Florida Atlantic University Volume XII, No 13 Campus Calendar THEATRE MAY 11, 12, 16-19"The Good Woman of Setzuan." 8:30 p.m UT $4 adults, $2 children 13 "The Good Woman of Setzuan." 2:30 p.m UT $4 adults, $2 children MUSIC APRIL 18 Music at Noon 12:30 p.m HU 119 18 Senior Recital Bryna Silnutzer, piano 8:30 p.m UT 22 Florida Atlantic Music Guild Piano Competition Finals 2:30 p.m UT $1 25 Music at Noon 12:30 p.m HU 119 28 Son Seals Blues Band p.m Outdoor Stage UC $1 ( MAY 2, 9, 16 Music at Noon 12:30 p.m HU 119 20 FAU Jazz Band p.m UT $2 Children's Symphony concert Noon UT Invitation only 23 Music at Noon 12:30 p.m HU 119 23 FAU Community Band 8:30 p.m UT 25 FAU Community Symphony 8:30 p.m UT $2 27 FAU Community Chorus."The Sorcerer." p.m UT $2 30 Music at Noon 12:30 p.m HU 119 31 Senior Recital 8:30p.m UT FILM APRIL 20 Double Feature "Dr Strangelove" and "Lolita." 7:30 p.m GCR $1.50 27 "Between Time and Timbuktu." 11 p.m Outdoor Stage, UC $1.50 MAY "And Now for Something Completely Different." 8:30 p.m GCR $1.50 "The Night Porter." 11 p.m GCR $1.50 11 Double Feature "Myra Breckenridge" and "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls." 7:30p.m GCR $1.50 18 "Straw Dogs." 8:30 p.m GCR $1.50 18 "Cars That Eat People." 11 p.m GCR $1.50 25 "Three Women." 8:30 p.m GCR $1.50 SPECIAL EVENTS \PRIL 18 FAU Women's Club Meeting 10 a.m Board of Regents Room 18 Lecture "Modern Japanese Prints." Dr Daphne Rosenzweig 1:45 p.m HU 119 19 Bake Sale 10 a.m to p.m Breezeway (continued) Division of University Relations April 15, 1979 FAU AWARDS 306 DEGREES At the close of the winter quarter, March 16, FAU awarded 306 degrees bringing the number of FAU alumni to 24,478 Of the degrees conferred, 100 were in the College of Education, 78 in the College of Business and Public Administration, 53 in the College of Social Science, 34 in the College of Humanities, 29 in the College of Science, and 12 in the College of Engineering Bachelor's degrees were awarded to 237 students, 58 received the master's, eight education specialist and the doctor of education was awarded to Robert H Brown of Fort Lauderdale, Albert R Martin of Greenville, S.C., and Kathleen Ryan of Cape Coral DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT NAMED Roger Ahrens has been named to the post of director of development and alumni affairs and executive director of the FAU Foundation, effective April 16 Ahrens was director of endowments at Towson State University in Baltimore before accepting the FAU appointment SCHAUB, RICK MILLER TO HEAD FAU FOUNDATION Berkley V Schaub, a retired executive who has served as vice president of the Florida Atlantic University Foundation for the past year, moved up to the presidency and Richard W Miller, executive vice president of the Arvida Corp., was elected vice president at the annual meeting of the Foundation held April Mrs David Ashe, a past president of the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce and vice president of Causeway Lumber, was elected secretary and Julian Northcraft, vice president and trust officer of First Bank and Trust Co., was named treasurer FAU POSTPONES NURSING PROGRAM The bachelor of science in nursing program, planned to begin in September 1979, has been postponed until January 1980, according to Dr Robert Huckshorn, dean of the College of Social Science "It has been impossible to obtain adequate state funding and we would rather postpone the start of the program than attempt to lauch it without the necessary resources to assure a high quality," Dr Huckshorn said He feels confident that the program can begin in January and that it will meet the accreditation standards of the professional groups FACULTY MEMBERS MEET TO VOTE ON BOR-UFF AGREEMENT Approximately 100 United Faculty members and professional employees attended a ratification meeting on April 10 to vote on a tentative agreement reached in their behalf by bargaining teams from the Board of Regents and the United Faculty of Florida The contract provides a new salary schedule calling for a 5.2 percent increase and a request for a percent across-the-board general increase UFF President Dr Kenneth Megill and members of the bargaining unit explained the major provisions of the contract and answered questions on the agreement which now requires the support of the Legislature The result of the vote was 101 for and 31 against At press time 15 absentee ballots were still out SCIENCE FICTION CONFERENCE TO BE HELD HERE The Fourth Annual Conference on Teaching Science Fiction will be held on campus beginning Friday evening, April 27, through Sunday, April 29 Award winning author Frederik Pohl will preside at a workshop and will be the featured speaker at a banquet on Saturday night, April 28 Other participants include George H Scithers, editor of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine and Marshall B Tymn, author of The Research Guide to Science Fiction The conference will feature a number of workshops, science fiction films, displays and a book mart where publications will be available at discount prices The conference is sponsored by the Division of Continuing Education and the College of Humanities' Thomas Burnett Swann Fund The registration fee of $50 in advance or $55 at the door includes meals Registration may be made through the Continuing Education Office, ADM 373, ext 2391 Please Note: The banquet to be held from 7:30 to 10 p.m Saturday, April 28, in the Gold Coast Room is open to the public The cost for those not attending the conference is $15 per person and reservations may be made through the Continuing Education office Faculty and Staff in the Nevvs ROY SOLL will speak at a seminar on "The Ethical Responsibilities of the CPA in Tax Practice" to be held in Miami Beach April 26 in conjunction with the 1979 American Accounting Association Southeastern Regional Conference He also contributed an article published in tne Fort Lauderdale News in a series on taxes The National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., has invited DR TSUNG-1 DOW to be a program reviewer DR VONCILE MALLORY recently spoke to a number of groups on "Fun After Fifty," including the American Association of Retired Persons on March 13, Century Village on March 15, and the Women's American ORT on March 28 On March 22 and 23 she attend ded a Grant Writing Seminar held in Atlanta During the spring quarter, DR DON E MAR I ETTA will be on sabbatical in London to study the British Humanists involvement in the environmental movement JANICE E DONAHUE attended a conference on Anglo-American Cataloging Rules held at Florida State University March to 14 RANDOLPH S COYNER has been elected president and has been named to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Accountants, Fort Lauderdale chapter Also named to the organization's Board of Directors were HENRY COLLIER and S AURORA MARCUS DAVID WEGMAN has been named to the Palm Beach chapter of the Association 1979 BOARD OF REGENTS COMMITTEES NAMED Board of Regents Chairman James Ga rdener has made the fo ll owing Board Committee assignments for 1979: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-James Gardener, chairman; Jack McGriff, vic{ chairman; Marshall Criser FACILITIES COMMITTE-Jack McGriff, chmn., DuBose Ausley, Murray Du bbi n FINANCE COMMITTEE-DuBose Ausley, chmn., J.J Daniel (member to be named) PERSONNEL COMMITTEE-Murray Dubbin, chmn , Wm Maloy, Terre ll Sessums PLANNING AND PROGRAM COMMITTEE-Betty Anne Staton , chairman, Julie Jett, William Maloy, Jack McGriff, Terrell Sessums COLLECTIVE BARGAINING COMMITTEE-Marshall Criser, chairman, Murray Dubbin, James Gardener, John Lott Brown, Walter Smith, E.T Y ork LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE-Marshall Criser, chairman, Murray Dubbin, Will iam Maloy, Bernard Sliger, James Robinson, E.T York FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR 1980-81 Scholars interested in applying for Fulbright grants for graduate study or research abroad during the 1980-81 academic year should contact Dr Charles Titt le, Fulbright advisor The grants are provided under the terms of the Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 and by foreign governments, universities and private donors in order to further understanding among people Se lection is based on the academic and/or professional record of the applicant, the validity and feasibility of the proposed study plan, the applicant's language preparation and personal qualifications Further information on the program may be obtained by phoning Dr Tittle at ext 2331 EXOTIC VERTEBRATES CONFERENCE MEETS HERE Dr Walter R Courtenay , Jr., will be the local host for a conference on Exotic and other Non-Native Vertebrates in Florida to be held on the FAU campus April 19 and 20 Sponsors of the conference are the Florida Audubon Society and t he Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Sessions on April 19 will be concerned with introduced fishes, amphibians and reptiles, and the role of the state and federal governments in dealing with introduced species Introduced birds and mammals will be the topics on April 20 Approximately 150 persons representing state and federal agencies and the pet industry are expected to attend STUDENT ART SHOW SCHEDULED ( All full -time FAU students and part-time students who have had at least two art courses are eligible to submit artwork to be considered for inclusion in the all-media Student Art Show to be on display in the Library Art Gallery May through June Application forms may be obtained at the art department office and entries will be judged by the art faculty An opening reception will be held in the Art Gal lery beginning at 7:30p.m Monday, May The public is invited to attend PIANO COMPETITION TO BE HELD APRIL 22 DR BILL PRINCE and CLARK BELL presented a Children's Jazz Concert for fourth, fifth and sixth grade students at Palm View Elementary School in West Palm Beach on April The program, presented for National Music in Our Schools Week , featured the FAU· Jazz Ensemble playing music developed by both men On April 8, DR CARL W KNOX received the 1979 Fred Turner Award for outstanding service from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators at the group's annual conference held in Washington, D.C ROBERT WATSON received a merit award and a purchase award at the Las Olas Art Festival held recently in Fort Lauderdale He also was awarded "Best in Show" at the Graphics '79 Show at the Boca Raton Center for the Arts The exhibit continues through May NANCY BACHER spoke on "The Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students" at the Apri! meeting of the Palm Beach chapter of the Florida Association of the Gifted held at the A.D Henderson School on April The Florida Atlantic Music Guild's piano competition finals, to be held Su nday, April 22, at 2:30 p.m , are open to the public Finalists will have been selected in a preliminary closed competition the previous day Brian Priestman, conductor of the Florida Philharmonic, will be a judge for this annual event, along with Dr Wilfred C Bain, retired dean of the music school at Indiana University, and Patricia Selover Hanson, concert pianist from Rochester, N.Y., who is currently on the faculty of the State University of New York at Binghamton This year's piano competit ion winners will receive prizes totaling $1750 including a first prize of $1,000 A $1 donation will be accepted at the door COMMON COURSE, FOUR-YEAR ISSUE ON SENATE AGENDA At the monthly meeting held April the University Senate acted on the recommendations of the specia l committee on Common Course Numbering by passing a resolution requesting that the Florida Legislature unde rtake a cost benefit analysis of the statewide CCN system and by referring the committee's specific suggestions regarding the listing of courses in FAU literature to the Curriculum Committee for futher study In other action, the Senate voted to establish a committee to explore the possibilities of converting FAU to a four-year institution Additional matters before the Senate included a report from Dr Willy Feuer lein on the formation of the SUS Faculty Advisory Forum and an annua l report of actio ns taken by the Graduate Council FACULTY TO ELECT SENATORS AT LARGE Nominations for faculty representatives to the University Senate wi ll be accepted from May to 10 in the Office of Academic Affairs, ADM 325 Facu lty members may nominate themselves or another person who must co ncur with that nomination Ballots listing those nominated w ill be distributed and faculty members will be able to vote for five senators during the election scheduled for May 15 to 25 ( FAU TAKES A LOOK AT "JAPAN TODAY" ( In conjunction with the nationwide series of events honoring "Japan Today," lectures on Japanese medicine, art, politics and architecture have been scheduled for Wednesdays at 1:45 p.m in HU 119 Dr Kyuuya Kogure from Jackson Memorial Hospital spoke April 11 on "Japan's Traditional Medicine: East Versus West." On April 18, Dr Daphne L Rosenzweig, a professor at the University of South Florida, will discuss Modern Japanese Prints On April 25, "Japan Today : A Political Analysis," will be presented by Dr Charles Chai, professor at Florida International University Dr Paul Buisson, a professor at the University of Miami, will speak on "Japanese Architecture : Its Messages" at the last lecture in the series on May The series is sponsored by FAU's College of Humanities and the Morikami Museum which is coordinating the South Florida Section of "Japan Today." FAU STUDENT NAMED MANAGEMENT FINALIST Richard Martin, a Jessie Smith Noyes Fellowship student in the Joint Center's Master of Public Administration program, has won a place in the Presidential Management Internship Program instituted by President Carter in 1978 Martin will begin a two-year internship in a fecjeral agency in Washington, D C next August STUDENT HONORED BY PHI BETA LAMBDA ArnoldS Garfinkel, a junior in the College of Business and Public Administration, was presented the Rob Kelleher Memorial Award by Phi Beta Lambda at the fraternity's annual State Leadership Conference held in Orlando March 31 He was also elected president of the state organization Other FAU students receiving awards at the conference include Nancy Rethorn and Joseph Turek FAU GRAD HEADS AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Sister Irene Kraus, a member of the Daughters of Charity and a 1975 graduate of FAU's Executive MBA Program, is the first woman to head the 7,000-member American Hospital Association She received a B.S degree in nursing at Catholic University in 1952 and currently is administrator of Providence Hospital in Washington D.C DR GLENWOOD L CREECH participated in Federal Regulations Sessions of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities held last month in Washington, D.C Dr Creech also appeared on the Ginny Stephens talk show on WDBF Radio, Delray Beach, on March 27 He spoke on the responsibility of a university president to protect the integ rity of the institution and on the president's role in attracting funding CYNTHIA CAHN had a poem entitled "Redefining Kiss" published in the April issue of Florida Arts Gazette An article by DR EDWARD L DEJNOZKA, "Ten Ways to Tap the Brain Power in Local Colleges," appeared in the February 1979 issue of American School Board Journal DR RICHARD F MAEDER, DR E FRANK SHRADER, DR CARL W KNOX and DAN COONS represented the Department of Counselor Education at the Counselor Educator Renewal Institute held March 18 to 23 in Crystal River, Fla Dr Maeder was co-director of the Institute Dr Maeder and Dan Coons also participated in the· American Personnel and Guidance Association's annual convention held in Las Vegas March 30 to April FAU CIRCLE K WINS STATE AWARDS ( FAU's Circle K won the Outstanding Club of the Year award at the organization's annual Florida District Convention held in Orlando March 30 to April The group also won second place in four categories and first place in two others Circle K meets Tuesdays at p.m., in room 213 of the University Center PROGRAM BOARD TO HOLD CASINO NIGHT The Program Board invites all members of the University Community to Casino Night Thursday, May , beginning at p.m in the University Center Gold Coast Room Dr Bill Prince and his students will provide music for dancing and Tom Parks, MC for the evening, will add the comedy Games of chance will be run by faculty and staff members and beer will be available The evening is free and all members of the faculty , staff, student body and their families are welcome RALPH NADER TO LECTURE AT UNIVERSITY THEATRE Ralph Nader, one of America's most vocal social critics , will present a public lecture on "Corporate Power in America-the Workings of the Economic Governments" at the University Theatre Thursday, April 19, at 8:30 p.m Admission is $2 and tickets will be available at the FAU Box Office beginning April 16 LEGAL RESEARCH WORKSHOP TO BE HELD MAY 11 A day-long Legal Research Workshop designed to acquaint the layman with public law libraries and sources for legal information will be held Friday, May 11, from :30a.m to :30p.m in FLH 141 The workshop will cover primary sources of state and federal law, treatises, periodical and reference data, government documents, legislative information and basic tools of access Participating experts include Maureen Gilluly, an attorney with the State Attorney's Office and Richard Hutchins, a librarian at the University of Miami Law Library; Connie Pine, associate director of the Nova University Law Center Library and Bob Wallace, librarian of the Dade County Law Library A $2 fee for materials will be accepted at the door Further information may be obtained from Sandra Knott, coordinator, at ext 2432 EXPERT ON AGING TO SPEAK Phillip H Gordon, the author of No More Dying: The Conquest of Aging will ( speak on the genetics of aging at p.m Friday, April 20, in F LH 141 The lecture is sponsored by the Florida Atlantic Club, the University's Sigma Xi chapter The lublic is invited to attend free of charge DR KENNETH ROBINSON spoke on "Alcoholism" at the Boca Raton Kiwanis Sunrise meeting April An edition in Spanish of A Systems Model Approach to Accountability-Teaching Competencies and Assessment Criteria, a textbook by CHRISTINA W NEEDHAM and BETTY C MORRIS has been published by EDICIONES CEAC, Barcelona, Spain Also, Ms Needham was a participant on "The Teacher's World in Higher Education," a panel at the Phi Delta Kappa educational symposia held at the University of Miami on March 24 DR PATSY CEROS-LIVINGSTON has spoken recently in Broward County on "How Voting Relates to Priorities and Philbsophy ," and on "Equal Access : Laws, Rules and Regulations." She also served on a panel entitled "An Eclectic Approach to Understanding Psychological Disciplines." She has been named to the Board of Trustees of the Broward County Zoological Society DR JAYS MENDELL's article, "Process is More Important than Product," appeared in Corporate Planning: Techniques and Applications published by Amacom in 1979 DR STANTON MORRIS recently conducted two inservice training sessions on parenting and discipline for the Optimum Growth Project of the South County Mental Health Center CHICAGO BLUES BAND COMES TO FAU Son Seals and his Blues Band, a group well known in the Chicago area, will perform on the Outdoor Stage Saturday , April 28, at p.m The concert is sponsored by the Student Activities Office Admission is $1 and the public is invited to attend Tickets will be available at the UC Information Desk beginning April 23 ROGER H MILLER spoke at the March 20 meeting of the DAR Pompano Beach, Fontenada Chapter, on the topic of "Lincoln on His Way to the White House " BLACK STUDENT UNION HOSTS VARIOUS ACTIVITIES RETRACTION- CORRECTION The third annual "Fun Day" for youngsters from the Pearl City area will be held at Hughes Park in Boca Raton Saturday, April 21, from 10 a.m to p.m The park is located between Dixie and Federal Highway at NE 10 St Among the varied activities will be a basketball tournament with games at 10 a.m., 11 :30 a.m and 2:30 p.m The annual Mr BSU contest will be held Sunday, April 22, beginning at p.m in the University Center Gold Coast Room A disco dance will follow the contest The public is invited and admission is $2 BSU has also scheduled two trips to Freeport during the quarter break in June Additional information on prices and accommodations may be obtained from Bill McCray at ext 2211 or James Watson at ext 2736 Dr Patsy Ceros-Livingston and Ms Barbara Grasso have requested that we correct an error in the March edition of UPDATE in which they were listed as co-chairmen of a workshop They advise that they were not co-chairmen, but were, rather, co-chairs We regret the error PHI SIGMA TAU MEETS Phi Sigma Tau will meet Tuesday, May 1, at p.m in HU 34 Professor James Henley of Florida lnternation University will speak on "Equality : Political, Legal, Social and Economic." LEADERSHIP AWARD NOMINATIONS BEING ACCEPTED Nominations ·for candidates for the Kenneth R Williams Leadership Award to be presented at commencement exercises in June will be accepted until May at the office of the dean for student affairs, room 231 of the Student Services Building The award of $1000 dollars is based on demonstrated leadership ability and is made without regard to financial need to a member of the graduating classes Nomination forms are available in each College dean's office, the University Center director's office, the office of student affairs and at the main reserve desk of the Library SABBATICALS GRANTED TO 14 Sabbaticals have been awarded to 14 faculty members in recognition of the merit of proposals each has submitted for professional development and of their years of service to the University All but one are for three quarters and carry half pay Projects range from research to complete books to the study of jewelry making Those granted sabbaticals include Dr William F Marina and Dr William T Ryan in the College of Business and Public Administration; Dr William P Dorne, Sr., in the· College of Education; Dr Daniel F Austin, Dr Julio R Bastida, Dr Theodore T Bieber, Dr Denis O'Donovan, Dr Franklin E Schroeck, Jr., in the College of Science; Dr Boyd Breslow, Dr Mary E Faraci, Dr William Lattimer, Dr Samuel A Portnoy, Dr Robert Schwarz and Dr Thurman W Stanback in the College of Humanities "THE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN" IS SPRING QUARTER PLAY The Theatre Department has scheduled performances of "The Good Woman of Setzuan" by Bertolt Brecht for May 11, 12, 16-19 at 8:30 p.m and May 13 at 2:30 p.m, in the University Theatre The production replaces "Androcles and the Lion" which was originally scheduled to be presented during the spring quarter Tickets for all performances are $4 for adults and $2 for children Reservations may be made through the Box Office at ext 2531 FAU WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS The FAU Women's Club has scheduled a meeting and a bake sale and has announced its slate of officers nominated for 1979-80 The Women's Club monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, April 18, at 10 a.m in the Board of Regents Room Mrs Gladys Wilde, director of dietetics at Bethesda Hospital, will speak Refreshments will include some new nutritious party foods The Bake Sale will be held Thursday, April 19, from 10 a.m to p.m in the Breezeway area of the Cafeteria Building Baked goods for the sale should be brought directly to the Breezeway area by 9:30a.m Chairman of the sale is Nancy Woodling who may be reached at 272-0244 in Delray Beach Proceeds of the sale will benefit the Student Emergency Loan Fund Officers nominated to serve for 1979-80 include Dale Ronald, president; Adelaide Snyder, vice president; Walda lscan, treasurer; June Lawson, recording secretary and Betty Adams, eorresponding secretary Members of the nominating committee included Mickey Dorne, chairman, Jane Hoffman, Carole Tennant, Jane Miklos and Helen Hartt PIANISTS CAN LEARN TO PLAY HARPSICHORD A ten-week three-credit course in harpsichord technique designed for keyboard players will be offered Fridays at 9:30 a.m beginning April 20 The class, taught by Jeanne Rizzo Conner, will use the University's Hubbard harpsichord Further information may be obtained from the Division of Continuing Education, ext 2391 AV SERVICES REDUCED For budgetary reason, the following reductions in audio visual services will be in effect for the remainder of this year: SPRING QUARTER Audio Visual Independent Study Center hours Monday- Thursday a.m.- p.m Fridays a.m.- p.m Saturdays Closed Sundays p.m -11 p.m SUMMER QUARTER Audio Visual Independent Study Center hours Monday - Friday a.m.- p.m Saturday and Sunday Closed AV Delivery Services There will be NO classroom delivery service, day or night, until after July F acuity pi ann ing to use A V hardware after p.m will be required to pick it up before p.m at GCS 108 There will be no "Core" operation in GCS after 4:30 p.m SPECIAL EVENTS (continued) 19 Lecture American Geographical Society Research Collection William C Roselle p.m GCS 117 19 Lecture Ralph Nader 8:30p.m UT.$2 19-20 Exotic Vertebrates Conference On campus 20 Lecture "The Genetics of Aging." Phillip H Gordon p.m FLH 141 21 Black Student Union Fun Day 10 a.m to p.m Hughes Park 22 Black Student Union Mr BSU contest and Disco p.m GCR $2 25 Lecture "A Political Analysis." Dr Charles Chai 1:45 p.m HU 119 26-30 Exhibit: "Science Fiction." Wimberly Library first floor 27-29 Teaching Science Fiction Cont UC 28 Banquet in honor of Frederik Pohl 7:30p.m GCR $15 MAY 1-31 Exhibit: "Library Collection: A Progress Report." Wimberly Library first floor Humanities Career Information Day 10 a.m to p.m Green Room, UT Lecture "Japanese Architecture: Its Messages." Dr Paul Buisson 1:45 p.m HU119 Casino Night p.m UC University Senate 2:30 p.m F LH 141 Art Show Opening Student work 7:30p.m Library Art Gallery Show runs through June 11 Legal Research Workshop 8:30 a.m to 4:30p.m FLH 141.$2 16 Lecture Geraldo Rivera p.m GCR $2 28 Memorial Day Offices closed No classes c BLACK STUDENT UNION HOSTS VARIOUS ACTIVITIES RETRACTION- CORRECTION The third annual "Fun Day" for youngsters from the Pearl City area will be held at Hughes Park in Boca Raton Saturday, April 21, from 10 a.m to p.m The park is located between Dixie and Federal Highway at NE 10 St Among the varied activities will be a basketball tournament with games at 10 a.m., 11 :30 a.m and 2:30 p.m The annual Mr BSU contest will be held Sunday, April 22, beginning at p.m in the University Center Gold Coast Room A disco dance will follow the contest The public is invited and admission is $2 BSU has also scheduled two trips to Freeport during the quarter break in June Additional -information on prices and accommodations may be obtained from Bill McCray at ext 2211 or James Watson at ext 2736 Dr Patsy Ceres-Livingston and Ms Barbara Grasso have requested that we correct an error in the March edition of UPDATE in which they were listed as co-chairmen of a workshop They advise that they were not co-chairmen, but were, rather, co-chairs We regret the error PHI SIGMA TAU MEETS Phi Sigma Tau will meet Tuesday, May 1, at p.m in HU 34 Professor James Henley of Florida lnternation University will speak on "Equality: Political, Legal, Social and Economic." LEADERSHIP AWARD NOMINATIONS BEING ACCEPTED Nominations -for candidates for the Kenneth R Williams Leadership Award to be presented at commencement exercises in June will be accepted until May at the office of the dean for student affairs, room 231 of the Student Services Building The award of $1000 dollars is based on demonstrated leadership ability and is made without regard to financial need to a member of the graduating classes Nomination forms are available in each College dean's office, the University Center director's office, the office of student affairs and at the main reserve desk of the Library SABBATICALS GRANTED TO 14 Sabbaticals have been awarded to 14 faculty members in recognition of the merit of proposals each has submitted for professional development afld of their years of service to the University All but one are for three quarters and carry half pay Projects range from research to complete books to the study of jewelry making Those granted sabbaticals include Dr William F Marina and Dr William T Ryan in the College of Business and Public Administration; Dr William P Dorne, Sr., in the-College of Education; Dr Daniel F Austin, Dr Julio R Bastida, Dr Theodore T Bieber, Dr Denis O'Donovan, Dr Franklin E Schroeck, Jr., in the College of Science; Dr Boyd Breslow, Dr Mary E Faraci, Dr William Lattimer, Dr Samuel A Portnoy, Dr Robert Schwarz and Dr Thurman W Stanback in the College of Humanities "THE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN" IS SPRING QUARTER PLAY The Theatre Department has scheduled performances of "The Good Woman of Setzuan" by Bertolt Brecht for May 11, 12, 16-19 at 8:30p.m and May 13 at 2:30 p.m, in the University Theatre The production replaces "Androcles and the Lion" which was originally scheduled to be presented during the spring quarter Tickets for all performances are $4 for adults and $2 for children Reservations may be made through the Box Office at ext 2531 FAU WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS The FAU Women's Club has scheduled a meeting and a bake sale and has announced its slate of officers nominated for 1979-80 The Women's Club monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, April 18, at 10 a.m in the Board of Regents Room Mrs Gladys Wilde, director of dietetics at Bethesda Hospital, will speak Refreshments will include some new nutritious party foods The Bake Sale will be held Thursday, April 19, from 10 a.m to p.m in the Breezeway area of the Cafeteria Building Baked goods for the sale should be brought directly to the Breezeway area by 9:30a.m Chairman of the sale is Nancy Woodling who may be reached at 272-0244 in Delray Beach Proceeds of the sale will benefit the Student Emergency Loan Fund Officers nominated to serve for 1979-80 include Dale Ronald, president; Adelaide Snyder, vice president; Walda !scan, treasurer; June Lawson, recording secretary and Betty Adams, eorresponding secretary Members of the nominating committee included Mickey Dorne, chairman, Jane Hoffman, Carole Tennant, Jane Miklos and Helen Hartt PIANISTS CAN LEARN TO PLAY HARPSICHORD A ten-week three-credit course in harpsichord technique designed for keyboard players -will be offered Fridays at 9:30 a m beginning April 20 The class, taught by Jeanne Rizzo Conner, will use the University's Hubbard harpsichord Further informntion may be obtained from the Division of Continuing Education, ext 2391 AV SERVICES REDUCED For budgetary reason, the following reductions in audio visual services will be in effect for the remainder of this year: SPRING QUARTER Audio Visual Independent Study Center hours Monday - Thursday a.m.- p.m Fridays a.m.- p.m Saturdays Closed Sundays p.m.-11 p.m SUMMER QUARTER Audio Visual Independent Study Center hours Monday - Friday a.m.- p.m Saturday and Sunday Closed AV Delivery Services There will be NO classroom delivery service, day or night, until after July Faculty planning to use AV hardware after p.m will be required to pick it up before p m at GCS 108 There will be no "Core" operation in GCS after 4:30 p.m SPECIAL EVENTS (continued) 19 Lecture American Geographical Society Research Collection William C Roselle p.m GCS 117 19 Lecture Ralph Nader 8:30 p.m UT.$2 19-20 Exotic Vertebrates Conference On campus 20 Lecture "The Genetics of Aging." Phillip H Gordon p.m FLH 141 21 Black Student Union Fun Day 10 a.m to p.m Hughes Park 22 Black Student Union Mr BSU contest and Disco p.m GCR $2 25 Lecture "A Political Analysis." Dr Charles Chai 1:45 p.m HU 119 26-30 Exhibit: "Science Fiction." Wimberly Library first floor 27-29 Teaching Science Fiction Conf UC 28 Banquet in honor of Frederik Pohl 7:30p.m GCR $15 MAY 1-31 Exhibit: "Library Collection: A Progress Report." Wimberly Library first floor Humanities Career Information Day 10 a.m to p.m Green Room, UT Lecture "Japanese Architecture: Its Messages." Dr Paul Buisson 1:45 p.m HU 119 Casino Night p.m UC University Senate 2:30 p.m FLH 141 Art Show Opening Student work 7:30 p.m Library Art Gallery Show runs through June 11 Legal Research Workshop 8:30 a.m to 4:30p.m FLH 141.$2 16 Lecture Geraldo Rivera p.m GCR $2 28 Memorial Day Offices closed No classes ISAAC STERN PLAYS AT FAU Isaac Stern, critically acclaimed as one of the all -time great violinists, played at the Florida Atlantic University Theatre on March 26 The concert was presented by the FAU Foundation in recognition of those who are substantial donors to the University Cost of the concert was underwritten by a small group, each of whom contributed $1,000 They are the Arvida Corporation, Boca Raton Federal Savings and Loan Association, Mrs Peter DiMaggio, Mr and Mrs George T Elmore, Mrs Charles G Foster, Mr and Mrs Frank Gorell, Mr and Mrs M Brenn Green, Mrs Gordon B Hanlon, Mr and Mrs David J Kend, Mrs Raymond C O' Dell, Mr and Mrs Rolland A Ritter, Mr and Mrs Berkley V Schaub, Mrs E Vincent Schneier, and Mr and Mrs Walker A Williams UPDATE April 15, 1979 V o lume XII, No 13 Published by Division of University Relations Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (305) 395-5100, ext 2466 KUDOS (Gifts of $100 or more) The University community extends its deep appreciation to the many individuals whose generosity provides funds for special projects which would otherwise be impossible to maintain Recent gifts have come from LEE H SHAPIRO, $100 for the Philosophy Department; DR DANIEL F AUSTIN, $528 for the Botanical Survey Fund; BENJAMIN WEINBERG of Miami Beach, 100 shares of Millipore Corp stock for Dr Theodore Bieber's research; ROBERT DIAMOND audio equipment; and DON FENTON, $150 for the Alumni Athletic Fund ALLEN P HELLMAN, Miami, gave $100 to the Emergency Student Loan Fund; MRS RAYMOND C O'DELL gave $330 for unrestricted use and the Volunteer League and MRS JOHN W TACNER gave $500 unrestricted The College of Engineering was designated by the Avionics Division of Honeywell for its $500 gift and the BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA gave $350 to the Miklos Scholarship Fund The BOCA RATON MUSIC STUDY CLUB gave $300 for the Music Department The Center for Economic Education has received $3,000 from the ALCOA FOUNDATION, and $5,000 from the SUSAN GREENWALL FOUNDATION, New York KADIMAH CHAPTER OF HADASSAH gave $400 to the Wimberly Library DR/ M WILLY FEUERLEIN gave $110, in part unrestriced and in part to the Pollier Fund and the Volunteer League MRS HARRY JAMISON has donated $1,000 as have M/M JAMES A BARRY, who are new members of the President's Club EDGAR G MINTON has given $250 to the College of Humanities;ROYAL PALM DINNER THEATRE, $720 to the Theatre Department; and the PLAYERS STATE THEATRE, $120, also for Theatre The Library has received $100 gifts from DR J C CALANDRA and ZONTA CLUB OF BOCA RATON Dr Ralph Adams' orchid research project has received $125 from the GOLD COAST UNLIMITED SOCIETY and $100 gifts have been made to the Pollier Scholarship Fund by J WAL TEA WYCOFF and the SUNRISE KIWANIS CLUB Pine Jog has received over $47,000 from seven donors Q) :0 "' !:! a.c m.c u c -~ "' Q) U) ;: E Q) u Coo ·- LO Eo> co0 t; u u c: "' ( UPDATE MAILING LIST TO GET UPDATE To comply with state regulations requiring mailing lists to be rebuilt every two years, University Relations will compile a new mailing list for UPDATE beginning June Present recipients of the newsletter must return the form below to remain on the mailing list Names of those who not respond will be automatically withdrawn from the list Mail to: UPDATE Division of University Relations Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton , Florida 33431 I wish to continue receiving UPDATE POSITION AVAILABLE Paste current mailing label here or complete NAME - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADDRESS - - - - - - - CITY - ZIPCODE The Division of Continuing Education is accepting applications for a program director for Continuing Education Health Professions The position involves develop,ment and coordination of non -credit and cred it con/ tinuing education programs in nursing ani\ health related areas The BSN and master's in related areas is required and the doctorate is preferred Applications must be received by June 15 by the Division of Continuing Education