WAICU - WTCS COURSE CREDIT TRANSFER AGREEMENT - Associate Degree Level General Studies Courses - Transfer Guide This transfer guide was developed upon the Course Credit Transfer Agreement made by and between the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU) and the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) This agreement was developed to show how WTCS student could transfer credits to a WAICU member This transfer guide specifically details how WITC students could transfer credits to Marquette University In order for these courses to transfer, the WITC student must have completed the course(s) within the last ten (10) academic years from the date the student is admitted to a WTCS district campus (WITC) A minimum grade of "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better for the course(s) to transfer is required, unless published by Marquette University (WAICU Member Participant) Marquette University will accept a WTCS institution "Pass" or "Credit" for transfer as long as "Pass" equals a "C" or higher and the scale is annotated on the student transcript Marquette University will publish any higher standards and the programs to which these higher standards apply The student must meet the Marquette University admission requirements Students are responsible for confirming that courses transfer to their intended major This guide was created March 2021 The WAICU - WTCS Course Credit Transfer Agreement was approved July 2020 and will be reviewed annually The following General Education Courses transfer from WITC to Marquette University WITC Course Number Course Title 10-809-159 Abnormal Psychology Additional Information Marquette University Credits Course Number Credits PSYC 3401 Course Title Abnormal Psychology Credits Credits 10-809-188 Developmental Psychology Credits PSYC 2101 Introduction to Life-Span Developmental Psychology for Health Professions 10-809-195 Economics Credits ECON 1001 Economics Credits 10-806-114 General Biology Credits BIOL 1001 General Biology I Credits* 10-806-134 General Chemistry Credits CHEM 1001 General Chemistry I Credits 10-804-189 Introductory Statistics Credits MATH 1700 Modern Elementary Statistics Credits POSC 2201 Credits 10-809-122 Introduction to American Government Credits American Politics Credits 10-809-166 Introduction to Ethics: Theory and Application Credits PHIL 2310 Theory of Ethics Credits 10-809-198 Introduction to Psychology Credits PSYC 1001 General Psychology Credits 10-809-196 Introduction to Sociology Credits SOCI 1001 Principles of Sociology Credits 10-801-198 Speech Credits COMM 1100 Professional Communication Credits 10-801-136 English Compostition Credits ENGL 1001 Foundations in Rhetoric Credits *Please contact Marquette University to discuss how credits will transfer If you have difficulty accessing this content or notice any accessibility problems, please contact the WITC Curriculum Office at curriculum.office@witc.edu or 715.234.7082 x5410 You will receive a response within days 10-809-188 Developmental Psychology credits will be accepted as course transfer in a Nursing program and as an elective for all other students