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(Luận văn HV chính sách và phát triển) solutions of efficient improvement mobilization and use of FDI capital in hanoi

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INTRODUCTION The urgency of research subject Firstly, an economy wants to grow highly and stably must ensure sufficient demand for investment capital Large and long-term funding calls for capital boom home savings as well as growth the appeal of foreign funding For growing countries, when the scarcity of domestic funding is inadequate to satisfy the capital demand, the reception of foreign investment (FDI) will become even more vital to bring massive benefits which is great for the technique of financial increase and improvement, elevating the income and exist ence of the people With its extraordinary advantages, attracting an increasing number of FDI has become the monetary development approach of every country Along with increasing FDI appeal, the assessment of socio-economic efficiency of the usage of FDI capital as a foundation for national governments in addition to local governments have strategies to attract funding in any industry, set out what regulations to use make first-class use of this investment capital for the sociomonetary improvement of each locality In conclusion, FDI plays an important role for developed economy in every country Over 30 years of renovation with reforms to open the integration with the world economy, Vietnam has made progress in attracting international investment capital, especially FDI inflows In general, FDI inflows to Vietnam have continuously increased in both quantity and quality It can be affirmed that FDI is an important supply of capital for Vietnam economy, a driving pressure and creating dynamic and competitive for our united states market LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Fueled by non-stop growth, Vietnam maintains to attract file foreign direct investment (FDI) The latest information from the Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) suggests that FDI in Vietnam in 2019 reached US$38.2 billion an increase of 7.2 percent compared to the same length in 2018.7 According to the Politburo's Resolution No 50-NQ / TW of August 20, 2019, government should complete the rules and policies of foreign investment which has high competitiveness and international integration, meet the requirements of renewing the growth model, restructuring the economy, protecting the environment, solving social problems well, improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy To basically overcome the existing limitations and inadequacies in building, perfecting and organizing the implementation of institutions and policies on foreign investment cooperation Creating business environment and competitiveness of ASEAN before 2021 and ASEAN before 2030 This is the good signal for investors Objectives of the research The overall objective is to research theoretical basis and experiences of some cities in the world about on the policies of mobilization and using of FDI:  Analyzing the current situation of mobilizing and using FDI capital  Situation of mobilizing and using FDI capital from many perspectives  Proposing solutions stemming from the actual situation, with grounds for effectively control the mobilizing and using FDI capital Research subjects: Activities of mobilizing and using FDI capital in Hanoi City Research scope: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com  In term of space: The dissertation has studied and analyzed the situation of mobilizing and using FDI capital in Hanoi  In terms of time: the thesis focus mainly on the period from 2015 – 2019 Research methods Student choose dialectical materialism and historic materialism primarily based on objective phenomena and socio-monetary rules At the identical time, student use a combination of research methods to achieve research objectives Specifically: a) Methods of collecting and processing information The method of collecting and processing information is used by students to collect primary and secondary documents These are the financial statements of Department of Planning and investment in Hanoi Along with that are projects, scientific research projects at many levels Master's thesis in economics, domestic and foreign scientific papers related to foreign direct investment b) Analysis method The analytical method is used to analyze the data related to the problems of foreign direct investment In addition, the method is used in analyzing how to use FDI effectively The thesis has analyzed some records to look the effect of FDI mobilization and utilization However, the situation of FDI of each cities is a very sensitive issue, apart from some publicity information and data available, many documents are provided by the authorities LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com are internal and unpublished documents But I can confirm that the documents have clear origin, high reliability and provided by the competent authorities following the procedure At the same time, I have used and quoted truthfully in the thesis c) Comparison method This method is used to compare the provisions of the use of FDI and the limitations of certain cities Moreover, comparison methods are also used for comparison and analysis mobilizing and using FDI capital to show the pros and cons of each regulation d) Method of systematization and synthesis Systemized and generalized methods are used to link research points into a unified whole to express the most complete and profound issues of the thesis The method of systematization and synthesis also helps me answer the research questions logically and in accordance with the law, with the nature of the problem Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion and list of references, the thesis consists of chapters:  Chapter 1: Overview of foreign direct investment  Chaper 2: Current situation of foreign direct investment in Hanoi  Chapter 3: Solutions of efficient improvement mobilization and use of fdi capital in Hanoi LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com CHAPTER I OVERVIEW OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT 1.1 Researches about foreign direct investment In the trend of economic globalization, both foreign investment and foreign direct investment has become significantly increased In Vietnam, foreign direct investment just happened recently Overall, to know the advantages and drawbacks of FDI, this research need to research carefully 1.1.1: Foreign investment a) Investment An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth In finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or will later be sold at a higher price for a profit b) Characteristics of investment: Investing is putting money to work to begin or make bigger a project - or to buy an asset or interest - in which those finances are then positioned to work, with the goal to profits and increased price over time The term "investment" can consult with any mechanism used for generating future income In the economic sense, this includes the acquisition of bonds , stocks, or real estate belongings among several others Additionally, a constructed constructing or different facility used to supply goods can be seen as an investment The manufacturing of products required to produce other goods can also be visible as investing LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Investment classification  According to the national scope  Domestic investment  Foreign investment  According to the using timeline  Long-term investment  Short-term Investment  Medium-term investment  According to economic field  Investment in infrastructure  Investment in industrial production  Investment in agricultural production  Investment in developing resources  Investment in commercial, services and tourism  Investment in finance  According to the investors  Direct investment  Indirect investment In fact, people always distinguish into types: direct investment and indirect investment It depends on receiving, administering and using the investment funds c) Foreign investment Foreign investment includes capital flows from one us of a to another, granting the foreign investors full-size ownership stakes in domestic corporations and assets Foreign investment denotes that foreigners have an energetic role in LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com control as part of their investment or an equity stake massive enough to allow the overseas investor to influence enterprise strategy A modern fashion leans in the direction of globalization, where multinational firms have investments in loads of countries d) Direct and indirect foreign investments Foreign investments can be classified in certainly one of two ways: direct and indirect Foreign direct investments (FDIs) are the physical investments and purchases made by using a business enterprise in a foreign country, usually by way of opening flora and shopping for buildings, machines, factories, and other equipment in the overseas country These types of investments find a far greater deal of favor, as they are commonly considered long-time period investments and help bolster the overseas country’s economy Foreign indirect investments involve corporations, financial institutions, and private investors buying stakes or positions in foreign companies that trade on a foreign stock exchange In general, this form of foreign investment is less favorable, as the domestic company can easily sell off their investment very quickly, sometimes within days of the purchase This type of investment is also sometimes referred to as a foreign portfolio investment (FPI) Indirect investments include not only equity instruments such as stocks, but also debt instruments such as bonds e) Types of Foreign Investment There are two additional forms of overseas investments to be considered: commercial loans and professional flows Commercial loans are typically in the shape of financial institution loans which might be issued by means of a home bank to agencies in foreign international locations or the governments of these LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com international locations Official flows is a well-known time period that refers to different kinds of developmental help that evolved or developing nations are given through a home country Commercial loans, up until the 1980s, were the biggest source of foreign funding throughout growing nations and emerging markets Following this period, industrial loan investments plateaued, and direct investments and portfolio investments increased extensively across the globe 1.1.2 Foreign direct investment a) Definition A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an funding in the form of a controlling ownership in a commercial enterprise in one country with the aid of an entity based totally in another country It is therefore prominent from a foreign portfolio funding through a perception of direct control Broadly, foreign direct investment includes "mergers and acquisitions, constructing new facilities, reinvesting earnings earned from overseas operations, and intra business enterprise loans" In a slender sense, foreign direct funding refers just to constructing new facility, and a lasting management interest (10 percentage or greater of voting stock) in an employer working in an economy apart from that of the investor FDI is the sum of equity capital, longterm capital, and short-term capital as shown within the balance of payments FDI normally entails participation in management, joint venture, switch of aera and expertise Stock of FDI is the net (outward FDI minus inward FDI) cumulative FDI for any given period Direct investment excludes investment LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com through purchase of shares (if that purchase results in an investor controlling less than 10% of the shares of the company) FDI, a subset of international aspect movements, is characterized with the aid of controlling ownership of a business employer in one country by an entity based in some other country Foreign direct investment is distinguished from overseas portfolio investment, a passive investment in the securities of every other country consisting of public stocks and bonds, by means of the element of "manipulate" According to the Financial Times, "Standard definitions of control use the internationally agreed 10 percentage threshold of voting stocks, however that is a grey place as frequently a smaller block of shares will give manage in widely held companies Moreover, manipulate of technology, management, even vital inputs can confer de facto manage." b) Theoretical background According to Grazia Ietto-Gillies (2012) previous to Stephen Hymer’s principle regarding direct funding within the 1960s, the motives in the back of foreign direct investment and multinational groups have been explained via neoclassical economics based totally on macro financial principles These theories have been primarily based at the classical principle of exchange wherein the motive at the back of alternate was a end result of the difference inside the prices of production of goods between countries, focusing at the low value of manufacturing as a motive for a firm's foreign activity For example, Joe S Bain most effective defined the internationalization project through three main principles: absolute cost advantages, product differentiation benefits and economies of scale Furthermore, the neoclassical theories had been created under belief of the existence of perfect competition Intrigued by using the motivations behind huge overseas investments made by way of businesses from LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com the United States of America, Hymer evolved a framework that went beyond the prevailing theories, explaining why this phenomenon occurred, considering he taken into consideration that the previously cited theories could not explain foreign investment and its motivations c) Types of foreign direct investment  Horizontal FDI arises when a firm duplicates its home country-based activities at the same value chain stage in a host country through FDI  Platform FDI Foreign direct investment from a source country into a destination country for the purpose of exporting to a third country  Vertical FDI takes place when a firm through FDI moves upstream or downstream in different value chains i.e., when firms perform valueadding activities stage by stage in a vertical fashion in a host country d) Characteristics of foreign direct investment Foreign investment not only bring capital to receiving investment country but also bring technology, engineering, business skill, producing and marketing capacity, etc This way of investment almost complete because while the multination companies are doing invest, production and business activities in the receiving investment country are still working So that, investment high technology is one of the factors which make competitiveness higher on market This is the most important characteristic to mark off from ODA (Official Development Assistant) Foreign investors contribute a minimum amount of capital to the legal capital depending on policy of foreign investment Law of each country, so that they will have right to participate directly control and manage the products they invested For example, in Vietnam according to 8th of Foreign Investment Law in Vietnam LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The number of employees in the FDI sector increased significantly, but in general the proportion still increased only slightly Because FDI in Hanoi often focuses on research, development, services, etc., most of the FDI sector's workers are usually intellectual and highly specialized In 2015, the number of employees in the FDI sector was 243 thousand, in 2017 increased to 363 thousand, accounting for 5.9% of the total number of employees compared with the previous year, and by 2019 increased to 409.7 thousand people (6.06% of total employees in Hanoi) 2.4.6 Improving science technologies and environment Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, before having foreign investment, Hanoi had a number of large factories but it was located in a densely populated and old area To escape this situation in order to develop Hanoi's economy, the Hanoi People's Committee moved factories out of the suburbs and had modern technologies to meet production needs The path of technological development by studying the world at which technological development is in a rush is very difficult and expensive In the context of our country's economy today, the fastest way to develop science and technology, technology and production level is to take advantage of foreign advanced scientific and technological achievements through transfer technology transfer Receiving foreign direct investment is a method that allows our country to access to the most modern technology in the world The evaluation shows that for Hanoi province, FDI has significantly changed the technology as well as the technological level of the province Because foreign investors come to invest in the province, they not only transfer capital in cash but also in-kind capital through machinery, equipment (hardware technology) and LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com model capital like technical experts , technology, scientific knowledge, management know-how, management know-how However, in recent times, the level of improvement and technology import in Hanoi has not been highly appreciated compared to the cost of investing in improving science and technology FDI contributes primarily to the field of research in Hanoi Therefore, the technology investment in Hanoi has not had a deep impression Although Hanoi has focused on developing local technology through FDI, Hanoi is not a place where there is not much ground for industrial development, not only that, technology investment in Hanoi only Service for tourism needs, telecommunications and not yet popular Environmental impact is a category that reflects the duality of FDI Changing advanced technology can help improve the environmental pollution caused by outdated technology, especially for developing countries like our country However, the strong attraction of industrial enterprises operating locally is one of the causes of environmental pollution According to environmental experts, the economic sectors in the industry - construction sector have the highest proportion of water and air pollution, while the economic sectors in the service and trade sectors have highest solid waste ratio; However, the composition of toxic substances in the economic sectors of industry and construction sectors accounts for a higher proportion than the service and trade industries The fundamental reason for the efficiency is that the city has paid special attention to environmental improvement and overcoming negative impacts from FDI on the environment Hanoi has set out policies and technical solutions to LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com protect the environment, especially in managing investors in implementing environmental protection regulations 2.4.7 FDI contributes to the level of infrastructure improvement Thanks to FDI, infrastructure in Hanoi has improved markedly, many experts have assessed that FDI has changed the face of infrastructure The basic reason for achieving this achievement is that in the recent past, Hanoi has promptly met the capital needs for Hanoi's growth needs, and at the same time formed and developed large industrial parks, Real estate potential to promote FDI attraction Therefore, promoting infrastructure development in the service and construction areas, contributing to improving social welfare, improving the lives of people in the community Forming a contingent of highly qualified managerial and technical workers, access to current science, labor discipline and management experience 2.5 Results of foreign direct investment in Hanoi foreign direct investment by investment field In recent years, Hanoi's FDI activities have had positive results expressed in the forms of investment sector, investment partners, forms of investment, investment areas 2.5.1 Foreign direct investment according to investment partners Nowadays, there are 26 countries take part in investing in Hanoi According to the number of investment partners, there are some countries which invest most including: Japan, Singapore, Korean, Malaysia, … As we can see, the foreign capital in Hanoi mostly from Asia group The investors form Europe and America are still a small number LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The propotion of investors in Hanoi 2%2% 8% 10% 48% 30% Japan Singapore Korea Malaysia Europe America The pie chart figured Foreign direct investment according to forms of investment sector FDI structure into Hanoi by forms of investment sector Unit Forms of Number of Registered investment projects capital sector Ratio (%) (million VND) real estate 140 12,838 48.1 industry 786 8,484 31.7 Wholesale 792 1,565 5.8 256 1,508 5.5 and retail tourism - LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com services infrastructure 671 2,293 8.6 (counting the projects still working until the last day of December, 2018) The table chart figures the foreign direct investment according to forms of investment sector Overall, FDI capital was not balance between industries As we can see, the capital investment stayed focus on the real estate, which reached 48.1 percent Although the number of real estates’ projects were smaller than the number of industries, the capital was still higher The main reason was because Hanoi is the capital which have a huge number of populations, so that the value of landing always goes up significantly Secondly, the industries accounted for the 2nd highest proportion (31.7%) Other sectors were strongly decreased about 5.8% for wholesale and retail, 5.5% for tourism – services, 8.6% for infrastructure FDI in Hanoi mainly focuses on real estate and industry These are also two main factors that help Hanoi successfully attract FDI In addition, FDI investment in the financial - banking market is also a remarkable field, with 3,725 million dong of total registered capital, finance and banking is also an important factor in raising FDI capital in Vietnam Hanoi The remaining sectors attract insignificant FDI because it is still limited because of the population density in Hanoi, the infrastructure development is not high In general, FDI industry structure has fully exploited the advantages of Hanoi and developed in the right direction of the government However, it is necessary to direct investment to attract more into the research of green and high-tech projects in Hanoi 2.5.2 Foreign direct investment under the form of investment LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam has three main forms of investment: joint-venture enterprises, 100% foreign-owned enterprises, business cooperation contracts and some other forms such as BOT, BTO, and BT in Vietnam male These are all implemented, but in Hanoi there are only three forms: business cooperation contracts, joint venture enterprises and enterprises with 100% foreign capital Registered capital increased continuously, mainly in 100% foreign-owned enterprises: this enterprise had a rapid growth rate and accounted for a relatively large proportion compared to the investment form in Hanoi , demonstrating the potential that has attracted investors to pay attention to Hanoi Count to the last day of the year 2018, FDI projects had form of investment: Vốn FDI vào Hà Nội theo hình thức đầu tư Forms of investment The number of projects Registered capital (million USD) 100% foreign-owned 3536 17519 joint-venture enterprises 986 14799 business cooperation 36 723 4558 33041 enterprises contracts Total LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Chart Title 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100% foreign-owned enterprises joint-venture enterprises Projects business cooperation contractsory Registered capital If in the period 1992-1999, the amount of investment in the form of joint ventures accounted for the majority, the period of 2015-2019 has changed markedly: Enterprises with 100% foreign capital dominate Hanoi is the central capital of the socio-economy and investment environment, so real estate investment is extremely potential Investors can quickly hire foreign law firms to advise on FDI projects On the other hand, the Hanoi People's Committee always facilitates to provide procedures and permit for rapid investment for investors A number of consulting offices are opened for advice and protection Measures to mobilize and encourage FDI attraction are clearly committed and implemented by the Government and management agencies During the period when the joint venture dominated, domestic partners revealed limitations in management and investment, so foreign investors limited their cooperation Because of the above reasons, the form of 100% foreign capital accounts for over 55% of the total registered FDI capital in Hanoi LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The form of business cooperation contract only accounts for 1% of the registered FDI capital in Hanoi It can be seen that the form of FDI through establishing a 100% foreign-owned enterprise is the most favored form in the recent period of FDI attraction in Hanoi 2.5.3 FDI according to investment areas a) Industrial parks In 1991, the first industrial park of Vietnam appeared Since then, industrial zones have been steadily increasing and concentrated in key areas such as Ho Chi Minh, Dong Nam, Ba Ria and Binh Duong Industrial zones have contributed to improving the country's export capacity, attracting investment, technology, and facilitating GDP growth For Hanoi, old industrial zones were formed in the 50s and 60s These are nonplanned industrial zones such as Minh Khai - Vinh Tuy, Thuong Dinh, Dong Anh, Cau Dien - Nghia Do, Gia Lam - Yen Vien, Truong Dinh, Van Dien - Phap Van, Chem, Cau Buu These industrial parks are not fully built, lack infrastructure and are located in densely populated areas It is that that makes it difficult for urban development and becomes a staple of the City Currently, Hanoi has licensed industrial parks, including Noi Bai Industrial Park, Dai Tu Industrial Park, Thang Long, Sai Dong B, Daewoo - Hanel The above industrial parks are located in suburbs, concentrated in suburban areas such as Gia Lam, Dong Anh and Soc Son Unit industrial parks Year Investment sector Registered capital LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com (million USD) Sai Dong B 1996 electronic products 289 and industries that not pollute the environment Noi Bai 1995 mechanical 40.4 products of the province are encouraged FDI Ha Noi – Dai 1995 light industries, Tu chemical textiles Thang Long 1996 electronic and 6.21 86,6 telecommunication products Daewoo- 1997 Hanel b) FDI projects in Hanoi FDI increasingly attracts many big projects in Hanoi 2019 is considered to be a year with many terrible projects in Hanoi, a year of positive macroeconomic growth According to analysts, foreign capital inflows will contribute to standardizing the market, creating values according to international standards, raising the real estate market in Hanoi and sharing many burdens from the financial market LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com In 2019, the most notable foreign real estate project in the field of Real Estate is the Multi-purpose Entertainment Complex Project - a racecourse in Soc Son District, Hanoi The project is invested by Charmvit Group (Korea) with a total investment of about 420 million USD (equivalent to about 9,600 billion VND) The project is implemented on a total area of 125 hectares (of which 22.5 hectares is the area of a regulating lake invested by Hanoi City) In particular, the racecourse is built on an area of 99.5 hectares; including horse racing stadium, horse-watching stands, accommodating 30,000 people for catering, horse racing and betting events; equipment and facilities for equestrian betting equipment, horse racing betting agency system; horse stables, office areas; horse training, teaching and care area; parking… Another major real estate project that has just started in 2019 is the Smart City Project The project has a total area of 272 hectares, located in the communes of Hai Boi, Vinh Ngoc and Kim No, in Dong Anh district, Hanoi The project is invested by a joint venture of Sumimoto Group (the third largest economic corporation in Japan) and BRG Group with a total investment of nearly 4.2 billion USD (equivalent to about 96.145 billion VND at present) with the goal building intelligent and synchronous urban areas on technical and social infrastructures This is a project based on the smart urban planning along Nhat Tan - Noi Bai axis, about 11km in length, from Nhat Tan Bridge to Noi Bai Airport The project has just been broken down on October 6, 2019 and is expected to complete all phases by 2028 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The largest FDI project in 2019 belongs to the processing and manufacturing industry It is a project to contribute capital and buy shares of Beerco Limited (Hong Kong) into Vietnam Beverage Co., Ltd with a capital contribution of US $ 3.85 billion The main objective is brewing beer and brewing malt in brewing beer in Hanoi It can be said that Hanoi is still attracting potential for real estate investment All of these things prove more clearly about the city of the socio-economy, although there is not enough infrastructure to attract FDI for export, but it is still a potential area for investment 2.6 Factors affecting the efficiency of mobilization and use of FDI FDI attraction is a bright part of the economic picture in 2019 As of December 20, the total newly registered capital, adjusted and contributed capital to purchase shares of foreign investors reached US $ 38.02 billion, an increase of 17.2% over the same period in 2018 By 2019, Hanoi has attracted over US $ 8.4 billion of FDI, disbursing 74% The per capita GRDP reached VND 120.1 million, an increase of 7% compared to 2018 (an increase of VND 7.9 million) As of December 31, 2019, foreign direct investment reached VND 43.9 trillion, up 19% Hanoi still has 5955 valid foreign investment projects, disbursement capital of 26.5 billion USD, (about 62.3%), leading the whole country (about 57%) 2.6.1 Objective Factor a) Strategic motivation of the Investor LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com For every investor, they have their own strategies Different industries often have different advantages of ownership and localization, so the investment motives of investors will be different, so FDI can be divided into four categories: investment seeking resources , market, efficiency and strategic assets Currently, Hanoi's revenue is mainly from foreign investment in real estate, especially from Japan Smart apartment buildings and famous real estate are mainly from foreign investors investing in Hanoi FDI in Hanoi mainly invests in areas: real estate, services, banking and finance and high technology The strategic motivation of investors has a great impact on the influence in the efficiency of FDI attraction b) Capacity of investors The capacity of investors contributes a major role to the socio-economic efficiency of FDI in Hanoi Investors with strong economic potentials come from economic groups of Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, etc who are very influential investors when their economic resources are strong they fulfill commitments when they make investment, develop welfare regimes for workers fully, make good on commitments on environmental protection, in addition they bring technology High, advanced management capacity so that we can receive transfer and study But also many investors from China because of bringing backward technology from the country they transferred to Vietnam due to the weak capacity of technology appraisers in Vietnam, so that it could lead to outdated technologies environmental pollution in addition, the poor financial capacity of investors causes delays in the disbursement, bad business, salaries of workers, or investors force workers to work Excessive payout with LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com disproportionate remuneration causes strikes that adversely affect social performance 2.6.2 Subjective Factor a) Economic - political - social stability, economic development mechanisms and policies Under the direction of the Party, the Government and the leadership of the People's Committee of Hanoi City are one of the provinces with the most harmonious economy and politics - society without conflict and instability politically This is exactly what foreign direct investors before investing in any locality is also very interested Because political stability will help them feel secure in investment, because FDI investment in Hanoi is increasing, it brings significant benefits to the economy - society of the capital The situation of creating conditions for FDI enterprises is always paying attention and improving the socio-economic efficiency of FDI The Hanoi People's Committee has issued specific and timely policies to attract FDI However, development policy is still limited and information on FDI in Hanoi has not been widely announced This is one of the reasons affecting the efficiency of FDI mobilization and utilization For long FDI projects, if the policy is not consistent, it will be a big obstacle in investment b) Infrastructure development and investment support services The infrastructure of Hanoi is developed synchronously with National highways, highways are built for convenient transportation Investment support services were promptly solved and disbursed on time through Hanoi's PCI LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com c) System of investment policies and encouragement of foreign investment Normally, administrative procedures of local authorities on investment and investment licensing are the biggest obstacles for investors because administrative procedures are cumbersome, complicated, costly in time and cost However, this is a bright spot in Hanoi because according to the author's survey, experts highly appreciate the administrative procedures of local governments for FDI enterprises All procedures are very favorable to facilitate, clear ventilation This assessment of the City's efforts to reform administrative procedures to further improve the efficiency of FDI attraction as well as attract high quality technology and potential houses Good financial resources will improve socioeconomic efficiency This is not only confirmed by the author's survey but also by the rating of PCI (the evaluation of enterprises on public administrative procedures), Hanoi in 2019 is assessed 2/63 provinces and cities nationwide 2.7 Overall assessment on socio-economic efficiency of foreign direct investment capital in Hanoi area 2.7.1 Achievement a) Cause of success In order to achieve these results, there is a great contribution of the local government through flexible and flexible economic policies, enabling FDI enterprises to trust in the city's investment environment and advance effective investment and investment activities This is through the city-level PCI evaluation indexes in 2019 that are rated at 2/63 provinces and cities The geographical position of Hanoi is advantageous because: firstly it is the capital of Vietnam, the socio-economic center, the second near the Noi Bai LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com airport airport, the third has very good road and rail traffic convenient, a transit place between regions Infrastructure, transportation are convenient for FDI enterprises to operate more and more effectively As a result, contributions to the budget are increasing b) Limitations and reasons  Limitations The organization of state management in the field of FDI is still inadequate, overlapping and has not been paid adequate attention The managers are only interested in granting investment licenses but not really paying close attention to post-licensing such as investment schedule, investment technology, investment capital, etc Projects are delayed due to high capital investment, resulting in backlog of projects, loss of urban landscape and waste of resources Investors, due to conflicts with domestic companies, unilaterally break the contract Nowadays, almost 50% of the joint venture capital of foreign investors is, so breaking the contract creates great difficulties for domestic partners Focusing on real estate investment causing market price changes The focus on real estate will increase Hanoi's land prices, making it difficult for people to buy and creating an imbalance in FDI investment areas The environment is heavily polluted due to a number of businesses that have not paid attention to improving waste treatment technologies Technology transfer is still limited, there are still obsolete technologies in Hanoi LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... cities in the world in mobilizing and using FDI capital (indo, china, …) 1.6 Views of the party and the state on the mobilization and use of foreign direct investment capital In the process of international... Overview of foreign direct investment  Chaper 2: Current situation of foreign direct investment in Hanoi  Chapter 3: Solutions of efficient improvement mobilization and use of fdi capital in Hanoi. .. basis and experiences of some cities in the world about on the policies of mobilization and using of FDI:  Analyzing the current situation of mobilizing and using FDI capital  Situation of mobilizing

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