ribet Looking for a resource to help increase [7Ä]
your academic vocabulary? of America n English Buy your print or digital copy today at [a] b S pals a > ~ Longman Academic Writing Series SENTENCES TO PARAGRAPHS
The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing research papers Each level covers the complete writing process from prewriting to revision
Level 1 teaches beginning students to write sentences and paragraphs The text’s proven approach integrates training in grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, sentence structure, and paragraph organization along with the writing process eT yn 2IuIi9De2V 1210100 vu Features | e Realistic writing models and systematic practice empower students to write effectively in different genres |
e Clear explanations help students grasp and apply key concepts
e Sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics instruction helps students develop key writing skills | e Astep-by-step approach guides students seamlessly through the writing process ———
New to This Edition
e New vocabulary sections help students develop language awareness and improve
the quality of their writing | _ |
e Writing Tips provide useful strategies to enhance students’ writing experience
e Writing Expansions, including journals, timed writing, and summarizing, build written
fluency and test-taking skills | |
e New Essential Online Resources include grammar for writing and sentence stru““ure
activities, teacher support material, and assessments ae
e Essential Online Resources access code available for 24 months from thị a `," ‘stration —— ee ee TUNOIIiq3 aNO23S NN ee fs = oad ry) Level 5 _- Level 4 Level 3 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-466334-0 0-13-466334-9 Learn about the Global Scale of English at ' Writing Series SENTENCES TO PARAGRAPHS
with Essential Online Resources
Trang 2| | | ——_ễồ re SIRI no) tN : :
mao bi Looking for a resource to help increase
~~! your academic vocabulary? ttt Buy your print or digital copy today at [m] : —_ — ~ ^ SoI1oS BunHAA 9Iu!9peoy ueu1BuoT _ Longman Academic Writing Series SENTENCES TO PARAGRAPHS
The Longman Academic Writing Series helps students master the academic writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers The five-level series spans writing topics from composing
sentences to writing research papers Each level covers the complete writing process from _ prewriting to revision | Cy ae es ee]!
Level 1 teaches beginning students to write sentences and paragraphs The text’s proven approach integrates training in grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, sentence structure, and paragraph organization along with the writing process SS rT Features e Realistic writing models and systematic practice empower students to write effectively in different genres
e Clear explanations help students grasp and apply key concepts
e Sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics instruction helps students develop key
writing skills |
e Astep-by-step approach guides students seamlessly through the writing process
New to This Edition
e New vocabulary sections help students develop language awareness and improve
the quality of their writing | : |
e Writing Tips provide useful strategies to enhance students’ writing experience
e Writing Expansions, including journals, timed writing, and summarizing, build written j
fluency and test-taking skills | i
e New Essential Online Resources include grammar for writing and sentence structure
activities, teacher support material, and assessments
Trang 4This book is dedicated to a gifted teacher of the English language, and my teaching mentor, Jane Boggs Sloan
Longman Academic Writing Series 1: Sentences to Paragraphs, Second Edition Copyright © 2017 by Pearson Education, Inc
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher
Pearson Education, 221 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Staff Credits: The people who made up the Longman Academic Writing Series 1 team, representing editorial, production, design, and manufacturing, are Pietro Alongi, Margaret Antonini, Eleanor Barnes, Stephanie Bullard, Tracey Cataldo, Aerin Csigay, Ann France, Shelley Gazes, Pam Kirshen-Fishman, Amy McCormick, Lise Minovitz, Liza Pleva, Joan Poole, Robert Ruvo, and Joseph Vella
Cover image: jupeart/Shutterstock
Text Composition: TSI Graphics
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Butler, Linda
[Fundamentals of Academic Writing]
Longman academic writing series 1 : sentences to paragraphs / Linda Butler.—Second Edition
pages cm
Previous title: Fundamentals of Academic Writing
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-267938-1 ISBN-10: 0-13-267938-8
1 English language—Textbooks for foreign speakers 2 English language—Rhetoric—
TO th em na X
Acknowledgments — xi @ 0-10-2016) -4/1-, NA he (.ÄäAäWäẬHBH.H nai xiii
—_ Chapter 1 Introducing Yourself . 22222222111112212222222221111Xee 1
bì gcoo ai ố ỶÝỶÝỶ 2
Looking at the MOrdelS - +5 22% % S2 23 3 E1 113 E1 1 1k HT HH re 2
Looking at Vocabulary: Words for Names -G St sec xEsErererez 3
0162107: 0 4
From Words to Sentences to Paragraphs .- - 5< + xxx rxvreế 4 Paragraph FOrrmi[ - - - 5 2S S2 3S T11 1 HH TH TT HH TH TH HH TH HH ch 5
Sentence Structure and Mechanics -Q ccetrrrerrreeo 5
Sentence Structure secessessssssessessssussessssssstssesssissessesssissessessssiessssssseseeseeessee 5 Statements and Questions . - - 5+ 2 1x11 KH TH TH HH TH ren 6 Sentence MlechaniCS . - - + 1xx SH S1 TH HH TH TH HT ru 8
C0 0 10
10 The Simple Present of the Verb /e - G2 1E SE SE KH Hư KH ra 12 Basic Sentence Patterns with the Verb /e LG - s1 EY HH cưng 13
Applying Vocabulary: Using Words for Names .-. 5- +c+csc2 15 The Writing Process .-. QĐĐ QQ LH, 16
The Steps in the Writing PPrOC©SS - 5 S1 113113 1v Hy kH ky nưnrưy 16
Writing Assignment: A Paragraph to Introduce Yourself .- 18
Self-Assessmenit Q -L LH H111 11 kêu 19 Expansion c2 122121211111211101 2111111 rưyg 20
Trang 6Chapter 2 Everyday Routines ii 22
i9 v00 im 23
Looking at the MBèĐ ôe-seeiicenaesemanndnsndrennik nhienhokshon tron n001g L0 SPESSirckrreserreseaie 23
Looking at Vocabulary: Word Partners eeeeneneeeeeeseteneneneneneneeen 25
Organization -. -c Hee 26
Forrmafting the PaQe <2 282 162mg L001218001401151380060003 TL SA 1430181001051 + 008)emA0E 26
Grammar and Sentence Strucfure . -ccccceceseee 30
NGUfiB cau « vesisreenases » cxwenemmnnes t eonnemateuonote 9 000 0100013001 v1 pripvitrreexsemmrrreerr xu maidăilUEEIDkÀ & ERASER FEN 30 SI0Ieji- 0n esie0 1 đã The Simple Preserl :-ceseeeaaikninnnnndui cà 2000001 1k B21H[S050007819248980/1010000711 Hi 35
Applying Vocabulary: Using Word Partners -+cscssssrsrerrrrrre 37 The Writing Process - che 38
EEf HGVÏGW .eieccnneeivesieererenxsereersererersaeeerrssesexsrees44488540550/8315 010100465003 4 VHIĐUEA00P0014 151 38
Writing Assignment: A Paragraph about Your Morning Routine 40 Self-ASSCSSIMENE 18 42
Expan8Ïofn - -2 12m2nnlroreentrina Laoorttoemnrse 43
On Your Own: A Paragraph about Your Sleep Habifs - - 43 ©8200 867 °€Ð'ƠƠƯƠ' NNEa tA 43
— Chapter 3 Every Picture Tells a Story 44
9 s00:¡ i08 45
Looking at the MÌGOGIS canh tinnerraaatninn LonhnEBAREo s90 058E1000000 ry exmenenamees xenon 45
Trang 7Applying Vocabulary: Using Go + -ing VerbS cccsesesecesessscscecececesesescscseseececeees 63 Writing Assignment: A Paragraph about Someone in a Photo 64 Self-Assessment LH H211 0101011111111 67 EXPANSION .:-:-: 67 On Your Own: A Paragraph about Someone You Know WAell -: 67 \© 0e : 68 =— Chapter 4 A Good Day, Q0 2222222222 re 69 29002¡ 8 70
Roo (0s -0ia-0)/(ee- -T .L-HAH)LHHĂHĂHĂ 70
Looking at Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs - St EE SE SE EEsrerrrrses 72
Organization - LH HH HH1 1111111211111 EEEEerrre 72
I9 3, 72
Sentence Structure and Gramma ccs csesseeeceeeeseeeseseeseseeeees 74
Simple Sentence Patterns, Part 1 oe cccccccccccesccccccsesscceecesceccccessueeceserateueeseeceeeeenss 74 “5e 8e m(-ei cao NA" .ddẢd 75 Using Prepositions to SHOW Tiime 5 5 2s xxx x11 1 1x HH ng 79
Using Capital Letters 20.0 81 @ i08: on: -.n 82
Applying Vocabulary: Using Phrasal Verbs ScS< + SE SE E1 sec rersei 83
Writing Assignment: A Paragraph about a Typical Day . - 84
Self-ASSESSMENE oo cece cecccccccssesesceseseesssesecsessssesscstsscetsecansecavsecensesansevavesaneesaneesees 86
EXPANSION oun cccccccscssssssescsescscsesssesecevscscsesesssecevevavaceesesevavavavacaueneetevevavavueneneeteeacans 86
On Your Own: A Paragraph about a Favorite Holiday .0 cccceceseeeseseseeeeeees 86 \90/9006 0 Ă 87
“Chapter 5 Your Hometown 225522222222 222221122E11eeerrrrrcee 88
|) 10919)0020¡© aỎỪoOOAA 89
eo 4ie0-i0ia-0) (eo An 89
Looking at Vocabulary: Words for Directions 5 sec tr rrsrrerkree 91
Trang 8OrGaniZation oon ececeeeceeeeeeeeeseeeeteeseeseseatensneeneeseasasaeeseneneneneseseeeeeeseeaeeseneneneanen 92
Supparting SEnteMG!)S, PAE Í s eiicesessueeiinaiernennoeronannnntesesrtirsoonxrirralonttreeereee 92 €iri 0ï 10 94 Ä, An, Bnd THÊ - sseeereeneeenisrreexrreeseserrsosesseerssire k4 3807128810048 E 0081001553076 3425/0400/80011 30/83 94 I8 9Ẵ0 I1, (17 97 Using Prepositions to Describe Location - -+-+++ss+csseseereirrrrrrrre 99 Sentence Structure . - - - - - Ặ S222 100
Prepositional Phrases i SerifSDCGS ceeeaeiikiieeeerienrrrrresiseesare 100
Applying Vocabulary: Using Words for Directions . - 102 Writing Assignment: A Paragraph Describing Your Hometown 103 S020 mẻ 106 ExpansÏon -ememininriiannsnkidnananarnnsraererpbrsee 106 On Your Own: A Paragraph about a Favorite Place - - -+ss«2 106 \0i8/i40 — 106 0089 6 ẽ 107 mi e0: 108
Lòoking at The MOdlBll zin tưng nhna Hy 501000010515 EKKEAIUDVANEES PIN 108
Looking at Vocabulary: Words for Jobs -+-+-+c+ssxsterererrrrrs 110
Organization =eecnenniiiieiiiiiirreioenie 111
Supporting Sentences, Par† 2 . - + + +S+S2*2 211811 ty HH HH the 111 PareredDli LITIlfV, «eoseescsensnnnnenannndininnniirn « canScNRINN 9 40DTXNGGUEEHUEEY HEIEO40539013 SH8000007501°ertrrre 112
€iriïï 8 114
The Presen† Progr©SSÏVe - - - HT HH HH HH TH kh 114 Present Progressive vs Simple Presen[ - - -+++ssssireerrerrrrrrrrre 116
Sentence Structure 120
Simple Sentence Patterns, Patt 2 ccnceacessamcansesies sanmansenenn + enknomienneeseasernanannas + 120
Applying Vocabulary: Using Words for Jobs -.-. -c-c-cscsc+-+csS>: 123 Writing Assignment: A Paragraph about Someone at Work 124
S10 8n 127
Trang 924s: sả nh ố 127 Timed Writing: A Paragraph about Someone with a Qood Job 127 M960 6 ((/(/(`(3Œ1l13Ã3ÃgẦ]) 128 Chapter 7 Remembering an Important Event 129 al igete (0 [el t(0) ) 130 eo 4090-80-80) /loe- An a.-5< 130 Looking at Vocabulary: Adjectives + Prepositions -c-ccccccsc: 132 Organization . L L LH HH HH HH TH HH TH HH gen 133
Organizing YOour ÏCl@aS - - 5-2 232523313133 E131 1831 1931 1 ng ng kg rệt 188
Sentence Structure and Mechanics .-. . c-ccccec 135
S)0)9)i0 69 )6e000o sai 135
C00: Ắn ' Ã 140
IS i09 n1 140
Trang 10Sentence Structure .ccccccccccccccsccccccsecccccccccceecceenneceeseeceeeeeesenseesesseneeseesseneaeess 163 Sentences with Past Time CÏaUSeS - - HH re 163
Si2a)1-iaie-Nmr-ei-a 0 Ồ 166
Applying Vocabulary: Using Word Famiilies - -+csexsxesesrsei 167 Writing Assignment: A Paragraph about Your Memories of a Trip 168 S102 00 08588 170 24019) 170 Timed Writing: A Paragraph about a Childhood Experience - 170 \ 00/0101 171 §S Chapter 9 Looking Ahead 2 0e 172 PATFOCGUCTION ooo 173 lo ‹sie0-ìi0i- 0/92 1n 173 Looking at Vocabulary: Adverbs of Probabilify -s-c+ceseseeseee 175 Organization (chien 176 LISTING OF 176 €0 0mm 178
Expressing Future Time with Be CGOÌNG TƠ áccceceiniienniirsaienbisaennasssnisaerai 178 Expressing Future Time WÏtli UMi casesaaesseniirinnsieigtraaseipoikinstiaiNINSEEIRSk610/61 180 N0 -NRÌ 8249-91 182
Sentence Structure - SH 183 Sentences with Future Time CÏaUSe©S . - - - - nhe 183 si 6) s-ai-ie 1 “1D 186
Applying Vocabulary: Using Adverbs of Probabilify . -+- 188
Writing Assignment: A Paragraph about Your Future Plans 189
Self-ASSCSSMENE ooo 191
24.0 191
Timed Writing: A Paragraph about a Future Even . -+- 191
YOUT xÌDUTTTBÍ eee co ceenneenierveeenrrveeeseseeesameksseessaeersaebsoibiDiiVES 3 4 8001)2932750551 3000101301046 178 192