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Jim's Toeic Part 5&6 P a rt & Actual Tests NewTOEICTest lim Lee NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP CơngtyTNHH THÀNH PHƠ' HỒ CHÍ MINH Nhân Trí Việt Part 5&6 ActualTests N ítvĩO E IC Ĩesl ]im Lee NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP Công ty TNHH TH À N H PH Ố HỒ CHÍ MINH Nhân Trí Việt » P a rts & ActuaỉTests NewTOEICTeít Copyright © 2008 Jim Lee Published in Vietnam, 2008 This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement betvveen Darakwon, Inc Korea and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or othervvise, vvithout the prior vvritten permisslon of the Copyright ovvner c ontents TestO ' 06 Test • 86 Test0 ■14 Test •94 Test0 - 22 Test ‘ 102 Test04 30 Test ■110 TestÕ • 38 Test • 118 Test0 46 Test ■126 TestO/ *54 Test • 134 TestOS 'Ĩ2 Test ■142 Test0 70 Test • 150 Test 78 Test 158 ANSVVERSHEET ANSW ER • 167 169 J i m 's Toeic Part & Te s t Reading Test In the Reading Test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions The entire Reading Test will last 75 minutes There are three parts, and directions are given for each part You are encouraged to ansvver as many questions as possible vvithin the time allowed Part Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences belovv Four answer choices are given below each sentence Select the best ansvver to complete the sentence Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your ansvver sheet 101 All employees should be careful not to reveal sensitive company in social situations 104 (A) intorm (B) intormed (C) iníorming (D) intormation 102 Our company has had many years of experience a wide range of product lines in developing economies (A) abỉlity (B) opinion (C) knovvledge (D) collector 105 (A) promote (B) promotes (C) promoted (D) promoting 103 The latest report was particularly of lapses in supervision, vvhich resulted in the distribution of seriously deíective Products (A) critic (B) criticaliy í orr.ical (D) criticism J IM ’s TOEIC - P a rt 5& A c tu a i Tests fo r th e N EW TO EIC Test To make successíul investments in overseas markets requires a great deal of about local conditions There are approximately 5,000 subscribers to our Internet news services, and another 7,000 are receiving our print media Products (A) currently (B) ordinarily (G) usually (D) lately 106 Our Corporation is noted in the industry for the efficiency of its Customer Department (A) Supporter í'i) Support (C) Supported ;D Supporting www.nỉ" antriviet.com 107 Our review committee has recommended several protound - in our production methods in order to achieve greater flexibility 113 ;A) they íB) their fC) theirs ÍD') themselves (A)change (B) changing (C) changes (D)changed 114 108 109 As part of a campaign to improve the health and effectiveness of our vvorkers, we will be introducing a morning program It will be necessary to decide in the near tuture whether we should try to increase our market share develop new product lines f.A) exercise (Bì exercĩses (C) exercised (D) exercising A} eĩther (B) besides iCi on account of (D) or eise It has been decided that no time should employees take cigarette breaks outside between 9:00 a.m and midday 115, 110 One of t h e - of vvorking for a larger company is that there are more opportunities for promotions (A) benetits (B) íorces ịC) interests (D) petitions 111 Behavior that is considered at all times includes, but is not limited to, offensive remarks, jokes, and unvvanted touching 116, A productivity survey has shown that a great deal of savings can be achieved if we just eliminate morning breaks for the tactory vvorkers (A) easy (B) easier (C) easily (D) easiness 117 The new system will automatically the air conditioning to ensure a comíortable, ambient temperature at all times (A) improper (B) reserved (C) anxious (D) extinct We discovered we arrivetí aí the office yesterdaỵ, that there had been a break-in and that ali the cash was missing lA) when iB) which iC) in case iD) in order that wvvv\^'.nnantnviet.com The in tro d u cto ry sem inar wiỉl deal in terms with the question of international taxation law entorcement (A) hĩgh (B) whole (C) broad (D) round (A) across (B) over (C) at (D) on 112, Many job seekers tiled application forms too late and will not be considered torthe current positions (A) regulate (B) reguỉates (C) regulating 'D) is regulated 113 automobiles and other machinery wiíl be sold off at an auction to be held on March 24 (A) Lengthy (B) Brief (C) Surplus iD) Opportune 119 Our well-loved chief engineer, Mr Robson, has vvorked for our company for over 25 years 125 'Ai conscientiousness ÍB) conscieníiously (C) conscientĩous (D) conscience The Personnel Department wìll a tte n p t to post you to a location of ỵour - - ; hovvever, this may not be possible in all cases (A) chose íBi choice íC) choose (D) choices 120 Demographic analysis is an im portant for any proíessionaỉ vvorking in mar- 126- keting (A) etíort (Bí technique (C) convenience (D) component 121 Our new marketĩng strategy relies on a thorough study of current worldwide trends (Ai economy (B) economic (C) economist ÍD) economĩcally 122, We have employed a new full-time technical assistant so that there will be no need to clear paper jams ÍA) your (B,I yours íCl yourselt íD) your own 123 Two or three small vans will be needed to transport the display the foyer to the convention center (A) so much (Bi sure iCi particular (D) especially 127 The chairman of the revievv c o T i m i t t e e announced that no changes in staffing levels would be necessary (A) substance ÍB) substantial fC) substantiate (D) substantially 128 I tried to reach you at the office, out your secretary said that you had - lett íAi soon ;'B': well íC' already ÍD) never 129 íA) over íBi from íCi out of iD) behind 124, Your personal documents will be returned /0 J — exp^e?s n?il or ccưr er vvithin 15 days ^0 (A) by 6' due (C) when (Dì toward JIM 's TOEIC - P a rt 5& A c tu a i Tests fo r th e N EW TOEIC T e s l Westcorp prides itselt on being supportive of its employees when they are experiencing difficult circumstances in their private lives We are not s u re ' the nev/ photocopier will be located, so íor 'he time beìng, it will be teft in the corridor (A) in that (B; in it (C) vvhere ÍD) when 130 h:ỉafj cf na'keting i i ru re r tlv on s^ck leave but has requested that we any important work documents to lis home address (A) forward (B) torvvards (C/ to forward (D) forwarding v/wv7.nhantr viet.com ... vvithout the prior vvritten permisslon of the Copyright ovvner c ontents TestO ' 06 Test • 86 Test0 ■14 Test •94 Test0 - 22 Test ‘ 102 Test0 4 30 Test ■110 Test? ? • 38 Test • 118 Test0 46 Test ■1 26 TestO/... Test ■1 26 TestO/ *54 Test • 134 TestOS 'Ĩ2 Test ■142 Test0 70 Test • 150 Test 78 Test 158 ANSVVERSHEET ANSW ER • 167 169 J i m 's Toeic Part & Te s t Reading Test In the Reading Test, you will read... Part 5& 6 ActualTests N ítvĩO E IC Ĩesl ]im Lee NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP Công ty TNHH TH À N H PH Ố HỒ CHÍ MINH Nhân Trí Việt » P a rts & Actua? ?Tests NewTOEICTeít Copyright

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 07:43


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