Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences, Lubbock, Texas June 13 – 25, 2021 The West Texas Kodály Initiative Summer Certification Program* Levels 1, 2, 3, Refresher and Advanced Studies ** *Endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators **Graduate credit available through Texas Tech University Join our esteemed faculty of American and European Master Teachers this summer for an intensive two-week course, endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators Experience what is sure to be a rich start to your summer, both professionally and personally, with comprehensive classes in pedagogy, repertoire, musicianship, conducting and Kodály philosophy Refresh, renew and find inspiration at the beautiful new Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock, Texas! Special tracks are available for secondary choral and instrumental teachers Register today! Faculty Rick Bjella, Susan Brumfield, Kurt Cereske, Panni Kovacs, Kris Olson, Jill Trinka Registration and information - http://bit.ly/WTKodaly or contact Bobbie Sorensen at bobbie.sorensen@lubbockisd.org