Metacognition and Self-regulation as the pedagogic focus
The terminology of ‘metacognition and self- regulation’ is relatively common in the current teaching and learning discourse and has been adopted by the Education Endowment Foundation
(EEF) Previously these approaches might have been described as ‘teaching thinking skills’
Teaching for metacognition has a strong history
Vygotsky and Bruner emphasized the significance of language and communication in fostering intellectual and personal growth, as noted by Wood (1998) Their influential theories have shaped various curricular and pedagogical strategies aimed at enhancing thinking skills, particularly through methods like Dialogic Teaching.
(Alexander, 2017) Note the inclusion of ‘teaching’, which emphasises an active instructional and facilitative role of the teacher
This SSIF project funding bid was based on the high relative position of ‘metacognition and self- regulation’ as effective teaching strategies on the
EEF Teachers’ Toolkit (as shown in Fig.1 below)
The Toolkit is explained by the EEF as follows:
The EEF Toolkit is a valuable resource for educators and school leaders focused on enhancing learning outcomes, especially for disadvantaged children and young people It offers a range of strategies aimed at improving teaching and learning, each summarized to provide clear insights into their effectiveness.
1 its average impact on attainment;
3 the strength of the evidence supporting it
The Toolkits offer valuable insights rather than definitive solutions for enhancing school outcomes They present high-quality information grounded in existing evidence, highlighting what is likely to be beneficial for schools.
Metacognition is a type of knowledge that intersects with other knowledge forms, such as factual, procedural, and conceptual knowledge, as outlined in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson et al., 2001) Often, metacognition is referred to in shorthand, highlighting its significance in understanding and regulating one's own learning processes.
Metacognition, often referred to as 'thinking about thinking,' encompasses knowledge and skills that enable learners to self-regulate their learning processes It involves essential activities such as planning, questioning, monitoring, and reviewing one's thoughts and progress This concept highlights the importance of learners' motivation and disposition towards activities that enhance learning, leading to the growing emphasis on 'Metacognition and Self-Regulation' in educational contexts.
Fig 1 Teaching Toolkit Screenshot
Teaching for metacognition requires both teachers and students to focus on the cognitive processes that enhance learning, necessitating active student engagement in learning activities and open discussions about the learning process and lesson content This approach typically includes group dialogues centered on challenging tasks and whole-class debriefings emphasizing metacognition Teachers play a crucial role by modeling, scaffolding, facilitating, and providing instruction and explanations that support student thinking.
The teacher plays a crucial role in debriefing the learning process by facilitating a class discussion that involves skilled questioning and prompting This approach allows students to engage deeply and share their thoughts, ensuring they have ample opportunities to articulate their understanding and reflections.
Integrating metacognition into the subject curriculum, particularly in Mathematics, has been shown to have a significant impact on student learning, according to the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Their findings suggest that embedding metacognitive strategies within specific subjects is more effective than teaching them as a standalone concept This historical evidence reinforces the project's emphasis on enhancing metacognitive skills in Mathematics education.
In April 2018 (part-way through this SSIF project) the EEF published its guidance report on
‘metacognition and self-regulated learning’ 1 on its website and this has also been widely shared in hard copy with schools in England
Ten primary schools from across North Yorkshire took part in the project Participating schools were:
Le Cateau Community Primary School
Hipswell Church of England Primary School
Leeming, RAF Community Primary School
Linton-On-Ouse Primary School
Michael Syddall Church of England Aided
1 files/Support/Links/Campaigns/Metacognition/EEF_Met acognition_and_self-regulated_learning.pdf
Wavell Community Infant and Nursery School
Currently, three schools are rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted, while four are considered 'good.' Additionally, two schools 'require improvement' and one is deemed 'inadequate.' The schools differ in size, with the smallest having around 60 pupils and the largest nearly 500, leading to mixed-year group teaching in some cases, particularly in schools with only three classes.
The schools, situated in rural towns and villages, predominantly serve children from service families Six of these institutions are positioned near Catterick Garrison, one is located behind the wire of RAF Leeming, and the other three are in villages adjacent to military bases.
The project had a staffing infrastructure which drew together the Teaching School Alliance, the staff appointed to the project and senior leaders and teachers in each school:
The Strategic Lead This was the Head of the Alliance who held the funding
The Project Manager who was responsible for the day-day running of the project
The Headteachers from each of the ten participating schools played a crucial role in the project's implementation by not only facilitating its delivery within their institutions but also actively participating on the Project Board, which convened regularly to oversee its progress.
The Lead Practitioners (LPs) These were three experienced teachers specifically appointed to deliver the project in schools and to work with a designated teacher in each
The Lead Teachers (LTs) These were the designated teachers appointed by the school to work with the LPs
A consultant, with expertise in inspecting schools, to quality assure the teaching and coaching delivered as part of the project
In addition, the project contracted the evaluation team – as outlined earlier
The Alliance acquired LORIC to enhance metacognition in schools, while utilizing Basecamp as a virtual platform to streamline information sharing among all project participants.
A coaching model was used to deliver the initiative
Table 1 illustrates the project schedule
The LPs organized termly network meetings for all LTs, fostering networking opportunities, sharing of activities, and additional training At the beginning of the new academic year (Term 4), a practitioners’ re-launch conference was held, inviting all participating schools to include their teachers and teaching assistants Additionally, an end-of-project conference was open to schools beyond the initial ten participants.
Table 1: The project’s coaching schedule
Term 1 (Sept-Dec) Advertising for two Expert Coaches/LPs (on the Lead Practitioner Pay Range ISR L1-
The project, running from January 2018 to April 2019, involved a fixed-term contract where each Learning Partner (LP) was expected to collaborate with five schools, dedicating one day a week to each However, the decision was made to appoint three part-time LPs instead of two full-time ones, resulting in two LPs being assigned to three schools each, while one LP was responsible for four schools, reflecting their respective workdays.
During Term 2 (January to April), LPs participated in training sessions to enhance their understanding of metacognition Following this training, they collaborated with their assigned LTs in schools for one day each week, starting after the February half term The primary focus of this initiative was on improving mathematics instruction.
LTs set up termly network meetings.
Evaluative approach
The SSIF project was founded on a 'theory of change' developed by the Teaching School Alliance and tailored for each school This theory posited that enhancing teachers' practices to foster metacognitive learning and self-regulation in mathematics could improve student achievement and help address challenges related to high mobility between schools While particularly relevant for children from service families, the project aimed for whole school improvement rather than focusing solely on these students The underlying theory of change justified the use of a methodology aligned with these goals.
The primary approach involves evaluating the theories of change that guide the project’s design and implementation, both at a holistic level and within individual schools According to Laing and Todd (2015), a theory of change clearly outlines how a project aims to achieve its outcomes through specific actions, while considering the surrounding context This evaluation method facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the project's effectiveness.
SSIF project was implemented, and also a recognition that the context, (e.g policy, school and community contexts), are integral to the degree of success achieving change
The evaluation process began with the creation of a theory of change diagram for each school, represented as a flow chart that outlined anticipated causal relationships This diagram was developed during interviews with Learning Partners (LPs), who had gained an initial understanding of their respective schools The flow chart's content, detailed in the accompanying table, illustrated the expected progression of change over time, highlighting connections to desired outcomes, as depicted in Table 2.
Midway through the project, the initial diagrams for each school were revised to acknowledge the evolving theory of change influenced by factors such as high pupil turnover, changes in school leadership, and Ofsted evaluations A fourth row was added to reflect these changes, and the updated diagrams served as the foundation for final evaluations These evaluations assessed the evidence of desired outcomes and examined how project implementation and contextual factors impacted results, as illustrated in Table 3.
Table 2: The Theory of Change outline
Whole school Teachers / Other Staff Pupils Situation at the start
To develop and refine the theory of change diagrams, the evaluation team maintained regular communication with the LPs, starting with individual interviews at the project's inception Throughout the project, both formal and informal discussions took place during various network meetings, allowing for continuous engagement and feedback.
The evaluators conducted informal metacognition training for the LPs on two separate occasions, which was essential as the LPs developed their understanding of metacognitive teaching throughout the project's progression The continuous discussions with the LBU team contributed significantly to this formative learning process.
The LTs were interviewed as a group in March,
During the network meetings held in July (Term 3) and October (Term 4), evaluators collected observational data on interactions among Learning Partners (LPs) and Learning Tutors (LTs), assessing their enthusiasm for the project, concerns, and growth in metacognitive pedagogical approaches to mathematics.
At the end of the project, the evaluation team interviewed the Alliance Strategic Lead, the Project Manager, and the independent quality assurance Consultant
Throughout the project, evaluators reviewed essential documents from the LPs, including termly school delivery plans, pupil and staff survey results, and cluster observations They also utilized Basecamp, which provided access to examples of metacognitive work in the classroom, such as learning walls.
The evaluation team attended the September re- launch conference and provided the Project Board with an interim report in May 2018
All of the data gathered during the above interactions contributed towards the findings section of this evaluation report
Table 3: Amended Theory of Change outline
Whole school Teachers / Other Staff Pupils Situation at the start
The evaluation team did not visit schools, talk to pupils, Headteachers or LTs on an individual basis, since this was the role of the quality assurance
The evaluation team has not reviewed any raw pupil progress or attainment data, nor any tracking data, which prevents us from providing statistical or quantifiable evidence regarding the project's success.
The limited participation of schools in this project means that the findings cannot be generalized to a broader context; however, they offer valuable insights into the effectiveness and applicability of this pedagogical approach in comparable educational environments.
There were no challenges of note to carrying out this evaluation under the parameters set out above.
Setting up the project: appointments and training
Lead Practitioners: appointing and training
The project was designed to run with two full-time
LP with each working in five schools one day a week However, three very experienced part-time
The appointment of three Limited Partners (LPs) has significantly benefited the project by bringing together a diverse range of complementary skills The Project Manager noted that having three LPs enhances collaboration, resulting in a synergy that exceeds individual contributions All LPs concurred that this approach has proven effective for the project's success.
The LPs initially lacked expertise in metacognition and its application in mathematics education, prompting them to dedicate their first half term to understanding the concept They engaged in training, attended meetings, and conducted extensive reading, ultimately finding valuable insights from a specialist in metacognition within the evaluation team Lacking formal induction training, they took the initiative to explore and define metacognition independently, sharing their findings with each other One LP noted their self-directed approach to learning, while the Project Manager highlighted their swift development into knowledgeable practitioners in the field.
It should be noted that their training did not stop once they went into schools They have continued to seek CPD opportunities and met again with the
LBU expert in Term 5 of the project They found this valuable, allowing them a time to stop and reflect
The team has effectively collaborated by leveraging each other's strengths and providing mutual support, while largely operating autonomously as the Project Manager adopted a more hands-off approach Each Lead Practitioner (LP) successfully negotiated with their Headteachers to determine the optimal timing and method for project delivery within their schools The Project Manager emphasized that appointments were made at an appropriate level to meet these expectations, resulting in two LPs achieving Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) status through the project, while a third LP already held that designation at the time of their appointment.
All three were said to have made valuable contacts, developed links including to CollectivEd (a research and practice centre at Leeds Beckett University), and brought expertise back into the project
Lead Teachers: Selection and views on training and the coaching approach
Schools had the autonomy to select project leads (LTs) for a maths-focused initiative, although not all selected LTs were subject leads in maths Adjustments were made in teacher allocations, and all LTs who completed coaching with learning partners (LPs) were women, representing various career stages from early to experienced teachers The pedagogic approach varied across different schools and year groups, with three schools focusing on year 2, three others on mixed years 3 and 4, and one on mixed years 1 and 2 Additionally, one school did not appoint a single LT, instead allowing the LP to collaborate with multiple teachers across various year groups throughout the project.
Before participating in the project, while some LTs had encountered the term metacognition, none were fully aware of its significance or had consciously applied it in their teaching However, upon recognizing it as a valuable pedagogical approach, they became enthusiastic about its implementation and quickly identified its potential to enhance student outcomes in their school.
In retrospect, the LPs acknowledged the importance of providing schools with guidance on selecting candidates for the LT role, as they initially lacked clarity on the necessary criteria For future projects, the LPs recommend that Headteachers carefully consider specific qualifications and attributes when choosing a classroom teacher to ensure a successful collaboration.
Teachers that are open to change;
Teachers that can demonstrate high quality teaching;
Teachers that can support pupil behaviour in an organised classroom environment; and
Teachers that are prepared to model practice for others
The LPs felt that consideration of the above would have positively impacted on the project and would have helped Headteachers select the right teacher to lead the project
Lead Teachers views on the coaching and training approach taken
LTs found the ongoing coaching approach the project took as beneficial They particularly liked working with another professional over a period of time
Unlike typical training sessions that offer only brief, isolated hours of instruction, this program provides ongoing support following the Christmas or summer holidays Participants benefit from continuous assistance, ensuring they have someone to consult with, receive feedback from, and discuss their progress, enhancing their overall learning experience.
The difference between this project and anything else we’ve done in the past, is the support
The project was well-received for its customization to the specific needs of individual schools, addressing the common issue of a "one-size-fits-all" approach that often fails to meet diverse requirements.
As part of the project, and their ongoing CPD, LTs were all offered the opportunity at the end of Term
During the middle of Term 5, classroom teachers had the unique opportunity to visit another school for cluster observations, allowing them to see effective practices in action This experience was highly valued by the leadership teams (LTs), as it inspired them with fresh ideas on how to enhance their delivery of metacognition in the classroom.
Seeing other practitioners has been very beneficial
Being observed was really good because it reinforced the fact that I was doing it right
You have that benefit of reassurance And also, this is what you could do
It’s actually quite nice to get out there and see what everybody else is doing and magpie ideas
The EEF Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning Guidance Report was released in April 2018, midway through the project By the end of the third term in July 2018, only one Learning Teacher (LT) had engaged with the report, which was provided to her by her Headteacher She found the report both interesting and useful, noting that it offered her the first opportunity since university to explore theoretical concepts relevant to her practice.
‘you don’t often sit down and do that professional reading.’ Another LT said it was ‘one of those things that I thought I shall read that in the summer.’
Another LT said it had helped them to explain the metacognition approach to other members of staff
‘a bit more professionally’, giving her the language she needed
The LTs highly appreciated the network meetings, which provided them with a valuable opportunity to share ideas and connect with others involved in the project The funding for cover allowed them to take time away from class to focus on the project, a luxury they noted was rare during new interventions They deemed this time 'crucial' for the project's success, as it facilitated reflection—something they encouraged in their students but seldom had time for themselves Engaging with other professionals reassured them that they were on the right track, enhancing their confidence in their efforts.
Attending these meetings consistently provides me with a wealth of new insights and ideas that I can incorporate into my lesson plans and utilize in staff meetings.
They motivate you again to keep it going
It has motived us to get on and move it forward even for others
The network meetings gave the LTs new ideas and more exciting work with one LT commenting:
Because you want it to be a success Well, I do in my school; I want it to be a success
Because I feel it’s been a success in my class So it does generate more work
The September re-launch conference aimed to rejuvenate the project for the new academic year and enhance its visibility among staff at participating schools, and all attendees found it to be beneficial.
Teachers appreciated the presence of all staff involved in the project at the participating schools, as it allowed others to witness the Learning Teams' efforts and gain a clearer understanding of metacognition This visibility contextualized the project beyond the LORIC framework, emphasizing that while LORIC supports the metacognitive approach, it is not synonymous with metacognition itself.
The LPs mini lesson and math demonstration were deemed highly valuable, particularly due to the effective language used Staff members gained clarity on the LP's role and purpose in the school, which encouraged greater involvement from others One participant noted that it elevated the project's impact significantly.
Most of the challenges experienced at the start of the project were logistical and included:
Setting up IT systems for the LPs
Finding adequate and appropriate space for the LPs to work in when not in school
Training on metacognition for the LPs which was somewhat ad-hoc and largely dependent upon their own contacts and networks
Establishing initial contact with the
Headteachers This was largely due to changes in the circumstances of particular schools
One school withdrew from the project early on, but it was quickly replaced by another
The main challenge LTs faced throughout the project – not just at the start - was that of time
Metacognition and self-regulation as the basis of Powerful Pedagogic Strategies
Teaching for metacognition and self-regulation is a tight and skilled process, not a laisse faire pedagogy Leat and Higgins (2002) coined the term
Powerful Pedagogic Strategies (PPS) to describe metacognitive teaching approaches They did so deliberately and with an evidence base, demonstrating that:
PPS represent a manageable unit of change for teachers aiming to innovate;
PPS are flexible across subjects, ages and curriculum contexts;
PPS have no single correct answer so they encourage engagement with ideas;
PPS extend our understanding of subject knowledge from something to be mastered to become the stimulus to reasoning;
PPS encourage exploratory talk between pupils and provide rich learning experience suitable for metacognitive plenary
Metacognitive teaching approaches have the potential to revolutionize the processes of teaching and learning, significantly enhancing the self-efficacy of both educators and students.
Part of the evidence base drawn on by Leat and
Higgins' work emerged from the 'Thinking through ' approach, developed within teacher networks backed by educators at Newcastle University These networks fostered a subject-based approach to teaching thinking skills, as noted by Baumfield (2002), while also establishing a specialized primary knowledge base (Higgins et al.).
In contrast to many contemporary metacognitive teaching interventions, the strategies outlined by Leat and Higgins (2002) emphasize the teacher's role in designing and implementing a diverse array of Powerful Pedagogic Strategies, including Odd One Out, Mysteries, and Living Graphs Importantly, these strategies are integrated within the curriculum, enhancing the development of thinking skills that are closely aligned with subject-specific knowledge and competencies.
Enhancing professional skills to create customized lessons with PPS significantly impacts teaching and learning In this SSIF project, the LPs focused on the connection between the advancement of teachers' professional skills and the improvement of teaching and learning outcomes.
The SSIF project implemented a contextualised specialist coaching model, tailored to the needs of experienced teachers who were not initially experts in metacognition This approach considered the unique challenges faced by each school, the specific year groups targeted, and the varying experience levels and roles of the Learning Trainers (LTs) The Learning Partners (LPs) continuously collected data and reflected on the project's progress, allowing them to adapt their pedagogical strategies effectively Their coaching included modeling, joint planning, co-teaching, and debriefing sessions with LTs, providing valuable insights into metacognition and primary education This coaching model, while not purely 'clean coaching,' incorporated elements of mentoring and feedback, aligning with the specialist coaching framework established by CUREE (2005).
Over time, coaching practices evolved, leading to enhanced support as the three Learning Partners (LPs) developed effective teaching and learning materials focused on metacognition in mathematics Their collaboration throughout the project allowed for the continuous addition of resources, reflecting their growing understanding and skills This process exemplified co-constructive co-coaching, where the LPs engaged as peers in equivalent roles, fostering mutual development and learning throughout the project duration.
Teacher coaching has a well-established history and evidence base, exemplified by the Newcastle University Schools-based Research Consortium Teaching Thinking Skills project, funded by the Teacher Development Agency in the late 1990s and early 2000s This project integrated coaching with various forms of teacher continuing professional development (CPD), drawing inspiration from the work of Costa and Garmstorm (2002) and the Cognitive Acceleration in Science Education (CASE) approach, which aimed to enhance teachers' metacognitive practices.
Like many uses of coaching in education, this SSIF project aimed to ‘close a gap’ in attainment and contribute to improving school performance
This project’s coaching, while distinct from other forms, aligns with Lofthouse's (2019) research emphasizing the importance of fostering strong working relationships and productive dialogue within coaching frameworks It effectively addresses genuine challenges and professional dilemmas faced in complex educational environments, including small primary schools The adopted coaching approach highlights its value in leveraging the expertise of seasoned professionals.
(the LPs) to support teachers and contribute to school improvement
Alongside the coaching itself a coaching culture
Campbell and van Nieurwerburgh (2018) highlight the emergence of collaborative practices within the project, facilitated by networking meetings among Learning Teams (LTs) These meetings provided a platform for Learning Partners (LPs) to exchange innovative teaching strategies being tested across various schools By involving different year groups as focus classes, the initiative fostered a comprehensive exploration of teaching and learning dynamics, emphasizing the significance of metacognition and self-regulation in education.
Despite initial apprehensions among teachers, cluster observations fostered greater engagement, openness to new ideas, and increased confidence in sharing and evaluating teaching practices The sustainability of this developing coaching culture within schools hinges on the effectiveness of its integration into their existing frameworks.
‘transfer what is powerful about one-to-one coaching conversations into everyday culture of
[the] schools’ (Campbell and van Nieuwerburgh,
The SSIF project has demonstrated authentic teacher development, which is essential for school improvement Findings indicate that this development is linked to metacognition-based teaching, fostering the growth of Professional Practice Standards (PPS) that benefit both learners and educators.
(2006) identified phases in teacher engagement in pedagogic innovation, from ‘initiation’, through
‘developing questions from practice’ and onto
The research findings from the Schools Based Research Consortium highlight the importance of commitment in the phases of engagement within the SSIF project Leat et al emphasized that successful transitions between these phases, which not all teachers achieved, require ample space and time for pedagogic creativity This creativity is nurtured through access to new ideas, engagement in problem-solving, and professional conversations, allowing educators the freedom to think and act creatively while connecting theory to practice Additionally, they identified three stages that outline the evolution of collaborative practices, which can be effectively illustrated through this project.
In Stage 1, teachers engaged with Learning Partners (LPs) to deepen their understanding of classroom practices and analyze emerging data This collaborative effort led them to identify key insights about metacognition and self-regulation, highlighting their significance in enhancing teaching effectiveness.
Stage 2: The Collegial Network meetings and observations emerged as vital platforms for sharing, designing, and reviewing teaching and learning approaches within a community marked by professional intimacy.
In Stage 3: The Collective, the collegial group has gained the confidence to collaborate with others both within their schools and beyond, leading to a broader recognition and exploration of their approaches across various settings Within this SSIF project, both the Learning Partners (LPs) and numerous teachers have demonstrated this advancement, as reflected in their applications to become Specialist Leaders in Education through the Teaching School Alliance.
Key findings and recommendations
There is anecdotal evidence of positive pupil impact
Classroom tasks have become more pupil- led
Pupils have become more confident learners, especially in maths
Pupils are no longer afraid of making mistakes, asking questions or asking for help Instead, they see these as opportunities for learning rather than a sign of failure
Although there is no quantifiable data on pupil impact, this absence should not be viewed as a weakness, as it was not a primary objective for the stakeholders involved in the project.
There is evidence of Lead Teacher impact, mainly in terms of developing new school leaders
The Lead Teachers appreciated the coaching approach employed by the Lead Practitioners, highlighting the significance of the extended duration of the project, which provided continuous support rather than a one-time session.
It is important for schools to choose the right lead teacher to take on such projects
The Lead Practitioners have been the driving force for this project They have been highly organised, methodical and professional
Having three Lead Practitioners instead of two (as originally proposed) was beneficial to the project
The Lead Practitioners have significantly enhanced their teaching and coaching abilities through the project, gaining valuable insights into school improvement This experience equips them with the potential to effectively apply their knowledge in future roles.
Stability at the school in terms of staffing – teachers and Headteachers, Ofsted ratings, Ofsted inspections due etc, all contribute to the likely success of such a project
Having Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team buy-in and support throughout the project, is crucial
Each school delivered the project in a way appropriate to their needs and circumstances
Most schools intend to continue rolling out this pedagogic approach post project, without designated funding
Lead Teachers acknowledged that while LORIC is an effective educational framework, it does not encompass metacognition Initially, they lacked the time and resources to implement both strategies simultaneously However, upon reflection, they recognized that LORIC served as a valuable foundation for integrating metacognitive practices.
Basecamp – the Lead Teachers would have liked a virtual platform that is more accessible and in everyday use such as a Facebook page
The most valuable resources were reported by the Lead Teachers to be those designed by the Lead Practitioners
The end of project video and resource pack will be a lasting legacy of the project
Network meetings were particularly valued by the Lead Teachers
Cluster observations benefited not only the Lead Teachers but other members of teaching staff at the participating schools’, including teaching assistants
It is essential to have a good working relationship between Lead Practitioners and the Lead Teachers, the Lead Practitioners and their Headteacher
Good communication between all stakeholders is essential, along with clear lines of reporting and accountability for times of difficulty
The Lead Practitioners had no ‘teeth’ or authority over the schools to ensure full project engagement
Funding to cover Lead Teachers has been effective, as it has allowed all Lead
Teachers to take part in cluster observations and network meetings
Whilst acknowledging the prevalence of
Service Children in participating schools, the pedagogic intervention took a whole- school improvement approach rather than focusing attention on Service Children specifically
The main challenge was the timing of the project
The coaching program commenced mid-year, specifically after the February half term, which posed challenges as timetables and lesson plans were already established Additionally, there was uncertainty regarding the decision-making process for the Lead Coach.
Teacher should follow their pupils (e.g from year 3 into year 4) in the new school year
There also appeared, at times, to be a missing link between the Headteachers and the Lead
The project design and implementation had many commendable features, and these should be considered as recommendations for future school improvement initiatives both in the project schools and beyond
Collect on-going data as deemed appropriate;
Reflect on how well the initiative is going at regular intervals;
Do not be afraid to change direction or add in new aspects to the project;
Allow time for the building of relationships and trust to develop;
Plan regular network meetings for the teachers involved to strengthen collaborative working and the sharing of knowledge, understanding and resources;
Ensure funding and teaching cover is available for Lead Teachers to attend network meetings;
Encourage all schools to take a contextualised specialist approach to coaching that is delivered over a period of time;
Encourage regular cluster observations to allow lead teachers – and over time others
- to benefit from the expertise of others;
Encourage a change in mind-set and culture within the Alliance or the school to one of being open to new ideas and ways of working
The availability of follow-on funding to help participating schools develop their new pedagogic approach more fully and integrate it into their strategic development plans
Consider using a theory of change approach when designing, implementing and reviewing school improvement projects to allow understanding to emerge at school level
Support ongoing practice development through the work of Specialist Leaders in Education with coaching approaches as part of their work
The evaluation revealed that school improvement initiatives are most effective when individual schools and teachers are engaged, feel their contributions are valued, and view the process as a collaborative effort rather than a top-down mandate.