Pattern cutting for clothing
Trang 3The Textile Institute and Woodhead Publishing
The Textile Institute is a unique organisation in textiles, clothing and footwear Incorporated in England by a Royal Charter granted in 1925, the Institute has individual and corporate members in over 90 countries The aim of the Institute is to facilitate learning, recognise achievement, reward excellence and disseminate information within the global textiles, clothing and footwear
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Trang 4Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles:
Number 137
Pattern cutting for clothing
using CAD
Trang 5Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited in association with The Textile Institute Woodhead Publishing Limited, 80 High Street, Sawston, Cambridge CB22 3HJ, UK
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Trang 6Contents
Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles Xi
Disclaimer xvii
Preface xix
Chapter 1 The role of patterns in clothing manufacture: 4 generating and communicating information
1.1 Introduction: the Pattern Cutter's place in apparel 1 production
1.2 The pattern cutting team 2 1.3 Specifications, measurement charts and other
1.4 Computerised documentation 5
1.5 Tools of the trade
Chapter 2 Introduction to the keyboard, mouse and screen 7 layout in Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software
2.1 Introduction to Modaris 7
2.2 The keyboard
2.3 The mouse 10
Trang 7vi Contents 3.3 Model identification sheet 3.4 Individual sheet 3.5 Variant 3.6 Industry example
ising a clothing pattern on Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software
4.1 Introduction: digitising hardware
4.2 Digitising with or without seam allowances 4.3 Pattern preparation
4.4 The digitising process
45 Handset button notes
4.6 Digitising problems Chapter 5 Plotting using JustPrint
5.1 Introduction to JustPrint V2R2
5.2 How to plot out a model using JustPrint 5.3 How to plot single pieces
5.4 JustPrint settings 5.5 Geometry 5.6 Text 5.7 Layout
5.8 Cutfile configuration and HPGL
Chapter 6 A guide to the toolbox in Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software: F1-F3
6.1 Introduction
6.2 F1: creating lines and points
6.3 F2: notches, orientation and geometric shapes 6.4 F3: modifying lines and points
Chapter 7 A guide to the toolbox in Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software: F4-F8 7.1 Introduction 7.2 F4: finishing, seam allowances, corners and grain lines 7.3 F5: derived pieces 7.4 F6: grading 7.5 F7: evolution system 7.6 F8: measuring and assembly
Trang 8Contents vii
Chapter 8 The upper tool bar in Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software 8.1 82 83 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 Upper tool bar File menu Edit menu Sheet menu Corner tools menu Display menu Sizes menu Selection menu Macro menu Layers menu Parameters menu Configure menu Tool menu Help menu
Chapter 9 The lower tool bar menus and keyboard commands in Lectra Modaris pattern cutting software 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 Lower tool bar Notch tools
Trang 9viii Contents 10.4 Email attachments 109 10.5 Import procedure 110 10.6 Error messages 113
10.7 Additional personal interoperability notes 114
Chapter 11 Creating size ranges in Lectra Modaris 117 pattern cutting software
11.1 Introduction 117
11.2 Terminology 118 11.3 How to create a size range 119 11.4 Attaching a size range to a model 121 11.5 How to change a size range 122
11.6 Size correspondence 122
Chapter 12 The importance of measurements and size 123 charts for pattern cutting
12.4 Introduction: the importance of measurements 123 for clothing
12.2 The development of 124 clothing patterns
12.3 The emergence of modern clothing patterns 125 12.4 The development of sizing surveys and sizing charts 126 12.5 The influence of body shape and size on 127
12.6 Using and comparing sizing and grading charts 129 12.7 Current approaches to sizing 131 12.8 Using a size chart to make clothing patterns 133
12.9 References 133
Chapter 13 How do I? The functions and menus that you 134 need to know in Lectra Modaris indexed by the required action 13.1 Introduction 134 13.2 Create or add 134 13.3 Copy 136 13.4 Delete 136 13.5 Digitise 136 13.6 Display 136 13.7 Join 136 13.8 Move 137 13.9 Moving around the screen 137 13.10 Select or choose 137 13.11 Separate 137
Trang 10Contents
13.12 Undo
13.13 Zoom
Appendix 1 Pattern numbering
Appendix 2 Recommended abbreviations for naming pattern pieces in Lectra Modaris