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Open Letter from Medical and Non-Medical Cambridge Students Dear Dr Diana Wood and Professor Patrick Maxwell, We would like to bring to your attention some aspects of our clinical training that we would like to improve to ensure that institutionalised racism and microaggressions within the workplace are not just challenged, but eliminated As Cambridge Medical School is training the next generation of doctors and pioneers of medical research, we need to ensure that we set an example to all other medical schools to protect our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) patients and colleagues We thus need to go beyond just accepting the statement that “all patients should be treated equally” as highlighted in the GMC’s Tomorrow’s Doctors Instead, we need to take active action to ensure that this is done Racism and racial bias does exist in our healthcare system today The following statistics highlight discrepancies in patient outcomes, patient treatment, doctor’s pay and even in student attainment: BAME women have worse pre-, peri- and post-natal outcomes as shown by the following: ● Black women are times more likely to die in childbirth than white women South Asian women are twice as likely to die during childbirth (MBRRACE 2019) ● BAME women are also more likely to have a poorer experience of healthcare during pregnancy delivery and post-natal care (Henderson et al., 2013) BAME patients are generally not treated the same as white patients by healthcare professionals Failures in treatment can result in direct consequences for BAME groups such as being more likely to be detained for a psychotic illness: ● Black patients are 50% less likely to receive pain medication than white patients (Singhal et al., 2016) ● Black patients are less likely to receive care and support during their cancer care (National Cancer Patient Experience Survey) ● Doctors give different treatment options to hypothetical white patients than they to hypothetical black patients with the same symptoms (Boujie 2019, Zestcott 2016) ● African and African-Caribbean people who have a psychotic illness and who live in London are between and times more likely to be detained than their white counterparts (Audini and Lelliott 2002, p 225) The representation of BAME doctors in higher positions is much less than fellow white doctors Further, BAME doctors (females especially) are not paid the same as white colleagues for doing the same job: ● 46% of white doctors are consultants, compared with 33.4% of Chinese doctors and 30.6% of black doctors (Milner 2020) ● 92% of board members in NHS trusts are white This compares to 55.6% of white staff working in medical roles in the NHS (NHS Workforce Statistics March 2019) ● For every £1 a black female doctor earns, a white female doctor earns £1.19 and a white male doctor makes £1.38 (NHS Pay Gap Report 2019) Even throughout training, both doctors and students have a higher fail rate than their respective white colleagues ● Ethnic minority medical students in the UK have 2.5 times higher odds of failing exams compared to their white peers (Woolf 2011) ● 90.2% of white graduates of UK medical schools passed the Royal College of GPs membership examination, compared with 75.5% of UK medical school graduates from BAME backgrounds (RCGP 2018) BAME doctors are more frequently reported to the GMC than white doctors They are also more likely to feel intimidated in their work environment by other colleagues ● Black and brown doctors are reported to the GMC at more than twice the rate of white doctors (GMC Fair to Refer 2019) ● Black NHS staff report the highest incidence of bullying and harassment from their colleagues and leaders (NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard 2019) To attempt to change these disparities between different ethnicities, we need to start our learning in medical school Racism goes beyond just the working environment and unfortunately does include fellow colleagues' experiences at Cambridge Medical School in a professional and educational setting To illustrate this, we carried out a survey of 158 medical students in years 1-6 of the Cambridge Medical course We have summarised our results in the report attached and highlight some relevant figures For example, 28.5% of medical students have witnessed racial bias towards patients in a clinical setting, with 75.6% of those being from clinical years Furthermore, 58.2% of medical students have witnessed or experienced racism either in a professional or educational setting at Cambridge For instance, clinical students describe several instances when patients refused to have medical procedures performed by non-white (student) doctors Multiple preclinical students mentioned explicit and implicit racist comments and behaviour from anatomy demonstrators and supervisors (Please refer to the full report attached for further information and all qualitative accounts of students’ experiences) This needs to change, and our BAME students need to feel represented and listened to Here is what we propose: Eliminating and challenging our own implicit bias Problem 1a: As evidenced above, BAME patients, students and doctors face massive gaps in almost all aspects of the healthcare system This also includes educational settings, where our BAME colleagues have faced shocking examples of explicit racism in an environment where they should feel safe (see report attached) We all need to be taught to recognise and challenge our own implicit bias Furthermore, all medical students need to feel confident enough to challenge microaggressions in a clinical setting and need to be able to identify racial bias in order to try to minimise these differences in patient outcomes Suggestions: We suggest implementing compulsory active racial bias training for o All medical students in their clinical years o All staff involved in teaching both preclinical and clinical courses This should include unconscious bias and bystander skills, with the use of anonymised cases based on real student and staff experiences Moreover, the racial bias aspect of the SECHI course could be improved and/or made compulsory to highlight these inequalities early on and encourage us to actively change them To that end, assessment of the SECHI course should be changed such that, firstly, it is appropriately recognised as important by the student body, and secondly, students are required to engage with all topics taught in the SECHI course This could include submitting a portfolio of marked essays and presenting to other students in seminars throughout the six years of the curriculum rather than writing just two essays under exam conditions Exams have a focus on testing fact recall, whereas coursework essays would allow more in-depth research and better assessment of engagement and understanding We believe this is a more appropriate form of assessment when discussing such nuanced issues, for which there is no need for rote learning of specific statistics, but rather engagement with and exploration of broader principles Medical education and decolonising the curriculum Problem 2a: In our student questionnaire, many people reported that most clinical presentations are based around white patients/cases and that there is little emphasis on the ways BAME patients can present differently The experience of many medical students has been a lack of awareness regarding the presentation of various diseases on dark skin, as an example Often, we are not shown clinical presentations for the same disease in different ethnic groups, which can be detrimental for diagnosing BAME patients in the future Some areas for improvement include: o Cardiology – women and BAME patients are more likely to present a myocardial infarction with atypical symptoms such as back/shoulder/jaw pain, sweating, nausea and an upset stomach Thus, white males are often more likely to be diagnosed o Dermatology – using adjectives such as ‘pallor’ and ‘erythematous’ only refers to white skin; the use of these descriptors does not apply to all patients Further, most examples of skin rashes and presentations on slides are on white patients o Psychiatry – failure to address that BAME patients are less likely to present, yet more likely to be detained We are clearly failing to cater for their needs or to get treatment to them early It is also important to note that these are currently widely recognised problems in medical school teaching, as emphasised by the petitions to the GMC and British Association of Dermatology respectively below: o http://chng.it/6BBTByQyQh o http://chng.it/CWXwwFcCLf Suggestions: We propose that it should be a requirement that lecturers include BAME presentations, particularly in clinical school teaching In pre-clinical school teaching there should be more of an emphasis on BAME inequalities to allow medical students to be aware of these differences and challenge them Cambridge Medical School should also aim to standardise parameters in clinical diagnosis across all patients, using symptoms such as ‘pallor’ only as auxiliary signs for diagnosis Given that Cambridge is one of the leading contributors to the global medical community, we should play a leading role in prioritising standardised diagnosing procedures which should be taught in our clinical teaching Problem 2b: There are particular discrepancies in specialties such as Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Psychiatry For example, there is a higher rate of non-attendance in BAME communities for cervical screening: Caribbean 62%, African 44%, Indian 66%, Pakistani 62%, Bangladeshi 71%, Caucasian 11% (Marlow et al., 2015) This clearly shows that we are not doing enough to inform our BAME patients of the importance of cervical screening or to improve teaching for these communities There are also inequalities in the field of eating disorders Ethnic minorities are less likely to be asked by doctors about eating disorder symptoms and receive a recommendation or referral (Becker et al., 2003), and black girls are more likely to show symptoms of bulimia nervosa than white girls, but are less likely to be diagnosed (Goeree et al., 2011) Furthermore, black people are significantly less likely to seek treatment for depressive symptoms, when compared to white people (Sussman, Robins and Earls, 1987) Fear of hospitalisation was a commonly cited reason as to why treatment was not sought, which is not unfounded as black people are significantly more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act We are not taught about atypical presentations that could arise in BAME patients – for example there have been significant findings of non-traditional presentations, such as hypertension, when depression is experienced among black people (Thompson et al, 2000) This knowledge could lead to earlier treatment and better outcomes Suggestion: We should therefore have a greater focus on teaching about these differences, particularly in specialties where inequalities are much more prominent Furthermore, we need to be taught how to advocate for our BAME patients in a sensitive and appropriate way This could include teaching us ways to break down any myths or misconceptions they may have about cervical screening in consultations and be accepting of their culture in order to work towards a solution together For example, we are aware that the Improving Health course ran a session highlighting inequalities within the LGBTQ+ community A similar session, particularly for fifth years, focusing on ethnic inequalities in Psychiatry and Obstetrics & Gynaecology would help us understand and challenge the disparities in outcomes of BAME patients Problem 2c: BAME patients are underrepresented in medical research studies and clinical trials (Harrison & Smart 2016) – in an extensive literature search to depict the differences in ethnicities, just 11 pieces of literature were found that focused on BAME patients, and 98% of research was conducted on Caucasians This under-representation in research must be changed Suggestions: We should be taught to be mindful of this when discussing management options and to think critically about why BAME patients may not be responding to certain treatments Furthermore, trends in patient outcomes across different ethnicities should be regularly mentioned and included in lectures Finally, as Cambridge is world-leading in medical research, it should act to promote and encourage the promotion of BAME patients and researchers to call for a more inclusive scientific environment Problem 2d: Many students have commented on the lack of BAME lecturers and faculty members within the Department of Medicine, this is particularly the case in pre-clinical years (see report attached) Our faculty should represent doctors from all different backgrounds Suggestions: Encouraging BAME staff to apply to Cambridge could be achieved through workforce discussions and looking at diverse hiring practice; this includes the actor pool in our clinical training The aim should be to create more access opportunities for BAME staff and to make them feel more welcome to come teach at Cambridge Problem 2e: A full commitment to decolonising the curriculum involves recognizing and addressing 1) the roles that Medicine played in colonialism and how this continues to affect populations around the world, 2) the way that medical knowledge has benefitted from colonialism and oppression of nonwhite populations Cambridge University prides itself on academic success, but it is only by decolonising that we will create an environment that includes everyone, and create doctors that interrogate knowledge to achieve better outcomes for all patients Other than passing comments by specific lecturers, this is not discussed during the six year course Suggestions: There should be compulsory education and an ongoing discussion group about how Medicine will be decolonised This education could be added to the pre-clinical SECHI course and the clinical Improving Health or Ethics and Law courses Students should be provided with a reading list for further education and critical thinking on the topic Topics may include the relationship between medical research and colonialism/racism (e.g the discovery and use of HeLa cells), the history of unethical research projects carried out on BAME groups in the name of medical science (e.g the Tuskegee syphilis experiment), the foundations of global health within colonialism, discussion and action on how medical electives continue to contribute to unequal relationships between the UK and previously colonised countries, and ethical procurement of healthcare goods Challenging colleagues and patients when medical students are exposed to racism Problem 3a: We must protect our students Many BAME students are cautious about reporting incidents of racism, particularly when their own supervisors or teachers are involved, out of fear that it may affect their education This is made evident as 65.8% of students feel that they are unable to report incidents, and if they do, 76.2% of students feel as though they have not received an appropriate response (see report attached) This unfair predicament leaves BAME medical students in a very difficult position The burden should not be on BAME students to report these incidents, particularly as many worry about how this may reflect on them professionally Suggestions: A clear and anonymous reporting system must be put in place to make our students feel safe This could be an external group of people in order to encourage medical students to speak up when they feel that they have been marginalised All teachers should also be informed about this reporting system so that incidents are not just ignored, and that staff are aware of how to handle the situation For incidents where students may not want to use the reporting system first, a BAME officer who forms part of the welfare committee could be introduced This officer could help support students and provide a safe space for them to talk about incidents of racism before escalating the situation further Lastly, implementing consistent and thorough racial bias training would also minimise these incidents Problem 3b: The issue of how to confront situations of racism has also been commonly raised among BAME medical students, with 74.7% of students not knowing how to respond during these incidents It is not uncommon for a patient to request a different healthcare professional purely based on their religion or the colour of their skin as seen by anecdotes from medical students (see report attached) We need to be taught how to challenge these situations in a professional way and to make sure that medical education opportunities are fair for all students Suggestions: Train all medical students and staff on how to appropriately challenge these situations and equalise the opportunities available to all medical students This could be a component of the racial bias training mentioned above Another way to encourage dialogue regarding racism, could be to introduce a student led Schwartz round (this could be led by the BAME officer) which focuses on experiences of BAME students This would help medical students become aware of racism within a clinical environment and suggest ways to challenge it together Summary of Demands and Suggested Solutions To eliminate and challenge our own implicit bias: a Compulsory racial bias and bystander skills training for i Clinical students ii Pre-clinical and clinical teaching staff b Alterations to the medical course i Increase the racial bias component of the course, such as by including a portfolio of essays across our years of study ii Ensure the SECHI course is appropriately recognised as important by the student body, equal in significance to other aspects of MST1A, potentially through changes to the way in which it is examined (e.g shift from timed exams to graded coursework essays) To decolonise the curriculum and improve BAME-related medical education: a Include BAME presentations of disease in pre-clinical and clinical teaching b Emphasise inequalities of BAME individuals in healthcare to increase student awareness in pre-clinical and clinical teaching c Encourage the standardisation of parameters used for diagnosis, which cover patients of all ethnicities d Introduce an Improving Health session on BAME inequalities, particularly focussed on Psychiatry and Obstetrics & Gynaecology e Teaching clinical students on the issue of reduced treatment adherence in BAME populations, and how to tackle this f Highlight discrepancies in the ethnicities of participants in clinical studies, and how this impacts current understanding of treatment methods and patient outcomes g Encouragement of hiring a diverse teaching workforce h Incorporate active teaching to decolonise the course by providing education on the relationship between medical research and the impact of colonialism, and encourage critical thinking in this regard To challenge colleagues and patients when medical students are exposed to racism: a Incorporate an anonymous, third party reporting system for students to use when they have been marginalised i Advertise this system and encourage its use by both students and teaching staff b Introduce a BAME officer as part of the welfare team within the ClinSoc committee c Training medical students and staff for instances of racial abuse from patients d Introduce a student-led Schwartz round focussing on BAME student experiences Conclusion As a world-renowned medical school, we need to take action and set an example to other medical schools We must enact change to ensure that our BAME patients are catered for appropriately and their specific needs are met, and to ensure that our BAME colleagues feel safe and welcome in the NHS Other medical schools such as Bristol have already committed to similar actions, such as decolonising the curriculum to include clinical presentations with darker skin, listening to BAME voices by setting up a consulting BAME working group, and improving staff training by implementing unconscious bias and bystander skill courses, among many other reforms If we are happy to spend time and resources teaching students about the intricacies of metabolic pathways such as the citric acid cycle, incredibly rare diseases, or discontinued drugs, then we should absolutely take the time to teach students how a rash may present differently on dark skin, or how cultural factors may lead to misdiagnosis We must accept that the medical community is just as guilty as the rest of the world when it comes to racism and implicit racial bias, so we must act proactively to better the experiences of BAME individuals in healthcare If as a community we claim to wish to improve the lives of others, we must so both medically and in the context of social justice We look forward to your response, and towards a constructive dialogue in how we might address these concerns We recognise that these problems are complicated to address, and that our proposed solutions would require a lot of work We suggest that the Clinical School establish a working group consisting of representatives from both Faculty and students so that we can work together to address these issues We ask that you might confirm your receipt of this letter and in your subsequent response that you: Identify if the Cambridge Medical School recognises each problem identified here in this letter, Identify whether the Cambridge Medical School will undertake some or all of the suggestions made here in this letter, and finally, Should the Cambridge Medical School disagree with any points set out in this letter, that reasons are provided Yours sincerely, Medics: Mythiri Sutharson Esmee Dohle Ana Maria Lopez-Ruiz Sarah Temesgen Kara Barzangi Tom Wilkins Jasmin Abbott Alex Russell Adelaide Yue Isabelle Thornton Alice Monaghan Sandra Karakas Lydia Akaje-Macauley Arin Ward Katherine Heywood Danny Jenkins Saif Rehman Shruti Das Kate Williams Moe Takenoshita Tanjia Chowdhury Yasmine Aniqah Bhatti Jasmine Bawa Rory Durham Olivia O'Connor Ishan Jain Adaora Okolo Ujjawal Kumar Than Dar Jessica Prabhakaran Gianmarco Raddi Hassan Hussain Zhong Zhu Xuan Irina Mindlina Marie-Julie Cnudde Joy Hodkinson Poppy Gilks Dawud Afzzal Christopher Cheng Claudia Tam Emily Wilson Sony Roy Ujjal Sunuwar Robert Cooper Devavrata Soni Lucy Carson Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Homerton Sidney Sussex Christ's Trinity Hall Magdalene Corpus Christi Pembroke Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex St Catharine's St John's Churchill King's Queens' Churchill St John's Jesus Downing Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Christ's Christ's Corpus Christi Sidney Sussex Hughes Hall Gonville and Caius St Catharine's Homerton Clare Girton Peterhouse Hughes Hall King's Wolfson Trinity Fitzwilliam Robinson St John's Gonville and Caius Selwyn Sidney Sussex Christ's Jesus St John's Medicine (Standard year course) Medicine 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Yasmin Adewusi Toby MacCarthy William Alp Shaw Laura Vass Liz Samuel Fiona Kehinde Ishwari Omer elchanan Samuel Atkinson Harry Bestwick Anna Turmeau Alex Russell James Quigley Rachel Skinner Lucille Mclean Roy Zhang Sohail Daniel Daniel Hart Eve Temmink Shantal Edirappuli Maisie Fitzgerald Simrat Sodhi Rahul Solanki Shathar Mahmood Máté Fehér Charlotte Howdle Jessy Zhang Queens' Fitzwilliam Homerton Magdalene St John's Christ's Christ's Trinity Hall Pembroke Pembroke Pembroke Fitzwilliam Christ's Christ's Pembroke Newnham Gonville and Caius Jesus Christ's Christ's Clare Homerton Gonville and Caius St Catharine's King's Fitzwilliam Christ's Murray Edwards Corpus Christi Pembroke Gonville and Caius Trinity Christ's Magdalene Pembroke Sidney Sussex Newnham Pembroke Gonville and Caius Magdalene Robinson Queens' Pembroke Lucy Cavendish Peterhouse Sidney Sussex Trinity Girton Christ's Medicine (Standard year course) Medicine (Standard year course) Medicine (Standard year course) Medicine 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Sofia Weiss Goitiandia Yasmeen Cooper George Nishimura Rana Hasan Abigail Bowes Olivia Stupart Bethany Brown Alexandra Denholm Serena Merchant Tareq Omer Hilary Patankar Ian Holdroyd Magdalena Smolková Marc El Khoury Gabrielle LI Serena Cole Megan Wilson Louise Bonnor-Moris Sebastian Dunne Emily Robinson lauren blake Giulia Pieracci Ramya Narayanan Xin Tian Fiona Connolly Osama Elhakeem Georgia Howton Joanna Kucharczak Vasu Gautam Jesus St Catharine's St John's Churchill Corpus Christi Murray Edwards King's Corpus Christi Downing Sidney Sussex Downing Murray Edwards Churchill Murray Edwards Wolfson Selwyn St Catharine's Christ's King's Emmanuel Emmanuel Clare Girton Gonville and Caius St Catharine's Magdalene Fitzwilliam Magdalene Christ's Pembroke Robinson Christ's St Catharine's St Edmund’s St Catharine's Trinity Queens' Murray Edwards Emmanuel Lucy Cavendish Emmanuel Lucy Cavendish Clare Trinity St Catharine's Selwyn Murray Edwards Trinity Hall Magdalene Medicine (Standard year 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Sargeant Jamie Turpin Francesca Jenkins Kasia Pendlebury Zareen Roy-Macauley Allison O'Malley Graham Alex Watson Zoe Clarke Piper Whitehead Camilo Espinosa Emma Shardlow Mohit Dhiman Neve Atkinson Srinidhi Balakrishnan Lily Stratford Simran Kambo James Webb Brent Kyle Norris Angus Poland Melody Swiers Saachi Sennik Sammy Mahdi Shuling Wang Carlotta Wright de la Cal Eleanor Watson Alice Risebrow Natasha Bloomfield Bethan McGinley Hassan Maimouni Aisha Goodman Julia Nana-Dabankah Maya Yousif Rosie Lester Will Coombs Magdalene Clare Homerton Downing King's Newnham St Catharine's Corpus Christi Jesus Homerton Murray Edwards Homerton King's Trinity Homerton Queens' Trinity Hall Sidney Sussex Robinson King's Murray Edwards King's Robinson Pembroke King's Christ's Emmanuel Murray Edwards Homerton Murray Edwards St Catharine's Girton Robinson Sidney Sussex Fitzwilliam Downing Christ's Hughes Hall Murray Edwards King's Christ's Homerton Newnham Homerton Downing Fitzwilliam Homerton Selwyn Christ's Veterinary Medicine Modern and Medieval Languages MML vet med Law Natural Sciences Veterinary Medicine Music HSPS MEd Researching Practice Natural Sciences History HSPS Mathematics Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering English HSPS MML HSPS HSPS Law MML Art History MPhil in Medical Science English PhD Chemistry History HSPS Management Tripos Law MML Veterinary Medicine Engineering Veterinary Medicine Natural Sciences PhD in Engineering Education PhD History History Natural sciences History and French History HMS MPhil Natural Sciences HSPS Theology Natural Sciences History Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Year Alumna 2020 Alumnus Alumna Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus Year Year Year Year Year Leila Senegri Shreeja Basak Bronagh Leneghan Bernardo Lustrini Jessica Grimmel kitya mark Jess Hook Zachary Aw 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Corpus Christi Sidney Sussex Pembroke Emmanuel Newnham Trinity Corpus Christi King’s HSPS Engineering Tripos Linguistics Engineering MPhil Biological Sciences English Veterinary Medicine English Geography Architecture History and Modern Languages HSPS Veterinary Medicine MPhil in Medical Science MML English Geography Computer Science Veterinary Medicine HSPS Natural Sciences Chemical Engineering Linguistics Veterinary Medicine PhD in Development Studies Asian and Middle Eastern Studies History HSPS History HSPS Engineering MSc Genetics Mathematics Natural Sciences Natural Sciences Natural Sciences Economics HSPS History MMLL History English English Philosophy Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Linguistics English Natural Sciences Law Alumna 2018 Alumna 2017 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year PhD 2021 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2003 Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumna Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 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Churchill Murray Edwards Homerton Newnham Robinson Sidney Sussex Homerton Sidney Sussex Wolfson Hughes Hall Downing Gonville and Caius Emmanuel Gonville and Caius Christ's Sidney Sussex Homerton Queens' Homerton King's King's Emmanuel Downing Gonville and Caius Churchill Natural Sciences Modern and Medieval Languages Natural Sciences Philosophy Theology Economics Criminology Computer Science Law Natural Sciences Classics Economics MPhil in African Studies Natural Sciences Engineering English Natural Sciences HSPS Engineering Natural Sciences (Biological) Natural Sciences Law History and Philosophy of Science PhD in Education Geography Natural Sciences PBS Education Tripos Linguistics Engineering Archaeology & Anthropology Economics Natural Sciences Materials Science PhD Geography Chemical Engineering Alumnus Management Studies Natural Sciences Architecture Economics Natural Sciences Stem Cell Biology and Medicine Theology Classics BA (Hons) Natural Sciences Japanese Studies Engineering MPhil Genetics Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year MPhil student Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Alumnae 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2014 Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Alumna Alumnus 2017 Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Hamizah Haidi Theodor Lucescu Odette Straw Lucy Stevens Anna Calder Orla Woodward Catherine Willoughby Metha Prathaban Fahd Omar Sabrina Asghar William Honeyman Joseph Everest Caitlin Arnold Daniel Yue Nicole Tilby Fiona McNally Leah Thomas Jacob Matthew Lewis Octavia Henderson-Cleland Charlie Spicer Alex Corsham Sean Jordan Helena Hatrick Aimee Leonard Mollie Ring-Hrubesova Holly Platt Higgins Magda Cienciala Emrys Travis Lucy Cavendish Churchill Fitzwilliam Newnham Sidney Sussex Jesus Murray Edwards Clare St John's Corpus Christi Trinity Fitzwilliam Robinson Emmanuel Churchill Homerton Corpus Christi Sidney Sussex St John's Homerton Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Clare Trinity Hall Murray Edwards Murray Edwards Churchill Trinity St John's Georgia benson Rachel Cox Bethany Ladd Emily Morris Martha Cook Fiona Conlon Jesus Robinson Trinity King's Fitzwilliam St Catharine's Flora Charatan Grace Whorrall-Campbell Abubakar Moallim Jamila Rowland-Chandler Anna Grech Isobel Smith Charlotte Kenchington Salma Elnagar Lynsey Whittaker Mariel Orford-Hall Harry Rhodes Aime Rankin Trinity Newnham Churchill Homerton Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Selwyn Lucy Cavendish Girton Clare Lucy Cavendish Trinity Hall PhD in Education Mathematics Philosophy History MML PhD in Clinical Biochemistry Classics Natural Sciences Economics History Engineering MPhil Polar Studies Geography Maths Archaeology English ASNC English Natural Sciences History Engineering Engineering Astrophysics Natural sciences Veterinary Medicine Natural Sciences English HSPS MPhil Comparative Literatures & Cultures Economics History Chemical engineering Economics FSS Masters Natural Sciences, Management Studies Geography History PhD Chemical Engineering Natural Sciences (Biological) Geography Geography PhD, Earth Sciences PBS Veterinary Medicine History Veterinary Medicine PhD Zoology Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 2014 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Alumnus 2019 Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 2014 Year Alumnus 2018 Alumna Year Year Year Year Alumni Alumna 2016 Alumna Year Year Year Year Ben Stephenson Shikha Yadav Nancy John Katrina Summerton Thomas Donald Chloe Ellison Helene Schlichte Annabel Lyons Alice Stuart Victoria Grennan Anna Ahlskog Melissa Goodwin Oliver Rofe-Euden Hector O’Neill Katie Best Hethvi Gada Anna Burke Tara Choudhury Xanthe Malcolm Aravynd Atwal Sinthu Devkumar Victoria Clingen Cécile Huber Charlotte O’Connor Ciara Clogger Hannah Haugvik Alice Brewer Fiorella gallardo Nishi Shah Laura Fetherston Isabel Francesca Davies Rebecca Oglesby Juliette Graham Emma Lyons Arjun Singh Lotay Phoebe Rimmer Tiwalolu Adebayo Clara Foster Maude Elms Zadie Loft Arthur Beard Krishane Sri Rajkumar Megan Humphreys JoJo Compton Hope Liversidge Milly Kumar Sophie Fallen Alannah Lewis Sophie Atherton Downing Sidney Sussex Christ’s Selwyn Girton Wolfson Trinity Selwyn Jesus Clare King’s St Edmund’s Clare Magdalene Newnham Robinson Homerton Sidney Sussex Churchill Christ’s Downing Christ’s Newnham Queens’ Robinson Homerton Corpus Christi Christ’s Homerton Clare Downing Sidney Sussex Homerton Churchill Girton Homerton Sidney Sussex Newnham King’s Downing Sidney Sussex Clare Sidney Sussex Christ’s Trinity King’s Downing Sidney Sussex Murray Edwards Natural sciences Economics Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine MML HSPS MPhil Zoology History MPhil Health, Medicine and Society Vet Medicine (Affiliate) Natural Sciences MML Linguistics MML English History and Politics Natural Sciences Law Veterinary Medicine History and Politics MPhil Gender Studies Veterinary Medicine Theology MML English Law HSPS MMLL Veterinary Medicine Geography HML Biochemistry HSPS Geography Theology & RS English Tripos MML Classics MML Law Law History MML Computer Science Classics English BA English Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2018 Alumna 2019 Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2016 Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Alumna 2019 Alumnus 2019 Year Andrew Wright Georgia Crapper Keemia Azvine Angharad Davies Tasneem Kenny Ali Leon Hewitt Chris Dodsworth Sophie Wise Harry Stuart Emilia Broadbent Louis-Pascal Xhonneux Joy Phophichitra Martha French Alice Gee Caitlin Walker Lawrence Bissell Adam Bradley Isobel Sayer Kiera Messenger Ben Mortishire-Smith Milly Coleman Jack Thompson Johanna Winder Melissa Diaz Marcelo Ortega Quintanilla Sophie Shennan Kieran Mylrea Hannah Munby Nivedita Sarveswaran Rebecca Lewis Eliza Hagan Amelia Hills Isabella White Natacha Maurin Jake Bruchez Tanvi Roberts Catherine Lally Lotte Hondebrink Alex Mann Phoebe Thomson-Bird Lauren Norman Zobia Haq Alfie Vaughan Maxx Naoe Seal Llego rosa prosser Lisa Bernhardt Aryaman Reddi Sara Pocher Corpus Christi Selwyn Downing Pembroke St John’s Fitzwilliam Trinity Hall Sidney Sussex Christ’s Girton Churchill Churchill Pembroke Queens’ Fitzwilliam Trinity Hall Sidney Sussex Trinity Hall Christ's Pembroke Pembroke Sidney Sussex Peterhouse Homerton St Edmund’s Fitzwilliam Robinson Sidney Sussex Wolfson Fitzwilliam King's Robinson St John's St Catharine's Clare Clare Pembroke Clare Corpus Christi Murray Edwards King’s Murray Edwards Trinity Hall Homerton Clare Lucy Cavendish Lucy Cavendish Homerton Homerton Neuroscience (Undergraduate) Politics and International Relations Natural Sciences Anglo Saxon Norse & Celtic HSPS Classics Classics Geography Mathematics vet med Computer Science Chemical Engineering English Tripos English Biological Natural Sciences Natural Sciences History Engineering Geography Chemistry, graduate student History HSPS Natural Sciences History MPhil in Energy Technologies Classics Chemistry Natural Sciences (Biological) PhD in Medical Science (CIMR) Linguistics MPhil Psychology English Classics HML AMES Classics History and Politics MML Natural Science Veterinary Medicine Geography History Modern and Medieval Languages History of Art MML natural science Sociology PhD Engineering Chinese studies Year Year Alumnus Year Year Year MPhil Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Alumnus 2016 Year Alumna 2019 Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Alumnus Year Alumna 2019 Year Alumnus 2018 Year Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Anastasia Bruce-Jones Sara Saloo Tom Brine Yoseph Kiflie Sylvie Field Rosa Burgoyne Sonja Klingberg Helena Mackie Shaun Palmer Adrianna Hunt Evelyn Whorrall-Campbell Isabella Copplestone Charlotte Husnjak Alycia Leach Ben Sawyer Lydia Maria Makrides Con Gavalas Grace Rooney Emma Glennon lottie elton Lily Ford Honor May Natalie Chapman Isabella Eardley-Snape Vanessa Tsang Romil Patel Emily Miedzybrodzka Sergio Barraza Ingstrom Alice Mamelle Hannah Stott Christian Madla Anousha Karim Rhianna Bangham Amelia Jaffé Christopher Morash Izzi Dickson Oduma Adelio Matilda Butterworth Lucy Irving Paula Stuomaite Amy Edwards-Knight Bonnie Cheung Eliza Griffiths Elise Nyborg Yasmin Reid-Linfoot Eebbaa Elfneh Michelle Wong Rebecca Sheng Rafaella Keavney Gonville and Caius Trinity Emmanuel Emmanuel Clare Homerton Wolfson Clare Selwyn St Catharine's Pembroke Homerton Clare Churchill Murray Edwards Homerton Murray Edwards Churchill Clare Homerton Murray Edwards Clare Churchill Downing Homerton Corpus Christi Sidney Sussex Homerton Clare Homerton St Catharine's Homerton Newnham Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Queens' Sidney Sussex Murray Edwards Peterhouse Gonville and Caius Lucy Cavendish Pembroke Christ's Christ's Christ's Newnham Fitzwilliam Homerton English Law Natural Sciences History MML English PhD in Medical Science Music Biological Natural Sciences English Film and Screen Studies PhD HSPS Education History Natural Sciences HSPS PBS Law Veterinary Medicine (Postgraduate) HSPS Theology History of Art Classics English Veterinary Medicine Economics PhD Biomedical Sciences MML GRAD HSPS Architecture Land Economy AMES Classics Natural Sciences PhD Natural sciences English MML HSPS Law Law Veterinary Medicine Land Economy Geography PBS History and Modern Languages Law Natural sciences History Alumni 2018 Year Year Year Year Alumna Year Year Alumnus 2016 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus Year Year N/A Year Year Alumna 2019 Year Year Year Year Alumni 2016 Year Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 2019 Year Year Joseph Taylor Chloe Mackley Hannah Afrah Katherine Ridley Carla Plieth Emese Ratkai Elise Kolen Andrea Kusec Queens' Corpus Christi Fitzwilliam Trinity Hall Sidney Sussex Christ's Clare Fitzwilliam Suhaa Mahmood Matthew Coombes Kadi Sun Teofisto E Consistente VI Emily Staricoff Mariam Abdel-Razek Izyan Hay Emily Harris Tom Ward Finn Manders Philip Allan Emma Fern Carpenter Morgan morrison Emily Lomas Joseph Carter Razvan Nicolescu Kirstie Green Sumantra Ray Rajan Mahoon Sarah Caulfield Samin Moghimiasl Emma Gilbert Jaina Umeria Rebecca Seabrook-Tedd Trinity Homerton Clare Homerton Queens' Trinity Jesus Homerton King's Fitzwilliam Jesus Lucy Cavendish Homerton Corpus Christi St Catharine's Homerton Homerton Selwyn Queens' Downing Churchill Christ's Queens' Lucy Cavendish Aisha Yusuf Yuet Yi Ye Catherine Morris Leoni Boyle Alice Dyson Anna Gray Mairead Ryan King's Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Emmanuel Churchill Homerton Darwin Zoe Swanwick Sara Borasio Annabelle Goldsmith Oliver Hutchings Simrit Sangha Joe Thrush Fran harris Homerton Girton Magdalene St John's Newnham Churchill Churchill Maths Archaeology HSPS English Literature PhD in Education Natural Sciences Law PhD, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit Engineering Land Economy Engineering Natural Sciences Clinical Biochemistry PhD English Mphil Development Studies Natural Sciences Geography History Engineering PhD (Biological Sciences) Biological natural sciences Classics Vet Med Computer Science English MPhil Public Health 2009 Engineering Education Materials Science Law Geography MPhil Theoretical and Applied Linguistics PhD Medical science HSPS MPhil Polar Studies Education Chemical Engineering MML PhD student, MRC Epidemiology Unit Modern and medieval languages HSPS Law Natural Sciences PBS Natural Sciences Physics Year Year Year Alumnus 2015 Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2016 Alumna Year Alumna 2011 Year Alumnus 2019 Year Alumnus 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Sophie Bennett Kristina Calver Ben Breathwick Thomas Chesworth Sulaiman Ilyas-Jarrett Alexander Glasspool Ella Songhurst Joshua Paul Matt Lee Harmony Hill Habiba Begum Andrew te Water Naudé Arlette Doko Matilda Schwefel Timothy Greenard Patrick Rainford Charlotte Barnard Sachin Aggarwal Tim Hawkins Ella Henry Yukiko Fujii Emily Moss Philip Holloway Aga Niewiadomska Sophie Stemmons Zainab Haider Elyem Chej Jacob Smith Thea Elvin Joshua Meynell Amy Louise Bretton Tanvi Sengupta Bilen Ahmet Riona Millar Alex Haydn-Williams Areeg Emarah isla ziyat Olivia Taylor Jing Min Tan Chantal Wong Joseph Bills Anne-Laura van Harmelen Renata Snow Hannah Walters Yidan Zhu Falaq Syed Raheel Catrina Bomford Emma Shaw Rachel Adams Emmanuel Girton Robinson Queens' Corpus Christi Girton Magdalene Trinity Hall Christ's Fitzwilliam Jesus Homerton Emmanuel Selwyn Sidney Sussex Newnham Robinson Queens' Girton Fitzwilliam Murray Edwards Clare Clare St Edmund’s Newnham Fitzwilliam Trinity Hall Newnham Christ's Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Jesus Newnham Jesus Trinity Downing Clare Homerton Robinson Emmanuel Lucy Cavendish St Catharine's Robinson St Edmund’s St Edmund’s Newnham Fitzwilliam Jesus Natural Sciences Natural Sciences PBS Music Environmental Policy Natural Sciences Classics Geography Classics Archaeology English Chemical Engineering PBS Classics TRPR Biological Natural Sciences MML Mathematics II Zoology Natural Sciences Natural Sciences Modern and Medieval Languages Astrophysics Computer science Education PBS Land economy Natural Sciences (Pharmacology) Natural Sciences Archaeology MML Law Mathematics English English Engineering Engineering PBS Law Classics AMES Faculty Psychiatry Veterinary Medicine Natural Sciences Physics MPhil Clinical Science Classics Classics Natural Sciences Year Year Alumnus 2017 Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2018 Year Alumnus 2016 Year Alumnus 2017 Year Alumnus 2003 Year Year Year Alumnus 2018 Year Year Alumnus 2018 Year Senior staff Alumnus 2016 Year Alumnus 2018 Alumnus 2016 Year Year Alumnus 2018 Eira Bergman Jenssen Rosie Musgrave Esther Ng Brigid Ehrmantraut Natanya Cartwright Emily Evans Alice Fletcher-Etherington Rosa Phelps Selin Zeyrek Oluwamayowa Olubowale Francesca Weekes Isaac Brown Emilie Dellon Katie Gibson Hannah Langley Saif Jalali Ollie Bardsley Valentine Kim Bill Bishop Joseph Ajebon David Fairen-Jimenez Jenny O'Dowd Marta Aragones-Anglada Cameron Roker W Yang Fiona Lauren Shuttleworth Tai Kirby Abigail Whiteley Hughes Hall Sidney Sussex Sidney Sussex Wolfson Downing Emmanuel Newnham Sidney Sussex Emmanuel Christ's Girton Trinity Murray Edwards Pembroke Downing St Catharine's Magdalene Trinity Hall Emmanuel Jesus Robinson Murray Edwards Lucy Cavendish Robinson St John's Pembroke St Catharine's Robinson Will Pearl Eagling Freya Whiteside Tolu Mustapha Maaha Elahi Suryansh Singhania Georgia Lavin Olivia Cowgill Aditya Prakash Iyer Kai Junge Francesca Melle Sayon Uthayakumar Brad Jones Ella Ykema Rebecca Vignols Ceri Moss Gabrielle McGuinness Colin Kaljee Florence Brown Chantelle Lee Magdalene Churchill Selwyn Fitzwilliam St John's Magdalene Homerton Queens' Magdalene Homerton Wolfson Christ's Christ's Trinity Hall Newnham Homerton Robinson Emmanuel Corpus Christi Sidney Sussex HSPS PBS PBS ASNC (PhD) Natural Science History PhD in Medical Science MML Natural Sciences English English Natural Sciences (Physics) Human Social and Political Sciences Veterinary Medicine PBS Law Veterinary Medicine Natural sciences Biological natural sciences Engineering Reader (ChemE & Biotechnology) Engineering PhD in Chemical Engineering Veterinary Medicine Law Veterinary Medicine Engineering MPhil Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Veterinary Medicine MET Philosophy Law Law Chemical Engineering History History and Politics Economics Engineering PhD Chemical Engineering Mathematics MML Veterinary Medicine Natural Sciences, Education English Archaeology Natural Sciences History Year Alumnus 2019 Offer for 2020 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Alumnus 2018 Alumnus 2001 MPhil Year Year Alumnus Year Year Alumna 2018 Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2018 Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2011 Alumnus 2019 Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Emma Kemmish Anna Henry Miller Tahmena Miah Simina Dragos Katherina Samways Danika Parikh Charlotte Emma Connal Sara Anderson Priyanka Patel Charlotte Fraser Daniel Braund Rebecca Stoklund Lee Susie Ostler Molly Desorgher Coreen Grant Hannah Covell Adi Levin Chloe Merrell Lucia Estephane Josh Corneck Sebastian Shiers Emily McMillan Frankie Kendal Israa El-dandrawy Kirsten Sutherland Posy Putnam Beth Kelly Harriet King Shayan Navab Grace Copeland-Tucker Aurelia Li Imogen Buxton Alan Stinchcombe Rachel Parry Olivia Barber Beatrice Jones Hannah Webb Mollie McKeon Akhila K Jayaram Amy reddington Lisa Owens Kenji Asakura Tom Atherton Derya Emin Teuta Day Aimée O’Carroll Jessica Price Sarah Merrick Murray Edwards Emmanuel Jesus Lucy Cavendish Fitzwilliam Emmanuel Newnham Murray Edwards Churchill Pembroke Christ's Clare Newnham Selwyn Jesus Corpus Christi Christ's St John's Jesus Downing Selwyn Girton Downing Clare Fitzwilliam Darwin Jesus Clare Newnham Peterhouse Clare Hall Darwin Murray Edwards Churchill Girton Murray Edwards Selwyn Selwyn Gonville and Caius Queens' Murray Edwards Emmanuel Girton Clare Clare St John's Emmanuel Emmanuel Girton Engineering Engineering Veterinary Medicine PGCE secondary English Education Geography Archaeology Music (BA) Geography Engineering English Literature Natural Sciences History and Philosophy of Science Veterinary Medicine Engineering English M Phil Natural Sciences MML Theology and Religious Studies Education Tripos with Geography Mathematics Natural Sciences Theology and Religious Studies HSPS History Human Evolutionary Studies mphil History and Politics English Classics History MML Chemical Engineering PhD PPS Nat Sci History Modern languages Natural Sciences English Natural Sciences (Biological) PhD Physics Linguistics English Literature Natural Sciences Natural Sciences PhD Chemistry EDE Architecture English Philosophy Year Year Alumnus 2018 Year MPhil Year Alumna 2009 Year Alumna 2019 Year Alumna 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 2018 Alumnus 2019 Alumnus Year Alumna 2019 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 2015 Alumnus 1972 Year Alumnus Year Year Year Year Alumna 2012 Alumnus 2006 Year Year Year Alumnus Alumna 2006 Alumna 2006 Year Gianamar Giovannetti-Singh St Edmund’s Hayerin Park Samuel Kebede, MD MPhil Sam Thomson Anastasia Ovey Maria Woodford Elliot Luke Finnian Robinson Jaspreet kaur Ella Duffy Tamkeen Nawab Toni Fola-Alade Chloe Lansley Damaris Bennett Liza Hartley Ursula Shaw Ben Lawrence Jerene Nathalie Anderson Ghifari Pradana Tanya Coppack Hannah Cesarani Joey Burnett-stuart William Edwards Rebecca Illingworth Haytham Hamodi Alice Bedwell Tolu Mustapha Veronica Welch Kimberly Barker Tamsin Newlove Wanipa Ndhlovu Joseph Thompson Nicholas Trilloe Ella Hordern Thomas Carey Laura Salzmann Xahra Ashraf Gabrielle Roper Eliza Leake Klara Joyce Rehm Josie Campbell Kathryn Newbold Candice Griffiths Kazal Oshodi Claudia Welbourn-Green Tara Phadnis Juliette Welham Victor Echefu Christ's Sidney Sussex Trinity Hall Peterhouse Trinity Downing Emmanuel Clare Jesus St John's St John's Emmanuel King's Peterhouse Newnham Gonville and Caius Lucy Cavendish Trinity St Catharine's Murray Edwards Selwyn Peterhouse Newnham Peterhouse Selwyn Fitzwilliam Peterhouse Emmanuel Selwyn Trinity Clare Jesus Homerton Queens' Trinity Hall Homerton Girton St John's Homerton Trinity Hall Sidney Sussex Pembroke St Catharine's Pembroke King's Trinity Girton PhD History and Philosophy of Science History MPhil Epidemiology Chemistry English Lit English MML History MML MPhil in Development Studies HSPS HSPS EEDA Biochemistry English NST Natural Sciences Human, Social and Political Sciences Engineering Engineering Modern and Medieval Languages Natural Sciences Theology & Religious Studies Veterinary Medicine Architecture Natural Sciences Law Modern British History MPhil Engineering Natural Sciences Law Natural Sciences Maths Veterinary Medicine Mathematics Geography Education MML Veterinary Medicine History and Politics Veterinary Medicine History MML Engineering Veterinary Medicine MML AMES Economics Year Year Alumni 2019 Year Year Year Alumnus Year Alumnus Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Alumnus 2020 Alumnus 2019 Year Year Year Year MPhil Year Year Year Alumnus 2012 Year Year Alumnus 2019 Alumnus Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Catriona Eldridge Emilia Lawer Martha Stevens Susanna Power Josephine Skorupski Anna Chaplin David Madden Iona Stewart Alyssa Marrara Ian Fan Rob Perry Esme Cairns Eileen Henderson Charlotte Garcia Pembroke Gonville and Caius Emmanuel Queens' Corpus Christi Wolfson Clare Hall Magdalene St Edmund’s Pembroke Pembroke Christ's Wolfson Clare Lucy Holland Elisa Halkes Nina Siriwardena Margarita Kobrina Christos Nicolaou Elise Goddard Jiping Mo Pembroke Queens' Murray Edwards Clare Homerton Pembroke Lucy Cavendish Jemima Churchhouse Joshua Mehta Edward Parker Humphreys Gonville and Caius Downing Jesus Nicole Deacon-Smith Ellie Austin Georgina Thorpe Ashwini Ponnampalam Eden Dudley Katherine Klemperer Newnham Clare Downing Murray Edwards Corpus Christi St John's Holly Beveridge Shadab Ahmed Alice Birch Theo Weinberger Adam Borchert Anastasia Nerisia Picton Julian Wreford Jessica Henderson Mairenn Collins Attwood Ella Fogg Isabella Snape Zuzanna Klikowicz Roan Talbut Oliver Shires Christ's Christ's Pembroke St John's St Edmund’s Murray Edwards Fitzwilliam Robinson Pembroke Christ's Churchill Jesus Trinity Fitzwilliam Natural Sciences (MSci) Veterinary Medicine Engineering Natural Sciences English Psychiatry PhD Chemical Engineering HSPS MPhil EGID Computer Science Economics Law MEd Counselling PhD MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit Geography History Veterinary Medicine Architecture Human, Social and Political Sciences Theology Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Natural Sciences Chemistry HSPS Natural Sciences Natural Sciences PGCE Law (with Year Abroad) Classics Biological Natural Sciences Undergraduate History Natural Sciences Engineering Natural Sciences (MSci) pure mathematics English Literature Computer Science HSPS MPhil, Biological Sciences Law English Veterinary Medicine Maths Mathematics Alumnus Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2010 Year Masters Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2019 Year Year Alumna 2017 Year Alumnus 2016 and CUSU President Alumnus 2017 Year Alumnus 2020 Alumna 2015 Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumnus 2018 Alumnus 2017 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Khushi Hunt Yuriy Tumarkin Dr Zoe Stewart Eloise Trimingham Sophie Kean Daisy Cragg Shameera Nair Lin Jenny Harris Sarah Royle Emilia Schmolck Lucy Champion Victoria Adams Alex Hughes Charlie Worsley Amber Standish Olivia Farrington Megan Kay Ernestine Hui Jasmine Phull Isobel Margaret Shaw Oliver Black Ellen Harris Imogen Lever Kate Hawkins Bea Goddard Rachel McHale Millie Dinan Isabelle Read Jane Durling Holly Williams Olivia Cowgill Elena Homerton Trinity Clare Clare Girton Sidney Sussex Lucy Cavendish Emmanuel Trinity Hall Homerton Homerton Newnham Murray Edwards Emmanuel Pembroke Clare Fitzwilliam Lucy Cavendish Selwyn Newnham Selwyn Magdalene Selwyn Emmanuel Fitzwilliam Magdalene Clare King's Gonville and Caius Sidney Sussex Queens' - HSPS Mathematics PhD Clinical Biochemistry Economics English History English PhD English Natural Sciences MML Education MMLL PhD Law Economics Economics English ASNaC PhD CEB HSPS English Computer Science PBS Chemistry Masters Economics English MML Veterinary Medicine MML Chemical Engineering English History and Politics Research Associate at University Alumnus 2019 Year Alumna 2018 Year Year Alumna 2018 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Alumna 1965 Alumnus 2016 Alumna 2019 Year Alumnus Year Year Year Year Alumnus 1986 Year Year Alumna 2013 BA Law & Science Medicine (Standard year course) Medicine 5yr course Medicine (Standard year course) Medicine (Standard year course) Zoology Year Year Year Year Alumnus Alumnus 2018 Committees: Homerton MCR Sexpression Cambridge Cambridge University Friends of MSF Selwyn College Medical and Veterinary Society Clare College Medical and Veterinary Society Sidney Sussex College Medical and Veterinary Society Christ's College JCR Other universities: Max James Cowan Natalie Ho Alex Lwanga Daniel Ani Rasheed Kaja Pooja Kuchadia University of Sydney Oxford University BSMS BSMS Chiymttagong University of Hull Andreas Paxinos Shajia Shahid Poppy Whitcombe Dalveen Sandhu Casey Sharpe Aston University University of De Montfort Oxford University Oxford University Alexandra Clatworthy Lois New Hall College Nottingham Trent ISMM Clinical Neurophysiology (MSc) Nursing Alumnus 2017 Year Year Spanish & Linguistics MSc in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation at Oxford English Biomedical Engineering Year Alumnus Year Year

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 21:06

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