MECHANICAL ENGINEERI NG a'e \2/ Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley Joshua Kern aEls Express Publishing o Scope and Sequence ::,:.:.:lll,, Unit, ,qe0f !:iQ'ry1r,,:lltii: I- Course Description AC; ampere, charge, circuit, current, DC, electron, ohm, Ohm's Law, resistance, volt, voltage, watt Iextbook classical mechanics, energy, gravity, matter, motion, Newton's Correcting Laws, physics, quantum field theory, quantum mechanics, an error relativistic mechanics, speed of light Excerpt l Correcting yourself Email closed system, consumption, extensive quantity, final; Confirming generation, initial, input, intensive quantity, open system, output, information system, universal accounting equation rl ::E i-t r _t Textbook diameter, driving force, flow rate, flux, inlet, outlet, pressure, rate, rate process, viscosity Describing degree I Memo event, independent, intersection,,r median, mutually exclusive, outcome, population, probability, range, sample, sample space, statistics, union Describing a lack of experience Employee Manual analvsis, annroach attack hrainsiorm iteration iterative Asking for help Email assemble, constraini, construct, criteria, detailed design, feasibility study, identify, narrow down, preliminary design, revise, sketch, verify ,] -l jl :i Excerpt :'€ : '& t E i, la nI I li ti B Patents Webpage 'ii ll' : I "€ { 10 Thei.Sdidritffi$i Abstract *i,IY,r.rl' Webpage problem identification; problem solving, procedure, redefine, solution, synthesis elaims, design pitent, drawing, improvement, intellectual property, mileslone, monopoly, ornamental, patent, patent Ouratlon; Speollloatlon, teonnology, utlllty patent, WltneSSeO Email progress Making a recommendation conclusion, control gt'oup, evaluate; experiment, experimental Talking about group, hypothesis, independent variable, observation, expectations problem, result, scientific method, testable cllmr adraminc nnnnrata nlacc lrrmhor mqtariqlc Listing needs metal, plastic, polymer, rebar, steel 11 Asking about brittle, conductor, ductile, elastic limit, hardness, insulator, Asking for ra+av rnallaaFrla na+ rn*ha*ia *anaila explanation yield strength Excerpt coordinate system, cumulative, dquitibrium, free-body diag ram, Expressing magnitude, moment, padicle, resultant, rigid body, vector confusion 13 Course Description aerodynamics, buoyancy, drag, fluid, gas, laminar flow, lift; liquid, thrust, turbulent flow, wind tunnel Explaining differences 14 Report compression, elastic behavior, elongation, fai[, internal force, plastic behavior, shear, strain, stress, stretch, tension Asking for other options 15 Webpage consultant, design engineer, engine, generato[ inspect, Stating a goal 12 Textbook rnan ag ement, manuf acturin g, professor, pu R&D, researcher, technical, tool bl ic safety, -Electricity Unit2-BasicPhysics Unit3-Accounting ., Unitl Unit4- Rate Processes 10 Unit5-Statistics 12 Unit6-ProblemSolving UnitT- Design .14 Method 16 UnitS-Patents ,., 18 Unit9-TheScientificMethod Unit10-Materials Unit 11 - Properties of Unit 13-Fluid ' Motion Unit 14 - Tension and Unit 15- .22 Materials Unit12-Force Compression CareerOptions .20 24 .26 28 30 32 r Electricity Department of Engineering lntroduction to Electricity (ENCR 220) hxr\]fi This course provides a foundation for advanced study of electrical systems lt is divided into four 5nt#' sections The first section focuses on electrons and other particles that hold a charge Understanding how these particles act is incredibly important Next, the course will move to electric currents This includes alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) Properties of electricity, such as voltage, will also be covered Ohm's Law and resistance will be * introduced as well The third section will introduce the units we use to measure - Get ready! Q eetore you read the passage, electricity These include volts, amperes, ohms, and watts An understanding of currents prepares students for the section This section focuses on circuits talk about these questions Students will use knowledge that they gained from the first three sections By the end of the What is electricity? Reading *; Q What is the course mainly about? A building power sources that use electricity B designing electrical systems C performing experiments with currents D examining properlies of electrical circuits Which topic is addressed in the section before currents? A circuits B resistance a working knowledge of electrical terms Vocabulary Read the course description Then, choose the correct answers semester, students will have What are some uses of electricity? G D charged parlicles units of measurement Which is true about the course's fourlh section? @ fUatclr the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H) _ volt _ohm _ _ watt charge 5_ 6_ 7_ electron ampere circuit resistance a measure of how much something oitposes the flow of electricity B a unit of electrical power c the amount of electricity something holds D a unit that measures the force of a current E a unit that measures resistance of a current a unit that measures the flow of a current A B lt introduces electrons F lt covers the difference between AC and DC G a complete, closed path through which an C D lt focuses on Ohm's Law electrical current can flow lt combines information from other sections a negatively charged subatomic particle m t'si;i*is& u.1o,s,*"-.**" f ',-_.,"r*!e*{****i*!i!**i ri*:sM*i-*.:;!.*.ia.{}*in*,i:fi:i*,'nsili*if,i**cs*l**,o*.*u1i*t'& @ neaA the sentences and choose the correct words The electricity that comes from a battery is an example of DG/resistance because it doesn't change direction *.,.-*'-, ._. &s{.$ti{ Speaking @ Wittr a partner, act out the roles below based on Task Then, switch roles USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: The charge/voltage of a current describes its force Let's review one more time What's ? AG/circuit changes the direction of the flow of No, wait, it's electric current several times a second An electrical ohm/current describes the flow of electrons through a medium Student A: You are an instructor Talk to Student B about: o O 5) Listen and read the course description again What units are used to talk about electricity? types of currents a mistake that he or she makes correcting the mistake Listening Student B: You are a student Talk to StudentA () about electric currents O Listen to a conversation between an instructor and a student Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) -_ 3_ O The man confuses types of currents The man forgets what AC stands for The man gives an example of AC Listen again and complete the conversation Okay Ralph, let's review one time What is an Student: lt's when @ Use the course description and the conversation from Task to fill out the student's assignment Effi a2g O lnstructor: Writing A8/'20' ':': ':' more f ''' ' Pleise Oeieribetwo'types of.electric cunent Give an example of each type right? through something, ? lnstructor: That's right. flow Good job Now, what Student stand for? lt stands for deep current No, wait, it's lnstructor: Yes,S _direct current? Student: That's when the switches directions every so often I Basic Physics Get ready! Q eefore you read the passage, talk about these questions What concepts physicists study? How does physics relate to everyday life? !,'E:l?.-*€.*'*:':ii Mechanics is an important branch of physics lt is concerned with physical objects in motion ln this chapter, we will cover basic principles of mechanics, including Newton's Laws We'll also cover the concepts of matter and energy This will bring us to the first division It also does not address the possibility of traveling near the speed of light Other branches of mechanics address these topics Certain properties behave differently on a microscopic scale, including gravity Quantum mechanics seeks to of mechanics, classical mechanics This is one of the oldest branches of understand the motion of these small science, going back to the time of uses the theory of relativity to study objects in motion These are paft of particles Relativistic mechanics Aristotle Classical mechanics is limited, however lt does not allow quantum field theory, which discussion of subatomic structures is covered in a later chapter Reading @ neaO the textbook excerpt Then, choose, the correct answers What is the chapter mainly about? Vocabulary A B the history of physics @ C D examples of physics problems different fields of study in physics applications of physics principles Which field does not address some current principles? A classicalmechanics B quantum mechanics C quantum field theory D relativisticmechanics Which of the following will NOT be covered in the chapter? tvtatctr the words or phrases (1-8)with the definitions (A-H) physics _ gravity _ matter _ classical mechanics motion _ quantum mechanics _ energy relativistic mechanics A a field that relies on the theory of relativity B the act of moving C a natural force that draws particles together D a field that deals with relatively large and slowmoving objects E the ability to perform work A energy B classicalmechanics C Newton's Laws F anything that has mass and takes up space G a field that focuses on atomic and subatomic D H quantum field theory particles the study of matter and its properties @ Write a word or phrase that is similar Speaking in meaning to the underlined part The engineer is studying a framework for understanding pafticle physics that is based on quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity q n m e_d t _r_ @ Witn a partner, act out the roles below based on Task Then, switch roles USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: Do you want to review ? As things reach the highest speed anything can attain, they require more and more energy to maintain their velocity No, you're thinking of ls it ? _p d _f g_t Student A: You are a student Talk to Student ln an introductory physics class, professors always cover a group of natural laws about obiects and forces B about: w'sas an upcoming physics quiz different branches of mechanics an error that he or she makes Q) O Listen and read the textbook excerpt again What are the limitations of classical mechanics? Listening Listeh to a conversation between two students Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) @O - 3- Use the textbook chapter and the conversation from Task to fill out the quiz Brenches of 2: 1: I am, too We definitely need to study What'sl 1: g ''' Classical mechanics is the study of quantum Oh that's rioht examines atomic and subatomic particles Student 2: There you go Different aPPIY to tinY Particles mechanics, then? what is classical So Student @ The students will review quantum field theory Student2: No,3_ Student Writing The students discuss relativistic mechanicsl conversation Student about an upcoming physics quiz The man confuses classical mechanics and quantum mechanics .O O Listen again and complete the Student Student B: You are a student Talk to Student A 1: Now l'm not sure ls it - _things you can see? - tnlcs Accounting Get ready! Reading $ @ eetore you read the passage, talk about these questions neaO the email Then, choose the correct answers What is a system? What is the purpose of the email? A to order repairs on the assembly line B to recommend a new plastic supplier What is the difference between an intensive quantity and an extensive quantity? C D to ask for help with a production problem to give advice about increasing production What is the problem with the plastic pieces? A They are too cold B They are poorly made C D The workers are careless with them The assembly line is malfunctioning According to the email, what is the UAE used for? A calculating changes to extensive factors B predicting input and output C increasing generation D determining if a system is open To: GregG@R& From: Subject: Problem at the factory Mr Green, As you know, factory production decreased this quarter My team recently concluded an analysis of the problem I believe we determined what caused the downturn When dealing with systems (either open systems or closed systems), we can always use the universal accounting equation (UAE) This equation helps us measure changes to extensive quantities over time Using the UAE, we can account for the final state of a system We start with the initial state Then, we add input and generation These are materials along the assembly line We also subtract consumption and output According to our calculations, extensive quantities are behaving normally However, an intensive quantity is affecting productivity The temperature in the supply room is too cold for the plastic you use The plastic pieces are so cold that they shatter on the assembly line This increases consumption without also increasing generation I recommend another assessment after a temperature adjustment in the supply room Sincerely, PattiAddams Vocabulary @ tvtatclr the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H) _ input _ generation _ output _ consumption _ initial _ system _ final _ intensive quantity A a set of properties or processes B occurring at the end of something C the creatioriof something D E F G H something that goes into a system the act of using something a measurement that doesn't change with the amount of a substance occurring at the beginning of something something that is removed from a system @ fill Speaking in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from the word bank @ With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task Then, switch roles USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: system extensive quantity closed system universal accounting equation *;:ern May laskyou afew questlons about ? And so , right? So / need to A system in which nothing can enter or leave is called a(n) Student A: Student A: You are a factory manager Talk to Student B about: Mass can be counted, so it is a(n) The assessing systems is useful when A(n) is one in which r o a problem at your factory his or her recommendation what steps you willtake material can enter or leave Student B: You are an engineer Talk to Student A about a problem at his or her factory s) O Listen and read the email again What is the woman's recommendation? Writing Listening () I _ 2_ O @ O Listen to a conversation between a factory manager and a mechanical engineer Mark the following statements as true fi) or false (F) Use the email and the conversation from Task to fill out the email Patti, The materials are getting too warm The man needs to control generation Thanks for your advice I had some good results Here's a breakdown: The man will insulate the storeroom better Changes made: O Listen again and complete the conversation Manager: I hear the broken materials are ' Engineer: is that true? Effecl on consumption: U*i' i-'' Yes And at the same time, they ' , Manager: That Effect on generation: Engineer: That's correct You need to increase Overall effect on production: So I need to somehow control consumption of that storage room Manager: better insulation I hope it helps Engineer: lt will Once you decrease consumption, everything will6 Thanks again, Greg s Rate Processes Rate Processes The results of a rate process depend on correct rates of the movement For example, the treatment of water is a rate process The process begins when water is pumped from a pushes the water backed up lf it is too low, not enough water travels through the system Various factors influence the flow rate The diameter of pipes can change the water pressure Smaller openings allow less water to pass through at once.'This increases pressure at the outlet Viscosity through screen can also affect the flow rate of some filters The system function correctly if this factor is off lf it is too high, the inlet becomes substances However, water's viscosity source into a holding tank A driving force * - will not I' does not change during treatment A system's overall flow rate determines its flux This measurement is used to assess the functionality of the system $+ ir ir Get reafly! Q eetore you read the passage, talk about these questions What are some factors to consider when working with rate processes? When engineers work with rate processes? Reading @ neaO the textbook excerpt Then, choose the correct answers What is the chapter mainly about? A different types of rate processes B how to create a cost-effective rate process C D 1S atype ofsystem that uses a rate process ways to improve efficiency of rate processes Vocabulary @ tvtatctr the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H) 1_ 2_ 4_ inlet flux rate outlet _ _ _ _ driving force viscosity rate process pressure A force per unit of area applied to an object B a place where something can exit something else G the amount that a quantity changes over time D the power that causes an object to start or What happens if the driving force is too high? continue moving A Water does not pass through the screens B C D The inlet becomes backed up the measure of a liquid's resistance to being deformed The pressure decreases The viscosity of the water changes a place where something can enter something else Which does NOT determine flow rate? a process with results that depend on the movement of different variables A pressure C viscosity B pipe diameter D flux the amount of something that passes through an area over a given time ... Tension and Unit 15- .22 Materials Unit 12- Force Compression CareerOptions .20 24 .26 28 30 32 r Electricity Department of Engineering lntroduction to Electricity (ENCR 22 0) hxr]fi This course... generato[ inspect, Stating a goal 12 Textbook rnan ag ement, manuf acturin g, professor, pu R&D, researcher, technical, tool bl ic safety, -Electricity Unit2-BasicPhysics Unit3-Accounting .,... description and the conversation from Task to fill out the student's assignment Effi a2g O lnstructor: Writing A8/ '20 ' ':': ':' more f ''' ' Pleise Oeieribetwo'types of.electric cunent Give an example