurts the children All went smoothly at our school My daughter is so happy She said it was really nice and she really likes a new teacher! Thank you so much for providing kids with this opportunity to go to school in person! Even without the academic instruction, my child was happy to be back to the school and meet their classmates & teachers Hope we can start the academic instruction sometime soon once child learn about the safety education Loved being back in person with my friends Wish there were no coronavirus :} Wish the school day were longer, so I can learn more at school (instead of at home) Everything went smoothly all went really amazing My 2nd grader took a bus to school and back We're new to the district, so it was his first time ever in the building He had school staff waiting for him at the entrance to take him to his class and later back to his bus His teacher was in the class (no sub), and he met other friends He had time to enjoy small group learning, and get 1:1 time with his teacher They made sure it's all safe All in all, it's been an amazing experience for him, and I'm more than happy that our school's staff decided to come in person despite the union's guidance Thanks for opening school! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • He thought the schedule was great and he thought looked very nice I think you are the best school ever My daughter had a great day She was exited to go to school Her teacher being there would have made it better She has yet to meet her in person, but she was exited to see the school staff and aids there Recess was her favorite part which we feel is super important to have We both agreed that the people with the white medical coats at the opening of the building was not great to walk into It made it feel uncomfortable and scary for my daughter I understand their part in being there, but they should be dressed as school staff not hospital staff She did not know the person greeting people at the door either I wish they would have asked my daughter her name and made her feel more welcome The whole entry process needs to be less uncomfortable and scary especially because these kids have never been to these classrooms it did not feel welcoming It seemed fine as the first day back for only a couple hours But no real valuable academic content was taught I hope we advance kids learning too, as they all go back to school I thought it went very well My son really enjoyed his time at school The safety precautions didn't bother him one bit When he came home, he was energized telling me all about the activities he did at school and about all his interactions with staff and students I can't think of anything to improve, except for the situation with BEA of course and getting the teachers into the classroom The teachers were not there, they make the school work I'm so upset at the district leadership Maybe Dr Duran should take a 2nd grade SEL class He could learn something about to treat others with respect This is not Texas! My student had a fantastic time As a parent, a little more direction about morning times when she is not in school She switched teachers, so she needs to be added to her teacher's team account My 2nd grader loves being in the classroom I would like to know the teacher's name since she is a sub [child] was so happy to be back in the classroom - his attitude is great and he's smiling more than he has in a long time This is long overdue and we couldn't be happier with how it went today My kid was SO happy The drop off/pick up process was easy Health check also was no problem Thanks to teachers who showed up and don't let our kids down! My kid came home happily talking about how fun school is She enjoys the engagement with her teacher and peers My kid was SO happy The drop off/pick up process was easy Health check also was no problem Thanks to teachers who showed up and don't let our kids down! daughter enjoyed her first day at school! My child felt safe He could concentrate better than remote learning He said he would have enjoyed a little bit more time outside Need more guidance on what to during my child's asynchronous time We didn't feel safe sending our child My daughter loved it Everything went smoothly My child even commented that wearing a mask for the whole time was so easy he forgot he still had it on He was thrilled to have the fresh air break with peers My daughter enjoyed to meet her teacher & friends Having curriculum for 2nd graders while teachers are out and substitute teacher is in would be helpful We appreciate the leadership of the teachers (and administrators and support staff) that showed up to make today great for the kids! That type of caring leadership is the reason we love Bellevue! The procedure for arriving and leaving school seemed like it went well My son said school was fine It doesn't sound like they did very much, but honestly I am not too worried about that because I understand we need to get the kids into the new routine and just get them used to being back in the building Also since it wasn't his teacher leading the class, I didn't think they would be jumping right • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • into the curriculum they have been working on So overall I think it was a positive experience for him which I appreciate :) Because of his main teacher will not be there so I gave my son choices, go to school or stay home? He told me he is sad he wont see her but he wants to go This is a hard decision to everyone Both us work from home so we cannot take any longer Seeing him struggling learning online and no place to lease his energy like before which makes us sad I told him if you want schools open you need to wear your mask and wash your hands so we not get sick He listens and he knows what will happen I would say we are happy to send him back because I see smiles on his face Those excitement I have not seen for a while :) Staff and sub teachers are all very nice to my son He had a wonderful day Everything went well We had a warm welcome from M Hetherington upon arrival We felt very safe and our son had a wonderful afternoon, despite missing his teacher (but he was with a great substitute) We want to thank all the BSD staff who made this possible despite the strike The school prepared well to greet the kids back to school today My kid had a wonderful time interacting with other kids I am very glad school take steps to let other grades back to school gradually The school district was able to observe the needs and challenges that brought the kids back Overall, the school did its best during this rough situation We would like him to have longer or more recess Especially on a non rainy day My son said his day "was amazing!" Thank you so much to everyone who welcomed the kids back Thank you for today!!!!! The best smile I have seen on my daughter in months! She loved it It was safe and done exceptionally well with staff that participated NO COMPLAINTS JUST GRATITUDE Tough to have our regular teacher not present But my daughter is happy to be at school in person Recess was a hit! Improvement can be made with transportation because bus did not show up for pick up PM session My son said it was the best day ever Although he didn't mso much today I think it was just good for him to be back at school We got a very warm welcome back from our principal Mr Wong when we dropped off our two 2nd graders and another by Ms Sariyeh when we went to pick them back up We could tell that Mr Wong was happy to have kids back in school Both our kids had a great day, though one was jealous that his brother got Ms [] as his sub since he really likes her and has missed her since last year It would've been nice to have their regular teachers there, but I'm so glad BSD held its ground on reopening My kids really needed this, and I know you're already doing everything reasonably possible to keep everyone safe This is her first day at a new school, she is very excited to see her classmates in person but also disappointed that they couldn't play together and have to be seated for the most of the time because of the COVID-19 She enjoyed seeing some familiar faces but there was no actual learning done so she had to school work when she came home The day was exhausting It is also horrific to have put the children and families in the middle of this argument between District and Union/teachers Making us choose is shameful, we support our teachers AND having a change there night before is not appropriate Clearly discussions have been occurring longer than communicated and it's shameful the district hid this from families My son loved playing with friends and seeing peers There wasn't much instruction, but im so happy my son's social and emotional wellbeing has been fulfilled I'm looking forward to more academic focus in the classroom Name tag is helpful and people directing kids to their classroom is very helpful Love the recess Feel very bored with the substitute teacher Please tell the teacher to prepare more activities Also, please let him know to speak louder My kid can't understand him too well due to his accent My daughter didn't see the teacher who she should meet No • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Although my child had a substitute, and was not taught Spanish as they should have, they LOVED being back at school and had so much fun Thank you for finally making this happen! I hope the teachers will be back and more students join, we need our children in a structured education setting!!! My son said he had an 'amazing' day- his choice of adjective, not mine He went on to make the following observation: ""It's weird how being in school made me use chinese characters that I didn't know I already knew." For that we have the professionalism and dedication of his teacher, Ms [] to thank, in addition to all those throughout the district who have been working tirelessly to make this day happen As a family we have been struggling significantly with online learning for our 2nd grader I think it is also important to note that our principal Mrs Bugacharova played no small part in our decision to send our son today, in light of BEA's decision yesterday She has invested a significant amount of time in building working relationships with parents so we had no doubt that the kiddos needs wouldn't be met My son's only complaint was that Ms [] didn't rap when she met him (See her awesome PPE video for more background there.) My son was happy to be at school today He even had a recess which I didn't think was allowed so that was a treat He knows it is not the same but seemed content We'll get used to it all very soon The only thing that he needed was a writing utensil There were no pencils in his classroom apparently so I"ll send him in with one tomorrow but that seemed odd to me and maybe that had to with him not having his actual teacher there Deplorable that she was not there in my opinion Nothing comments at this time We did not send our kid to school today because we were told there are no teachers in class While it was clarified today that the subs that were in classes today are certified teachers and we'll be sending our kid to school tomorrow, the situation remains far from ideal We think that it's the district's duty to resolve any labor issues prior to reopening schools and not put kids in the middle of this mess My child felt like she didn't any learning today and was just worried about giving or catching covid Probably would be better to wait some time longer Keep it up with extra careful environment, Work out a deal with the teachers so they can resume teaching My daughter LOVED school today!! She came home SO Happy! She had nothing but good to say I wish Her TEACHER would have been there!!!!! I was so happy when she told me, "I don't know why I brought my computer We never used it." good safety precautions 2) my kid was super disappointed that he did not have his teacher teaching him In fact very little learning happened as the sub teacher did not continue with the original plan laid out by the regular teacher 3) we are taking a lot of risk in sending our kids to school Disappointed with bsd that the kids who took the risk to go to school are the ones who are left disappointed My son only had other kids in the class, only other kid on the bus so he felt very safe He came home and was just so excited to be at school He just told me now that he can't wait to go back school He loves school! So thank you BSD for making this happened My child really needed this Bennett just a bit of a dead zone so when we scan the QR code for the health flyer It was hard for phones to download it More information about that would've been handy so we could've done it before hand hand Normal teacher cancelled meetings, no point sending them Seems that everything from drop off to pick up went well It all went well, my son was super excited to be back in school and can't wait to go back tomorrow (Friday) Would have been better with teachers My son felt safe the whole time and was happy to see some of his friends I think good make up your mind and check if person you asking was able to send their kid to school today or not • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • There were lots of adults around to make sure the kids knew where to go and were safe Seemed like everything went very smoothly My child said that he felt safe I only wish that more Spanish was spoken by the teacher but I understand that with substitutes it's difficult to find one It was great! My child got back home very happy! He said it was amazing and this is the best day of his life ! Thank you really!! I haven't seen my child that happy in a while! The district can find a way to get our teachers safely in the classroom The superintendent can stop being divisive and derisive towards teachers that have supported our families so much in the past year We want to hear that the District is ***working together** with parents, teachers, and staff After the ridiculously awful year we have all had, none of us want our teachers to be ridiculed for feeling unsafe Get them more thorough training in safety & mitigation techniques, give them real options for staying virtual if they or their household members are at-risk, and lobby the state for vaccines for in-building teachers Give the teachers a save working environment Stop trying to rush in-person learning I asked my son how was his first day He said he loved it He didn't learn much, but he wants to go back That's good enough for me at this time Our teacher told us that the teachers union was on strike today and not to come to the school [] for second grade at [] but from what I am seeing other kids went to school Totally confusing My kid was excited to go to school today and he loved it All the staff members were extremely careful in taking care of our children The best my daughter said was to see her teacher in person! Protocols were in places Everyone was wearing masks We felt safe! We'd like to be informed of bus information The 2nd grader love the tour of the school, breathing fresh air, and guides back to the classroom (we are new to the school district and this is the first day ever for this 2nd grader to see his new school) Suggestions to have some hand-on school activities or workbooks from the school work Instead of recess, maybe a little break times where kids can mingle and get to know other kids in the classroom Well my daughter really loved to be back in-person school after 10 months been home I think everything went well The check in was easy Felt very comfortable with the safety procedures that were implemented I already filled out this survey but I'm not sure if I had a typo I meant to say "My daughter had nothing but GOOD to say " Sorry if I put it in there wrong before, and if I had it right the first time sorry to mess up the survey with this second response Anyway, thank you SO MUCH for providing the opportunity for her to go to school today! everything went well it was great to be back she came home so happy and fulfilled thank you Everything went well; drop off, kids walking into the building by themselves, many staff members to assist the kids, guidance on how to pick up your kids ( handed white paper for us to write our kid's name) The flow was very smooth My son could get into the school easily with the staff's help as long as I could see They practiced social distancing and followed protocols to keep the children safe My son had a great day! He really needed to come back to school in person Vaccinate all 2nd grade students SPS is doing it so can Bellevue Liked the teacher and the lessons Quotes from our son: "we got a tour and I forgot what school looked like." "I liked seeing my friend." "I liked not looking at a computer." Comments/Suggestions: we appreciate the hurculean efforts the district put into making today happen We recognize that it was probably difficult planning the curriculum on short notice without input from our teacher Please keep up your efforts to provide inperson education in a safe manner, as we are confident BSD can! My student very much enjoyed her day, but was sorry to not get to be with her teacher • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • My son was excited to be back at his school and to see his classmate in person Even though his teacher was not, he was happy and excited when I picked him up I hope his teacher will return but I am happy with BSD putting the children first Thank you! Clear instructions for drop off and pick up, principal greeting the kids Every went well so far My son [child] is very happy in his first day at school Just happy to see teacher and friends and get out of the house! All was good! Everything went great! Nothing can be improved My daughter is super excited to go back and came happily as she is able to see and talk to her classmates in person My concern is keeping masks for long time, need to see how it effects kids with sensitive skin!! Staff was super friendly and helpful Daughter felt good going back and was happy to see [principal] and a couple of her friends The teachers refusing to work today though was bullshit and shameful Many of us have been working hard this entire year, and they refuse to work in quite safe conditions, all at the last minute is ridiculous Also, if they are striking due to not having the vaccine, the not should work the other way too - no teacher allowed back who refuses to take the vaccine There was confusion due to having a different teacher and the school could have done a better job informing parents Also, bus was late after school She had a very good first day Perfect The child enjoyed the face to face interaction The bus did not come in the morning, so we had to take her school My kiddo said she loved it Thanks! Our kiddo was very excited to see friends and to see his teacher There was a lot of anxiety around all the uncertainty and the thing that could be done better would have been to have had a clear understanding with the teacher's union before making announcements and getting kids geared up to go back This has all been very unfortunate A MOU is not a deal and there should have been certainty before putting the kids and families into the equation It went great! I loved the greeter met the kids when they arrived and just kept repeating it's going to be a great day and positive affirmations! Very impressed :-) my son loved the substitute teacher and I loved seeing the presence of all of the staff there to help make sure everything was going smoothly! Granted the situation and the teacher absence, the day went great She's been preparing her return to school for a week and it was very important for her I can't remove the smile off my daughter She so excited to go back tomorrow I can't tell you how appreciative I am to BSD and all the staff that invested so much time and efforts to make it happen NHE Rocked it!!! Thank you to the district for going back Please know my second grader would have attended with a sub teacher She was so happy to go back to school Teachers need to be in their class Even virtually, kids create a bond and my son was surprised by the fact that his teacher was not present School made a great job getting organized and welcoming kids back My son complained that recess was too short haha Everything was fine I am typing what my son is telling me: What went well? Awesome teacher What can we improve? Have more kids excellent very happy that the children are in real school now She said it was the best day of her life The stress was hard on us parents, especially getting conflicting messages from teachers and principals I was scared to send her We did and it went well, but it's still stressful Our kids requires some special guidance and supervision and it was very well planned for • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • you guys are doing a santa at fantastic job! its the lack of kids My kid felt so happy and excited He cannot stop talking how much he loves back to school He said he loves his teacher more when he have class in person Just get more teachers and kids in the building My kiddo was one of in the class But it didn't see to phase him, at pick up he said he "loved" his day :) Kids went to school to meet their own teacher and were disappointed to see different teacher New teachers were nice and supportive but we are not sure about in class environment If teachers are vaccinated we can control the spread Most of the things went well except Edulog didn't work as expected So far so good Just one thing, we did the student health information form online before class But don't know why school did not get it My son got to see his friends that he did not for a very long time School building was ready and teachers on site was ready All nicely organized However, the daily schedule as a whole presents a lot of confusion Do we have classes in the afternoon? We thought so, but calendar shows nothing, etc My child told us the classes and meeting with friends in person were excellent and no improvements It's very disappointing that we couldn't meet our teacher Our daughter had a fantastic day The only thing that could have made it better is if her teacher was there All went well! My 2nd grader loved seeing his teacher and friend! Extra drop off pick up precautions were in place, sanitation, etc All excellent Tnank you very much My son is so exited.It is a first day of school since we came from Russia Only of 15 students showed up in my sons class The teacher spoke no Spanish My child was bored and, frankly, sad He watched videos and did a little math This is a $hit show Shame on the district and teachers for letting things get to this point Very unorganized, no communication on what to expect due to teachers being on strike Well planned logistics for adults and children Felt safe for our kid Thanks to all the caregivers, they all did a wonderful job! Child not happy because his teacher is change My son was very happy My son is below average in reading and especially writing I would appreciate it if you could help him to make up for the difference [child] & her friend were very happy, they both loved their substitutes Everything was very organized It was funny the girls were forced feet apart when they spend pretty much all day everything together But we understand the schools commitment to safety The experience is pretty well and my kid enjoyed it! It's just the school on-site time is kind of short But we totally understand the current situation which requires low student density to keep social distancing and reduce the COVID risk So overall, it's awesome and excellent Thanks so much for bringing the students back! Child misses her teacher and classmates as only a few showed up My student felt it was very fun! He thought it was fun riding the bus and participating in classroom activities with his classmates My daughter said she had a great day and it was great to be back in class Everything was orderly and my son was happy to be back in school around his friends The only thing missing was his teachers Please push for vaccinations so we can get back to normal The first time kids can huddle together in person, with social distance for sure They share their stories on their favorite things to The chatter was so satisfying per my daughter The sub teach Mr [] was "fun" to listen to and be around • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kids excitement to be in the building and help they got from the staff Looking forward to regular teachers in the class with more academic activities The first day went very well, all things considered! I very much appreciate the principal, assistant principal, substitute teachers and all the other adults who stepped up to help with the first day of school My child had a great day, and we're hoping more kids come to school tomorrow Not really an improvement idea, just wanted to point out that my second grader missed having a snack and was starving at pick up time An idea, maybe allocating a space and time for kids, (in groups of 5s, to have the right distance and keep safe) to allow them a chance to eat something in the morning Thank you for the great and safe reopening Our teacher is not available today It was a total loss The school bus did not pick my kid up from daycare to take her to school so she didn't get to go, but why even bother when the teachers have stopped caring and decided to just not go until their unrealistic demands were met I am a essential worker who hasn't even got the full vaccine yet but have I missed a single day of work since the pandemic began? NOPE But the teachers are delicate and must have the full vaccine before they can step foot in the classroom, so much entitlement and lack of sympathy or support for the parents of working families Just another middle finger from the teachers/district Every bit of my disposable income plus more from savings is spent to send my kids to a daycare to 'remote' school yet the teachers have the luxury of working limited hours from home and calling a strike when they don't get immediately what every other person in the district is having to wait their turn for Shame on the teachers Shame! Support the teachers There were four kids in my son's class today (my son was not one of them) There is a large group of parents that are very supportive of the teachers There should be professional discussions and a plan in place that prioritizes safety of teachers and students My son likely has ADHD and doesn't virtual learn very well I am a single working mother so of course I want my kids back in school however, doing it like this is not helpful for anyone Empathy for those feeling nervous during a national crisis should be an absolute No-one has gone through something like in our lifetime We just reached 400K deaths and that went up significantly in weeks time Consult teachers and parents on what kind of hybrid model works best Make sure teachers are fully on board with the plan before communicating that plan to the community and students Do not victim blame by going to the media and throwing the teachers under the bus for disagreeing with your plan when this ever changing pandemic has changed from the last agreement Put the safety of teachers and staff first and advocate as strongly as possible to move them up the vaccine line No bus service, drop off and pick up went smoothly Good feedback from para-educator and administration My daughter reported a wonderful day The reason I gave stars was we were very anxious about sending her without knowing who would teach her class and whether or not that teacher would have been trained on our building's covid protocol well enough to not only keep the kids safe, but teach the protocols to them too After call to the school yesterday and emails (one yesterday that was never answered and one this morning) we found out who would teach this morning, so we sent her in, though we were very close to keeping her home and are still concerned about who will be teaching moving forward (Will she have the same sub tomorrow? What about once 1st and K start?) The drop off and pick up were great For the first day, I think everything went very well Todo bien solo que mi maestra no estava en persona mi hijo tambiem tiene miedo de la emfermedad My kids want to bring snacks for recess Everything went great! Well he's mainly wanting to see his regular teacher which is an issue right now • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It's a good start of returning to school Thank you all for making that happen! Went well: Drop off and pick up went smoothly; Online health check is easy and fast; Exciting to see school bus on the road again! Small class size made it easier for student to adjust to all the changes Student indicated that many safety procedures were in place Thanks so much couldn't be better We felt a little guilty for other students Seems only We enjoyed Getting her to the bus and getting her home was great She said class was good and recess was good She had zero complaints And so I She loved the activities at classroom with her teacher and classmates, she was so happy to see her classmates face to face, she got to know each other better Kids were so happy, excited Grateful the staff kept it focused on the kids and not everything going on around them Staff was gracious and generous while they must be under enormous stress I know it's not possible but having his regular teacher and more classmates is preferable Subs at Puesta should speak Spanish Forgot to add that I wish teachers could come back in and feel safe doing so My daughter was super excited to be back at school It's disappointing to note that her teacher won't be joining the in person class room Caring teachers and staff, welcoming, social interaction and recess, hands on learning We are so grateful you have brought our kids back to school So is our son in second grade Today, he bragged out his participation in class and returned home with a big smile on his face It was nice to see the principal out guiding the kids at the beginning and end of the day As far as improvements, if the teachers don't return soon, anything that you can to improve in class instruction through the substitutes would be appreciated As far as day one goes, it was better than expected Teachers need to come back They are essential workers and need to work like other essential workers My kid was so excited to get back We are very grateful to see Mrs Pelto greeting kids at entrance with big Eagle All Eastgate staffs are doing a great job to keep kids safe My kid returned home with happy smile Thank you very much My kids said school was clean! Thank you! Please bring their immunized teachers back to school Having Mr Steere out front to greet and welcome students was fantastic There was also a GSA to lead my child to the new 2nd grade entrance The substitute teacher (Ms []) did a great job of welcoming and engaging the kids My son says he is glad Ms [] was his substitute teacher Fresh air break was the one of the best parts of the day for my son and getting to play with his classmates Nothing to improve that I saw Thank you for opening schools back up! They administration has done a great job planning and making the logistics safe The major downside was not having the teacher there It was confusing for our son to understand why this is all unfolding the way it is The drop-off and pick-up were well organized The pick-up process may need to improve when 1st grade and K classes are back to school We may need to think about how staff can more easily guide the children to their parent's cars The sanitary protocol is well in place and it makes a safe environment The greetings from all the staff made us feel welcomed So far so good Thanks for all your hard working I'm appreciate every effort that school taking Great interaction between kid and teacher Happy to go outside at half time Nice welcome and farewell Thanks! More mathematical, read ,writing I wasn't able to complete health check online When I enter my son's student id, it doesn't recognize it No suggestion so far • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • My little one was happy to meet with his friends in person My son had a wonderful time and he was thrilled to be there He was sad that his teacher was absent and he had a guest teacher But he is eager to come back tomorrow! Excelente todo el niño llego muy feliz I am very sad that there is a lawsuit against the teachers and they are forced back to the school My daughter enjoyed her day She was a little lost after we dropped her off as she is new to the school The staff was friendly, and it would have been good if they asked whether she knew where she was going She loved her guest teacher She had a great day She was most excited about meeting her regular teacher, which now isn't happening Consistency, we want to know what to count on going forward I wonder is my child going to be learning the curriculum or there on principal only with a substitute There were only kids in her cohort, which I'm okay with I see it as less risk I'm so glad they are not on screens at school It was great and amazing!!! hope we can open window without any block or shutters hope our teacher can come back My daughter said she learn nothing today She liked the school tour and meeting friends She wishes she could talk to them more Thank you so much for hard work and support during this hard time for everybody My 2nd grader said he had such an awesome day today and happy to be in school with friends He enjoyed all the time in recess, math and literacy in class 2.5h was short but strong enough! The hard part was I understand the situation but It was confusing to receive all the mails from everybody school and district said it's ready to open and welcome 2nd grader but teaches said there's still things to And it's also heartbreaking to see the community takes side and blames each other We LOVE our school and teachers Even most of teachers could not be in person I strongly felt they care about students They checked in with kids 1:1 chat and video calls to help them and provided learning sources for independent work Please care the teachers as well and hope you all compromise I know it's really hard but hope we can get the good news soon Thank you so much!!! Drop off went well Kids were greeted and sent to assigned classes The School Principal was on site to help My child was sad his teacher was not there, and he had a substitute He only had kids in his class - so that was disappointing to him He did not get any instruction in Spanish (as he would normally) As a parent, we want our child to be happy and successful in his education We really hope the BSD and Bellevue Teachers union can come to an agreement that suits both parties - and resume instruction for our kids (whether remote or in person) to help bring normalcy to their lives She loved coming back to school and seeing friends Her favorite parts were reading and drawing On the other hand, I don't think they really jumped in and worked on learning anything new today, but hopefully with more time, routine, and her regular teacher she will start progressing again The learning progress has been so slow remotely, so we are also hopeful that she will again start learning and a normal rate as in school routines develop Staff was outside and very friendly, directing cars around to drop off kids Everything went well What went well - he came back home telling me he enjoyed doing math and he felt he learns a lot more being at school than at home - he enjoyed seeing his friends - as a parent, I fell pretty safe dropping him off after I reviewed the safety covid measures Things to improve - he mentioned aside from math, the only thing they did was play games like simon says and would you rather With the very limited in person time (2.5hrs), I would expect a complete focus on teaching the core subjects - his backpack was very heavy with laptop, school supplies, books and water bottle I hope they let him keep the books and supplies at school so his backpack weighs less Really don't like the drama with BEA two days before kid is supposed to return to school Maybe clearer direction if going to Boys and Girls Club before of after based on schedule Ensuring roster of those in both AM and PM classes to help direct them at the start of class on day one • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introductions of teachers to students if their teachers were choosing not to be present Lastly, let any instructor know of any learning disability, diagnosis, or IEP if necessary to keep it on radar Other than these I am very happy with the BSD's response to the BEA's actions All went well For your information, I would suggest the school to improve the ventilation and particle filtering to reduce the chance of infection because COVID 19 is airborne Here is a paper for your reference https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412020317876 Thank you so much for your communication [child] talked all the way home about school today and why he liked it so much more than online school He felt safe and enjoyed being able to raise his hand "in real life!" I know he was anxious however you and the team that showed up for kids today are truly amazing! You know all we've gone through as a family and while scared know the district must start taking baby steps to reopening If I wasn't confident in BSD 's ability to keep him safe I wouldn't have sent him today Please thank all your staff and those who supported making today happen [child] loved being in the classroom to learn and seeing her friends She missed her teacher but said she hoped she would be back at some point [child] also had a 'fun' day He said it would be better if there were more kids, but otherwise good It sounded like it went very well We believe that vaccination of the teacher is a reasonable ask It will be great if the school district and the state/county can have an accelerated plan for the teachers to get vaccinated My daughter absolutely loved her first day of in person learning today This is also our first year of school was she was really excited Everything was fine!! She was so thrilled to be back at school! Thank you for making it happen There were some issues with her bus leaving on time, but understandable under the circumstances All in, we're grateful My kid kist simply happy to be back to school Hope some people can sanitize their bathroom as often as they can because it seemed almost all of kids were using the bathroom today at least from our class My kid was super excited and enjoyed his day at school Our principal was outside welcoming the students and all the staff was doing a great job! He attended class with the substitute teacher because his teacher is on strike, we understand the complexity of the situation and we will adapt to what is better for the community Thank you It sounded like it went very well "The best day ever" was the first thing my second grade daughter said when she got back in the car Thank you so much for getting her back in school It is so much better for all of our kids Everything went well! The school bus was late, we waited for it for 15 minutes, then had to run home, get the car and drive kid to school Signs at school didn't provide clear direction, no one to ask, had to run around the school looking for someone to let us in Very stressfull We chose to stay home today in support of our teachers I feel that Puesta del Sol specifically has a few unique challenges, older buildings, larger class sizes that personally concern our teachers but in general, I want to support my BSD teachers as they are the ones in the trenches with my kiddo day in and day out My hope is we can find a way to address their concerns and get the kids in the classroom safely soon Thank you for listening! Good luck navigating such a complex situation My daughter was so excited to go (so I) she told me she felt confortable and have a lot of space in classroom The idea to not have lunch time its brilliant (the coronavirus travels to salvia, so it´s a great way to reduce contagious) Probably check the students temperature before enter their classroom, would work better, at the door of the building they suppose to enter (to avoid contact with more teachers, staff, students) We are so excited! thank you so much and stay safe The staff at Sherwood were amazing My daughter came home so happy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sounds like it went pretty well It is a pity not all students were there to health and safety videos together and other adjustment to new way of learning! As now they may have to repeat for absentees Are all school entrances meant to be open at 7:45? Teachers and the principal met us at the door and it all worked out just fine According to my kid, the principle visited his classroom which was very nice She had a great time and everything felt safe and well thought out No worries from this family Please give more supports to 2nd grade teachers who cares for students Our son really enjoyed his teacher He felt welcomed and engaged He reported enjoying recess, reconnecting with his class, and all of the in-classroom activities It's SO good for them to be back! We wish his teacher were there with him, but the substitute he scored is AMAZING Hope that the district and teacher's union are able to come to a quick resolution We support our teachers in getting the vaccine as quickly as possible, but feel that they should have held to the original, negotiated agreement rather than seeking a change days before the start of hybrid learning It was a good day, but we are concerned about the current fight between teachers and BSD Hopefully, it will be resolved soon Exciting for school reopening Thank you Dr Ivan Duran! On the flip side though BEA as a teachers' union doesn't conform to common recognition for teacher as a respectable profession Actually it shouldn't even exist just like high tech companies commonly don't have a labor union It's sad to have learned most teachers are ganging up with a sole BEA leader and staging a strike They simply don't live up to their social responsibilities I wish I could ask for my Xmas gift cards back from the teachers However, we definitely want to donate more to the schools for substitutes, buses, etc Please remind us We just miss our teacher I did not like that the news cameras were on campus when kids were there Our principal, Nicole Hepworth, did everything she could to make the day special for our 2nd grader and we really appreciate her consideration, reassurance, honesty and compassion I really want to keep the politics out of it and keep the focus on making it a great day for the kids You are great thank you Going back to school is wonderful! Thank you for making it happen, Dr Duran and Ms Hamilton! Unfortunately, teachers on the strike just lost my respect and hurt her image in front of my kid (actually my son cried) Please work with the teachers to negotiate their return Cycling through subs increases exposure and instability for very young kids The aggressive tone is alienating parents who may see your point but still want to support their teachers No She liked seeing her friends I appreciated the coordination Improve communication from teacher and district mixed messages Child would like one small snack time Literacy went well It was incredible!! No suggestions except to say thank you for holding your ground and doing what's best for our kids!!! We love you Ms []! I really appreciate sub teachers and staffs My daughter was happy to go to school and has been waiting today Thank you for your consideration for BSD members!!!!!!!!!!! Everything went smoothly from drop off to pickup We greatly appreciate the principal and teachers present who tried their very best to be positive for the kids Our home room teacher was present Students were very well distanced and with face mask on at all time even during recess Student was very happy to see friends and teacher in person My son was so happy and in generally great spirits after his day back in the classroom I realize it's been tough but thank you for creating these opportunities It's been very scary for him to learn online because he is genuinely fearful of asking questions or being called out He cries and shook with fear when I ask him to unmute you ask his teacher to recall a page in a workbooks because he is lost He • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • commented that he was glad to be back in the classroom because he feels safe to raise his hand and answer lots of questions He was so proud to tell us that his substitute told him he is a good listener and had great answers He was so happy and confident when he came home My kid was so excited today She was so happy to see her friends and teachers after leaving school for almost one year She said everything was perfect Thank you all for bringing kids back to school! My kid came back happy The pick up and drop was smooth Bus is not full so as to concern us about physical distancing He informed us groups were small Most of all he was just super glad to be back to school Staff support to make sure my child got to where she needed Communication with teacher to parent needs to be better I tried reaching out to my child's teacher about questions I haveand she still hasn't responded, only has sent out generalized emails to all parents My daughter was not picked up from her childcare by the school bus So she missed another day of school The on top of the teachers strike, sit out "PAUSE" My school did not even call me to let me know that my child had not arrived They had arranged for her to take the bus through her IEP I can't start to explain how frustrated we are by hours a day of school It is a joke and a disservice to the kids and their familys Go back to work like the rest of us You have PPE We didn't send our 2nd grader in today With the situation escalating between BSD and BEA, we don't feel comfortable sending our year old to school Our school has only made "some" mention of substitutes but nothing more I don't know who is looking after them, what is being taught or anything at all How can BSD expect parents to send their child into school in a pandemic when SO LITTLE information is given out Please work out your difference with the BEA and stop using us as your pawn in your game Our child is in the Pacific Program, and everyone has been wonderful in prepping for the return I don't think there's much else that could have been done As expected, there was just a lot to take in given the new classroom, physically meeting all the kids and adults for the first time, new routines, etc Can be a little overwhelming for any of us 100% understandable why it cannot happen under current circumstances, but of course the opportunity for parents to settle the kids in, opportunity to see the class ahead of time to introduce new things in chunks vs all at once These can help, but they're not silver bullets nor are they deal breakers The kids will adjust as they continuously have, as we all will We've been fortunate to have all the same staff stay pretty consistent from day one, and that certainly helps Hopefully the other kiddos can get the same experience Thanks! So organized drop off in the courtyard with markings and cones We felt so welcome by seeing the principal and vice principal there to greet us We need more detailed instructions on what to bring in the book bag so we don't carry everything Vaccines for teachers before returning to classrooms It was well prepared for children Thank you very much teachers! My daughter loves to be back in class She mentioned sometimes classmates got too close My son felt comfortable and safe in the classroom and during recess She liked being at school but wished her teacher was there Fantastic job! Nicole Hepworth and her team at Woodridge could not have done better After 10 1/2 months, my year old is so happy to be back at school! My daughter said it was fine but she wished more friends were there Everything was great! But it was so sad, that kids didn't see their teachers today Puesta staff did an excellent job Activities and learning provided by the District seemed age appropriate and my student said altogether, it was "great." Unfortunately, it's hard to rate this higher than stars because (1) only other student was in class, (2) the class was taught by a substitute, and (3) my student said she was only able to speak Spanish with admin and support staff, not her (sub) teacher with whom she spent most of the 2.5 hours • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Our son had only classmate And no teacher That could have been better He was the only child on his bus route We all had a high level of anxiety based on confusing emails from the district, school admin and staff Logistics seemed to be fine, but we feel like we're in the middle of a fight we don't understand, with no win in sight Please resolve this conflict with the BEA as soon as possible and get our kids back to school responsibly She was so excited to be back with a teacher and other students We realize that it is still challenging for teachers to be there, but to have someone there willing to teach a child is greatly appreciated My child did not go back, we chose to complete the synchronous learning at home rather than send our child to school under the very divisive environment My suggestions for improvement are directed at Dr Duran, the School Board and administration involved in the current tactics of communicating in a way to the parents that is clearly intended to create a wedge between us and the teachers, please stop It's does not show respect for the teachers, who are the ones we have built relationships with, who we care about deeply and who care deeply about our children Your tone and behavior is autocratic, it's combative, it's dispassionate, it's inflexible and it shows a significant lack of empathy or compassion for your employees I have sent an email previously and will echo my sentiments here again, please shift this tone and keep us in remote learning until the teachers feel they can return under safe working conditions No comment My daughter said she had fun! Would be better if her teacher can be back! It was perfect My daughter was excited to come back to school to learn and get to know her fellow classmates Thank you! My son said studying with a mask on went well My kid love it My son was so happy We trust the plans in place and want to see our son's mental health start to improve with finally coming back to school Let's this!!! Well done We stayed virtual and stayed home until everyone feels safe Please listen to teachers and support them Please have them get vaccinated!! My girls were thrilled and felt so honored to be back Their entire demeanor, attitude changed today they were more jovial, more hopeful talking about what's next It felt good to see hope come thru in their smiles Honestly I think our whole family (including my teens) needed to see it Hello My son had a wonderful time at Somerset Mrs [] and everyone on site was so kind and helpful Despite this, I am growing increasingly worried about what is to come The new variant is on its way European schools have had to close due to covid cases going up from classroom contact Dr Vin Gupta has recently advised against sending teachers back I am hoping we pump the breaks and allow teachers to have both doses of vaccine before going back I want by children back in school, but not at the cost of the lives and lungs of our teachers I am concerned about the plans BSD has for reopening and I was particularly disappointed by Dr Duran's language around teachers, not to mention the lawsuit There's got to be a better way We are setting an example for our children and there are better ways to come to an agreement Please allow our teachers the time (one more month?) to be vaccinated Could the BSD host a vaccination clinic and have teachers volunteer to work the clinic, thereby being medical professionals for the day and qualifying for their vaccination earlier? Please don't force the teachers to put their health at risk I think I will be keeping my son home tomorrow It's just feeling too risky, despite the wonderful job Somerset did I think things with covid are going to get worse before they get better, unfortunately My daughter said she is very happy to be back in school again Nonetheless, I feel only one concern is that I wished that parents can at least schedule a meeting time with teacher or a tour of what in class looks like with the class new set up with the pandemic regulations Overall, I feel content for now! For time for [child] and make sure that each child leaves with their parents or the person who goes for them • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • She liked the teacher She was very friendly and helpful She would like to go longer She had fun, but wants to see her.teacher and classmates It was really perfect !! I really appreciate all of the teacher attending today to support and their best for the second grader My son says that he was kind of enough thrilling to go to school again He felt so~~~ happy !! Thank you all the teachers sincerely So excited to meet teacher - said she looked "kind of like how she looks on the computer - but different" My child was so excited to share who all was in the class, where they sat, room logistics - and reported that everyone was good about wearing masks No troublemakers! My child did say no one checked temp and later saw a diff student getting health temp check - but not until AFTER recess Communication to parents was that this would be done prior to being admitted to class - so transparency of health check process would really be appreciated We are just so happy to begin this process again I'm sorry so many of the teachers created confusion with misinformation My child needs to be in person and this opportunity is great! The only thing to improve at this point is to counter the anti-BSD propaganda the BEA is doing It's apparent they are attempting to sway parent support with inaccurate statements I believe the BSD and Principle Shearer has done great with the safety protocols Thank you! Our son was fully engaged Logistics was smooth Back to reality; a bit of it The safety measures that are in place were exceptional Having a smaller class size made the experience more intimate Nothing My son really enjoyed today Todo me gustó y mi hija estuvo feliz y emocionada de regresar Pienso que lo que pueden mejorar es el horario Más extenso sería mejor Our kid didn't go to school Because we confused to study in person The teachers and drivers didn't have vaccinated, I think that it is risky for kids and teachers The social distance and habits like the kids need to have water outside the room is good The drop off and pick up is good All the staffs there are so positive and inspiring really impressed me, thank you!! I know it is a very difficult period, but kids really need to be back to school to have education, hope the vaccination will be faster, thank you! She had a great day She had a great day The substitute teacher did not engage to much, just hand over some work sheet for students to work on o Parents have no idea what is going on in terms of teachers and who is teaching our child During a PANDEMIC telling me it's okay that some substitute that we've never interacted with our child (and not knowing who/where/what) is a huge starter RED FLAG The accusatory rhetoric about how the teachers not care is utter BS Our teacher has been nothing but dedicated, wonderful, and always on call to help us with tech or my daughters educational needs We need more communication, if nothing more than a bullet point of here is what Bellevue and Teachers union are working on In absence of any information many parents are just making up what the issues are with teachers, Covid, etc It's now become crazy hyperbole on what is happening at school Once again quit adding gasoline to the fire Lower the rhetoric and instead of pointing the finger, let's work on a plan I'm still waiting for a reply on school class size, etc but I have not received a reply I still haven't heard the plan or have any faith that communication will happen if/when a kid does get sick or show flu symptoms Everything all right • • • • • • • • • Bus was about late to pick up but no major issues Of course, we would prefer for our child to be with his usual teacher, but given the very unusual circumstances we are all very pleased that our child has returned to in-person learning Thank you! We felt safe and well prepared for the safety protocols in getting back to campus after a long time away The teachers did a great job providing information and expectations prior to today It was very good so far Happy to see classmates and get back to a school routine All good You're doing an amazing job It would be much better if we could get the teachers back in front of the class I think my some felt safe, I felt safe sending him after hearing about the safety measures from his principal, but the more the teachers push back, the more nervous I feel that something is going on that the parents are not privy to The day was incredibly insulting How dare you forge ahead without negotiating with your teacher's union on the unresolved issues from the November MOU that was designed to provide instruction to a smaller group of learners - not a broad in-person return How dare you take the union to court How dare you slander our teachers in the media, who are the ones who care about our kids and work so hard for them How dare you ignore their safety concerns How dare you LIE about not having COVID cases in your district before now How dare you say you can adequately contract trace without testing Today, President Biden announced what schools need to open safely - vaccinated teachers, testing, and reported cases Saying that it will "take too long" to get teachers vaccinated is irrelevant It is not a counter argument Teachers are not responsible for the pandemic, for your mismanagement of the segregation of the district into hybrid and virtual, or for the botched government response to vaccine distribution How DARE you use these comments as PR I am sure you will not post or use anything other than glowing reviews about the day, where a few admin made up plans that had nothing to with what teachers wanted, put more people than was necessary in the building, mixed groups and exposure because of these new people in the building, and pressured the non-teaching staff to come in or else lose their jobs My child was forced into this decision to be in hybrid because, to go virtual, we would have lost all the progress we've made with our teacher, all the bonds he's made with her and with his friends, and we would have been sent to a different school entirely with a different teacher Hasn't my child been through enough this year in dealing with the pandemic? Hasn't he already adapted to online learning? And, it's going WELL He is HAPPY every day He is connecting with his teacher He is connecting and collaborating with his classmates He is GROWING and he has ADAPTED and you should be ashamed of yourself for the way that you are breaking his heart right now In person, he has NO FRIENDS His friends are separated from him The kids in class aren't the kids who have been in his small groups They are at different academic levels This model does NOT serve my child in any way, shape, or form Why didn't you as other districts did and survey parents and ask what was most important - their teacher, in-person learning, or virtual learning That would have been fair, at this point in the school year, with pre-established classroom communities My year old should NOT have to lose all emotional and academic security in the middle of the school year because of poor district planning He was doing well but he is heartbroken this week and I am outraged at this district's poor management of this situation Terrible My child missed his teacher His friends are not in his class My family stands with teachers and is embarrassed by the action of the district today Administrators might have been smiling and put on a good act for the kids, but behind closed doors they were bullies and led by poor example Awful We stand with teachers My son participated in asynchronous activities for 5.5 hours but was marked absent at school because we not feel safe coming in person without conditions that are safe for teachers We did what his teacher told him and were not given credit for that My other child participated in asynchronous learning in another grade and was not marked absent • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • He was so happy go actually go Came out smile and that it was "great" Much better than online learning Seeing friends, semblance of normalcy, administration interaction We miss our teachers and wish more students were there daneil was so excited everything was perfect thank you very much, all of you It was confusing for my child and it felt like the District was putting my child in the middle of a conflict and using them as propaganda Get the 'regular' teachers back in school My kid was really happy to meet friends and teacher That is enough and most important part! :) My son said he loved going to school He did a science experiment, played outside and talked about how to be safe at school He's excited to go to school again I was nervous sending him after the emails from both BSD and his teacher but I'm glad that he had a good day and is excited about school The bus didn't arrive to pick him up which caused some frustration but it was figured out and he had a ride home Hopefully tomorrow it will arrive for him My Daughter had a wonderful happy day Everything was well organized and we feel comfortable with the safety measures in place for her Just being open for in-person learning seemed to be enough However, at the conclusion of the school day, our student was overwhelmed with joy When we had a moment to discuss the day, there was an excitement that has not been present for months Just seeing kids the same age who are going through similar experiences was all that it took We are beyond thankful that the BSD opened it's doors and took the appropriate safety measures for students to return to the classroom From our experience, a lot of kids are social by design and months of digital interactions was not enough to satisfy the itch to be playful and interact face to face with peers the same age School is not only a place for education, it's a place where students and families begin to invest in the community which can be very challenging when remote We are so thankful that in-person learning is in motion and we hope the district and union differences can continue to work through the obstacles and focus on what matters most, the students thrive in a setting that is outside of the digital space Our student was sad that he did not get to see his teacher today but he had fun being back at school with friends again Hard to say after one day but my daughter was super excited to be back and see her friends disappointed that the teacher was a sub and not her regular teacher but otherwise it went well and happy to be back! The first thing my child told me was how excited he was that when students raised their hands the teacher came over and worked with them one on one! It was exciting to have connections and learning support again It would be stars had the real teacher been there - I know she really wanted to, and I am sad at this adult battle of people puffing up their chests that looms over the District I was thoroughly impressed with the PPE, the organization, the professionalism and welcoming of the staff on site, and the progressive rollout of only kids per session I think it is neccessary for the littles to go back full time- the amount of learning and SEL interaction is needed and modified, can be done safely I don't think this 1/2 hours will be that productive in the long run without small learning groups though I not, however, believe it is safe for secondary to go back yet though Is there a happy medium? Thank you for all your efforts My student came home excited as this has been his first day back into the school since last year It was a good change for him Since this is the 2nd day of in person, there really isn't much to improve yet as everything went ok yesterday for us Thank you The recess went well and I got to play with my Bff ( Best Friend Forever) No, there is nothing for you to improve My 2nd grade son was happy to return to school, but he say he couldn't eat his snack he takes bus can he eat his snack in between bus to classroom? • • • • • • • • • • • • • My child is disappointed that tomorrow is a weekend because he wants to go back to school I can't tell you how huge this is for him as he has disengaged with learning while in virtual school PLEASE let in-person continue PLEASE School bus updates if there is any delay Everything is good! My 2nd grader was excited to be back in school and to be able to see his friends and teacher The staff was amazing They were all friendly and helpful And we all felt safe as they followed the safe protocols Thank you to all the staff members and especially the 2nd grade teachers who chose in person learning Now let's bond together and get all our kids back to school (in-person or virtually)! Nicole Hepworth MADE the day for those kids The moment they showed up there were balloons and signs and happy faces welcoming them (and calling them by name) the moment the door opened The day was 100% about the KIDS and that's because of the awesome administrative staff at Woodridge It was a great day! The safety procedure looks goods maybe because the small numbers of student as of now are less but overall is very good at least the efforts of the district to bring back the class is totally fine especially for young learners the interaction is very crucial on their growth despite of this pandemic issues There were multiple, conflicting emails sent and we thought that ultimately, our son's teacher would not be there so we did not take him to school He did the asynchronous school work from home Also, we stand with and support the teachers on this Not in favor of in-class room instruction until teachers have access to the vaccine Thank you for being open Our son did not attend due to the last minute news that his regular Hybrid teacher will not be leading the session One of the main reasons we choose the Hybrid route is to provide our child with a consistent teacher that would remain undisrupted throughout the 2nd grade The changes in this past 10 months have been rough on all families, teachers and educators, so to alleviate the pressure of our son, we wanted at least a simple request to have the same teacher throughout the 2nd grade The rhythm and cadence of a familiar teacher that knows his areas for development is the upmost important to continue his education throughout a pandemic There is no right answer here, but we are hoping just to have the same teacher back so we don't tradeoff more degradation of education for our child I applaud these are tough decisions to make for all, and it is not taken lightly on how we decide for our son's future We hope that you will allow the teachers to work remote until the vaccines are distributed before we are back to physical education again It would relieve some of the anxiety for all that need to enter the school physically It's a very difficult decision to keep our child at home, so we hope there is a resolution agreement very soon The whole process was very smooth School stuff did excellent work to make it smooth and safe for everyone We appreciate the efforts school district put in to the bring the kids back to school and volunteers/subs to make this a reality Not having the regular teacher caused some confusion to the kid But with her regular teaching going back to classroom on Friday it should get even better My student's teacher took a leave of absence, so there was a substitute teacher I am not comfortable with my daughter having a brand new teacher in the midst of COVID so may not send her in the future She did have fun, though! But I not even know the teacher's name Tina Bogucharova, Principal at Jing Mei, & staff prepared students & parents well using engaging videos, pamphlets, newsletters, diagrams & classroom discussion for all students not just those returning Now what can we on state level to prioritize teachers & staff to get vaccinated, if desired All school readiness related logistics went fantastic! thanks for the hard work and execution There is a bittersweet mix of feelings due to the BEA's decision not to have teachers participating in this return, and I understand them My view is that People safety should be always first And as a parent, as much as I know my kid would enjoy and benefit to to back to school in person, not having the teachers who • • • • • • • • • • • have made all their effort to move on with distance learning in the past months deserve an agreement with the district There has to be a way to lead by example and show to the community the humanity and the opportunity to resolve it together with BEA - not through court Thank you for your service Good: Drop offs were well spaced and clear directions on where cars and students go My son explained that he could only go to one section on playground, and wished he had more time outside =), I just appreciate that they have this opportunity Improve: I'm hoping to have clearer directions from teacher on what he needs to bring as the backpack is ridiculously heavy, so I carry it as we walk to/from school On the first day, he had brought everything, including full binder, big textbook, paper packets, stationary, and yet all he needed was a spiral notebook and writing tool Precautions taken were good My son came home excited to have returned to Enatai and enjoyed seeing the kids It goes without saying that the stress and confusion of the communications leading up to the school day as well as the knowledge that the teacher that he had been learning with all year would not being there was hugely disappointing I realize that the administrators are doing their best with a difficult situation I am hopeful that my son will be able to see his teacher and get back to learning He is struggling quite a bit with reading and distance learning has exacerbated this in some ways NO TEACHERS! How about working with teachers so they feel safe, so they can feel safe at school with our kids? Don't fire teachers whose doctors told them not to go into the schools!!! Why are you making kids go back to school when there are no teachers at the school to teach them? It seems very foolish to force kids to return to school when there are no teachers Also, I'm very concerned and upset by the tone of the recent email messaging from the Superintendent, and how he's turning the return to school away from a scientific basis and turning it political Politics should not be a factor in the safety of our children, families, and community! The teacher from school district is awesome My boy had a wonderful day with the sub teacher There were only kids showing in the classroom, the teacher patiently went over the new rules during COVID and gave them some math assignments, my boy liked the first day of school In my point of view, the school is well administrated and safe We, as parent, hope their class teacher takes the responsibility to come back to work and take care of their students ASAP Thank you Bellevue School District for being so flexible to assign teacher to our class to make the big moment of back to school happen! My daughter is super happy with this returning to the school campus Huge thanks to BSD staff to make this happen despite the disagreement We are very happy and supportive of the BSD decision Meanwhile, we are very disappointed with my daughter's room teacher who refuses to teach students in person! Even worse, she kept requesting every student has to get online on AM even if my daughter is assigned to the PM session She is asking me why I need to go to morning class while I am in PM session her mind is thinking that's duplicate It turned out the AM online class with her room teacher is simply some asynchronous assignment to the class, so we wonder is it possible to 1-1? Today, her room teacher is holding her for some talk in teams till 11:56 AM, and we have to rush to the campus, she did not even get a chance to eat lunch My daughter like the substitute teachers and the schedule in the campus Last, can we move the PM session to 12:35 - 3:05 PM? this gave much flexibility for kids to eat lunch Overall, we think kids mental health is very important, thanks to BSD did this to our 2nd graders It totally no sense for those teacher who sent daily email saying not returning to class, we'd like to not receive it Good: Friendly greetings, safety measures Bad: Missing her regular teacher The teachers did lots of work to set up the classroom, putting on distancing signs I can't thank enough for our great teachers and staff It is great that our son was able to get back to being around other people besides us in a safe, friendly and familiar environment But the situation with the teachers is frustrating • • • • • • • • • • • • Teacher was very passion and nice to kids My son had good social experience with his peers He was really excited about school It was very good and exiting, the kid enjoyed the class and liked the classroom being decorated Everything seemed organized and protocols followed Thank you staff and teachers for all your hard work! I did not send my son because he would be exposed to multiple people (subs) until negotiations with district and teachers are finished I also am not ok with outside people like news crews, photographers, superintendent, other people being in the building We were told it would be limited to students and their teacher to protect the students Also not ok with the communications coming from the district We need details about how the district is keeping our kids (and staff) safe not putting hardworking people down I'm am not ok with how the district is handling negotiations and can see why the teachers have no confidence in the district keeping them safe so now they are requiring the vaccine If they don't fight for safety who is going to protect my son and other staff members who are being forced to choose between feeling safe and food on the table I not agree with bringing the kids back with subs BUT I appreciate those who showed up to receive kids whose parents didn't keep them home Our Puesta principals worked so hard in the short amount of time and lack of information to prepare the best they could to keep the kids safe I also feel for our support staff who are not paid or treated well! They put in way more time then the hours they are limited to, to help support our kids They go above expectations to help out kids And they are being forced to things that isn't in their job description including risking their health They should not be covering for the nurses (which are part time and should be full time) or taking care of kids in an isolation room I also appreciate our counselors who put in more hours then they should Part time counselors should not be a thing when social emotional is so important The counselors are there 24/7 because they care about our kids so much they would wake up in the middle of the night to take care of anything that comes up Pay them better or lessen the case load before we lose some amazing people! I appreciated the updated website last night with some details about procedures for if someone is exposed I'll keep checking for more details there Really disappointed that we had a substitute teacher who seemed to not know what was going on My daughter came to school to get in person learning and she was shown a video for math I'd rather just let her stay home Let the teachers stay home so we can AT LEAST resume virtual learning! So far everything is fine Everything is fine my son love back to school My child is so thrilled to be back in the classroom! All my child talks about it how awesome is it to be back at school and how happy and excited they are Before this my child was sad and no longer paying attention virtually Basically my child was checking out and didn't want to participate any longer and now they are happy and excited I have no asks other than we find a way to make half day school work All of the precautions I hear that you guys have implemented is also amazing! THANK YOU for helping us to get this started! My kid was happy to see people in person But my child feels bored when the curriculum wasn't taught and was asked to easy stuff (my kid is in AL and her classroom is combined with GE) My child also feels sad when the teacher from the first didn't come back My son said they were doing everything to keep distance from each other Well: Kiddo was super excited to be back in person Well: students from her class were familiar faces [not ideal] brand new teacher for this in person return, even though we selected hybrid from the start of the year Poorly: I only saw that I needed to fill out the health safety questionnaire on FB in the morning I suspect somehow I missed the communication that indicated that was a thing It was a lot of confusion and miscommunication between BSD and BEA I am surprised and unhappy about the way BSD handled the situation The school without teachers is not the same And not the reason for 'celebration' • • • I was pleased that our class teacher's aid was able to greet the class and be there since the normal teacher wasn't able to be there due to the district and BEA disagreements My biggest piece of feedback is that 24 hours notice for things to change is not enough for kids to be prepared to pivot As much as the BEA is being difficult, I strongly feel that if the district is equally to blame over not having communicated earlier with the BEA and/or giving teachers and kids a heads up on the fact that there was such intense disagreement that was going to lead to a weird day I gave a star rating, due to how excited my child was and how happy she was following her first day - but I am disappointed in the districts handling of all of this Obviously the open fighting between the district and the teachers has been very confusing [child] came home saying that there were no outside recess time It would be great if kids can go outside and have fresh air and play

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2022, 05:32

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