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SMART y Z ^ '^ 'G r e e n B o o ì r ^ ^ \ £ lS S ií» 9\< ^ TOeịc SMART Green Book G R A M M A R NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP C ô n g ty T N H H THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Nhân Trí Việt TO E IC SMART Green Book Gramm ar Copyright © 2012 by Nexus Ltd Pubỉished in Vietnam, 2012 This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement betvveen Nexus Ltd and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd through KL Management All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or othervvise, vvithout the prior written permission of th e C o p y rig h t ow ner reface You have possibly know n th at TOEIC is short for T est o f English for I n te r ­ national C o m m u n ic a tio n ĩt is an English test taken by n o n -n ativ e speakers w h o w a n t to use English in their international workplace It also allows em ployers to m ake hiring decisions, prom otions, or tra nsíers d e p e n d in g on job seekers' qualiíications and English proficiency In Vietnam , TO EIC has recently been u sed as a tool to m easure stu d e n is ' level of com petence in English before graduation from university The th ree sets o f T O E IC SM A R T , which are presented in yellow, green, and red colors, have com e into existence to m eet the d em and o f beginning learners o f English They cover not only sim ple and detailed lessons in g m m a r b u t also sim ulated listening and reading tests Using T O E IC S M A R T series, you can easily enhance your English ability in a systematic and w ell-organized way At the sam e time, you can also familiarize yourselí vvith th e TO EIC Bridge test vvhich assesses English proficiency at elem entary level Prcsum ably, exam prcparation for an internationally recognized certificate is a vital period You will find it less stressíul if you have relevant and beneficial m aterials in hand T O E IC S M A R T serie s is, hcnce, the right choice for you Each set o f the serics consists o f rhree separate books, and each book has eight lessons w h ic h respectively providc you with certain n e c e s s a ry in p u t an d a variety o f e x e rciscs for practice YoLi vvill find ea sy -to -learn g r a m m a r le s s o n s as vvell as typical ío rm a ts and topics o f listening and reading tests, all o f which aim at im proving th e knovviedge o f gram m ar, the listening and reading com prehension skills used in an international environm cnt M ost signiíicantly, every book goes w ith an MP3 CD vvhich certainly hclps you im prove bo th your pronunciation and your listening ability You should make good use o f th e CDs to effectively achicvc these p u rp o se s after checking your w ork vvith the an sw e r key It is believed that you vvill find these three sets o f books truly practical and helpíul Hopefully, they may be your essential com panions at th e starting point on your path to your ow n expected goal and íorthcom ing vvorkplace success wAAW.nhantriviet.com Contents Lesson Nouns Lesson M o d a l V e rb s 19 Lesson3 A d ịe c tiv e s 29 Lesson C o m p ariso n 39 Lesson A dverbs 49 Lesson C o n ju n c tio n s 59 Lesson P rcp osition s 69 Lesson V e rb a ls 79 ic ACHIEVEMENT TEST -k Ansvver Key - TOEÍC SMART Green Book Grammar 89 100 w w w n h a n triv ie t.C ’rr ABO U T T H E T O E IC BRIDG E RKADING TE ST T he T O E IC B ridge R e a d in g te s t c o n s is ts o f 50 q u e s ti o n s p r e s e n t e d in th e t e s t book C an d id a te s will read a variety o f m aterials and ansvver q u e stio n s based on the item te n t The R eading test has tw o parts and takes 35 m inutes • Part IV: Incom plete Sentences Part IV o f th e T O E IC Bridge Reading test consists o f a n u m b e r o f gapped sentences T h e re are four w ords or phrase s (related to g ram m ar or vocabulaty) m arked (A), (B), (C), a nd (D) u n d e r each sentence C andidates have to choose the one vvord or p h rase that best c o m pletes the sentence They, then, m ark th e ansvver on their ansvver sheet • Part V: Reading Comprehension The q u e s tio n s in this part o f the test are based on reading m aterials, such as notices, letters, forms, a d v e rtise m e n ts, etc C andidates have to choose the o ne best answ er, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each q u e s tio n They, then, m ark the ansvver on their ansvver sheet A B O U T T H IS BO O K This book is d e sig n e d to provide beginning learners of English w ith som e basic g m m a r p o in ts vvhich are necessary for Part IV o f th e TOEIC Bridge Reading test T his book also c o n s is ts o f g r a m m a r exercises, g m m a r tests and sentence building so th at learners can practice som e c e rtain g m m a r po in ts they have just learned -¥ GRAMMAR POINT For each lesson, o n e or m ore g ram m ar point(s) i s / a r e p rese n ted in tw o pages You should c a r e íu ily s tu d y t h is t h e o r e tic a l s e c tio n a n d t h e n th e q u e s t i o n s in th e s e c t i o n s o f G r a m m a r E x e rcise an d G r a m m a r T e s t on th e follow ing pages You n e e d to pay close a ite n tio n to th e g r a m m a r p o in ts that are com m only tound in the T O EIC Bridge test Countable nouns Countable nouns ínclude: • Common nouns: book, girl, student • Collective nouns: íamily people, class team A countable noun has sỉngular and plurat forms a d o g /d o g s a tooth / teeth An indetinite article (a /a n ) must be put betore a singular countable noun a boy an appie A number m ay be put betore a countable noun tw o cats, three dolls A quantitier such as many, a few several, etc may be put betore a plural countable noun many books, a few íriends severai days W 'w w nhantrỉviet.com GRAMMAR GRAMMAR EXERCISE T here are 20 q u e stio n s in total, and they are arranged in order o f difficulty, th a t is, from the easier to th e m o re difficult ones T hese q u e stio n s give you a chance to apply w h a t you have ju st learned in th e previous section 1have two (A) dog (B) a dog (C) dogs (D) a dogs There are three on the table (A) vvater (B)books (C) paper (D) milk My little brother has a (A) tooth (B) tooths (C) teeth (D) teeths - TOEiC SMART Green Book Grammar www.nhantriviet.com -► GRAMMAR TEST This section p re s e n ts actual q u e stio n s you may frequently find in th e TO EIC Bridge test Careíully doing th ese ten q u e stio n s can íacilitate your íu tu re actual test 1go to school on , (A) feet (B) foot (C) foots (D) feets 2.1 want to buy a (A) apple (B)book (C) pens (D) water SENTENCE BUILDING This section is n a m e d Sentence Building as you are required to m ake com plete sentences from th e p r o m p ts given In th e actual TOEIC Bridge test, th e vvriting skill is n o t included T h is section is designed w ith the aim o f helping you consolidate th e sentence stru c tu re s you have studied a n d practiced in the preceding sections 1, three c h ild re n /b e /p la y in g /th e ground there / be / three wom en / my tam ily many sheep /b e /e aíin g grass /th e field www.nhantrivlet.com GRAMMAR ACHIEVEM ENT TEST You will find an A c h ie v e m e n t Test after learning eight les s o n s in th e book C o m p a re d \vith an ac tu a l T O E IC Bridge t e s t , all th e q u e s ti o n s in t h is A c h i e v e m e n t T e s t are s im ila r in ío rm a t, b u t th e n u m b e r o f q u e s tio n s is fewer It is advisable th a t you th e m vvithin 15 m in u te s to see h o w m u c h yo u have achieved after lea rn in g th e eight lesso n s in th e book • PART IV Directions: The questions in this part of the test are incomplete sentences Four words or phrases marked (A), (B), (C), (D) are given beneath each sentence You must choose the one vvord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer Example T He (A) is (B) does a teacher /r> \ (Q S a m p le A n s w er The sentence should read “He is a teacher.” Theretore, you should choose answer (A) - TOEIC SMART Green Book Grammar w w w n h a n triv ie t.c o m ... the table (A) vvater (B)books (C) paper (D) milk My little brother has a (A) tooth (B) tooths (C) teeth (D) teeths - TOEiC SMART Green Book Grammar www.nhantriviet.com -► GRAMMAR TEST This section... TOeịc SMART Green Book G R A M M A R NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP C ô n g ty T N H H THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Nhân Trí Việt TO E IC SMART Green Book Gramm ar Copyright © 2012... The sentence should read “He is a teacher.” Theretore, you should choose answer (A) - TOEIC SMART Green Book Grammar w w w n h a n triv ie t.c o m

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 08:29


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