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NING READING COMPREHENSION 860 P ark Seong-U k NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TH Ờ I ĐAI Cơng ty TNHH Nhân Trí Viêt TOEIC TRAINING READING COMPREHENSION 86 Copyright © 2010 Darakvvon inc Published in Vietnam, 2011 This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between Darakwon, Inc Korea and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reprođuced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or othervvise, without the prior vvritten permission of the Copyright owner TỌEIC TRAINING RÊADING CỎMPREHENSION 860 Park Seong-Uk § NHÀ m T BẢN Công ty 'PNHH THỜI ĐẠI Nhân Trí Việt Foreword The TOEIC Test - Test o f English fo r International Com m unication - a standardised test giving reliable results, measures proíiciency in international business English at intermediate and advanced levels It provides an accurate measurement of the English capabilities of non-native speakers The TOEIC test measures and certiíies listening, reading and grammar proticiency in international business English The TOEIC tests: • Help businesses build a more effective workforce There is, novvadays, a high demand from leading giobal corporations for employees to communicate effectively in English That is, employees must be able to communicate across borders and cultures with co-workers and clients • Allow employers to make hihng decisions, promotions, transters depending on job seekers’ qualiíications and English language proticiency • Enable universities to better prepare students for the international vvorkplace In brief, organizations and job seekers around the world trust TOEIC scores to help them get ahead of the competition TOEIC is a verỵ challenging examination, and untortunately, many students find it hard to achieve the score they need One reason for this is that the TOEIC questions use many challenging words so students need a considerable number of business vocabulary items The other reason is that TOEIC questions challenge students in a very logical manner Many students are not comtortable with this type of íhinking, which can make the test very chailenging The maximum score on TOEIC is 990 points A reasonable score is above 700 points, a good score is anything above 800 points, and a great score is anything above 900 points Being aware of the practical demand of learners, we have designed the series TOEIC RC and LC - 730 and 860 vvhose questions are taken from the most recent TOEIC tests with the aim of help ng those who want to achieve the score of approximately 700 - 900 points This series of books is hapetully a very beneíicial and revvarding material for class use with the assistance of an instructor or for s-elf-study Tips to help you prepare for the TOEIC tests: • Listen to m usic - Music helps you acquire the rhythm and stress patterns of spoken Enc^lish • Listen to the radio and w atch TV and film s - This helps you pick up the language, and does not bore you either! • Use the language - Set aside half an hour each day to communicate only in English If you can’t this face to face, send regular e-mail messages • Read - Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary Read newspapers, miagazines, vvebsites, novels, and non-fiction books Choose something that genuinely interests you and isn’t too challenging • W rite - Try keeping a daily journal vvhere you can practise using new words and expressions This hetps reintorce sentence structures and vocabulary There are no shortcuts - the only way to get a high score is by vvorking hard, practising constantly and patieritly to improve your English abilities May you soon achieve your desired goal! P ark S eong-U k TOEIC Training Readinq Comprehension 860 w w w nh an trivie t.co m TOEIC Test Pormat There are two separate TOEIC tests; traditional Listening and Reading test and additional VVriting and Speaking test These two types of TOEIC test are administered independently and thus you need to register, pay fee for them separately and get separate test score reports Check with your employer/ company or your university/college what type of TOEIC score report they want (Listening and Reading only or both tests) beíore taking the test Also check with the test site if they offer VVriting and Speaking test Technology requires you to have all English language skills for workplace success TOEIC Listenỉng and Reading Test The TOEIC Listening and Reading test is a paper-and-pencil, multiple-choice assessment There are timed sections of 100 questions each Section I: Listening Listening skills are required for face-to-face communication meetings, videoconterencing, teleconíerencing, podcasts and telephone conversations Test takers listen to a variety of questions and short conversations recorded in English, then ansvver questions based on what they have heard (100 items in total) • Part 1: Photographs • Part 2; Question & Response • Part 3; Short Conversations • Part 4: Short Talks Section II: Reading Reading skills are required tore-mail, vvritten reports, nevvsletters, letíers, memos, PowerPoint presentations and other forms of business communication Test takers read a variety of materials and ansvver 100 items in total at their own pace • Part 5: Incomplete Sentences • Part 6: Text Completion • Part 7: Reading Comprehension Test Length The test takes approximately V2 hours, with: • 45 minutes for Section I • 75 minutes for Section II • score scale: - 495 for each section (10 - 990 for both) • approximately 30 minutes to answer biographical questions WV/V\A nhantriviet.com Contents TRAINING COURSE A STUDYING TYPES 0F QUESTIONS PARTS 5&6 Learning Key Poinis Tenses and subjunctive mood UNIT1 Choosing the right word class Past, Present, Future 151 trequently-tested nouns in the TOEIC tests 13 145 trequently-tested verbs in the TOEIC tests 17 122frequently-tested adjectives in the TOEIC tests 20 75írequently-tested adverbs in the TOEIC tests 23 Progress test 25 P resent períect Past períect P uture períect Exceptions to agreement of tenses Períect subjunctive Past subjunctive Gerunds Verbs wĩth gerunds as objects Gerunds as objects of prepositions UNIT2 Choosing the right word class Nouns 38 Progress test Positions of nouns UNIT4 Prepositions Nouns re íe rrin g to peopie and things (abstract ideasl Meanings of prepositions Count nouns vs Uncount nouns Prepositions of time u Com pound nouns Prepositions of place, direction 41 Adverbs Prepositions of cause, reason Adverbs modiíying verbs Prepositions of concession Adverbs modiíying adjectives Other im portant prepositions Adverbs modifying adverbs Expressions followed by prepositions u Adverbs beíore íigures Verb + preposition Verb + noun + proposition Adjectives noun A ttrĩbutive adjectives be + adjective + preposition Predicative adjectives ỉị Noun + preposition Prepositional phrases Progress test 4(; Progress test U N IT Verbỉorms Participles 59 ParticipLes modifying nouns Subordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions sta rtin g an adverbial ParticipiaL phrases clause of tim e ParticipLes as complements Active and Passive verb forms UNIT5 Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions sta rtin g an adverbial 63 Identiíying active and passive íorm s Passive form of active sentences with two objects clause of concesston Subordinating conjunctions sta rtin g cjn adverbial clause of condition S ubordinating conjunctions sta rtin g an adverbial To-infinÌtives Verbs with to-infinitives as objects To-infinitives as adverbs Verbs with to-infinitives as object complements S ubordinatĩng conjunctions sta rtin g an adverbial be + adjective + to-infinitive clause of reason S ubordinating conjunctions sta rtin g a noun clause TOEIC Training Reading Comprehension 860 cLause of purpose o r resuLt w w w nh an trivie t.co m Correlative conjunctions, Co-ordinating conjunctions, Conịunctive adverbs UNIT7 Relative pronouns Relative pronouns Correlative conjunctions 121 Relative pronouns - subjective case C o-ordinating conjunctions Relative pronouns - possessive Conjunctive adverbs Retative pronouns - objective case Progress test k Relative pronoun - What Relative adverbs UNIT6 Pronouns Compound relative pronouns & Compound relative adverbs Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives 125 Compound relative pronouns Reílexive pronouns Compound relativG adverbs Objective pronouns Progresstest u Subjective pronouns Possessive pronouns 127 UNIT8 Comparisons Demonstrative pronouns, Demonstrative adịectives Comparative form 130 m ore + adịective/adverb + than those who + verb Adverbs modifying a comparative form that[those] of + noun/noun phrase Superlative form Indetinite pronouns 132 the + superlative form of an adjective/adverb a ll/m a n y/e a ch /e ve ry/a n y Comparison of equality o n e /a n o th e r/th e other(s)/others/each oth er/ one another Progress test TRAINING COURSE 118 B 133 as + adjective/adverb + as Progress test 134 ASSESSING YOUR PROGRESS PARTS 5&6 Practice Tests PRACTICE TEST 138 PRACTICE TEST TRAINING COURSE c PRACTICE TEST 15)4 PRACTICE TEST 162 PRACTISING TO ACHIEVE YOUR DESIRED SCORE A C TUA L ĨESTS ACTUAL TEST ACTUAL TEST 228 ACTUAL TEST ANSVVER KEY WW/W n hantriviet.com 263 Contents About This Book TRAINING COURSE A STUDYING TYPES F QUESTIONS & LEARNING KEY POINTS In this section, types of questions together with essential grammar points that can írequently be seen in the TOEIC tests are classiíied and sỵstematically presented Clear examples are also included so that you can íamiliarise yourselt with these typical questions in Parts & TYPES OF QUESTIONS AND THEIR PREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE IN THE TOEIC TESTS Types of questions are arranged in order of their írequency of occurrence in recent TOEIC tests First, you a multiple-choice question; then learn the related grammar points CORRESPONDING GRAMMAR POINTS & ESSENTIAL PILES A summary of important points are presented or explained Essential tiles list possible words and expressions together with illustrative examples You should learn these by heart in order to improve your ability of choosing the correct options for your C orning test This part aims at helping you to check your progress after learning the previous parts Note that the tests with more questions given include types of questions that are most írequently seen ín the TOEIC actual tests TOEIC Training Reading Comprehension 860 w w w nh an trivie t.co m TRAINING COURSE B PRACTICE TESTS 0F PARTS 5&6 This section contains practice tests of Parts and 6, which have the same degree of difficulty as that of actual tests By doing these tests, you can evaluate how much progress you have made after learning items in Training Course A TRAINING COURSE c ACTUAL TEST5 RELATED TO YOUR DESIRED SCORE Three actuaỉ tests that have recently been given are presented in this section for you to check your result If you have studied the two preceding sections careíully, you can now be delighted to see your actual progress A/v-vw.nhantriviet.com ... goal! P ark S eong-U k TOEIC Training Readinq Comprehension 860 w w w nh an trivie t.co m TOEIC Test Pormat There are two separate TOEIC tests; traditional Listening and Reading test and additional... types of questions that are most írequently seen ín the TOEIC actual tests TOEIC Training Reading Comprehension 860 w w w nh an trivie t.co m TRAINING COURSE B PRACTICE TESTS 0F PARTS 5&6 This section... to-infinitive clause of reason S ubordinating conjunctions sta rtin g a noun clause TOEIC Training Reading Comprehension 860 cLause of purpose o r resuLt w w w nh an trivie t.co m Correlative conjunctions,

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 08:20


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