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TRÚC LINH ĐỀ LUYỆN THI VÀO LỚP 10 CHUYÊN ANH CÓ ĐÁP ÁN ENGLISH PRACTICE PART ONE: PHONETICS I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others ) A supposedly B markedly C allegedly D determinedly A endure A complete A comb B feature B command B climb C procedure C common C debt D measure D community D cable A neighbour B height C sleigh D weight II Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others A possibility B disappointed C manufacture D instrument A environment B mystery C contribute D terrific A deficiency B psychology C ecological D competitor A recommend B difficulty C admirable D document A encouragement B interviewer C acknowledge D miraculously PART TWO: LEXICO-GRAMMAR I Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences Only after the atomic bomb and development in the air travel _, science fiction really become popular A had created/ had taken off/ was B had been created/ had been taken off/ has C had been created/ had taken off/ did D had been created/ / had taken off/ had We‘ve bought some chairs for the garden so that they are easy to store away A adapting B adjusting C bending D folding I don‘t think she can get her message _ to the students She seems too nervous A across B around C out D over 0ĀᜀĀ _, it is obvious that the whole thing was a waste of time and effort None of us wanted to go in the first place Staff meetings are often boring and have no apparent point to them Since the results were far more satisfactory than anyone had expected Seeing that we couldn‘t solve anything in the end 1ĀᜀĀ There are words in English having more than one meaning Pay close attention to this fact A a large many B quite many C a great many D quite a lot This car has many features including _ stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas good music, safety devices, air conditioning, and gas stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and good gas stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas mileage Round and round _ A the wheels of the engine went B did the wheels of the engine go C went the wheels of the engine D going the wheels of the engine The replacement of shops such as the groceries and chemists‘ by the café _ the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping A leave B have left C has left D to have left Your argument _ that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case A outlines B presupposes C concerns presents They are happily married although, of course, they argue _ A most times B from day to day C every now and then D on the occasion 11 He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without _ A fail B failure C trouble D mistake 12 One of the first exercises in math class is measure the radius of a circle A to learn and B to learn how to C learning to D learn to 13 We were shocked to hear the news of your A having fired B being fired C having been fired D to have been fired 14 I don‘t know French, but I‘ll A get Tom to translate it B have it translate C have Tom to translate it D make it translate 15 _ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell A That we refer to B What we refer to C To which we refer D What we refer to 16 _ have settled, one of their first concerns has been to locate an adequate water supply A Wherever people B There are people who C Where people D People 17 Politicians should never lose of the needs of the people they represent A view B sight C regard D prospect 18 _ team sports require cooperation A Of all B They are all C Why all are D All 19 Studies indicate _ collecting art today than ever before A there are that more people B more people that are C that there are more people D people there are more Doctors advise people who are deficient vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables A from B of C in D for 21 Dick put ball in net in _ second half but goal was disallowed A a - a - a - a B the - the - the - the C the - the - a - a D a - a - the - the 23 There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened _ a sudden loud noise A being there B should there be C there was D there have been 23 The computer has dramatically affected photographic lenses are constructed A is the way B that the way C which way D the way 24 Six novels a year, you say? He‘s certainly a writer A fruitful B fertile C virile prolific 5888 The handwriting is completely This note must have been written a long time ago A inedible B indelible C illegible D unfeasible II Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets 23 The children were frightened because the lights suddenly (1.go) out and they (2.sit) in the dark 24 What tune (3 play) when we (4 come) in? 25 She was badly hurt when her car hit another car If she (5 wear) her seat belt, she (6 not hurt) so badly 26 It is vital that no one else (7 know) _ about the secret government operation 27 It seems strange to be standing here, (8 look) _ out at SydneyHarbor 28 Tom had a lucky escape He (9 kill) when a car crashed into the front of his house 29 _ (10 Rank) as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created III There are ten mistakes in the following passage Find and correct them (1.5 pt) It seems that the mystery of why the Pyramids were built may have solved Until quite recently people got used to think that they were just tombs for pharaohs Instead, the connection with astronomy seems much more important Egyptologists have often asked them how long it spent to build them and why people built them in first place Experts came up with a suggestion that the Egyptians may have believed in the River Nile was the earthly equivalent of the Milky Way Many agree that the sizes of the three Giza Pyramids are in promotion to the three stars of Orion Nothing, then, was by the chance Rather, the souls of dead pharaohs were deliberately being project through shafts to reach at their goal of the Orion constellation IV Give the correct form of the word in each of the following brackets.(1.5 pt) It was not so long ago that we dealt with colleagues through face-to-face (1 INTERACT) and with counterparts and customers by phone or letter But the world of communication has undergone a dramatic transformation, not for all the good Email, while (2 DOUBT) _ a swift means of communication providing your server is fully (3.FUNCTION) and that the address you have contains no (4 ACCURATE) _ has had a (5 SIGNIFY) _ effect on certain people‘s behaviour, both at home and business For those people, the use of email has become irresistibly (6 ADDICT) _ to the extent that it is (7 THREAT) _ their mental and physical health Addicts spend their day (8 COMPULSION) _ checking for email and have a (9 TEND) to panic if their server goes down It is estimated that one in six people spend four hours a day sending and receiving messages, the equivalent to more than two working days a week The negative effect on (10 PRODUCE) is something employers are well aware of PART THREE: READING (6.0 POINTS) I Read the following passage and choose the option that indicates the correct answer to each of the following questions.(2.0 pts) In the United States in the early 1800's, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than did the federal government States chartered manufacturing, banking, mining, and transportation firms and participated in the construction of various internal improvements such as canals, turnpikes, and railroads The states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways; first, by actually establishing state companies to build such improvements; second, by providing part of the capital for mixed public-private companies setting out to make a profit In the early nineteenth century, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of direct regulatory activity, including extensive licensing and inspection programs Licensing targets reflected both similarities and differences between the economy of the nineteenth century and that of today: in the nineteenth century, state regulation through licensing fell especially on peddlers, innkeepers, and retail merchants of various kinds The perishable commodities of trade generally came understate inspection, and such important frontier staples as lumber and gunpowder were also subject to state control Finally, state governments experimented with direct labor and business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, including setting maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by businesses Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not inactive Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and the development of native industries Toward these ends, the federal government pursued several courses of action It established a national bank to stabilize banking activities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to the frontier, where it was greatly needed for settlement It permitted access to public western lands on increasingly easy terms, culminating in the Homestead Act of 1862, by which title to land could be claimed on the basis of residence alone Finally, it set up a system of tariffs that was basically protectionist in effect, although maneuvering for position by various regional interests produced frequent changes in tariff rates throughout the nineteenth century 5888 What does the passage mainly discuss? 5888 States's rights versus federal rights 5889 The participation of state governments in railroad, canal, and turnpike construction 5890 The roles of state and federal governments in the economy of the nineteenthcentury 5891 Regulatory activity by state governments 5889 The word “effect” in bold in paragraph is closest in meaning to A value B argument C influence D restraint All of the following are mentioned in the passage as areas that involved statevernments in the nineteenth century EXCEPT _ A mining B banking C manufacturing D higher education The word “distinct” in bold in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A separate B innovative C alarming D provocative It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the nineteenth century canals and railroads were _ built with money that came from the federal government much more expensive to build than they had been previously built predominantly in the western part of the country sometimes built in part by state companies The regulatory activities of state governments included all of the following EXCEPT _ A licensing of retail merchants B inspecting materials used in turnpike maintenance C imposing limits on price-fixing D control of lumber The word “setting” in bold in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A discussing B analyzing C establishing D avoiding The word “ends” in bold in paragraph is closest in meaning to A benefits B decisions C services D goals According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862? It made it increasingly possible for settlers to obtain land in the West It was a law first passed by state governments in the West It increased the money supply in the West It established tariffs in a number of regions Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century? A.Control of the manufacture of gunpowder Determining the conditions under which individuals worked Regulation of the supply of money Inspection of new homes built on western lands II Read the text below and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word (2.0 pts) The British are widely (1) _ to be a very polite nation, and in (2) respects this is true An Italian journalist once commented of the British that they need (3) _ fewer than four ―thank you‖ merely to buy a bus ticket The first, from the bus conductor means, ―I‘m here.‖ The second accompanies the handing over of the money The third, again from the conductor, (4) ―Here is your ticket.‖, and then the passenger utters a final one as he accepts the tickets Such transactions in most (5) parts of the world are usually conducted in total silence In sharp contrast to this excessive politeness with strangers, the British are strangely lacking (6) _ ritual phrases for social interaction The exhortation ―Good appetite‖, uttered in so (7) other languages to fellow-diners before a meal, does not exist in English The nearest equivalent – Enjoy your dinner! – is said only by people who will not be partaking of the meal in question What‘s more, the British (8) happiness to their friends or acquaintances only at the start of a new year and at (9) _ such as birthdays, (10) _ the Greeks routinely wish all and sundry a ―good week‖ or a ―good month‖ Your answers: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. III Read the passage and choose the best option for each of the following blanks (2.0 pts) Media and advertising After more than fifty years of television, it might seem only obvious to conclude that it is here to (1) There have been many objections to it during this time, of course, and (2) a variety of grounds Did it cause eye-strain? Was the (3) bombarding us with radioactivity? Did the advertisements contain subliminal messages, persuading us to buy more? Did children turn to violence through watching it, either because so (4) programmes taught them how to shoot, rob, and kill, or because they had to something to counteract the hours they had spent glued to the tiny screen? Or did it simply create a vast passive (5) drugged by glamorous serials and inane situation (6) ? On the other hand did it increase anxiety by sensationalizing the news [or the news which was (7) by suitable pictures] and filling our living rooms with war, famine and political unrest? (8) in all, television proved to be the all-purpose scapegoat for the second half of the century, blamed for everything, but above all, eagerly watched For no (9) how much we despised it, feared it, were bored by it, or felt that it took us away from the old paradise of family conversation and hobbies such as collecting stamps, we never turned it off We kept staring at the screen, aware that our own tiny (10) was in if we looked carefully A be B stay C exist D prolong A with B over C by D on A screen B danger C machine D reason A that B far C many D what A programme B personality C audience D tense A comedies B programmes C perhaps D consequently A taken B presented C capable D accompanied A Taken B All C Somewhat D Thus A one B matter C difference D reason 10 A fault B reflection C situation D consciousness PART FOUR: WRITING (6.0 POINTS) I Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (2.0 pts) If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home  Get _ _ You haven‘t done your work, have you?  It‟s about _ The fourth time he asked her to marry him, she accepted  Only on his _ He said that he had won as a result of good luck  He attributed That reminds me of the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji  That takes me People rumour that he is rich but stingy  What _ Such a ridiculous proposal isn‘t worth serious consideration  There is _ Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh  The very _ 9.We cannot see animals in a vast area after the forest fire  There is an _ 10.The staff hated Frank‘s new policies so intensely that they went on strike  So intense _ Write a new sentence similar in meaning to the given one, using the word given in the brackets Do not alter the word in any way (2.0 pts) I suddenly realized the meaning of a ―freebie‖.(dawned)  _ After the scandal, he was asked to resign (HAND)  _ Bruce said that the situation at work was like a family argument (likened)  _ My father is not feeling well these days (weather)  _ I don‘t think this record will ever be popular (catch)  _ His arrival was completely unexpected (took)  _ The success of our local theater has made our city famous (map)  _ He is certainly not a reliable witness (means)  _ Our company is the only company allowed to import these chemicals (monopoly)  _ 10 It‘s uncertain whether the band‘s tour will take place (BALANCE)  _ III Essay writing (2.0 pts) Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school Which of these two school policies you think is better? In about 250 words, write an essay to expess your opinion, usingspecific reasons and examples to support your opinion (You may continue your writing on the back page if you need more space.) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … 10 KEYS PART ONE: PHONETICS (1.0 POINT) I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently fromthat of the others (0.5 pt) D A C D B II Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.(0.5 pt) D B C A B PART TWO: LEXICO-GRAMMAR (7.0 POINTS) I Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.(2.5pts) C D A D 5.C D C C B 10 C 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 A 15 B 16 A 17 B 18.D 19 C 20 C 21 B 22 B 23 D 24 D 25 C II Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets (1.5 pt) had gone were sitting was being played came had been wearing wouldn‘t have been hurt (should) know looking could have been killed 10 To be ranked III There are ten mistakes in the following passage Find and correct them (1.5 pt)  It seems that the mystery of why the Pyramids were built may (1 have solved have been solved) Until quite  recently people got used (2 to think to thinking) that they were just tombs for pharaohs Instead, the connection   with astronomy (3.seem seems) much more important Egyptologists have often asked (4 them themselves)   how long it (5 spent took) to build them and why people built them in (6 first place the first place) Experts  came up with a suggestion that the Egyptians may have (7 believed in believed that) the River Nile was the earthly equivalent of the Milky Way Many agree that the sizes of the three Giza Pyramids are in propotion to the  three stars of Orion Nothing, then, was (8 by the chance by chance) Rather, the souls of dead pharaohs were   deliberatedly being (9 project projected) through shafts to (10 reach at reach) their goal of the Orion constellation No Line Mistake Correction 1 have solved have been solved 2 to think to thinking 3 seem seems them themselves spent took first place the first place believed in believed that by the chance by chance project projected 10 reach at reach IV Give the correct form of the word in each of the following brackets (1.5 pt) INTERACTION UNDOUBTEDLY FUNCTIONAL INACCURACIES SIGNIFICANT ADDICTIVE THREATENING COMPULSIVELY TENDENCY 10 PRODUCTION 11 D "confused about" C "completely unaware of" Winston‘s parents push their son so much and he 670 A has won a lot of piano competitions B cannot learn much music from them C has become a good musician D is afraid to disappoint them 7: The word "They" in the passage refers to A concerts B violin lessons C parents in general D Michael‘s parents 8: All of the following people are musical EXCEPT _ A Winston‘s father B Winston‘s mother C Michael‘s father D Michael‘s mother 9: The word "unwilling" in the passage mostly means A "getting ready to something" B "eager to something" C "not objecting to doing anything" D "not wanting to something" The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that A successful parents always have intelligent children B successful parents often have unsuccessful children C parents should let the child develop in the way he wants D parents should spend more money on the child‘s education Part D: writing I Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same meaning as the sentence printed before it (10pts) He not only failed in his exam but also had a road accident Not only …………………………………………………… The book was so interesting that people couldn‘t put it down - It was 671 They had hardly left home when it started to rain - No sooner Your hair needs cutting - It‘s about time you I only recognized him when he came into light Not until…………………………………… …………………… The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended - Had it not …………………………………………… Everyone heard about the accident before I did - I was Would you mind leaving your shoes outside? - I‘d rather…… ……………………………… The rail workers don‘t intend to call off their strike - The rail workers have no 10 We found that somebody had broken one of our windows One of our windows ………………………………………………………… II Write a second sentence as similar in meaning as the first one Use the word given.(5pts) 1.I find his handwriting very hard to read (DIFFICULTY) …………………………………………………………………………… I couldn't go to work because of the flood (PREVENTED) ………………………………………………………………………… I don‘t believe in anything that he says.(whatever) ………………………………………………………………………… 672 He prefers tea to coffee.(Rather) ………………………………………………………… I‘ve never read such a sarcastic essay before (ever) …………………………………………………… …………The end…………… 673 674 KEYS – PRACTICE 57 Mỗi câu = điểm Part A I 1A, 2A, 3C, 4C, 5B 1D, 2C, 3B,4A , 5C Part B I 1D 2B 3B 4A 5D 6D 7A 8B 9C 10B11C12C13B14A15A II hasn‘t finished be sent/ should be sent is having been appointed (being appointed) will be interviewing will have finished should have prepared hadn‘t left would have been 10 arrives III breathlessly boredom unpolluted exceptionally speech alive enjoyably acquaintances economically 10 unaccompanied IV (tìm lỗi 0.5đ, sửa lại 0.5 đ) too – so knew – had known found – founded experience – experienced interested - been interested calmly – calm that – what putting – put 10 pay – paid at – on Part C I 1B 2C 3A II from or 4B 5D on call 6A 7B make other 8B 9C 10A only/just of the 10like 675 III 1A 2C 3D 4D 5B 6D 7D 8D 9D 10C Part D Not only did he fail in his exam but (he) also had a road accident It was such an interesting book that people couldn‘t put it down No sooner had they left home than it started to rain It‘s about time you had your hair cut/ a haircut/ you had someone cut your hair Not until he came into light did I recognize him Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star, the party would not have been a success I was the last person to know/ hear about the accident I‘d rather you left your shoes outside The rail workers have no intention of calling off their strike One of our windows was found to have been broken I have difficulty (in) reading his handwriting The flood prevented me from going to work I don‘t believe whatever he says He‘d rather drink tea than (drink) coffee This/ It is the most sarcastic essay that I have ever read ENGLISH PRACTICE 58 I Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 21 A candy B sandy C many D handy 22 A earning B learning C searching D clearing 676 23 A pays B stays C says D plays 24 A given B risen C ridden D whiten 25 A cough B tough C rough D enough II Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others 26 A eleven B elephant C energy D envelope 27 A preparation B decoration C television D exhibition 28 A leather B paper C iron D ceramics 29 A mirror B invent C wallet D engine 30 A discovery B calculator C aero-plane D difficulty III Fill each blank with a suitable word or phrase The car can't have broken down I _ serviced last week If I _ in that situation, I certainly wouldn't have had the courage to what you did Although he had a difficult time during the war, it _ harm It's no _ the cold and wet, you'll just have to put up with it I won't have _ their cars in the street outside the entrance to my house! In times of hardship we have to learn to _ some basic necessities I'm _ death of spiders! I heard the thunder _ in the distance He's been _ weather for ages and still isn't back at work We made the uniforms ourselves as we couldn't _ made IV Find one underlined part marked A, B, C, or D that needs correcting 21 Musical comedies, as an American form of entertainment, often take its subjects from America‘s present or past A B C D 22 Of all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water, followed by long periods covering by water A B C D The fruit of the plantain looks much like a banana, and it is not so sweet or so pleasing in flavor A B C D 24 The viceroy butterfly, an insect that birds like to eat, has a color pattern similar to that of the monarch butterfly, whom birds not like to eat A B C D Behavior therapy uses rewards and punishments to encourage patients to act in a way healthier A B C D 677 V Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage From what we had read in the (26 ADVERTISE) , it promise to be the holiday of a lifetime – not only a quality hotel in a top (27 SEA) _ resort, but also (28 SURPRISE) _ cheap with it! We should have known it was too good to be true! We arrived at the airport to discover we only had (29 STAND) _ tickets and there was no guarantee we would be flying Luckily, two places became free at the last minute and we took off The flight lasted at least (30 TWO) _ as long as it should have and by the time we arrived, we were both feeling rather (31 POOR) _ , probably because of the dubious inflight meal we had had We were met by our guide, who seemed (32 LANGUAGE) _ incompetent and understood very little of what we said to him Instead of the hotel we had seen in the photograph back home, he took us to a squalid little guesthouse much (33 FAR) _ away from the resort than we were expecting We wanted to explain that there had been a (34 DREAD) _ mistake but it was (35 USE) _ trying to complain – nobody could understand us VI Choose among A, B, C, or D the one that best fits each of the blanks 36.The child was told to for being rude to his uncle A forgive B apologize C excuse D confess 37.This is the of the bicycle which was stolen A information B detail C example D description Some drives, after annoy their fellow-motorists by slowing down again immediately A passing along B passing by C overtaking D taking over 39.It is unlikely that the Queen agree to open the new Town Hall A greatly B highly C mainly D largely 40.I don't think he'll ever the shock of his wife's death A get by B get over C get off D get through 41.Some school have very rules of behavior which must be obeyed A strict B strong C straight D solid 42.It was difficult to a date which was convenient for everyone A organize B arrange C elect D provide 43.It's difficult to pay one's bills when prices keep A growing B raising C rising D gaining 44.You may not have to stay the night but take a toothbrush just in A preparation B case C time D order 45.She remembered the correct address only she had posted the letter A since B following C after D afterwards VII Choose from A, B, C, or D the one that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage The Internet bus In the desert areas that surround Tucson city, USA, students spend hundreds of hours on yellow buses each year getting to and from their schools But when mobile internet equipment 678 was (46) on a yellow school bus, the bored, often noisy, teens were transformed into quiet, studious individuals District officials got the idea during (47) drives on school business to Phoenix, two hours each way, when they (48) that, when they went in pairs, one person could drive and the other could work using a laptop and a wireless card They (49) if internet access on a school bus could (50) students‘ academic productivity, too But the idea for what students call ‗the internet bus‘ really took shape when the district‘s chief information officer (51) across an article about having internet across in cars He thought, ―What if you could put that in a bus?‖ The officials have been delighted to see the (52) of homework getting done, morning and evening, as the internet bus (53) up and drops off students along the 70-minute drive (54) some students spend their time playing games or visiting social networking sites, most students make (55) their travel time to study 46.A installed B set C included D structured 47.A extraordinary B occasional C exceptional D few 48.A believed B acknowledged C estimated D realised 49.A thought B imagined C suspected D wondered 50.A increase B enlarge C rise D heighten 51.A got B looked C came D put 52.A total B amount C number D measure 53.A brings B picks C rides D catches 54.A Since B Despite C Although D However 55.A progress B work C use D part VIII Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word TRAVEL INSURANCE When going on holiday, it is always a good idea to take out travel insurance This is just in case something goes (56) along the way You could lose your luggage, you could be robbed, or even become ill and need expensive medical treatment For millions of holiday makers, travel insurance is just a precaution (57) will help them have an enjoyable and worry-free holiday But for (58) , travel insurance is a way of earning money (59) making false claims against insurance companies For (60) some people pretend that they have had expensive equipment stolen which in (61) never even existed, and then claim large sums in compensation Such claims cost insurance company a total (62) £ 50 million per year But the cheats‘ luck is about to run (63) (64) to a new computer system, companies will be able to tell at a glance (65) someone has made a claim within the last three years Honest travelers will no longer have to pay through the nose for other people‘s dishonesty IX Choose from A, B, C, or D the one that best answers each of the questions in the following passage 679 A pilot cannot fly by sight alone In many conditions, such as flying at night and landing in dense fog, a pilot must use radar, an alternative way of navigating Since human eyes are not very good at determining speeds of approaching objects, radar can show a pilot how fast nearby planes are moving The basic principle of radar is exemplified by what happens when one shouts in a cave The echo of the sounds against the walls helps a person determine the size of the cave With radar, however, the waves are radio waves instead of sound waves Radio waves travel at the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers in one second A radar set sends out a short burst of radio waves Then it receives the echoes produced when the waves bounce off objects By determining the time it takes for the echoes to return to the radar set, a trained technician can determine the distance between the radar set and other objects The word ―radar‖, in fact, gets its name from the term ―radio detection and ranging‖ ―Ranging‖ is the term for detection of the distance between an object and the radar set Besides being of critical importance to pilots, radar is essential for air traffic control, tracking ships at sea, and for tracking weather systems and storms 66 What is the main topic of this passage? B History of radar A The nature of radar D Types of ranging C Alternatives to radar 67 According to the passage, what can radar detect besides location of objects? A Shape B Size C Speed D Weight 68 The word ―exemplified‖ in the passage can be replaced by _ A ―specified‖ B ―resembled‖ C ―illustrated‖ D ―justified‖ 69 The word ―shouts‖ in the passage most closely means _ A ―exclaims‖ B ―yells‖ C ―shoots‖ D ―whispers‖ 70 Which of the following words best describes the tone of this passage? A argumentative B explanatory C humorous D imaginative According to the passage, the distance between a radar set and an object can be determined by _ the time it takes for a burst of radio waves to produce echoes when the waves bounce off the object the term ―ranging‖ used for detection of the distance between an object and the radar set the time it takes for the radio waves to produce echoes and bounce off the object 680 D the time it takes for the echoes produced by the radio waves to return to the radar set 72.Which type of waves does radar use? A tidal B sound C heat D radio 73.The word ―tracking‖ in the passage most closely means _ A sending B searching for C ranging D repairing 74 Which of the following would most likely be the topic of the next paragraph? A A history of flying B Other uses of radar C The technology used by pilots D Uses of some technology 75 What might be inferred about radar? A It takes the place of a radio B It has improved navigational safety C It was developed from a study of sound waves D It gave birth to the invention of the airplane X Finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word in capital letters which must not be altered in any way 76 You should think about the price before you decide whether to buy it or not (consideration) → You should 77 People don‘t want to buy cars with large engines any more (call) There isn‘t Twenty years ago this region produced twice as much coal as it does now (halved) The coal produced _ 79.The prime minister in unlikely to call an early general election (likelihood) → The likelihood 80.The policeman acted quickly and averted an accident (prompt) → The policeman‘s XI Rewrite each of the sentences without changing its meaning, using the cue given 81 We couldn‘t have managed without my father‘s money If it hadn‘t _ House prices have risen dramatically this year There has _ The only thing they didn‘t steal was the television They stole _ He didn‘t succeeded in searching for the stolen car He tried in vain _ 681 She started to clean up the house just after the guests had left No sooner _ XII Writing an essay “Soft-skills are more and more needed for future jobs” What you think of that matter? Write an essay of about 280- 300 words to support your points THE END 682 KEY – PRACTICE 58 I.(5pts) pt/correct answer C D C D (10pts) pt/correct answer 11 only had it 12 had been 13 did him no/ did not (seem to) him any IV (5pts) pt/correct answer 21 C 22 D 23 B A II (5pts) pt/correct answer D C D B 14 good/ use grumbling/ complaining about 15 people parking 16 without 24 D (10pts) pt/correct answer 26 advertisement 28 surprisingly 27 seaside 29 standby 10 A 17 frightened/ scared to 18 rumbling 19 under the 20 afford to have them 25 D 30 twice 31 poorly 32 linguistically 33 farther/ further 34 dreadful 35 useless VI (10pts) pt/correct answer 36 B 37 D 38 C 39 B 40 B 41 A 42 B 43 C 44 B 45 C VII (10pts) pt/correct answer 46 A 47 B 48 D 49 D 50 A 51 C 52 B 53 B 54 C 55 C VIII (10pts) pt/correct answer 56 wrong 58 other/ some 57 which 59 by IX (10pts) pt/correct answer 66 A 67 C 68 C 69 B 60 example/ instance 61 fact 70 B 71 D 72 D 62 of 63 out 73 B 64 Thanks 65 whether/ if 74 B 75 B X (5pts) point/correct answer → You should take the price into consideration before you decide whether to buy it or not → There isn‘t much call for cars with large engines any more → The coal produced in this region has been halved in the 20 years → The likelihood is small of the PM calling an early general election → The policeman‘s prompt action averted an accident XI (5pts) point/correct answer → If it hadn‘t been for my father’s money, we could not have managed 683 → There has been a dramatic rise/increase in the house prices this year → They stole everything except for/but/apart from the television → He tried in vain to search for the stolen car → No sooner had the guests left than she started to clean up the house XII (15pts) Students‘ own answers Content: accounts for 50% of the total mark To be given the maximum of 50% for the content, the candidates should provide all main ideas and details as appropriate Language: accounts for 30% of the total mark To be given the maximum of 30% for language, the candidates should use variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language high school students Presentation: accounts for 20% of the total mark To be given the maximum of 20% for presentation, the candidates should write with coherence, cohesion and can use appropriate styles and linking devices _THE END 684 ... ÔN THI VÀO 10 MÔN ANH FILE WORD Zalo 0946095198 30 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO 10 THPT 2021-2022 60k 70 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO 10 THPT 2020-2022 90k 100 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN KHẢO SÁT, THI THỬ ANH 80k 90 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO... THPT 2020-2022 90k 100 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN KHẢO SÁT, THI THỬ ANH 80k 90 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO 10 (40 câu) 70k 30 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO 10 TRẮC NGHIỆM (50 câu) 30k Vietnamese people have a strong (79) of hospitality... nhầm/ sai lệch ý bị trừ 1% điểm viết.) Tổng 0.20 0.40 0 .10 0.15 0.15 0.40 0.15 0.15 0 .10 0.40 0 .10 0 .10 0.20 2.00 ENGLISH PRACTICE A PHONETICS (10 points) Question 1: Pick out the word whose underlined

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 03:52
