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Thematic analysis of influencers on continuing professional learn

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Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Open Access Dissertations Theses and Dissertations 8-2016 Thematic analysis of influencers on continuing professional learning of tenure track engineering faculty as assistant professors at an RU/VH institution James Edwin Cawthorne Purdue University Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/open_access_dissertations Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Cawthorne, James Edwin, "Thematic analysis of influencers on continuing professional learning of tenure track engineering faculty as assistant professors at an RU/VH institution" (2016) Open Access Dissertations 741 https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/open_access_dissertations/741 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information Graduate School Form 30 Updated  PURDUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance This is to certify that the thesis/dissertation prepared By James Cawthorne Entitled Thematic Analysis of Influencers on Continuing Professional Learning of Tenure Track Engineering Faculty as Assistant Professors at RU/VH Institutions For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Is approved by the final examining committee: Ruth Streveler Monica Cardella Co-chair Monica Cox Co-chair Audeen Fentiman Karl Smith To the best of my knowledge and as understood by the student in the Thesis/Dissertation Agreement, Publication Delay, and Certification Disclaimer (Graduate School Form 32), this thesis/dissertation adheres to the provisions of Purdue University’s “Policy of Integrity in Research” and the use of copyright material Approved by Major Professor(s): Ruth Streveler and Monica Cox Approved by: Ruth Streveler Head of the Departmental Graduate Program 7/7/2016 Date i THEMATIC ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCERS ON CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL LEARNING OF TENURE TRACK ENGINEERING FACULTY AS ASSISTANT PROFESSORS AT AN RU/VH INSTITUTION A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Purdue University by James Edwin Cawthorne Jr In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2016 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana ProQuest Number: 10170579 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion ProQuest 10170579 Published by ProQuest LLC ( 2016 ) Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author All rights reserved This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 - 1346 ii My dissertation is dedicated to my friends and family Thank you for all of your support and patience through this journey iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is with sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks that I acknowledge the following people for their help and support throughout my research study: Dr Ruth Streveler, for your encouragement, belief, and support – I am not sure I would be here without your guidance and support; Dr Monica Cardella, Dr Audeen Fenitman, Dr Karl Smith, for serving on my dissertation committee and helping guide me through this process; Dr Monica Cox, for training me to qualitative research; Dr Daniel Ferguson, for being my friend, dissertation buddy, and mentor; Dr Michele Strutz, for being my friend throughout the doctoral process who was always up for good conversation; Ms Sara Carvell, for her patience and support throughout this long journey; ENE Cohort Fall 2007, for being a great group of colleagues and friends; The participants in this study for their willingness to talk to me; and My other Purdue doctoral colleagues – I look forward to future conversations throughout our careers iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix ABSTRACT x CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the Problem 1.2 Expanded Explanation of the Research Problem 1.3 Purpose of the Study and Research Question .6 1.4 Scope of the Study 1.5 Operational Definitions 1.6 Dissertation Organization .9 CHAPTER REVIEW OF LITERATURE 10 2.1 Profession 10 2.2 Professional Development 12 2.3 Academic Profession 15 2.4 Faculty and Faculty Development 16 2.4.1 Integrated History of Faculty and Faculty Development in US 17 2.4.2 Assistant Professor and Tenure 23 2.4.3 Faculty Development Studies 28 2.4.4 Forms of Faculty Development 31 2.5 Gap 33 2.6 Summary .35 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHOD 36 3.1 Introduction .36 v Page 3.2 Research Design Worldview 36 3.3 Inquiry Approach 37 3.4 Methodological Frameworks 37 3.4.1 Phenomenography 38 3.4.2 Thematic Analysis 39 3.5 Research Team 40 3.6 Sampling Framework 41 3.7 Qualitative Data Collection 43 3.7.1 Interview Protocol 43 Pilot Study One 44 Pilot Study Two 45 Final Interview Protocol 45 3.7.2 Participant Recruitment 47 3.7.3 Interview Setting 48 3.7.4 Pre-Interview Routine 49 3.7.5 Interview Procedure 50 3.7.6 Data Handling 51 3.7.7 Data Analysis Process 52 3.7.8 Validity and Reliability Process 54 3.7.9 Human Research Protection 56 3.7.10 Researcher Bias 56 3.8 Data Analysis 57 3.9 Summary .65 CHAPTER PRESENTATION OF DATA 66 4.1 Introduction .66 4.2 Participants 66 4.2.1 Participant Demographics 68 4.2.2 Participant Self-description 68 Participant Identity 68 vi Page Why Faculty 71 Graduate School Preparation 74 4.2.3 Participants Summary 77 4.3 Themes of Influencers of CPL 77 4.3.1 Theme 1: Institutional Impact on Learning 79 4.3.2 Theme 2: Self-directed Learning 87 4.3.3 Theme 3: Social Construction of Learning 97 4.3.4 Mentored Learning 107 4.4 Summary of Themes 114 CHAPTER DISCUSSION 115 5.1 Introduction .115 5.2 Discussion of Themes and Findings 115 5.3 Conclusions .120 5.4 Implications of Findings 121 5.4.1 Visual Representation of CPL in a Faculty Member 122 5.4.2 Construction of Equation Models Representing CPL in Faculty 132 Institutional Impact on Learning (I) 133 Self-directed Learning (S) 135 Social Construction of Learning (P) 136 Mentored Learning (M) 138 Summary of Metaphorical Equations 141 5.4.3 Educational Framework of CPL 141 5.5 Recommendations for Key Stakeholders 144 5.5.1 Engineering Faculty 144 5.5.2 University Administrators (Institution) 146 5.5.3 Faculty Developers 151 5.6 Limitations of the Study 153 5.7 Recommendations for Future Research 155 5.8 Significant Considerations of Findings 155 192 PEER SOCIAL EXP PEER SOCIALIZING EXPERIENCE Faculty participant described the value and concerns associated with engaging peers socially You can’t it by yourself You have to be part of the community, and part of the national community, part of the professional community, part of your departmental community If you are not doing those things it doesn’t matter how much work you by yourself Nobody will know and you won’t be seen as a colleague that people will want to work with for the next 10-20-40 years Those are absolutely critical You’ve got to find your professional home You’ve got to be seen as a colleague who will help take out the garbage and help do, you know, rake the leaves ~Jesse PROF DEV VIEW PROFESSIONAL DEVELPOMENT VIEWPOINTS Faculty participant described their understanding of professional development in relation to their continuing professional learning I have no idea really what truly means, okay? I mean there’s – it kind of depends on what your goals are what that means Learning how to the things to solo… but it’s kind of like a training for future administrators ~Robin SELF AWARE LEARN SELF-AWARENESS OF LEARNING Faculty participant described conscious knowledge of capability to conduct own continuing professional learning I started to see the patterns in what I was doing And but again, it was pretty much selftaught ….A lot of it I had to learn on my own, but that’s part of being a faculty A lot of faculty work is on your own…I teach myself I what I need to I figure it out ~Casey SELF BELIEF SELF BELIEF Faculty participant described self-confidence own capability to engage in continuing professional learning I think I just always had the right idea I – obviously it never worried – never bothered me… I just did it It was just – it just seemed [chuckle] honestly, I never really thought about that that much ~Robin 193 SPOUSE INS SPOUSE INSIGHT Faculty participant described continuing professional learning through interactions with their spouse A lot of support from my [spouse]…my [spouse] says, you know, you’re doing some really great things but nobody knows about them because you don’t talk about them I’m like, yeah but they should just know He’s like, you know they don’t You know you have to talk about them ~Casey TE GRADS TRIAL AND ERROR GRADUATE STUDENTS Faculty participant described learning manage graduate students through an experiential learning process I guess at the beginning I tried to apply like one size fits all, I tried to apply a mentoring style to everybody And I learned through my experience that it doesn’t work with everybody I made choices as a general philosophy of course But some people need more direction; some people need less direction; or some people don’t like too much direction And some people they want you to a lot for them So, identifying what type of students you’re dealing with is very important I guess it develops in time You kind of have to adjust your course based on how you see the students react ~Jamie TE GRANTS TRIAL AND ERROR GRANTS Faculty participant described learning to write grants through an experiential learning process I think I developed my own way of doing it Umm, you know, you look at other papers and okay they have these parts so I’ll put these parts in, you know And then I’d say well that doesn’t make sense ~Sandy TE TEACH TRIAL AND ERROR TEACHING Faculty participant described learning to teach through an experiential learning process And the first thing I tried … was note cards where I’d have every student fill out a note card and then I’d step to the front of the room and when I want questions from lecture and things I’d pull a note card out to call on somebody and that did backfire ‘cause that apparently established a culture of fear So, I’ve tried to modify that and to have everybody involved with questions instead of just one student I called on the spot But, it did keep them awake But, not the right way to it ~Shawn 194 Categories: COLLAB COLLABORATION Faculty participant described continuing professional learning through their formal working relationships in research and teaching with peers COLLAB ENG, COLLAB VIEW, NEG COLLAB RESP COLLEGEIAL COLLEGIALITY Faculty participant described continuing professional learning through information exchanges with peers PEER LEARN EXP, PEER SOCIAL EXP DEPT PROTECT DEPARTMENT PROTECTION Faculty participant DEPT COMM PROT, DEPT TEACH PROT ID LEARN RES IDENTIFY LEARNING RESOURCES Faculty participant described identifying resources to support their continuing professional learning IDR ACT, IDR MAT LEARN BY DOING LEARN BY DOING Faculty participant described various experiential learning moments contributing to their continuing professional learning TE GRANTS, TE TEACH, TE GRADS MENTOR EXIST MENTOR EXISTENCE Faculty participant described the existence of a mentor present in their continuing professional learning process MENTOR IN DEPT, MENTOR OUT DEPT, NO MENTOR MENTOR EXP MENTOR EXPERIENCE Faculty participant described their experiences with mentoring in relations to their continuing professional learning NEG MENT EXP, MENTOR EMP, MENTOR GUIDE, MENTOR APPRENTICE 195 SELF APP LEARN SELF APPROACH TO LEARNING Faculty participant described utilizing a personalized approach to their continuing professional learning SELF AWARE LEARN, SELF BELIEF, ENTREP APP Themes: INSTITUTIONAL IMPACT ON LEARNING DEPT PROTECT, FORM SEM, INST SUPPORT, INST CHALLENGE MENTORED LEARNING MENTOR EXIST, MENTOR EXP SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING ID LEARN RES, SELF APP LEARN, LEARN BY DOING, PROF DEV VIEW SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED LEARNING COLLAB, COLLEGIAL, SPOUSE INS, ENGAGE NSF PM 13 VITA 196 VITA James E Cawthorne Jr Engineering Education, Purdue University EDUCATION Ph.D., Engineering Education August 2016 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Dissertation: Thematic Analysis of the Continuing Professional Learning of Tenure-Track Engineering Faculty as Assistant Professors Advisor: Dr Ruth Streveler Doctoral Candidate, Paper and Imaging Science (2000-2005) Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan Dissertation: The Influence of Nanoparticles on Particle Packing in Coating Suspensions (unfinished) Advisor: Dr Margaret Joyce M.S., Paper and Printing Science and Engineering December 1999 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan Thesis: Use of a Chemically-modified Clay as a Replacement for Silica in Matte Coated Ink Jet Papers Advisor: Dr Margaret Joyce B.S., Chemical Engineering December 1996 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina Passed Engineer In Training Exam for State of North Carolina – Certificate No A-16143 B.S., Pulp and Paper Science and Technology North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina Minor: History May 1996 196 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Faculty Apprentice, Content, Assessment and Pedagogy (CAP) January 2010-May 2010 School of Engineering Education, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN Co-designed and executed the CAP (Content-Assessment-Pedagogy) class for graduate students in the School of Engineering Education Main responsibility was the pedagogy section of the class by selecting the readings, leading the class, and developing an artifact for students to synthesize their understanding of pedagogy in their project design of their envisioned class Instructor of Record, Stock Preparation and Papermaking Department of Paper and Printing Science and Engineering Western Michigan University January 2001-May 2001 Kalamazoo, MI Re-designed introductory paper engineering course taught to sophomore students Introduced two teaching innovations: (1) Altered course from knowledge transfer only to an approach emphasizing the application of learned knowledge in situations corresponding to an entry level process engineer (2) Introduced project/presentation element to class to acclimate students to developing and delivering a presentation before going to their first summer internship Managed two Teaching Assistants responsible for facilitating the laboratory portion of the course Teaching Apprentice, Stock Preparation and Papermaking Department of Paper and Printing Science and Engineering Western Michigan University January 2001-May 2001 Kalamazoo, MI Teaching apprentice in the paper manufacturing course as part of teaching training within the doctoral program Teaching Assistant, Stock Preparation and Papermaking Spring 1998 & 1999 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Fall 1997 & 1998 Department of Paper and Printing Science and Engineering Kalamazoo, MI Western Michigan University Developed and facilitated lab sections, graded lab reports, and led course review sessions Other Teaching Activities Tutoring, High School Algebra, Benton County High School 2013-1014 Tutoring, Math, Chemistry, & Chemical Engineering, Purdue University 2008-2010 Tutoring, Math, Chemistry, & Paper Engineering, Western Michigan Univ 1998-2004 Tutoring, Math, Chemistry, & Paper Engineering, N.C State Univ 1993-1997 197 Teaching Awards The American Society of Engineering Education Honorable Mention, Best Teaching Strategies Paper Award, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Division Western Michigan University All-University Graduate Student Teaching Effectiveness Award Department of Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging Dept Teaching Excellence Award Graduate Research Ethics Education Grant, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics, Indiana University 2013 2002 2001-2002 2000 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Research Assistant Associate Dean of Graduate Education, College of Engineering Purdue University 2009-2012 West Lafayette, IN Conducted research into identifying the professional development skills associated with engineering faculty to inform development of graduate students This was a collaborative work with the Graduate Dean of the College of Engineering identifying desired competencies for becoming a future faculty member in engineering and what opportunities Purdue and its peer institutions provided graduate students to assist them in professional development Research Assistant School of Engineering Education Purdue University 2007-2009 West Lafayette, IN Conducted research assessing the Vanderbilt-Northwestern-Texas-Harvard/MIT (VaNTH) Engineering Research Center’s impact on participants Provided feedback within research group on various other research areas – doctoral education, teaching assistant’s roles/responsibilities and development of tool to assess instruction in classroom Research Assistant Department of Paper and Printing Science and Engineering Western Michigan University 1999-2002 Kalamazoo, MI Laboratory research assistant for in-house research projects based on commercial companies requests Responsible for design of, research for, and analysis of the results from company-funded research projects studying different facets of coating formulations Proofread and edited theses, papers, and grants 198 Research Assistant Pulp and Paper Pilot Plant Operations North Carolina State University 1997 Raleigh, NC Responsible for designing and conducting an extensive adhesive re-pulpabilty study Operated pilot paper machine as a teaching assistant for the senior papermaking class Assisted in bleaching studies and pulping work in non-wood fibers ADMINISTRATION EXPERIENCE Doctoral Assistant College of Arts and Sciences Budget Office Western Michigan University 2005-2007 Kalamazoo MI Co-managed $9.5 Million budget for graduate appointments in the College of Arts and Sciences Responsible for other tasks within budget office relating to money transfers, spreadsheet design/implementation, grant processing and general account oversight Reengineered graduate appointment process and trained administrative assistants in new procedures Served on college-based committee tasked with developing workflow process to streamline graduate appointment process Doctoral Associate, Assistant to Dean and Associate Director The Graduate College Western Michigan University 2002-2004 Kalamazoo MI Designed spreadsheet for performing peer institution reviews on graduate degree requirements and student compensation and made recommendations on policy modifications to the Dean Processed annual institutional external reports for the Council of Graduate Schools and the National Science Foundation Assisted in designing and implementing University-wide Graduate Assistant Training for incoming students Contributed content to manuals and led training sessions in all three Graduate Assistant appointee designations – Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, and Service Assistants Maintained Graduate College databases including Graduate Appointments, Graduate Awards, and Graduate Faculty ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Coating and Printing Scientist and Engineer Western Michigan University 1999-2005 Kalamazoo, MI Outside of research activities, worked with main two advisors to execute several commercial coating and printing trials for a variety of companies Work involved benchmarking their coating material in a series of different formulations, production of coating onto a variety of substrates on pilot coaters (small and large) Ran finishing operations (calender/supercalender), conducted coated material testing (rheology and 199 paper physics), printed coated material and tested for print properties Expertise developed was in paper production, coating formulation and rheology, and print operations, particularly ink jet printing Process Engineering Intern Georgia-Pacific Corporation Summer 1996 Monticello, MS Generated a computer simulation (WinGEMS) mimicking the chemical recovery Assisted lead engineer on a variety of pulping and papermaking projects – a washing study, a refiner study, and a paper chemical trial Process Engineering Intern Champion International Paper Summer 1995 Sartell, MN Designed and executed a coating thickener trial seeking a cost saving alternative to current product Process involved initial bench trial of a series of thickeners, a machine trial, and final thickener selection Study resulted in an estimated $500,000 per year when producing that particular coated paper Evaluated paper machine’s cleaning and screening system for efficiency Process Engineering Intern Temple-Inland Corporation Summer 1994 Newport, IN Performed a series of analysis on incoming recycle paper and board materials, which served as the raw materials for the mill PUBLICATIONS Articles Daniel M Ferguson, James E Cawthorne Jr., and Ruth A Streveler, “Designing a Principles of Entrepreneurship Course.” The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, Volume 5, Number 1, p 55-73, June 2014 Daniel M Ferguson, James E Cawthorne Jr., Benjamin Ahn and Matt Ohland, “Engineering Innovativeness.” The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, Volume 4, Number 1, p 1-16, June 2014 Hyun-Kook Lee, Margaret K Joyce, Paul D Fleming, and James E Cawthorne, “Influence of Silica and Alumina Oxide on Coating Structure and Print Quality of Ink Jet Papers”, TAPPI Journal, 2005 200 James E Cawthorne, Margaret Joyce and Paul D Fleming, "Use of a Chemically Modified Clay as a Replacement for Silica in Matte Coated Ink Jet Papers", Journal of Coating Technology, 75, No 937, p 75-81, Feb 2003 Professional Academic Papers (refereed) Daniel Michael Ferguson, Wendy C Newstetter, Eden Fisher, Paula Gangopadhyay, James Edwin Cawthorne Jr., Sridhar S Condoor, Edward J Coyle, Donald Wroblewski, and Cornelia Huellstrunk “The Framework on Innovative Engineering”, 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, IN Daniel M Ferguson, James E Cawthorne Jr., and Dr Ruth Streveler, “Designing an Introductory Entrepreneurial Thinking Course”, 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23-26, 2013, Atlanta, GA Daniel M Ferguson, James E Cawthorne Jr., Corey T Schimpf, and Monica E Cardella “Learning Strategies and Learning Traits Critical to Practicing Engineers after College”, 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 23-26, 2013, Atlanta, GA Daniel M Ferguson, James E Cawthorne Jr, Benjamin Ahn, and Matthew W Ohland “Engineering Innovativeness” 2012 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 1013, 2012, San Antonio, TX Michele L Strutz, James E Cawthorne Jr., Daniel M Ferguson, Mark T Carnes, and Matthew W Ohland “Returning Students in Engineering Education: Making a Case for ‘Experience Capital’” 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 26-29, 2011, Vancouver, B.C., Canada James E Cawthorne Jr and Monica Cox, "Assessment of the VANTH Engineering Research Center on Graduate Students”, 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, TX James Cawthorne, Monica Cox, Melissa Stacer, Thomas Harris, Alene Harris, “Assessment of Effects of the VaNTH Engineering Research Center Experience on Faculty,” Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering Society 2008 Annual Fall Meeting, October 1-4, 2008, St Louis, MO Paul D Fleming, James E Cawthorne, Falun Mehta, Saurabh Halladale and Margaret K Joyce, "Interpretation of Dot Area and Dot Shape of Ink Jet Dots Based on Image Analysis", Imaging Science and Technology Conference, San Diego, CA, Sept 28, 2002 201 James E Cawthorne, Margaret Joyce and Paul D Fleming, "Use of a ChemicallyModified Clay as a Replacement for Silica in Matte Coated Ink Jet Papers", 2001 International Coating Technology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-7, 2002 Publications for University Activities James E Cawthorne Jr., and Audeen Fenitman, eds., Professional Development through Mentoring for Engineering Graduate Students, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN: 2010 James E Cawthorne Jr., and Audeen Fenitman, eds., Career Mentoring Tips for Faculty Guiding Engineering Graduate Students, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN: 2010 James E Cawthorne, Jr., contributing author to Research Ethics: Fifteen Cases and Commentaries Vol Ed Brian Schrag, Prepared under NSF Grant No SBR 9421897, Bloomington, IN, 2001 James E Cawthorne Jr., and Peter Parker, eds, Paper Industry Process (Lab Manual for PAPR 100), Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI: 1997 PRESENTATIONS James E Cawthorne Jr “Learning Strategies and Learning Traits Critical to Practicing Engineers after College”, 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 23-26, 2013, Atlanta, GA James E Cawthorne Jr “Managing Teaching Assistant Responsibilities, Managing Learning Environments, and Academic Integrity” Invited Speaker, Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University, September 2010 James E Cawthorne Jr “Managing Teaching Assistant Responsibilities, Managing Learning Environments, and Academic Integrity” Invited Speaker, Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University, September 2009 James E Cawthorne Jr “Assessment of the VANTH Engineering Research Center on Graduate Students”, 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, TX James E Cawthorne Jr and Noemi Mendoza, “Venues for Publishing Engineering Education Research”, School of Engineering Education Seminar Series, November 6, 2008, West Lafayette, IN 202 James Cawthorne, “Assessment of Effects of the VaNTH Engineering Research Center Experience on Faculty,” Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering Society 2008 Annual Fall Meeting, October 1-4, 2008, St Louis, MO James E Cawthorne Jr., “University-wide Graduate Assistant/Doctoral Associateship Training Program – Research Assistants” Invited Speaker, The Graduate College, Western Michigan University, September, 2003 James E Cawthorne Jr., “Understanding Print Analysis”, Invited Speaker, TAPPI Printing and Graphics Arts Short Course, March 3-5, 2003, Kalamazoo, MI James E Cawthorne Jr., “University-wide Graduate Assistant/Doctoral Associateship Training Program – Teaching Assistants” Invited Speaker, The Graduate College, Western Michigan University, September, 2002 James E Cawthorne Jr., “My Innovative Ideas for Teaching Introduction to Paper”, Invited Speaker, Graduate Research and Creative Awards & Graduate Student Teaching Effectiveness Awards: A Recognition of Contributions, April 4, 2002, WMU, Kalamazoo, MI James E Cawthorne Jr., “Barrier Coatings: Current Issues Facing the Paper Packaging Industry”, Invited Speaker, The National Institute of Packaging Handling and Logistics Engineers Symposium, March 3-6, 2002, New Orleans, LA James E Cawthorne Jr., "Use of a Chemically-Modified Clay as a Replacement for Silica in Matte Coated Ink Jet Papers", 2001 International Coating Technology Conference, November 4-7, 2001, Atlanta, GA James E Cawthorne Jr., “University-wide Graduate Assistant/Doctoral Associateship Training Program – Teaching Assistants” Invited Speaker, The Graduate College, Western Michigan University, September, 2001 Margaret Joyce, Tom Joyce, and James E Cawthorne Jr., Invited Speaker, Papermaking and Coating Short Course for Alpena Paper Company, August 2001, Alpena, MI FUNDED ACTIVITIES Graduate Dean’s Office, College of Engineering, Purdue University 2008-2010 Graduate Student Association Start-Up Funding, $2,000 (year 1), renewable for up to additional years on a decreasing scale of 20% per year PI: James E Cawthorne Jr Title: “Funding Proposal for the Engineering Education Graduate Student Association (ENEGSA)” 203 Funding for two years from the College of Engineering to help establish graduate student organization the School of Engineering Education Grant supported (1) operational expenses, (2) start-up activities to begin generating own money, and (3) professional development activities – seminars and brown bag workshops Managed grant for years including writing of end of year summary report for previous year’s spending and next fiscal year’s additional request Additional requirement of PI was the writing of a constitution for the new organization Grant successful in stimulating the development of a graduate student association in the School of Engineering Education that persists today AWARDS Purdue University Outstanding Service Scholarship, College of Engineering 2009 UNIVERSITY SERVICE Purdue University University Councils and Committees School of Engineering Education Chair Search Committee School of Engineering Education Recruitment Committee Graduate Student Advisory Committee to the Graduate Dean of the College of Engineering Student Organizations Purdue Student Chapter of ASEE President Engineering Education Graduate Student Association (ENEGSA) Founder and First President 2009-2010 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-Present 2008-2009 2008-Present 2008-2009 Western Michigan University University Councils and Committees University Wide Graduate Assistant Training Co-administrator of Training University Graduate Awards and Fellowships Committee Research and Technology Council Graduate Curriculum Committee WMU Master Planning Sub-Committee for Engineering and Business Research Park Development Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Council Student Organizations 1999-2004 2003-2004 2001-2004 2002-2004 1998-1999 1999 1998-1999 204 Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) 1997-2005 Chair, Financial Allocations Committee 1998-2001, 2002-2003 CommUniverCity Committee 1998-2004 GSAC ad hoc Committee on Unionization Question 2002-2004 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Golden Key International Honour Society Phi Kappa Phi (Lifetime member) Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) ... of immersing in one’s own professional development or is a new term, such as continuing professional learning a more appropriate construct 13 2.2.1 Professional Development to Continuing Professional. .. realm of continuing professional learning for preparing assistant professors as faculty This study will address the research question of: What are the influencers on continuing professional learning... study attempts to alter this conversation by framing learning not as simply professional development (PD), but one of continuing professional learning (CPL) Professional development, in this study,

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 14:21

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