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Unit 2 anh 6 (friends plus)

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LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH 6 FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2 DAYS LESSON 1 VOCABULARY Daily Routines AIMS By the end of the lesson, students will be able to + use some words related to daily routines + write and speak.

LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 1: VOCABULARY Daily Routines  AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + use some words related to daily routines + write and speak about a special day  TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, projector, pictures  TECHNIQUES: - reading skill, speaking skill - group work, individual  PROCEDURES: TIM E mins CONTENT WARM UP Jigsaw puzzle game: get up have breakfast ACTIVITIES RATIONALE - Teacher divides class into groups - Teacher runs through the game – Each group will match some peace of papers to make a complete picture and then stick it on the board - Students take part in the game - Teacher declares the -To make Students eager to start the lesson winner go to school homework go to bed Lead-in - What are these pictures about? -What's your favourite day? Why? -> Today, we will talk about daily routines mins VOCABULARY get up (phr.v): thức dậy brush one’s teeth: đánh - Teacher gives students questions to lead in the new lesson - Teacher introduces the new lesson - Teacher elicits each of the words - Teacher reads the words - To prepare vocabulary for Students and mins mins mins wash one’s face: rửa mặt go to bed: ngủ have breakfast / lunch / dinner: ăn sang/trưa/ tối go to school: học study (v): học watch TV: xem TV one’s homework: làm tập 10 have classes: ACTIVITY Complete the table with the verbs in blue in the Days and Nights Quiz Then listen and check Answer key: Start / Finish the day: get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, go to bed, sleep Eat: have breakfast / lunch / dinner Travel: go to school, get home Free time: watch TV, relax, play video games, chat online Work and study: study, have classes, their homework, help with the housework ACTIVITY Read the Days and Nights Quiz Are the sentences True or False? Compare with a partner using the Key Phrases Answer key: True True True False False True False True False 10 True 11 False 12 False VOCABULARY always (adv) luôn every time or all the time normally / usually (adv) thường thường in the way that most often happens often (adv) thường many times sometimes (adv) not always or often and asks Ss to repeat - Teacher checks the meaning, part of speech, pronunciation help them understand the Quiz - Teacher lets Students -To check work in groups of to Students’ complete the table with understanding the verbs in blue in the Days and Nights Quiz - Students work in groups to the exercise - Students listen and check the answers - Teacher calls some Students to read the Quiz - Students the quiz and say whether the sentences are true or false - Teacher corrects the answers - Teacher elicits each of the words in the box - To check Students’ understanding never (adv) không not at any time ACTIVITY Listen and complete the - Teacher asks Students to listen and complete the sentences - Students check the answer on the screen/board sentences Answer key: sometimes always normally never ms often usually Language note - Adverbs of frequency Ex: a) I always have breakfast b) I never go to bed before 11 Usage: to say how often we things, or how often things happen always normally / usually often sometimes 100% - Teacher asks Students the question: What are adverbs of frequency? and represents the Language note - To prepare vocabulary, language note for Students never 0% Rules: Adverbs of frequency come … after the verb be before other verbs  Practice: Finding the mistakes in the 10 ms ms sentences Jo goes always to school on foot The bus often is late I never watch TV People in this school are usually friendly She normally doesn’t walk to school Answer key: Jo always goes to school on foot The bus is often late correct correct She doesn’t normally walk to school PRODUCTION ACTIVITY Speaking Talk about favorite day Students should talk: - a favorite day/ special day - activities in a day (get up, get dressed….) - time (at least activities) - the activity they like best HOMEWORK - Students work in pairs and correct the mistakes in the sentences - Teacher corrects the answers - Teacher lets Students work in group of - Students choose their favorite day, write or draw activities in a paper - Teacher gives Students enough time for their presentation in front of the class - Students homework - To help Students write and talk about daily routines - To prepare - Do exercise in workbook page 20 and prepare for the next - Prepare for the next lesson: Reading - A busy lesson day + Answer the question: What things you with your brother / sister? well for the next period LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 2: READING A busy day  AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the general idea of a text  TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook, projector, pictures  TECHNIQUES: - reading skill, speaking skill - group work, individual  PROCEDURES: TIM E mins CONTENT ACTIVITIES RATIONALE I WARM UP - Teacher splits the class - To review the Hot seat: into two teams previous words sleep chat online - One student from each and phrases have dinner help with the team comes up and sits the housework chair, so they are facing wash your face your homework their team-mates and have their back to the board - Teacher writes words or phrases clearly on the board - Students take part in the game by using synonyms, antonyms, definitions to describe that words for their friend ACTIVITY Look at the photo (P26) and - Teacher declares the winner answer the question: What is the picture -To make about? - Teacher gives students Students eager questions to lead in the new to start the Suggested answer: lesson lesson It’s about family - Teacher introduces the new lesson Lead-in To find more specific information about house or family, today we will continue with Reading lesson II PRE-READING mins VOCABULARY son (n) trai daughter (n) gái grandchildren (n) cháu (của ông bà) - Teacher elicits each of the words - Teacher reads the words - To prepare vocabulary for Students and brother (n) anh/em trai and asks Ss to repeat help them sister (n) chị/ em gái - Teacher checks the understand the parent (n) ba mẹ meaning, part of speech, Quiz organised (adj) có tổ chức pronunciation help with the housework: phụ giúp công việc nhà ACTIVITY Put new words in the correct - Teacher asks some columns add more words to each students to put suitable Man Woman words into columns 15 mins Suggested answers: - son, brother (father, uncle, grandfather, grandson) - daughter, sister, granddaughter (mother, grandmother, aunt) III WHILE READING ACTIVITY Listen and choose title a–c for the text Then read the text and check your idea Answer key: c Happy house - Teacher lets students work in pairs to listen the text and choose the title (with the books closed) - Students work in pairs to the exercise - Teacher lets students open their books, explains, and corrects the answer -To help students understand the general meaning - Teacher calls some students to read Exercise and let them read Skills Strategy themselves to know how to the exercise - Students read Skills Strategy and choose the correct words individually - Teacher corrects the answers - Students practice reading - To check students’ understanding in detail ACTIVITY Read the Skills Strategy Then read and listen to the text and choose the correct words SKILLS STRATEGY How to predict the meanings of words: • First, look at the context • Then, scan the text to find the meanings of the words, for example, this text is about family members When you find out the meaning of one family member, it will be easier to work out the rest Answer key: doesn’t have breakfast at home don’t help always 13 mins IV POST READING ACTIVITY Speaking Talk about the Radfords and your family routines What are the differences? Students should talk: the Radfords • Noel gets up at 4.45 a.m my family • My father … - Teacher lets Students work in group of - Students discuss and write activities in a poster - Teacher gives Students enough time for their presentation in front of the class - To help students write and talk about family routines - Students homework and prepare for the next lesson - To prepare well for the next period  There are some differences between my family and the Radfords routines: First, …………… Second, ………… Finally, ………… mins V HOMEWORK - Do exercise in workbook page 22 - Students prepare for the next lesson: Language Focus - Present simple: affirmative and negative LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 3: LANGUAGE FOCUS PRESENT SIMPLE: AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use the " Present simple" to talk about facts and routines Language content: - Vocabulary: - Grammar: Present simple tense-affirmative and negative Teaching Aids: - Textbook, tape, power point STAGE/TIME I WARM UP ACTIVITY Game: Sing a song: - The class sings " Daily routines freeze song" Target vocabulary: - Have students listen to the song and then write the daily routines - Check the answers with the class - Teacher asks students some questions: What you in the morning? + I wash my face, take a bath,  Do you make your bed every day/ + Yes, I do./No, I don't  What time you eat breakfast? + I eat breakfast at in the morning II WHILETEACHING + PRESENTATION: *Activity 1: Grammar point: "Present simple tense" THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN + The usage: Teacher explains the usage of the simple present tense - We use the present simple to talk about: something that is true in the present: - I'm nineteen years old - I'm a student - He lives in London - The earth goes around the sun something that happens regularly in the present: - I play football every weekend - He works in a big bank - Mary gets up at every morning - The children don't go to school on Sundays  Use the simple present with: - Every day/ every morning/ - Day after day/ + Form:  Affirmative form: (+) S + Verb / Verb -s/-es Eg: They live in Ha Noi She lives in Ha Noi  Negative form: (-) S + don't / doesn't + Verb-bare Eg: They don't live in Ha Noi She doesn't live in Ha Noi  Spelling rules: + We use the present simple when we talk about facts and routines The verbs for he, she and it end differently: - We add -s to most verbs: + Work  works + Live  lives - We add -es when a verb ends with: -o, -ch, -s, -sh, -x or -z + Watch  watches + Wash  washes + Mix  mixes + Go  goes - We remove -y and add -ies when a verb ends with a consonant + y + Try  Tries + Fly  flies *** With a vowel + y: + Play  plays + Stay  stays - Have students copy down to their notebooks + PRACTICE: * Activity 2: Compare the sentences Then match a-d with spelling rules 1-4 - Read out the sentences and highlight the different forms for I and he / she - Have students match the sentences with the spelling rules - Then check answers with the class + Key: d c a b * Activity 3: Choose the correct verbs - Have students work in pairs to complete the sentences - Then check the answers with the partner - Key: go relax speaks finishes have Studies * Activity 4: Pronunciation-third person -s - Teacher explains: + /s/: -p, -k, -t, -f Eg: Stops /stop/ Laughs /læfs/ + /iz/: /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ Eg: Watches / wɑːtʃiz/ Washes /wɑːʃiz/ + /z/: /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /ð/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ, /l/, /r/, Eg: Plays /pleɪz/ Bags /bægz/ - Have students listen to the third person form of the verbs and asks which verbs ends with an /iz/ sound - Teacher asks students repeat the verbs - Teacher corrects the mistakes * Consolidation: DRAW A MINDMAP - Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss about the things that they often in Lunar New Year Teacher gives students time to discuss in group and write down their opinions Teacher calls out some students to present their opinion in front of class HOMEWORK - Learn by heart all the new words and structure - Language focus: review: simple present tense-affirmative and negative - Prepare for next lesson: language focus: simple present tense-questions LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - talk about free time activities and routines with Present simple tense II LANGUAGE CONTENT - Present simple tense of verbs: Questions – Simple sentences III TECHNIQUES * Communicative approach * Questions & answers IV TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures, Textbook, power point * Gap fill V PROCEDURES STAGE/TIME WARM UP ACTIVITY Game : “CROSSWORD PUZZLES” - Students have to answer all questions to find the key word 1) This is a thing Vietnamese people often gives to children with New Year’s wishes 2) The tradition dress of Vietnamese women 3) Look at picture and answer: “What is it?” 4) Fill in the blank: Students have to finish their before going to school 5) This is a place where people can eat and drink Ll F R E S U C K Y M A O D A I II R E W O H T O N R K O M Ew Wo O R A U T R A N E Y K Hidden word: The most important festival in Viet Nam  TET HOLIDAY PRESENTATION • Set context: - Teacher asks students some questions to lead in the lesson “Do you like this celebration? Who you often celebrate with? What people often on this day?” - Students answer on their own Teacher writes these questions on the board and elicit that they are in the present simple - Activity 1: Match questions 1–5 with answers a–e Then choose the correct words in Rules 1–4 • Teacher gives students time to guess the answers with their partners (2 minutes) - Teacher explains the grammar rules -  PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE – QUESTIONS Yes - no questions a Tobe:  Am/ Is/ Are + S + O ? Short answer: Yes, S + am/ is / are No, S + am/ is /are + not Ex: Are you a student?  b Yes, I am / no, I’m not Ordinary Verbs:  Do / Does + S + V + O? Short answer: does Yes, S + do/ No, S + do/ does + not Ex: Do you like this celebration?  Yes, I / No, I don’t Wh- a To be: questions Wh-word + am/ is/ are + S? Ex: Where are you from? Who is he? b Ordinary Verbs: Wh- word + / does + S + Vinf + O? Ex: Where you come from? What does she do? - Teacher asks students copy down the lesson into their notebooks Teacher checks students’ answers in task (Suggested answers) 1b - 2c - 3e - 4d - 5a Rules: 1) and does 2) don’t add 3) beginning 4) PRACTICE Activity 2: Choose the correct words Students read the sentences and choose the correct words They can compare their answers in pairs - Teacher checks answers with the class - (Suggested answers) • Do Does have does Activity 3: Look at exercise Complete the Key Phrases Add more words to the list - Teacher refers students back to exercise and elicit the first answer as an example - Students then complete the remaining key phrases - Teacher checks answers with the class and check that students understand all the key phrases (Suggested answers)  in on at at Time expressions: every hour / day / week / month / year /…., every morning / evening / …, in the morning / the summer / spring /…, on Monday / Tuesday / weekdays…., at the weekend / New Year / Christmas, Activity 4: Work in pairs Have a question competition Write questions with words from the grid How many questions can you make in five minutes? Teacher focus on the grid and makes sure students understand “Where, When” and “How often” - Teacher elicits a few example questions from the class (Ex: How often you help at home?) Teacher asks students to work in pairs and gives them five minutes to write their questions Teacher asks some pairs to read their questions to the class Correct any errors, and see which pair wrote the most correct questions (Suggested answers) Where does your teacher live? Do you like cooking? When your parents go to bed? ……… • -  Activity 5: Choose and tick (✓) the simple sentences Before doing the task, teacher explains what a simple sentence is to the students A simple sentence consists of ONE independent clause Teacher asks students to the task individually - Teacher checks the answers (Suggested answers) I prefer lucky money (√ ) I like reading, but she likes chatting online _ She loves oranges but hates apples _ She and I eat apples (√ ) She plays football, and he likes it _ - • Teacher asks two students to read out the example question and answer - Students work in pairs to ask and answer their questions - Teacher asks some pairs to present in front of the class - Teacher corrects any mistakes (Students’ own answers) Game: “INTERVIEW” - T asks Ss to work in pairs One student is the interviewer, the other is the celebrity - Students discuss with their partners and write down questions for the interview After that, they roleplay for the interview in minutes - Teacher calls some pair to present their interview in front of the class - T gives feedbacks to the presentation - Learn by heart all structures - Write a short paragraph about what you in a day - CONSOLIDATION HOMEWORK Activity 6: Work in pairs Complete questions 1–7 with time expressions from the Key Phrases Ask and answer the questions LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 6: SPEAKING I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - make plans and suggestions - develop speaking and listening skills II LANGUAGE CONTENT: - Grammar: Simple present tense to talk about daily activities - Language function: expressions used in making plans and suggestions III TECHNIQUES: - Questions & answers IV TEACHING AIDS: - Pictures (copying & enlarging from the textbook), power point V PROCEDURES STAGE/TIME WARM UP ACTIVITY Game: “SURVEY” - Teacher shows the question “What you usually with your friends at the weekend?” on the screen - Students will go around the classroom and ask their friends for information - After minutes, teacher calls some of the students go to the front, say something about their surveys to find out which activities are the most popular at the weekends Activities play soccer Student Student Student read books go shopping …… PRESENTATION • Set context: - Teacher asks students some questions to lead in the lesson “What you often at the weekend? Do you often play soccer with your friends at the weekend? Who you go shopping with?” - • Students answer in their own Teacher writes these questions on the board and elicits that they are in the present simple Activity 1: Look at the programme for Special days at Highfield School Check any new words Which activities interest you? Which don’t interest you? Teacher gives students time to read the programme Students can use dictionary to check the meanings of the words if necessary - Teacher asks individual students which activities interest them and which don’t interest them - Students answer in their own -  competition (n) (explanation) - PRACTICE New words:  dance competition (n)  costume competition (n) - culture (n) (explanation) - Teacher asks students listen and repeat - Students copy down new words into their notebooks Activity 2: Watch or listen and complete the dialogue What Daisy and Gareth decide to do? • - Teacher shows picture about Gareth and Daisy and asks some questions “How many people in this picture? Can you guess where are they?” - Students answer (There are people They are maybe at school) - Teacher allows students time to read through the gapped dialogue - Teacher plays the video or audio for students to watch or listen and complete the dialogue - Students listen and fill in the gap - Teacher plays the video or audio again for students to check their answers - Teacher checks answers with the class - After having a complete dialogue, teacher asks students a question to check their understanding “What Daisy and Gareth decide to do?” (Suggested answers) cooking class 4) dance competition concert 5) disco disco  They decide to go to the dance competition and the concert, and the disco in the evening • - Optional activity: Speaking Teacher writes some questions on the board and asks students to work in pairs to find the words/ phrases with the same meanings in the dialogue Which ones show that you agree?  Right; Yes, OK Which ones you use while you think?  Mmm; Well Which you use when you’re surprised?  No? Students answer • - - Activity 3: Watch or listen again Then practice the dialogue Teacher plays the audio or video again Tell students to listen carefully for the pronunciation and intonation Students practice the dialogue with their partners in minutes Teacher calls some pairs to practice in front of class and checks Students’ intonation and pronunciation Activity 4: Complete the mini dialogue Use some of the ideas from the family fun day programme in exercise - Teacher focus on the phrases that use to make plans and suggestions for students - Teacher asks students to find the key phrases in the dialogue and makes sure they understand everything - Students complete the mini dialogue in their own Teacher calls some pairs to practice the dialogue again • Making plans and suggestions - What’s on? - What you want to / see? - I’m not really interested in (the) … - I like the sound of (the) … - What about (the) … ? - Let’s go to (the) … Activity 5: Work in pairs Look at the cinema programme Prepare and practice a new dialogue - Students work in pairs to prepare a new dialogue Students swap roles and practice again - Teacher asks some students to perform their dialogues for the class - Teacher gives feedback to students’ presentation Game: “DESIGN A POSTER” - Teacher asks students to work in pairs and design a poster for a special day at school - After making the poster, each pair will swap their poster with another pair and make a dialogue using the poster they have been given - Teacher gives students 3-4 minutes to discuss and make a dialogue - Teacher calls some pair to present in front of the class - T gives feedbacks to the presentation - Learn by heart all structures - prepare the next lesson: Writing • CONSOLIDATION HOMEWORK LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 8: CLIL_GEOGRAPHY TIME ZONES Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about time zones Teaching Aids: - Textbook, audio recording (24), power point slides, groups’ boards … STAGE/TIME I WARM UP ACTIVITY - Teacher divides the class into small groups - Students have to match the words: “longitude, Prime Meridian, Greenwich Mean Time, east, west, north, south” with their suitable definitions - Students have to answer by using their group board - Which group has all the correct answer will be the winner and they will have a plus Answer key: 1/ Longitude - is the distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian, measured in degrees 2/ Prime Meridian - is the meridian in a geographic coordinate system at which longitude is defined to be 0° 3/ Greenwich Mean Time - is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, counted from midnight 4/ East - is the direction that you look towards to see the sun rise 5/ West - is the direction that you look towards to see the sun go down 6/ North - is the direction that is on your left when you watch the sun rise 7/ South - is the direction that is on your right when you watch the sun rise II WHILETEACHING * Exercise 1: - Let students read the new words again - After reading, teacher is going to explain the exercise and let students complete the exercise in group - Which group has the correct answer will be a winner and will get a point Answer key: Prime Meridian Greenwich Mean Time north west east south longitude * Exercise 2: - Students read and listen to the text again and decide if the sentences are true or false - Teacher is going to point out that they need to correct the false sentences They can compare their answers in pairs - Teacher is going to check answers with the class Answer key: False (They go from north to south.) False (The Prime Meridian is the line at 0° longitude.) True False (The time in places east of the Prime Meridian is ahead of GMT.) * Exercise 3: - Students work in pairs to look at the clocks and answer the questions - Teacher is going to check answers with the class - If students didn’t use their phones to answer the questions in the Warm-up, ask them again now what time it is in New York, London and Ha Noi Answer key: 1/ England, the USA, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Viet Nam 2/ It’s behind 3/ It’s seven hours ahead 4/ It’s three hours behind 5/ It’s 10 p.m 6/ No, because it’s a.m * Exercise 4: - Students work in pairs to complete the table - Teacher is going to check answers with the class, then ask two confident students to read out the example dialogue - Students ask and answer questions Once students have asked questions using the times in the table, they can take turns to choose a different time for London, so their partner has to work out the time in one of the other cities Answer key: Tokyo: 10 p.m., Mexico City: –7, Sydney: +10, Rio: 10 a.m., Ha Noi: p.m Students’ own answers III CONSOLIDATION - Summary the lesson - Listen and read the new words in the lesson - Teacher asks students to practice answering the time of different countries in different time zones IV HOMEWORK - Learn by heart all the new words and the structures - Prepare for next lesson – Unit 2: Puzzles and games LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 9: PUZZLES and GAMES Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about their daily routines - Use the adverbs of frequency in sentences - Use the simple present tense Teaching Aids: - Textbook, power point slides, … STAGE/TIME I WARM UP ACTIVITY - Teacher divides the class into small groups - Students are going to play the game “Lucky numbers” - Students are going to choose numbers in team and answer “What activity is it” in each picture - They will get a point with a correct answer If they can’t answer, other groups will have a chance to answer - At the end, which group has the highest score will be the winner Answer key: There are numbers: 1- Wash the dishes 2- Do the laundry 3- Lucky number 4- Have breakfast 5- Go to school 6- Do the housework 7- Lucky number 8- Playing video games 9- Do homework II WHILETEACHING * Exercise 1: - Teacher is going to demonstrate how the puzzle works using the example answer - Students could work in pairs for this, and teacher could it as a race to make it fun - Teacher is going to check answers with the class - As an extension, students could work in pairs and write the code for another phrase for daily routines from pages 22 and 23 They could then swap with another pair and solve the puzzle they are given Answer key: I get up at six I sometimes go to school on foot My mum doesn’t watch TV We relax after dinner * Exercise - Teacher is going to read out the instructions and check that students understand the game - With weaker classes, brainstorm some sentences that students could use in the game, e.g You sometimes watch TV You never play football - Teacher is going to point out that they must try to think of sentences that are true for their partner - Students play the game - Students could repeat the game with a new partner for extra practice - This time, teacher could specify that all the sentences must be negative, or instead of sentences, students must ask questions which elicit the answer ‘yes’ Answer key: Students’ own answers * Exercise - Teacher is going to divide the class into two teams and explain that each student in turn must say one word, and the idea is to keep the sentence going to make it if possible - Teacher is going to elicit some words for making a sentence longer, e.g and, but, also - Teams are going to take turns making their longest sentence - The other teams can listen and count the words in the sentence Students could also play this game in small groups - See which group manages to make the longest sentence Answer key: Students’ own answers * Exercise 4: - Teacher is going to read out the instructions, look at the example, and point out that the circled letters make up the example - Students are going to work in pairs to find the verbs and match them to the pictures With weaker classes, teacher could allow students to refer to page 26 to help them With stronger classes, teacher could specify that students must not look back - Teacher could it as a race - Teacher is going to check answers with the class Answer key: 1/ wear crazy clothes /give presents 3/ have a special meal 4/ dance 5/ visit family 6/ play music 7/ celebrate 8/ make costumes * Exercise 5: - Teacher is going to read out the instructions and check that students understand the game - Students are going to write their questions - With stronger classes, students could use their own ideas, as well as the ideas in the box With weaker classes, put students into pairs to write their questions, then put them into different pairs to ask and answer - Students are going to work in pairs to ask and answer their questions and guess the false answers - Students could swap roles and play the game again - Teacher is going to see who managed to guess the false answers Answer key: Students’ own answers Assessment Unit tests, Teacher’s Resource Disk III CONSOLIDATION - Summary the lesson - Listen and read the adverbs of frequency and some daily activities - Teacher asks students to practice asking and answering about daily activities IV HOMEWORK - Review the grammar structures and new words of unit - Complete the progress review on page 34 ... exercise in workbook page 22 - Students prepare for the next lesson: Language Focus - Present simple: affirmative and negative LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 3: LANGUAGE... HOMEWORK Activity 6: Work in pairs Complete questions 1–7 with time expressions from the Key Phrases Ask and answer the questions LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 6: SPEAKING... all the new words and the structures - Prepare for next lesson – Unit 2: Puzzles and games LESSON PLAN TIẾNG ANH FRIENDS PLUS UNIT 2: DAYS - LESSON 9: PUZZLES and GAMES Aims: By the end of the

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 23:15
