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LOISIGMA PREPARATION SERIES FOR THE NEW TOEIC® TEST Introductory Course Fourth Edítion Lin Lougheed S l c NHÀ XUẤT BẢN Từ ĐIẾN BÁCH KHOA ^OURTH ÊDI TI ỘN longman Preparation Series íor the ỊnưồcỊuctồry Cỡurse Un Lougheed NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỪ ĐĨẾN BÁCH KHOA CONTENTS v ii IN T ÍO D U C T IO N vin To he Student The Teacher Abut the new TOEIC® Test Ips for iaking the new TOEĨC Test N6v TOEIC T e s ĩ Directions Nev TOEIC Test Ansvver Sheets IX Xll Xll Xlll XIV L IS -E N IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N 16 29 32 PiRIT I — P H O T O S Pbtob of People Phtos of Thmgs Slategỵ Review Shtegy Practice P a i t — Q u e s t i o n -R e s p o n s e IdntiíymgTime ỉđntiíymg People Idntiíymg an Opinion Idntiíymg a Choice ĩdnỉifying a Suggestion Idntiíymg ã Reason Iđntiíying â Location Stìtegv Review Shtegv Practice 37 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 49 50 PJAE — CONVERSATIONS Idnỉiíying Time Iđntiíying Peopìe Idntiíymg íntent !dfítjf)ing theTopic ĩchtiíymg a Rea&on ĩdfiỉiíying a Locatỉon lcntiíymg an Opmion Icntiíymg Stress and Tone Sữtegv Review Sotegv Practice 51 52 55 58 61 63 66 68 7i 74 75 CONTENT5 111 P aht 4— Talks Id€ntJÍymg the Sequence ]d en tify in g th e A udience ld en tjfy in g a S itu atio n ld en tify in g the Topic ĩd e n tiíy in g a R equest Straregy Review Strategy Practice 7Ỉ 7Í 8 8' 8: L lS T E N lN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N R E V IE W 9^ R E A D IN G lo : P a r t 5— In c o m p l e t e S e n t e n c e s VVord Pam ihes Sim ilar W ords P reposihons C on)unctions Adverbs of Prequency C ausative Verbs Condihonal Sentences Verb Tense Tw o-w ỡrd Verbs Stralegy Review Strategy Practice 101 10' 11 11: 11 ÌV IV 12 12 i2 12 12 P a HT — T e XT C O M P L E T IO N VVords in C ontext Pronouns Sub)€Ct-verb A greem ent M odat A u x ih an es Ad]«ctive C om parisons G erunds or ĩnếm itives Strategy Review Strategy Prachce 12! 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 P a r t 7— R e a d in g C o m p r e h e n s io n Ỉ5( Readmg Strategies Pracíice Readmg Comprehension Advertisements Business Correspondence Potrtis, Charts, and Graphs Artides and Reports Announcements and Paragraphs iv CONTENTS 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 SVprtíet;y Revitvv* strategy Prartice 168 )69 R e a d in g R e v ie w 180 PRACTICE TESTS 209 PiacticeTest One P r a c U c e ỉ e s t íwo ANSWER SHEETS 209 249 290 Listemng Comprehension Review Reading Revievv Practỉce Test One Practice Test Two AUDIOSCRIPTS Listenitig Cotnprehension Listẹnmg Com prehension Review PracticeTest On« Proctice Test Two ANSWER KEYS Listenmg Comprehension Listening Comprehension Revievv Reading Readmg Revievv Priictice Te taking the test You W1ÌĨ know what to expect You Wỉll know what to You wtll well on the t\ew TOEIC test v in ÍNTROĐƯCTION ... íamỉharize you with the format QÍ the test so yoư will fei'l Cùiĩìíortabỉe wher> taking the test You W1ÌĨ know what to expect You Wỉll know what to You wtll well on the tew TOEIC test v in ÍNTROĐƯCTION... ỘN longman Preparation Series íor the ỊnưồcỊuctồry Cỡurse Un Lougheed NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỪ ĐĨẾN BÁCH KHOA CONTENTS v ii IN T ÍO D U C T IO N vin To he Student Toíhe Teacher Abut the new TOEIC? ? Test. .. tesíed on the new TOEIC test are reviewed he re You will k*arn granimarstrucỉures in TOEIC cotttexts G oal ỉm p ĩồ v in g youT tesU takin g sk iỉỉs The Li^iỉiíìn PreparâtíOỉi Sertes for ihc Nezo

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2022, 00:30


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