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LITERACY ASSESSMENT AND IN TER V EN TIO N FOR CLASSROOM TEACHERS The fifth edition of this comprehensive resource helps future and practicing teachers recognize and assess literacy problems, while providing practical, effective intervention strategies to help every student succeed DeVries thoroughly explores the major components of literacy, offering an overview of pertinent research, suggested methods and tools for diagnosis and assessment, intervention strategies and activities,and technology applications to increase students’ skills Updated to reflect the needs of teachers in increasingly diverse classrooms, the fifth edition addresses scaffolding for English language learners, and offers appropriate instructional strategies and tailored reaching ideas to help both teachers and their students Several valuable appendices include assessment tools, instructions and visuals for creating and implementing the books more than 150 instructional strategies and activities, and other resources New to the Fifth Edition: • Up-to-date and in line with I L A , CCSS, and most state and district literacy standards, this edition also addresses the important shifts and evolution of these standards • New chapter on Language Development, Speaking, and Listening covers early literacy, assessment, and interventions • New intervention strategies and activities are featured in all chapters and highlight a stronger technology component • Updated Companion Website with additional tools, resources, and examples of teachers using assessment strategies Beverly A DeVries is Professor Kmerita of Education at Southern Nazarene University, USA LITERACY ASSESSM EN T AND IN TERVENTION FOR CLASSROOM TEACHERS FIFTH EDITION B E V E R L Y A D E V R I E S ¡3 Routledge Taylor & Francis Croup NEW YORK AND LONDON Fifth edition puhhshcJ 2019 hv Rourlcdgc 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, N Y 10017 and by Rout ledge Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, X 4RN R ilU t ledge IS jn im p rin t I l f th e T a y lo r & b ran d s a ru n ft an in fo rm a business © 2019 Taylor 8c Francis The right of Beverly A DeVries to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 jnd 78 of the dopy right Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this hook may he* reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by «ny electronic, mechanic.ll, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying ind recording, «*r in any information S t o n g e o r re trie v al s y s te m , w it h o u t p e r m iss io n in w rit in g fr o m th e p u b lish e rs Trjdctnjrk notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks Hr registered trademarks, jnd are used only fur identification and explanation without intent to infringe hirst edition published by Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers Inc 2004 Fourth edition published by Kentledge 2017 Lib ry I i f Cnrtfircss (lataloRinfi-in-Puhiicatmn Data Names: DeVries, Beverly A , 1947- Juthor I DeVries, Beverly A , 1947- Literacy assessment and intervention for K-6 classrooms Title: Literacy assessment and intervention for classroom teachers / Beverly A DeVries Description: Fifth Kdition I New York : Routlcdgc, 2019.1“ Fourth edition published by Rnutlcdgc 2017"—T.p verso I Includes bibliographical references and index Identifiers: LCCN 2018058924 (print) I LCCN 2018060904 (ebook) I ISBN 9781351108157 (ebook) I ISBN 9780815363835 I ISBN 97808I5.Ĩ6.Ĩ8.VS (hardback) I ISBN 9780815363859 (paperback) I ISBN 9781351108157 (ebook) Subjects: l-CSH: Reading (Elementary) I Reading (Flcmemary)—Ability testing I Literacy Classification: L C C LB1573 (ebook) I LC C LB1573 D445 2019 (prmt) I DDC 372.4—dc23 L C record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018058924 ISBN: 978-0-8153-6383-5 (hbk) ISBN: 978-0-8153-6385-9 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-351-10815-7 (cbk) Typeset in Sabon and G ill Sans by Apex Co Vantage, L LC Visit the companion website: www.routlcdgc.com/cw/DcVrics Please nute: The author and publisher have made every effort to provide current website addresses in this book However, it is inevitable that some of the ƯRI.S listed here w ill change following publication of this book I dedicate this book to my husband Merlyn, my cheerleader when the going gets tough BRIEF CONTENTS Lise of Appendices xv List of Intervention Strategies and Activities by Chapter xvii Preface xxi Acknowledgments xxv About the Author xxvii Forming a Personal Philosophy about Literacy Assessment and Intervention I The Literacy Event 17 Assessment 33 Language Development: Speaking/Listening 67 Phonemic Awareness 87 Phonics and Spelling 111 Word Recognition 139 Vocabulary Building 163 Comprehension of Narrative Text 191 10 Comprehension of Informational Text 231 11 Fluency 271 12 Writing 293 13 Identifyingand Working with Students with DiverseNeeds 333 14 Teachers, Caregivers, and theCommunity Working inCollaboration 347 Appendices 359 Index 547 ... 1947- Juthor I DeVries, Beverly A , 1947- Literacy assessment and intervention for K-6 classrooms Title: Literacy assessment and intervention for classroom teachers / Beverly A DeVries Description:... LITERACY ASSESSMENT AND IN TER V EN TIO N FOR CLASSROOM TEACHERS The fifth edition of this comprehensive resource helps future and practicing teachers recognize and assess literacy problems,... xxvii Forming a Personal Philosophy about Literacy Assessment and Intervention I The Literacy Event 17 Assessment 33 Language Development: Speaking/Listening 67 Phonemic Awareness 87 Phonics and

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 00:45


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