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~ctsshows wuntld like ta thak the following for their assistance and permi: cóc 00a0sfipf: The Ashmolean Museum; The Austrian National
Allan Cash: British Airways: Mary Ei
<: Honda UK: Mansell Collection; Renault UK Ltd; Popperfoto; Britain: Ltd: Philip Warren (Taxis)
Trang 4
Introduction to the teacher Introduction to the student UNIT 1 Numbers 1 2 3 pronouncing numbers
distinguishing similar-sounding numbers recognizing numbers in speech Telephone numbers 1 2 3 4 5
pronouncing telephone numbers
distinguishing similar-sounding telephone
class work - remembering and writing telephone numbers
using Directory Enquiries
checking for correct telephone numbers Addresses 1 2 recognizing the correct address street numbers pronouncing surnames recognizing surnames spelling first names pair work - spelling names spelling first names and surnames checking for correct spelling people's titles Meeting people 1 responding to greetings 2 listening to greetings and choosing the best response Places
1 distinguishing counties of Great Britain 2 recognizing states of the USA
3 recognizing time references
4 recognizing areas of the world UNIT 3 Times 1 pronouncing times 2 pair work - distinguishing times 3 flight times
4 calculating the time
5 calculating time differences nN nN wn wD NI »i@œø ø 0i 0i Ơi ©+œœ 10 10 1] 11 11 1 pronouncing years 2 lives of famous writers 3 pronouncing dates 4 people's dates of birth
5 dates of arrival and departure
6 periods of time
UNIT 4 Food
1 classifying foods and recognizing word stress
2 distinguishing between ‘a’ and ‘the’ 3 recognizing intentions Recipes 1 quantities (grams, kilograms, litres, etc.) In a restaurant orders
recognizing opinions on food
inferring meaning - complaining about food choosing the best response
Furniture and rooms
classifying furniture
recognizing words and word stress
identifying the correct room
recognizing location of objects in a room
identifying the correct house/block of flats At home
1 inferring meaning - where are they?
2 recognizing who does what
3 inferring meaning - what is she going to ask? Wie WN UNIT 6 Prices pronouncing prices
1 recognizing the method of payment
2 changing traveller’s cheques - quantities of notes
3 inferring meaning - decisions on whether or not
to buy
4 choosing the best response to questions about
money and prices
UNIT 7 Health
parts of the body
recognizing parts of the body
recognizing areas of pain
inferring meaning - what is wrong with people? medicines and tablets - quantity and frequency recognizing accidents from descriptions
choosing the best response to questions about keeping fit Exercise NQGRONS 1 recognizing forms of exercise UNIT 8 Describing objects
1 matching objects with their descriptions 2 distinguishing between singular and plural 3 recognizing objects from descriptions
4 distinguishing similar items at a lost property
5 recognizing faults in items Describing people
1 recognizing people from descriptions - at a party 2 recognizing people from descriptions - family
3 distinguishing sentence and question intonation
Shops and shopping
1 classifying items on a shopping list and recognizing word stress
inferring intentions about shopping recognizing quantities distinguishing between shops on the basis of comparison recognizing items for sale and their age from descriptions 6 recognizing locations - sections in a department store 7 inferring intentions to buy a BOM 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 2388 33 RR 35 35 35 36 37 37 UNIT 10 Going on holiday
1 personal choice of holiday activities 2 inferring intentions - holiday activities 3 recognizing countries and cities
4 recognizing holiday activities
5 recognizing items to be packed for a holiday 6 recognizing opinions about holidays
7 choosing the best response to questions on travel
Trang 6UNIT 13
Leisure activities
1 personal leisure activities and how much time you spend on them
recognizing leisure activities recognizing opinions
inferring intentions
recognizing opinions on events
Invitations and arrangements
1 distinguishing acceptance and refusal 2 recognizing details of arrangements
3 choosing the best response - leisure acitivities and arrangements UNIT 14 Instructions 1 giving instructions 2 recognizing machines from operating, instructions 3 recognizing and sequencing the method for a recipe
recognizing objects from descriptions of how to
look after them
distinguishing how to look after things
distinguishing a customer's requests
distinguishing time references - household jobs
recognizing changes 1n location UNIT 15 Airports = xa 1 matching airport activities with the correct location
2 recognizing locations at an airport and recognizing word stress
3 matching names to announcements
4 recognizing departure times and gate numbers 5 inferring intentions - finding hotel accommodation 6 recognizing messages left on answering machines Immigration 1 choosing the best response to questions at immigration