INSEARCH ENGLISH PREPARE FOR KILLS AND STRATEGIES 00KTWOREADING AND WRITING Get there BAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYSYDNEY GlÅo TRINH LUYCN THI IELTS PREPARE FOR IELTS SKILLS AND STRATEGIES BOOKTWOREADING AND WRITING INSEARCH + ENGLISH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYSYDNEY os -07 01420 First Nezvs' NHÅ XUAT BAN TRÉ Prepare for IELTS: Skills and Strategies for Reading and Writing Copyright 2007 INSEARCH UTS This publicationis copyright No part of this publication,book or CDs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise, nor stored in a databaseor retrieval system, without the written permissionof the copyright owners, except for such photocopyingas is permitted by the Copyright Act, 1968 and subsequentamendment First publishedin Australia by INSEARCH UT S Printed in Vietnam by Tri Viet - First News PublishingCo., Ltd with the permissionof INSEARCH UT S Rae de Rooy Edition Co-ordinator: David Larbalestier and Anna Shymkiw Consultants: Stuart Gibson, Book Design Australia, Book Design: Cover Design: Layout: Line Illustrations: Diagrams: Photography: Proofreaders: EKH Branding House, Norman Baptista, Natalie Wallis Pam Horsnell Stuart Gibson and Simon Leong iStockPhoto Tamara Pruze, Kristina Schulz, Brett Johnson, Kirill Shelnskiy, Matt Townsley Prepare for IELTS: Skills and Strategies for Listening and Speaking Vietnameseedition Copyright 2007 First News - Tri Viet Cong ty First News - Tri Viet gid bån quyén xuåt bån vå phat hånh an ban tiéng Viet theo hop dong chuyén giao bån quyén vdi Insearch Limited Båt Cdrsv chép, trich dån nåo 1