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1 SECOND :Skills for Success EDITION SECOND EDITION Think critically Succeed academically o n "= e = "

Q: Skills for Success, Second Edition is a six-level series with a Skill S Or S { ] cce S S

two strands, Reading and Writing and Listening and Speaking ° =



a a

New note-taking skills, an extended writing Clearly stated unit objectives motivate students to ® syllabus, and authentic video in every unit achieve their language learning goals, while online a

equip students for academic success tools enable teachers to track class progress '


For Students For Teachers integrated

iQ Online course content has been researched, iTools classroom presentation tool increases digital content

developed and tested to fit the needs of engagement in lessons and reduces your

Trang 2


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‹ CONTENTS How to Register for QỒ[mHN TH 2e "MA UNIT1 Business 2

Q: How can you find a good job?

Note-taking Skill: Writing key words and main ideas "———— : " sar 8 Listening 1: Looking for aJob tren he "` x 6 Listening Skill: Listening for key words and phrases %3'35/0° kiN EER chay 9 Listening 2: The Right Person for the Job 10 Unit Video: Training for a New Job 13 Vocabulary Skill: Distinguishing between words with similar meanings cee eeeees ¬ 14 Grammar: Simple present and simple past : " - 16

Pronunciation: Simple past -ed sa g403 chê cài 19

Speaking Skill: Asking for repetition and clarification chê " 21 Unit Assignment: Role-play a job interview sae _ trẻ .22

UNIT2 Cultural Studies 26

Q: Why do we study other cultures?

Note-taking Skill: Taking notes in a T-chart : - - " - 29 Listening 1: International Advertising TH» nh hen nh 30

Listening Skill: Listening for main ideas and details : " " 34

Listening 2: Cultural Problems "¬ bec eve be ee cent esse essen eee s20 32 vã 35

Unit Video: Around the World—Shanghai pecans’ Ps ai : 39

Vocabulary Skill: Words in context - "——— ——"-

Grammar: Should and shouldnft; lts + adjective + infinitive : ree Ất 41

Pronunciation: The schwa /a/ sound £ : os ‘ - : 4

Speaking Skill: Presenting information from notes : cài " s 44

Unit Assignment: Give a presentation 5 se , 47

UNIT3 Sociology 50

Q: What is the best kind of vacation?

Unit Video: The World’s Most Visited Attractions HE n nh nhờ sees vee ST Note-taking Skill: Marking important information in notes = —~ 53 Listening 1: Places in Danger

Listening Skill: Understanding numbers and dates Listening 2: A Helpful Vacation

Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes -ful and “ing

Grammar: Be going to "¬ sams a :

Pronunciation: Reduction of be going to . - : -:-‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡+‡+‡+>>++

Speaking Skill: Introducing topics in a presentation Unit Assignment: Plan and present a travel tour UNIT4 Physiology 74

Q: Who makes you laugh?

Listening 1: Charles Dickens—Making Readers Laugh After 200 Years i8 _ 77

Listening Skill: Listening for specific information - veers 80 Note-taking Skill: Making notes using a word web , des vse os "¬———-

Listening 2: Whats Your Sense of Humor? s+ke<c-À "———— ee eeeeeseueeeeeeeseeee ees 83

Unit Video: The Science of Smiling che : 4x 3 kể k1 ;à4 86.13.4977 Vocabulary Skill: Synonyms , 87 Grammar: Simple present for informal narratives - 89 Pronunciation: Simple present third-person -s/-es ¬ 12524189 9E 4ã 104388136 193 91

Speaking Skill: Using eye contact, tone of voice, and pause Thy 93 Unit Assignment: Tell a joke or a funny story "¬—¬¬ tà ÿg52 z6 sàn sư cØỐ;

Trang 4

UNIT5 Psychology 98

Q: Why do we enjoy sports?

Note-taking Skill: Using numbered lists to organize information -: - TŨT Listening 1: Body and Mind 102

Listening Skill: Listening for signal words and phrases 105

Listening 2: Sports in Our Lives : (0164161 01221//04(/.(6244/ 05 TH nhất

Unit Video: When to Involve Children in Sports HT ng TT nh nh nh nh HT non non Hà trời 109 Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary

Grammar: Gerunds as subjects or objects

Pronunciation: Intonation in questions "¬ 114

Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving opinions — 115

Unit Assignment: Interview a group about sport preferences "1 116

UNIT6 Philosophy 120 Q: When is honesty important?

Note-taking Skill: Using abbreviations and symbols " nas si ¬".`.' 123 Listening 1: Dishonesty in Schools _ "— : 124 Listening Skill: Making inferences si " "

Listening 2: hat⁄ the Right Thing to Do? oes "" Unit Video: inating Lies 132

133 135 Vocabulary Skill: Percentages and fractions

Grammar: Conjunctions and and but

Pronunciation: Linking consonants to vowels

Speaking Skill: Sourcing information

Unit Assignment: Report on a class survey sae sivaas = sus tnprnersaoseomearars 19D

UNIT7 Behavioral Science 142

Q: Is it ever too late to change?

Listening 1: Attitudes about Change : - s.szsezasz 145 Listening Skill: Listening for different opinions Ki "¬ - Listening 2: Tips from a Life Coach 151 RH844st 154 155 Unit Video: Politicians—President Obama

Vocabulary Skill: Verb-noun collocations

Grammar: Imperative of be + adjective

Pronunciation: Content word stress in sentences

Note-taking Skill: Using an outline

Speaking Skill: Checking for listeners’ understanding wsas nse net vet sone Face AEF one Tete

Unit Assignment: Give instructions TH vê ¬—— 162

UNIT8 Psychology 166

Q: When is it good to be afraid?

Unit Video: Fearless Mouse "

Note-taking Skill: Using the Cornell method for taking notes Listening 1: The Science of Fear : °

Listening Skill: Listening for examples

Listening 2: What Are You Afraid Of? Vocabulary Skill: Idioms and expressions Grammar: So and such with adjectives

Pronunciation: Linking vowel sounds with Iw! 0 or r/yi .167 169 -171 175 176 179 181 182 183

Speaking Skill: Expressing emotion

Unit Assignment: Tell a personal story 185 Authors and Consultants - c c2 cceeeseecceeess T8 How to Use iQ Online : : TH» ng TT TT TT ĐT nh nen ng "¬— ¬— 190-191

Audio Track List TH» nh nhe he khe

Vocabulary List and CEFR Correlation


Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 13:24


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