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1 California State University, Long Beach Department of Journalism and Public Relations JOUR 312-2 (3253) GLOBAL NEWS MEDIA Hybrid Course Spring 2019 Tuesdays, 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm LA 4, room 105 Instructor: Dr Heloiza Herscovitz Bio: http://www.cla.csulb.edu/departments/journalism/people/faculty/dr-heloiza-herscovitz/ Office: LA 4, 206 D E-mail: heloiza.herscovitz@csulb.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays, 11:00 am -12:00 pm This course is a GE interdisciplinary capstone course that brings the world to the classroom by connecting globalization and media concepts to international news It focuses on global news media structure and characteristics, multimedia practices and operations, war coverage, foreign correspondence, international news flow, and the impact of new technologies on news selection, construction and consumption 2 At the end of this course you will be able to Assessment Understand the revolution in digital technologies and its influence on global news systems, including western ethnocentrism and American press biases o Skills developed by readings and in-class discussion/analysis and quizzes o Typically measured by contributions to in-class discussions, writing assignments and quizzes Examine and apply theories of international communication and global media o Skills developed by practice assignments, readings and in-class discussion/analysis and quizzes o Typically measured by contributions to in-class discussions, writing assignments and quizzes Explore and analyze the world's leading news gathering operations and platforms and how news professionals from different countries their jobs o Skills developed by group presentations, readings and in-class discussion/analysis o Typically measured by contributions to group presentations, readings and inclass discussion/analysis Explain the social, economic, political, and ethical tensions which arise as the result of globalization and democratization of news media technologies o Skills developed by practice assignments, readings and in-class discussion/analysis and quizzes o Typically measured by contributions to in-class discussions, writing assignments and quizzes Reflect and write critically on how governments, news organizations, and individual citizens influence news selection and global news flows and improve diversity of viewpoints, press freedom and social development o Skills developed by readings, in class discussions, research and writing assignments o Typically measured by readings, in class discussions, research and writing assignments Course Textbook Please, purchase or rent the book “The World News Prism, Digital, Social and Interactive,” by William A Hachten and James F Scotton, 2016, 9th edition (Wiley Blackwell) 3 The library has an electronic version of the textbook Additional readings and videos are on posted BeachBoard They include articles on globalization, framing and agenda-setting, world system theory, international development, global media, press freedom, Internet, and social media trends Please buy a New York Times subscription at student rate at (https://www.nytimes.com/subscription.html?campaignId=67HX6&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzb7 72IDz3wIVmSCtBh15LATSEAAYASABEgIlaPD_BwE There will be quizzes on current news based on it They are announced in our course schedule Read more international news at CNN World News (http://www.cnn.com/world), BBC World News (http://www.bbc.com/news/world ), and Al Jazeera World News (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/) Other important sources and key websites for this course are: Committee to Protect Journalists (https://www.cpj.org) Reporters Without Borders (https://rsf.org/en) Reuters Institute/Media Trends in 29 countries in 2019: https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/risj-review/subscriptions-subsidies-and-pressureplatforms-media-trends-2019 Freedom House https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-press/freedom-press-2017 (press freedom) https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-net/freedom-net-2018 (Internet freedom) https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/freedom-world-2018 (Freedom in the world) https://freedomhouse.org/report/nations-transit/nations-transit-2018 (Nations in Transit) Internet World Stats (https://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm) Human Development Indicators, Key Findings, 2018 Snapshot: http://report.hdr.undp.org Transparency International https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017 News Agencies: Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/news/world Associated Press: https://apnews.com BBC news: https://www.bbc.com/news/world Xinhua News: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/world/index.htm EFE: https://www.efe.com/efe/english/world/50000262 France Press Fact Check: https://factcheck.afp.com France 24: https://www.france24.com/en/ RT (Russia): https://www.rt.com Inter Press Service: http://www.ipsnews.net Cheating and Plagiarism Integrity is an essential component of the college experience Plagiarism includes citing ideas from authors or websites without giving them credit Resubmitting your own work from other classes is considered plagiarism as well Be aware that Turnitin, our academic plagiarism checker, catches all material copied from the Internet without proper attribution In addition, Turnitin also catches previous papers you resubmit or papers from other students in previous semesters or other classes If you plagiarize, you will get a zero in the plagiarized assignment A copy of the offense may be forwarded to the Office of Judicial Affairs for review and added to your school record Fabrication or falsification may be punished at more severe levels including an overall failing grade up to expulsion from the university Ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism or cheating is not a valid excuse Your best strategy to avoid plagiarism is to use the sources recommended by the course and cite them in the body of your assignment and in the reference section Read the policy on cheating and plagiarism as well as on Turnitin at http://web.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/catalog/current/academic_information/cheating_plagiarism.htm l http://web.csulb.edu/lats/itss/bb/faculty/turnitin_assignments.html Tips to Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism 101, Cheating & Plagiarism at Cal State, Harvard Guide to Using Sources 5 Requirements for Assignments and Deadlines • • • • • • Assignments in this course need a creative title, but you not need to produce a cover page or abstract I expect your work to be well written and well edited Your work should be double-spaced, with indented paragraphs and without extra spacing between paragraphs Use Times New Roman 12 pt font Save your work in Word only (doc or docx); not use pdf Assignments uploaded on pdf format won’t be graded Pay attention to spelling, accuracy, clarity and grammar Poorly written assignments will be highly penalized Number your pages, add your name and word count on the top of the first page You can write a bit more than what is required but not less All assignments will be posted on Dropbox/Turnitin, except the quizzes All assignments are due Sunday before 11:30 pm News quizzes open Fridays at 9:00 am and close Sundays, before 11:30 pm In-text citations of sources and references need to appear in APA style Avoid long quotes; paraphrase key information, and always cite your sources Do NOT use Wikipedia as a source Check instructions and rubrics for assignments on BeachBoard Grading Grades will be based on your ability to describe, apply, analyze, and synthesize theories and processes, evaluate data and news stories, and offer well-thought reflections Originality, quality of writing, critical thinking, creativity, grammar, punctuation and style also count Avoid using material outside the course You will have enough to read this semester Assignments Syllabus Quiz: points Class Participation: points Mini Oral Presentation: 10 points Quizzes on current events (6): 60 points (10 points each; online) Mini Essays (3): 150 points (50 points each) Mini Research Report (2): 40 points (20 each) Essay on War Coverage: 100 points Midterm Test: 50 points Final Exam: 50 points Total Points: Extra Credit: The Game (TBA; last day of class): points Grading scale: A 100% – 90% B 89% 80% C 79% 70% D 69% 60% Met some High Level Superior Adequate Minimum Performance Performance Performance Requirements F 59% and below Minimum Requirements Unfulfilled If, at the end of the semester, you miss the cutoff by one point, I will automatically move your final grade up to the next grade Please note: Just because you complete an assignment doesn’t necessarily mean you will receive an A, or even a B A paper that offers simple description only would get a C at most Description along with analysis reflecting deep thinking would garner a B An A on a paper would require excellent writing, editing, and organization, and an explication that leads to a synthesis of your analysis in which you make a solid argument about the implications of your research/readings and how it adds to the body of knowledge Deadlines and Policy on Late Work: Assignments have a cutoff time to be uploaded to BeachBoard, which is Sundays before 11:30 pm The Sunday night deadline for assignments is the last resource Avoid writing assignments on the last minute because it will affect the quality of your ideas and your writing Plan accordingly: technical difficulties happen and they won’t concern me Please, not ask for cancellation of penalties if you submit late work Quizzes cannot be retaken If you miss the midterm or the final exam, you will receive a zero on these assignments A make-up will be granted in strict accordance with CSULB policy: (1) illness or injury to the student; (2) death, injury or serious illness of an immediate family member or the like; (3) religious reasons; (4) jury duty or government obligation; (5) CSULB-sanctioned or approved activities [2002-03 Catalog, p.75] No other excuses will be accepted Requests for an exam make- up must be fully documented and approved by me Written assignments turned in in the first 24 hours after the deadline will be marked down 25% After that they will be marked down 50% Late work may be accepted if you have adequate supporting documentation in strict accordance with CSULB policy (read below) such injury, illness, jury duty, etc and my consent Do not send assignments by email unless instructed by me Attendance and Class Participation: You get points for participating in class and lose points for absences, and they are unrelated You can miss two classes without a valid reason during the semester; no questions asked After that you will miss 2.5 points for every unexcused absence whenever if lacks proper documentation according to university policy Being tardy will impact your grade negatively as well After the third tardy, you miss point for each time you arrive late in class Please, read CSULB policy on attendance, late assignments and missed exams: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergra/senate/documents/policy/2001/01 Mechanics Although it may seem tedious, grammar is an essential tool that gives us a framework to communicate with each other and avoid misunderstandings Writing correctly gives us credibility and improves our communication skills It helps us to understand each other We want our written communication to be clear, consistent, coherent and concise Misplacing punctuation symbols, for example, change the meaning of a sentence and, therefore, creates confusion Words such as ‘things’ or ‘stuff’ little to express our ideas Therefore, invest in your grammar knowledge to boost your confidence This syllabus has links to improve your grammar, and the Internet has many videos about it If you prefer, schedule a meeting with the Writer's Resource Lab In this course, grammar counts in every assignment Check our rubric for essays and other assignments to understand its importance Assignments Description of short essays and war coverage essay as well as rubrics for these assignments are posted on BeachBoard Quizzes (6): Quiz format includes multiple choice and truth/false questions based on the news published by the New York Times (sections mentioned above) Usually, they have 10-15 questions Read the sections World, Politics, Business (only the subsections Media, Technology and Economy) On the World section, make sure you read news from all regions On the Business section, concentrate on Technology, Economy and Media subsections Quizzes open on Fridays and close on Sundays Short Essays (3): 500 words each Include a creative title, word count and in-text sources Use APA style to cite sources Never write an URL in the body of the text Write in third person only (no I, us, we, our) and use a formal college level style See rubric Mini Research Report (2): A mini research paper should contain your brief investigation on a particular topic or issue Its purpose is to show your research ability and how deep your understanding of the issue is and how well you can use your analytical skills 400 words Midterm: Test format include multiple choice and true/false questions Date is announced in the tentative course schedule A study guide for the test will be posted in our course homepage Essay: 700 words Critical analysis on war coverage at different points in time Use APA style for in-text citation and reference section; write in third person only and in a formal style; add a creative title and the word count Follow instructions and rubric posted in our homepage 8 Final Exam: Test format include multiple choice, true/false questions and short answers A study guide for the test will be posted in our course homepage All assignments need to use APA style regarding citations No need to write cover pages, abstracts or endnotes How to cite in-text sources in APA style: http://guides.libraries.psu.edu/apaquickguide/intext https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/3/ https://www.citefast.com/styleguide.php?style=APA&sec=inte Check these websites on how to cite sources on your reference section: Books: APA Purdue (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/01/) Websites: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/quick-guide-on-references.aspx Electronic Sources: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/ Other Print Sources: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/09/ Other Non-Print Sources: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/11/ Essay Writing Tips: https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/essay-structure https://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ld/resources/study-guides-pdfs/writing-skills-pdfs/writing-essaysnew.pdf Grammar Tips: https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/tips-grammar-punctuation-and-style Learn how to use commas https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/owlprint/607/ Comma splices https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/1/34/ How to use ‘However’ http://speakspeak.com/resources/general-english-vocabulary/how-to-use-however Transition Words http://www.smart-words.org/linking-words/transition-words.html Test your grammar (super fun!): http://www.grammar-monster.com If you have writing problems, make an appointment at the Writer’s Resource Lab Other Important Observations: Grading: The grading policies and practices in this class are explained elsewhere in the syllabus It is the student’s responsibility to read them and to seek clarification if necessary The student should be fully aware of what is required for success in the course, such as group participation, writing, speaking, completing assigned Seat in Class: An enrolled student may lose his/her seat in class if he/she misses the first class meeting without notifying the instructor At the instructor’s discretion, a student who attends the first class but not subsequent classes may also be dropped from the course Withdrawal from Class: Students may withdraw from a class from the third to the 12th week for “serious and compelling reasons.” Normally these are defined as anything of importance that is beyond the control of the student This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, death or serious illness in a student’s immediate family or a documented change in a student’s work schedule Poor performance, tardiness and unexcused absences are not considered serious or compelling reasons beyond the student’s control for purposes of withdrawing Absences from Class: Grades in a course may be adversely affected by absences, and students should seek clarification from the instructor regarding the course absence policy Make-ups usually are granted in strict accordance with CSULB policy, which defines excused absences as (1) illness or injury to the student; (2) death, injury or serious illness of an immediate family member or the like; (3) religious reasons; (4) jury duty or government obligation; (5) CSULBsanctioned or approved activities [2002-03 Catalog, p.75] These and any other requests for an excused absence must be documented CSULB Cheating/Plagiarism/Fabrication Policy: CSULB takes issues of academic dishonesty very seriously If you use any deceptive or dishonest method to complete an assignment, take an exam, or gain credit in a course in any other way, or if you help someone else to so, you are guilty of cheating Making something up constitutes fabrication If you use someone else’s ideas or work and represent it as your own without giving credit to the source, you are guilty of plagiarism This does not apply if the ideas are recognized as common knowledge, or if you can show that you honestly developed the ideas through your own work Any instructor can show you the correct ways of citing your sources, and you should use quotation marks, footnotes or endnotes and bibliographic references to give credit to your sources according to the format recommended by your instructor The Department of Journalism has a zero-tolerance policy in these areas, and any instance of academic dishonesty cheating, plagiarism and/or fabrication -may result in your failing of the assignment, immediate removal from class with a failing grade, removal from the College of Liberal Arts, expulsion from the university and/or other sanctions as the instructor deems appropriate Responses, Penalties and Student Rights: Students should consult the appropriate sections of the Catalog for examples of cheating, fabrication and plagiarism, and instructor and/or CSULB response options in such circumstances The Catalog also outlines student rights Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who need assistance or accommodation to participate in the course should inform the instructor and then contact Disabled Student Services within the first week of 10 class In addition, students should establish their eligibility for assistance by contacting the Disabled Student Services Office (Brotman Hall 270) at 562-985-5401 Students are to provide the instructor verification of their disability from Disabled Student Services If the service offered is insufficient or inadequate, the student should confer with the instructor and the director of Disabled Student Services If these efforts are unsuccessful, students have the option of directing their concerns to the Office of Equity and Diversity (University Student Union 301) at 562-985-8256 Responsibility for oversight and implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act has been delegated to the campus director for disability support and accommodation Additional Student Learning Assessment Accreditation: The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at California State University, Long Beach is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC, https://www2.ku.edu/~acejmc/) Accreditation by ACEJMC is an assurance of quality in professional education in journalism and mass communication Students in an accredited program can expect to find a challenging curriculum, good facilities, and a competent faculty ACEJMC lists 12 professional values and competencies that must be part of the education of all journalism, public relations, and mass communication students Each one of your required courses in the journalism major addresses at least one of the 12 professional competencies Therefore, graduates who majored in journalism and public relations should be able to the following: • • • • • • • • • • understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press in the United States, as well as receive instruction in and understand the range of systems of freedom of expression around the world, including the right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and to assemble and petition for redress of grievances; demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications; demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass communication; demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of peoples and cultures and of the significance and impact of mass communication in a global society; understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information; demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity; think critically, creatively and independently; conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which they work; write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve; critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness; 11 • • apply basic numerical and statistical concepts; apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work

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