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Trang 3

Metal Cutting Theory and Practice

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Metal Cutting Theory

and Practice

Third Edition

Trang 6

MATLAB’ and Simulink’ are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc and are used with permission The MathWorks does

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© 2016 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4665-8753-3 (Hardback)

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Trang 7

Contents Pretace tothe Third Eqion say ưa emer meee XV ID ;0H10000001061u09/ 000100000 ố XVI 00H IU0v00000))V30)) 005900 0lÀAađaaaaa XIX “000 o xXI Chapter 1 Go on | LL Scope of the Subject 0 .a II l 1.2) Historical DevelopIEnL ch HH HH gu HH He nà |

1.2.1 Ancient and Medieval Predecessor .0ccccececeeeeeessteeeteeteeeeees |

[3.2 Canon Boring sissssvsscccssrsceseosssnessonsvernsnsvsveossvseveineavecrsoussscneeensnnserenvey 4

1.2.3 The Industrial Revolution and the Steam Engine 7

1.2.4 Nineteenth-Century Quantity Production Industries 10


1.2.6 Twecntieth-Century Mass Production c sec 17 1.2.7 Numerical Control 20 References Chapter 2 Metal-Cutting OQperaLiOnS tt E9 n2 1 H1 27 2.] — IntroducLiOn àĂ S2 S2 SH HH HH Hà nà nà te, 27 2.2 — Turning ch nh HH Hà HH HH HH HH HH TH HH nhiệt 27 2.2.1 20 2.3 Boring 30 2:4 Drnilling:-::::.;seez:: sị 3i 2.4.1 Deep-Hole Drilling 34 2.4.2 Microdrilling eS De) PROAINI I onc aceensnerer nn cadens ccoeedssnentrnsinfeberee t3ycatou tess gevsseeevess Gtaccass a oaretsaase 37 2.6 Milling ch HH Hà HH ưu 37 2.7 Planing and Shaping 5-5-2: S2 Set 44 2.8 — Đroaching ch HH Hồ he 45 2.9 Tapping and Threading

2.10 Grinding and Related Abrasive Processes .:isisisssevecetessssstesssensesvenneasseves 56 21) Roller Burni§liEessssessseirrcyronaiibiaioiisillitollEtlosleslf44lXESEG4813539UASEIXSEyStxEtg 64 2:l2 D€bUTTÍNE ;iasisssosssosioiiadtditt ddEGOGESGDSGEUIGSEROERRESDNNOERENSSSSAESSUSRYPEAIIRSR 65 2.3 EXẩHDDIES à e.ssieeeseeeeseeseecDlisesinsEtessesulDSEDmsoessdflsrassrs.SSS/ESBDE3E 66 2.14 Problems hố Ề 78 30/0/0010 8 .ằ 80 0.) 1n r0 2/001 83 3.] IntFOdUCLION à S21 ST HH HH HH HH HH te 83 3.2 Production Machine Tools LH HH HH HH HH HH Hà HH HH nh 83 3.3 CNC Machine Tools and CNC-Based Manufacturing Systems 88

BBs) - QenerllsssssssssssosgnonsspnirnriiiiiaeiasianbtilSEtnoivopsirtedtiaiaaii.85006000300L25/0 88

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vi Contents

3:4 Machine Tool S[ruclurGSisssssssrssisnnasoibirinoiibtesokpaiiasgSBOA4014002081401368540 305 108

3:5 Slides and GuidewayS secsssssicssiccesceesssnrnmesiranensssnsninranvensssoneneasaues 119 đi AXIS Dri veS iss srosscnarauseamneaeumenemvemsne musuuaem umes sueamnremmnareeseein 122 3.7 Spindles;s› «127 3.8 Coolant Systems 141 3.9 Tool Changing Systems 142 3.10 Pallets 145 3.11 Energy Use in CNC-Machining Centers 0.0 0cccccceccccceseseeeseeseeseeeneeees 146 12.2) 147 3100111 3 150 Chapter4 Cuuing TO0ÌS:::‹soziieeoiOtooiiiiGBDRHDRGIOEOIONGIGHDRIRIBUENGEĐMNGNBjdESB 159 AA HiroducffOns: : :eessseooronoinianionatianuigibudoddiiEttiigtoigiAViEVGEeLYNgA0000134010148 159 4.2 Cuttling-Tool Materl§:s:.saisisossonoosaoeiinissesiiiDioaiiiaiiiisiagvivi0s5156645 159 42.1 TnITOdUCODsszsoszpsseitoatstoooiiibiiatiD1)QĐGERGANOOOHIEPASHEINSSR 159 42.2 Matrial PTODETH€S:z.cesssnooosootiretgaynoiitogioagolttgxxpwgoAssl 159 High-Speed Steel (HSS) and Related Materials we: LO3 Sintered Tungsten Carbide (WC) 64

‹2:3 'CBTHE(sesassusguutiisaoasoosee l66 2.2.4: (CPAMICS 5:5-ic3c02sdieseenestanrscetereunnanneanddenandenteievasnseaeesaadectd 167 Polycrystalline TOOÌS, ààc cà St seiheihheeekes 169 Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN) 170 Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) : :-: 171 4.3 Tool Coatings l2

4.3.1 Coating Methods - St nhh nh HH nyey 172

4.3.2 Conventional Coating Materials wee 174

4.3.3 Diamond and CBN Coatings 177 4.4 Basic Types of Cutting Tools v 178

` U aa 179

4.5.1 Indexable INS€rtSicccivicscossvsssisvsvssessvescesusnenovsnssensesuscsssevessrsasiesesnsiss ots 179

4.5.2 Groove Geometry (Chip Breaker) ‹: cĩc iiinioee 183 453: Edpe:Preparations: s.cssssscansasesssasssersessssvasircsessssssvevisconsateaecrscosvusess 183 4.5.4 Wiper Geometry we 185

4.5.5 Insert Clamping Methods `

4.5.6 Tool Angles IR6 4.57 ‘Thread Turning TOOÌSzse:szesssesesosarestvosveebdesoaoidettetossmee 187

458 Grooving and CulofÍ TO0̧S::seszszssssnoissgsaitdditsoadgiaasttoaaytaoe 188 45.9 Form Tools ssscsscsssssesimenenemmeanem amnmanemmnmernnans 189 4.6 Boring TOOÌS¿ss.ssssossassoodaliaisilDEEOSOGSD026041449933335483195/93885593990888855E 190 4.6.1 Single Point Boring Tools cece eseseseseseseseseseeseseseeneess 190 46:2, MultipointBoning TO0ỈSsc¡oocnsasnodggtioiotoisotdtolttVdfiigtasosia 196 4.7 Milling Tools - 196 4.7.1 Types of Milling Cutter: „ 197 4.7.2 Cutter Design 200

4.7.3 Milling Inserts and Edge Clamping Methods 208 4.8 — Drilling TOỌS 2.12 1211 1S 1n 1n Hà TH HH HH Hàn nà tàu 209 4.8.1 Twist Drill Structural Properties ccc che neeense 311 4.8.2 Twist Drill Pọint Geometrles à cà cà vcr 214

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Chapter 5


4.84 Subland and Step DIlSsssssrzreosesitiatingiotoroiodttoosstgiosttystapsasai 227 4.8.5 Mult-Tip (Deep Hole) Drills cece eeeceeeserenteneeseneeeeees 228 4.8.6 Other Types of DYiÏ̧, 5 2:2: 2222111 1211212118152151 E1 tt re 233

F100 ha adÀll 234

4.8.8 Drill Life and Accuracy

4.8.9 Hole Deburring Tools 49 RcamerS‹::.:.-.:.:.: e:2:::z: .242 49/1 - TYVpes 0Í R€amETSssszseeeaonsuertrretintldttottRgiOVDOAAĐUASONUER 24 4:92 N€aTIET GEOIREUTY¿s.iaobsiiaaangtitidotlibisesieetlisdlelluielifadioil 244 1¬" ah 900 Sẽ .aa.ă 246 FOL ' — - a.IA 246 4.10.2 Thread Mills wn 293 ALY Grinding Wheels: scscivcssssoissnsassraserovssavescrnsneatwessssessasenpeomarnnsvcavctaseverevesuvesays 255 4.1 lel AĐTASÌV€SesusssisoiiltedtioioittHisDBSHGDREHIDLS4SM0M000463100A1390388 255 412 BondSssesssssssssszzøe 257 4.11.3) Wheel Grades and Grit SIZ€S c2 2 the 257 4.11.4 Operational Factors 250 4.12 Microsizing and Honing Tools 260 4.13 Burnishing Tools 263 4/14 ExamDÌ€S-‹‹.sosscsssosniieiiiendiiiodisoiibiiiAAgSE45051616451614018116636315133544048300/ã5 263 415 PIroblES¿zsssssssssoiiieossatDiiitiaeoieldsElBllESDISIEEGGSSSESISICGSIDSSSISLASSSAYGSEUSEG 274 R€ÍETETCESGiiszesbsii1i6vTIHASIG3S053531431303090ãS3SRSEHSSVOSSSINSERSOSRISDSEĐSS88 275 Tưolholders and Workholdef§ ;;::::::-::s:zizn2 si oc0101403660501036515085231435001136301868 281 Sli THƯOQUEHGT e.eeceeneiseiiiieierreniiiiirndadrninioodiodCsoilsioignigEl2supi0aiasgegsglge 281 5.2 _ Toolholding Systems «728 5.2.1 General wi 281 5.2.2 Modular and Quick-Change Toolholding Systems 284 5.3 Toolholder/Spindle Connections ::::scss250020000006666.cn-.6.6.s ng 290 5.3.1 eneral càng HH HH HH He 290

5.3.2 Conventional Tapered “CAT-V” Connection 1 295 5.3.3 Face-Contact CAT-V Interfaces 303

5.3.4 HSK Interface 309

53:35 P[OpDTletarÿ IHIEIÍACES eoesseeseoiannninnnsdaoesanraasdarae 314

5.3.6 Quick-Change Interfaces (Toolholders/Adapters) 316

5.3.7 Toolholders for Turning Machines «+5 s+ 12222 5.3.8 Evaluation and Comparison of Toolholder/Spindle Interface 323 5.4 Cutting Tool Clamping Systems ác steineehririe 328 5.4.1 Milling Cutter DrIVeS ác St SH HH ưe 328

Trang 10

viii Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Contents 5.6 - FÏX|UIES:scosepsiennipoeoeniiiiansitioriootbilovpotcglkSttrEEA420900310305EEĐHSVIHRSISEEONĐSHQB 362 5.6.1 General S2 Tỳpes:of ElXỈUTES¿ssssezessssgaolseniaooatillsltosletlSPMBIAGiSSSE0V3id-N00A 364 5.6.3 Fixture Analysis „370 57 EXamplts:zssezsuee wold 5.8 Problems 387 References eccsscesssssssensue arene neem arene meas 387 Mchariics:GE'CU(TIDsssessepiiiiciisrilLESESGRAONGIAGGAGIAHESNSXA4G1S053G030818xcxk8ããxtssl 393 GN TfiưHdUICHODeeeseeoeiiiiioiiiniiniiarinndigdieiecGiosorrsgrasdbisxisoAsAiss3su4y8axg9psscarssooeD0 6.2 Measurement of Cutting Forces and Chịp Thickness 393 6.3 FEorceCompohEflSseseesssseeeseaooboaresosoinaidosiaesesaoseswasaeasussse205 64 Empirical Force ModElSesseesessssssreoitieeaboobeliitosyelotsgissptlo24482x.sxg 401 6.5 Specific Cutting Power 402

6.6 Chip Formation and Primary Plastic Deformation esasessssscssmssesicascenveses: 404

6.7 Tool-Chip Friction and Secondary Deformation -<c+ c2: 4I2 6.8 Shear Plane and Slip-Line Theories for Continuous Chip Formation 416 6.9 Shear Plane Models for Oblique Cutting c2: ccc sec 420

O10 Shear Zone MG(ElSsssccccccogdaaiiaiioraadtidiiadtiltsidsggflliaogtSRAoGseseaessulsei 422 6.11 Minimum Work and Uniqueness AssumpLiOnS sec 425 6.12 Finite Element Models ác c1 12132 2n HH HH HH ớt 426

6.13 Discontinuous Chip Formation chon 43I

6.14 Built-Up Edge FormatLIOn - c t vnnv nh ng nà HH co 434 6.15 Examples cành HH TH HH Hà HH HH HH vớt 436 6.16 Problems RĐ€f€T€TC€S th HH HH HH HH HH Hà He : Cuffing:TEmDETSTUT€S:-:.::sczs6ec12025012500)3559013G46035355N833G48336481401Y9383980410510813v-48E 449 7.] IntrOduUCUiOn 2 2 1S 1S nh TH HH Hà Ho tk 449

7.2 Measurement of Cutting Temperatures

7.2.1 Tool-Work Thermocouple Method and Related Techniques

1.2.2 Conventional Thermocouple Methods - „453

7.2.3 Metallurgical Methods ScSc St nneeeeee 454

7.2.4 Infrared Methods - Sách HH Huệ 454

7.2.5 Other Mecthods nhan hyey 456

7.3 Factors Affecting Cutting Temperatur€s cĩc ccctsct St svsxzsvrx ve 456

7.4 Analytical Models for Steady-State Temperatures -+ «+ 457 7.5 _ Finite Element and Other Numerical Models +-+ 5: <<: 463

7.6 Temperatures in Interrupted Cutting 467

TA ~="Temperatures:in Drilling scccccssssssssonssstecsectonrsinanrsvsvvnniaemnnnsennasnayen 469

7:8 “Thermal Expansion sss: scssssvessessccsessssvecnssecsossovetsnavssssnssrsveuvsensoussnvevseaausousssuenves 471 TO “EXaMples essecesseccsceveuscecevcasserresscreran eeeennence evtenuse ene we aeeememyereerenumenvonvewss 472

TƠ PTObÌ€TsssssesszrrseeiosiiiassttGliioielillg409gÐtl:kgf\sI00EG411639S904601290880 8088 476 References issssscsscsscecaesusaygeeesnasrsereeea ere sasencen eoennnrar aera nem mnaaEN 476

Machining Process Analysis .ccccccccccccceeeseseeeseseeseseseesesecevsuevseteesecsuseieuevieiereneeees 483

81 Introducuion sscssscsesecsnenenernesen acme aE 483


Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 02:18


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