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Algorithms and Computation doc

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Cấu trúc

  • 000

  • 001

  • 002

  • 003

    • Introduction

      • Our Results and Techniques

    • Treewidth-Grid Relation for Map Graphs

    • Treewidth-Grid Relation for Power Graphs

    • Treewidth-Grid Relations: Algorithmic and Combinatorial Applications

    • Improved Grid Minor Bounds for $\K_3,k$

    • Contraction Version of Wagner’s Conjecture

    • Open Problems and Conjectures

    • References

  • 016

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Minimum Maximal Matching

    • Counting Maximum Weighted Independent Sets

    • Application to Parameterized Algorithms

    • Conclusion

  • 026

    • Introduction

    • Counting Passes and the Streaming Model

    • Previous Work

    • The Model

    • Obtaining Upper Bounds by Playing Games

    • Dealing with Unknown Data Size

    • Improvements for Known Data Size

    • Multiple Passes

    • Conclusion

  • 036

    • Introduction

    • Definitions and Notation

    • The Shortest ``Somehow" Packet-Move

    • Optimal Solution to $\BTH_n$

      • Case 1: Disk $n$ Never Moves to the Auxiliary Peg

      • Case 2: Disk $n$ Moves to the Auxiliary Peg

    • Diameter of the Configuration Graph of $\BTHn$

    • ``Subset'' Setting

      • Preliminaries

      • The Set of Potentially Optimal Algorithms

      • Tightness and Other Related Issues

    • Setting with the Ultimate Placement Rule

  • 048

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Exact Labelings for Special Graphs

      • Matchings

      • Star-Graphs

    • Labeling General Graphs

      • Matching Decomposition

      • Hybrid Decomposition (Star Destroyer)

    • Trees and Forests

      • Combining Trees

      • Node Based Recursion

      • Leaf Based Recursion

    • Future Directions

    • References

  • 061

    • Introduction

    • The Greedy Algorithm

    • FAL Without Deletion

      • Asymptotic Competitive Ratio

      • Absolute Competitive Ratio

    • FAL with Deletion

      • Online Algorithm with Borrowing

      • Lower Bound

    • References

  • 071

    • Introduction

    • Problem Definitions and Lower Bounds

      • Revocable Online Knapsack Problem

      • Lower Bounds of Competitive Ratio

    • Base Algorithm

    • Finite State Algorithm

      • State Diagrams

      • Feasibility of State Diagrams

      • Execution Sequences

      • Calculation of Competitive Ratio

    • Construction and Verification AFS

    • Possibilities and Limits of the Approach

  • 081

    • Introduction

      • Previous Work

      • Our Results

    • Algorithm

      • Outline of Our Approach

      • Partitioning Scheme

      • The Dynamic Program

    • Conclusions

    • References

  • 090

    • Introduction

    • String Edit Distance and Tree Edit Distance

    • Euler String

    • Modified Euler String

    • Analysis

      • Construction of Tree Mapping from String Alignment

      • Analysis of Lower Bound of EDS

  • 100

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries and Problem Definition

    • Find the Maximum Overlap AoN-Subtree

    • Approximate Smallest Common AoN-Supertree

      • Understanding the Structure of LCST

      • Compute Good MCCST

    • Conclusion

  • 111

    • Introduction

    • The Algorithm

    • An Improved Cable-Selection Rule

      • Adapting the Scaling Factors

  • 121

    • Introduction

    • MAXSNP-Hardness

    • Pseudo-polynomial-time Algorithm

      • Terminology and Definitions

      • Algorithm

    • FPTAS

  • 131

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Pentagonal Drawing

    • Convex Grid Drawing Algorithm

  • 141

    • Introduction

    • Problem Definitions

    • Exact Algorithms on Dominating Pair Graphs

      • Minimum Connected Dominating Set

      • Steiner Set

      • Steiner Connected Dominating Set

    • Approximation Algorithms

      • Computation of a Minimum Dominating Target

      • Minimum Connected Dominating Set

      • Steiner Connected Dominating Set

      • Steiner Set

  • 153

    • Introduction

    • Popular Matchings

      • Our Improvement

    • Rank-Maximal Matchings

      • The Rank-Maximal Matching Algorithm from IKMMP04

      • Our Improvement

    • Weighted Rank-Maximal Matchings

  • 163

    • Introduction

    • Estimating $\P_2$

      • Random Subgraph RS of Graph Streams

      • Analysis: Graph Based Properties of $\P_2$

      • Analysis: Space Usage of the Estimator

    • Lower Bounds

  • 173

    • Introduction

    • Computing a Bounded-Degree Spanning Subgraph of a Triangulation

    • Bounded-Degree Spanners of the Delaunay Triangulation

    • Bounded-Degree Spanners of the Unit-Disk Graph

    • Bounded-Degree Spanners of a Diamond Triangulation

  • 183

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • The Algorithm for the SPM

      • Computing the SPT

      • Building the SPM from the SPT

    • Correctness and Complexity of the Algorithm

  • 193

    • Introduction

      • Preliminaries and Problem Definition

      • Related Work

      • Our Results

    • Can \pqpq-Partitioning Approximate Arbitrary Partitioning?

      • Error Metric \mmax

      • Error Metric \msum~and \mlift

    • Double-Sided Approximations Under Sum-SVar

      • Upper Bound $\error(\newpart)$

      • Upper Bound $\optsize(\simpmap | \amap, 2\threshold)$

    • Conclusion and Discussion

  • 203

    • Introduction

    • Background

    • Algorithm

      • Prioritized Delaunay Refinement

      • Sliver Removal by Pumping Vertex

    • Experimental Results

    • Discussion

  • 213

    • Introduction

    • Intersecting Convex Fat Objects - The Discrete Case

      • The Algorithm

      • Two Packing Lemmas

      • Analysis of the Approximation Ratio

    • General Objects - The Continuous Case

  • 223

    • Introduction and Summary

    • Lower Bounds for Parity and Inverters

      • Preliminaries

      • Crossing Wires

      • Proofs of Theorems 1 and 2

    • Sorted Input Case: The Minimum Size Determined

      • Lower Bounds

      • Upper Bounds

    • Open Problems

  • 233

    • Introduction

    • Quasigroup Isomorphism

      • Limited Nondeterminism

    • The Minimum Generating Set Problem

    • Quasigroup Isomorphism and Parallel Queries to NP

  • 243

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

      • Inverse Problems




      • Some Helpful Graph Modules for Hamiltonian Cycles

    • Main Results

  • 253

    • Introduction

    • Definitions

      • Graphs

      • Parameterized Complexity

    • Complexity of Maximum Independent Set

      • Solving MISF

      • Hardness Results

    • Complexity of Minimum Dominating Set

      • Solving MDSF

      • Hardness Results

    • Complexity of Maximum Clique

    • Optimality Results

  • 267

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries and Definitions

    • 2-Query Codeword Testing with Near-Perfect Completeness

      • Statement of Result

      • Proof

  • 277

    • Introduction

    • Cost Model and the Interleave Bound

    • Poketree---A Dynamic Data Structure

    • Insertions and Deletions: Poketree(RB)

    • Reducing Memory Consumption: Poketree(Skip)

    • Conclusions

    • Proof of Theorem 3

    • Proof of Theorem 1

  • 289

    • Introduction

    • Our Algorithms for the ORDI Problems

      • Convex Hull for the ORDI-CSB Problem

      • Implementation of the Probing Oracle

      • The Algorithm for Maximizing the Parametric Net-Cost

      • Computing an Optimal-Ratio Smooth Lower-Half Region

    • Our Algorithms for the ORDV Problems

  • 300

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Preprocessing

    • The Main Algorithm

    • Concluding Remarks

  • 308

    • Introduction

    • Run-Relaxed Heaps

    • Number Systems and Data Structures

    • Two-Tier Relaxed Heaps

  • 318

    • Introduction and Results

      • Communication Model with Errors

      • Liar Games

      • Previous Results

      • Our Contribution

    • Notation and Preliminaries

    • Upper Bounds and Strategies for Paul

    • Lower Bound

    • References

  • 328

    • Introduction

      • Small--World (SW) Networks

      • Low Randomness Small--World Networks

      • Our Results

      • Related Work

    • Preliminary Notation and Definitions

      • Routings Strategies

    • Restricted--Small--World Networks

    • Small--World Networks with Communities

      • Routing in Small--World Networks with Communities

    • Conclusions

  • 339

    • Introduction

    • Gossiping in General Graphs with Known Topology

    • Final Remarks: Broadcasting in Graphs with Known Topology

    • References

  • 349

    • Introduction

    • Bounds on the Broadcasting Time

      • Notations and Definitions

      • Lower Bounds

      • Upper Bounds

      • Price of Randomness

    • Robustness of Randomized Broadcasting and Applications

      • A Robustness Result

      • Applications

    • Conclusion

    • Bibliography

  • 359

    • Introduction

    • Definitions

    • Race Functions: Where Local Search and Global Search Compete

    • Analyzing the Impact of the Local Search Frequency

    • Conclusions

  • 369

    • Introduction

    • Facility Location Games

      • Metric UFL Games

      • Extensions

    • Covering Games

  • 379

    • Introduction

    • Notations and Problem Formulation

    • Main Idea of Our Algorithms

      • Locating Non-dominating Vertices in an Optimal Solution

    • Weighted Path-Shaped Center Problems

    • Weighted Tree-Shaped Center Problems

    • Conclusion and Future Work

  • 389

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Single-Source Multiobjective Shortest Paths

      • The SSMOSP Algorithm

    • Non-linear Objectives

    • Applications

  • 399

    • Introduction

    • An Algorithm for FIG

    • An Improved Algorithm for FIG

    • A $K$-Independent Algorithm for FIG

    • Algorithm for Elastic Gapped LCS

    • Algorithms for Rigid Gapped LCS

    • Conclusion

  • 409

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Transforming $f$-Labeling Schemes for Connected Graphs to Non-connected Graphs

      • The General Transformation

      • Labeling Schemes for Path Collections

      • An Adjacency Labeling Scheme for $\cC(\cF^{Circles},n)$

    • A Distance Labeling Scheme for $\cF^{Circles}(n)$

      • A Size Lower Bound

  • 419

    • Introduction

    • Notation and Background

      • Comparability Graphs

      • A Vertex Incremental Approach for Minimal Completions

    • An Algorithm for Minimal Comparability Completion of $\G_x$

    • Correctness of Algorithm MCC

    • Time Complexity and Concluding Remarks

  • 429

    • Introduction

    • Disturbed Diffusion, Graph Partitioning, and Diffusion Distances

      • Disturbed Diffusion: FOS/C

      • FOS/C for Graph Partitioning

      • Diffusion Distances in Graphs

    • Relating FOS/C to Random Walks

    • FOS/C on the Torus

    • FOS/C on Distance-Transitive Graphs

    • Conclusions

  • 439

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Algorithms

      • On General Graphs

      • On Graphs of Degree Bounded by 3

      • On Graphs of Degree Bounded by 4

    • Conclusions

  • 449

    • Introduction

    • Gadget Construction for Tournaments

    • Canonical Labeling of Tournaments

    • Hypertournament Isomorphism and Canonization

  • 460

    • Introduction

    • Algorithm for the Sum Selection Problem

    • Algorithm for k Maximum Sums Problem

    • Conclusion

  • 474

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Parity-Forcing Theorem

    • The Basic Method

    • The Modes of INF( x, A,t)

    • Worst-Case Behavior

  • 484

    • Introduction

    • Notions and Definitions

      • Strings

      • Grammar-Based Compression

      • Compressed Pattern Matching

    • Compression Algorithm

      • Key Idea

      • Compression Algorithm

      • Performance Analysis

    • Conclusion

  • 494

    • Introduction

      • Problem Statement

      • Our Contributions

      • Related Work

    • Definitions and Preliminaries

      • A Linear Time Merging Subroutine

    • The Interval Knapsack Problem

      • FPTAS for I-KP

    • The Interval Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem

      • FPTAS for I-MCKP

    • Applications to Multi-unit Auction Clearing

    • Improved Algorithms for VCG Computations

    • Conclusion

  • 507

    • Introduction

      • Planted Solution Models: Our Average-Case Scenario

      • Main Results

      • Related Work

    • Algorithm and Its Analysis

      • Robustness of the Algorithm

    • Some Remarks

  • 517

    • Introduction

    • Definitions and Basic Results

    • Nice Orderings and Nice Prefixes

      • Choosing a First Vertex

      • A Family of Nice Orderings

      • Nice Orderings: A Sufficient Condition

    • Conclusion

  • 527

    • Introduction

    • A Lower Bound

    • A Simple Cutting Algorithm

  • 537

    • Introduction

    • Notation and Preliminaries

    • Minmax-Regret 1-Center on a General Graph

      • Averbakh and Berman's Algorithm

      • The Improved Algorithm

    • Minmax-Regret 1-Center on a Tree

      • Preprocess

      • An Improved Algorithm

    • Concluding Remarks

  • 547

    • Introduction

    • MSS and Restricted NDCE

    • The Cyclic Maximum Simple Sharing Problem (CMSS)

    • Obtaining a $5\over 3$-Approximate MSS Solution

  • 557

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Reduction to a Flow Problem

    • Approximation Algorithm

      • Approximating Graph Density Measures

      • Approximation with Additive Error

    • Further Research

  • 567

    • Introduction

    • MFFI for the Offline MRBP

    • MFFD for the Offline LBC

  • 578

    • Introduction

      • Related Work

      • Our Results

    • The $p$-Radius Problem is \np-Hard

    • An Efficient Solution of the 2-Radius Problem

    • A Solution of the $p$-Radius Problem

  • 588

    • Introduction

    • Efficient Coding of $r$-Uniform Hypertrees

    • Counting $r$-Uniform Hypertrees

    • Conclusion

  • 598

    • Introduction

    • Previous and New Results

    • A Randomized Algorithm for $t$-Vertex Cover

    • A Problem Kernel for $t$-Vertex Cover

    • Concluding Remarks

  • 608

    • Introduction

    • Trees

      • The Basic Algorithm

      • A Faster Algorithm

    • NP-Hardness on Planar Graphs

    • Fixed-Parameter Tractability on General Graphs

  • 618

    • Introduction

    • The Algorithm

    • 1-ANT and (1+1) EA

    • 1-ANT on OneMax

      • Exponential Lower Bounds

      • Polynomial Upper Bounds

    • Conclusions

  • 628

    • Introduction

    • Definitions, Notations, and Useful Lemmas

    • The Complexity $\HAMa$ for $a\le O(\sqrt n)$

    • The Complexity of $\HAMea$ for $a\le O(\sqrt{n})$

    • The Complexity of $\HAMa$ and $\HAMea$ for General $a$

      • Auxiliary Notation and Results

      • The Main Results

  • 638

    • Introduction

    • Graph States and Signed Graph States

    • Preparation of Graph States

    • Circuits and Local Complementation

    • \boldmath Bi-separability and $\deltaloc$

    • References

  • 650

    • Introduction and Overview

      • Related Work

    • Basic Definitions and Techniques

    • The JITE Algorithm

    • Time and Traffic Analysis

    • Conclusions and Open Problems

  • 660

    • Introduction

    • The Model

    • Competitive Ratios

      • Position Maintaining Strategy (PMS for Short)

      • Partial Greedy Algorithm (PGA for Short)

    • A Lower Bound

    • Conclusion

  • 670

    • Introduction

      • Related Work

      • Preliminaries

      • Contributions

    • Single-Message Broadcasting

      • The Offline Setting

      • An Online Algorithm

      • A Lower Bound

    • Extensions

      • An Online Algorithm for Multiple Messages

      • More Flexible Speed-Adjustment

  • 680

    • Introduction

    • Our Results

    • Preliminaries

    • Lower Bounds

      • Adversarial Demands

      • Demands Drawn From an Unknown Distribution

      • Adversarial Leaf Node Capacities

    • Oblivious Routing in Tree Networks

    • Oblivious Routing in Grids

  • 690

    • Introduction

    • Field Splitting with Overlapping (FSO)

      • Notation and Definitions

      • The Basic Case: The Basic Row Splitting (BRS) Problems

      • The General Row Splitting (GRS) Problem

      • The Field Splitting with Fixed Overlapping (FSFO) Problem

      • Our Field Splitting with Overlapping (FSO) Algorithm

    • Implementation and Experiments

  • 701

    • Introduction

    • Our Shape Rectangularization (SR) Algorithm

      • Notation and Preliminaries

      • Optimality of Canonical Block Sets

      • Geometric Structures of a Canonical Optimal Block Set

      • The Primary Block Set (PBS) Problem

      • Reformulation of the Primary Block Set (PBS) Problem

      • Our Algorithm for the MDF Problem on a Path

  • 712

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries

    • Simple Subarrays, Their Complexity and Difficulty

    • Blocks

    • Algorithm

      • Minimal Weight of $S$

    • The Algorithm is Tight

  • 722

    • Introduction

      • Related Work

      • Results

    • Background

      • Line Restrictions

      • Contours and Critical Points

    • Tessellation

    • Case Analysis

    • Application to Reeb Graphs

    • Conclusions and Future Work

  • 732

    • Introduction

      • The Framework

      • Our Results

      • Related Work

    • Solving the Agent Election Problem

      • Characterization: Conditions for Solvability

      • An Effective Election Protocol

    • Polynomial Solutions to the Agent Election Problem

      • Partial-Views

      • Algorithm Agent-Elect

    • Reducing the Size of the Whiteboards

      • Algorithm Agent-Elect-2

      • Algorithm Agent-Elect-3

  • 744

    • Introduction

    • Terminology and Preliminaries

    • Gatherable Configurations

    • Gathering an Odd Number of Robots

    • Conclusion

  • 754

    • Introduction

    • Preliminaries and Basic Concepts

    • The Complexity of Sampling

    • The Intractability of Oracle-Based Steganography

    • Channels with Hard Conditional Sampling

    • Feasible Conditional Sampling

    • Conclusions and Future Work

  • 999

Nội dung

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4288 Commenced Publication in 1973 Founding and Former Series Editors: Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen Editorial Board David Hutchison Lancaster University, UK Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Josef Kittler University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Jon M. Kleinberg Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Friedemann Mattern ETH Zurich, Switzerland John C. Mitchell Stanford University, CA, USA Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Oscar Nierstrasz University of Bern, Switzerland C. Pandu Rangan Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India Bernhard Steffen University of Dortmund, Germany Madhu Sudan Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA Demetri Terzopoulos University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Doug Tygar University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Moshe Y. Vardi Rice University, Houston, TX, USA Gerhard Weikum Max-Planck Institute of Computer Science, Saarbruecken, Germany Tetsuo Asano (Ed.) Algorithms and Computation 17th International Symposium, ISAAC 2006 Kolkata, India, December 18-20, 2006 Proceedings 13 Volume Editor Tetsuo Asano JAIST, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 1-1, Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan E-mail: t-asano@jaist.ac.jp Library of Congress Control Number: 2006937541 CR Subject Classification (1998): F.2, C.2, G.2-3, I.3.5, C.2.4, E.5 LNCS Sublibrary: SL 1 – Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-540-49694-7 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN-13 978-3-540-49694-6 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law. Springer is a part of Springer Science+Business Media springer.com © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 Printed in Germany Typesetting: Camera-ready by author, data conversion by Scientific Publishing Services, Chennai, India Printed on acid-free paper SPIN: 11940128 06/3142 543210 Preface ISAAC 2006, the 17th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computa- tion took place in Kolkata, India, December 18–20, 2006. It has been held in Tokyo (1990), Taipei (1991), Nagoya (1992), Hong Kong (1993), Beijing (1994), Cairns (1995), Osaka (1996), Singapore (1997), Taejon (1998), Chennai (1999), Taipei (2000), Christchurch (2001), Vancouver (2002), Kyoto (2003), Hong Kong (2004), and Hainan (2005). The symposium provided a forum for researchers working in algorithms and the theory of computation from all over the world. In response to our call for papers, we received 255 submissions. The task of selecting the papers in this volume was carried out by our Program Committee and many other external reviewers. After a thorough review process and PC meeting, the committee se- lected 73 papers. We hope all accepted papers will eventually appear in scientific journals in a more polished form. Two special issues, one of Algorithmica and one of the International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, with selected papers from ISAAC 2006 are in preparation. The best paper award was given for “Algorithmic Graph Minor Theory: Im- proved Grid Minor Bounds and Wagner’s Contraction” by Erik Demaine, Mo- hammadTaghi Hajiaghayi and Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi. The best student paper award was given for “Branching and Treewidth Based Exact Algorithms” by Serge Gaspers, Fedor Fomin and Saket Saurabh. Two eminent invited speakers, KazuoIwama,KyotoUniversity,Japan,andTamalK.Dey,TheOhioState University, USA, also contributed to this volume. I would like to thank the Conference Chair, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya and the Organizing Chair, Subhas C. Nandy, for their leadership, advice and help on crucial matters concerning the conference. I would like to thank the Program Committee and many external reviewers for their great efforts in the review process. I also thank the Advisory Committee members of ISAAC for their continuous encouragement. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the EasyChair system, which is a free conference management system that is flexible, easy to use, and has many fea- tures to make it suitable for various conference models. Without the help of EasyChair, we could not have finished our review process within the deadline of notification. December 2006 Tetsuo Asano Program Chair ISAAC 2006 Organization Program Committee Hee-Kap Ahn, Sejong Univ., Korea Tetsuo Asano(Chair), JAIST, Japan Mikhail Atallah, Purdue Univ., USA Chanderjit Bajaj, Univ. Texas Austin, USA Sergey Bereg, Univ. Texas Dallas, USA Somenath Biswas, IIT Kanpur, India Tamal K. Dey, The Ohio State Univ., USA Benjamin Doerr, Max Planck Institute, Germany Subir Ghosh, TIFR, India Mordecai J. Golin, HKUST, Hong Kong John Iacono, Polytechnic Univ., USA Chuzo Iwamoto, Hiroshima Univ., Japan Rolf Klein, Univ. Bonn, Germany Sang-Ho Lee, Ewha Womens Univ., Korea Kazuhisa Makino, Univ. Tokyo, Japan Pat Morin, Carleton Univ., Canada Stephan N¨aher, Univ. Trier, Germany Subhas Chandra Nandy, ISI, Kolkata, India Giri Narasimhan, Florida International Univ., USA Ashwin Nayak, Univ. Waterloo, Canada Kunsoo Park, Seoul National Univ., Korea Md. Saidur Rahman, Bangladesh Univ. Eng.&Tech., Bangladesh Desh Ranjan, New Mexico State Univ., USA Peter Sanders, Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany Sandeep Sen, IIT Kharagpur, India Sung Yong Shin, KAIST, Korea Hisao Tamaki, Meiji Univ., Japan Akihisa Tamura, Keio Univ., Japan Seinosuke Toda, Nihon Univ., Japan Takeshi Tokuyama, Tohoku Univ., Japan Ryuhei Uehara, JAIST, Japan Gabriel Valiente, Tech. Univ. Catalonia, Spain Alexander Wolff, Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany Organizing Committee Partha Bhowmik, Bengal Engineering and Science University Arindam Biswas, Bengal Engineering and Science University VIII O rganization Nabendu Chaki, Calcutta University Debesh Das, Jadavpur University Sandip Das, Indian Statistical Institute Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Indian Institute of Management Rajat De Indian, Statistical Institute Partha Pratim Goswami, Kalyani University Arobindo Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Susmita Sur-Kolay, Indian Statistical Institute Mandar Mitra, Indian Statistical Institute Pabitra Mitra, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Subhamoy Moitra, Indian Statistical Institute Dipti Prasad Mukherjee, Indian Statistical Institute Krishnendu Mukhopadhyaya, Indian Statistical Institute Subhas C. Nandy (Chair), Indian Statistical Institute Sudeb K. Pal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Subhashis Pal, Indian Statistical Institute Sponsors 1. Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India 2. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India 3. Reserve Bank of India 4. Department of Information Technology of the Govt. of West Bengal 5. Capgemini Consulting India Private Limited 6. Tata Consultancy Services 7. IBM India Software Laboratory 8. Cognizant Technology Solutions 9. Anshin Software External Referees Ashkan Aazami Mahmoud Fouz Shashank Mehta V. Arvind Satoshi Fujita Atsuko Miyaji Greg Plaxton Xavier Goaoc Elena Mumford Adam Klivans Robert G¨orke Mridul Nandi Surender Baswana Masud Hasan Martin N¨ollenburg Binay Bhattacharya Andr´e Hernich Enrico Pontelli Ai Chen Xiuzhen Huang M. Sohel Rahman Siu-Wing Cheng Toshiya Itoh Dana Ron Joseph Cheriyan Naoki Katoh Kouichi Sakurai Brian Cloteaux Hartmut Klauck Thomas Schank Daniel Delling Jochen Konemann Anil Seth Feodor F. Dragan Martin Kutz Gurdip Singh Sandor Fekete SN Maheshwari Steve Tate Organization IX Antoine Vigneron Sascha Meinert Keith Frikken David Wood, Takaaki Mizuki Marco Gaertler Binhai Zhu Hyeon-Suk Na Prosenjit Gupta Manindra Agarwal Frank Neumann Sariel Har-Peled Sang Won Bae Sudeb P. Pal Jing He Vinay Siddahanavalli Mihai Prunescu Seok Hee Hong Samrat Goswami Bhaskaran Raman Giuseppe Italiano Michael Baur Sasanka Roy Md. Abul Kashem Marina Blanton Eli Ben Sasson Akinori Kawachi Xiaomin Chen Sandeep Sen Christian Knauer Otfried Cheong Chan-Su Shin Amit Kumar Taenam Cho Masakazu Soshi Hing Leung Sandip Das Mayur Thakur Steffen Mecke Roman Dementiev Yusu Wang Damian Merrick Khaled Elbassioni Jian Xia Mitsuo Motoki Stephen Fenner Martin Kutz Stefan Naeher Tobias Friedrich Lars Arge Tetsuro Nishino Stefan Funke Amitabha Bagchi Sangmin Park Mordecai Golin Inderjit Dhillon Jaikumar Radhakrishnan Michel Habib Sugata Basu Edgar Ramos Herman Haverkort Marc Benkert Kunihiko Sadakane Martin Holzer Peter Brass Sanjeev Saxena H K. Hwang Jianer Chen Seung-Hyun Seo Jesper Jansson Sang Won Bae Akiyoshi Shioura Bastian Katz Sunghee Choi Andreas Spillner Christian Klein Sajal Das Gerhard Trippen Dariusz Kowalski Jon Derryberry Rephael Wenger Stefan Langerman Will Evans Yan Zhang Anil Maheshwari Henning Fernau Message from the Conference Chair It was our great pleasure to welcome you to the 17th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2006), which was held for the first time in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta), during December 18–20, 2006. This is the second ISAAC meeting organized in India; the first one was held in the city of Chennai in 1999. This symposium provided an excellent opportunity for sharing thoughts among the participants on the recent advances in algorithm design and their manifold applications to emerging areas. Thanks go to the members of the Advisory Committee of ISAAC for their concurrence to hold this symposium in Kolkata. We would like to express our sincerest thanks to the invited speakers, Kazuo Iwama of the Kyoto University, Japan, and Tamal K. Dey of the Ohio State University, USA, who kindly agreed to speak on the frontier topics in algorithms and computation theory. We are immensely grateful to Tetsuo Asano of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, the Program Chair of the symposium, for compiling an outstanding technical program. On the advice of an excellent Program Com- mittee of international experts, he followed stringent criteria for selecting only the very best technical papers out of a large number of submissions in order to preserve the high quality of the technical program of the symposium. Our sincerest thanks are due to Sankar K. Pal, Director of the Indian Statis- tical Institute, for his support in co-sponsoring the symposium and for providing financial and infrastructural support. We also thank Anupam Basu of the De- partment of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, for endorsing institutional cooperation. We also acknowledge, with thanks, the support we received from the Indian Association of Research in Com- puting Sciences (IARCS) for co-hosting the symposium. The financial support received from the Department of Science and Technology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Reserve Bank of India, the Department of Information Technology of the Govt. of West Bengal, Capgemini Consulting India Private Limited, Tata Consultancy Services, IBM India Software Laboratory, Cognizant Technology Solutions, and Anshin Software for sponsoring various events, are also thankfully acknowledged. We are also grateful to the local Organizing Committee for their excellent services that made the symposium a grand success. We take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the partici- pants, the authors, the reviewers, and the volunteers, who helped us immensely to make this symposium a success. We earnestly hope that the participants XII Organization of the symposium enjoyed their stay in the wonderful and culturally vibrant city of Kolkata. December 2006 Bhargab B. Bhattacharya Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India Conference Chair ISAAC 2006 Table of Contents Invited Talks Stable Matching Problems 1 Kazuo Iwama Delaunay Meshing of Surfaces 2 Tamal K. Dey Best Paper 2006 Algorithmic Graph Minor Theory: Improved Grid Minor Bounds and Wagner’s Contraction 3 Erik D. Demaine, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi Best Student Paper 2006 Branching and Treewidth Based Exact Algorithms 16 Fedor V. Fomin, Serge Gaspers, Saket Saurabh Session 1A: Algorithms and Data Structures Deterministic Splitter Finding in a Stream with Constant Storage and Guarantees 26 Tobias Lenz Optimal Algorithms for Tower of Hanoi Problems with Relaxed Placement Rules 36 Yefim Dinitz, Shay Solomon Flexible Word Design and Graph Labeling 48 Ming-Yang Kao, Manan Sanghi, Robert Schweller Session 1B: Online Algorithms Frequency Allocation Problems for Linear Cellular Networks 61 Joseph Wun-Tat Chan, Francis Y.L. Chin, Deshi Ye, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu [...]... There was number of algorithms for #MWIS in the literature [2, 6, 7] The current fastest algorithm is by Fă rer and Kasiviswanathan [6] and runs in O(1 2461n) All menu tioned algorithms are complicated and use many smart tricks (like splitting of a graph into its biconnected components and involved measure) and extensive case analysis In this paper we show how a combination of branching and dynamic programming... Runtime and Robustness of Randomized Broadcasting 349 Robert Elsăsser, Thomas Sauerwald a Session 5A: Combinatorial Optimization and Computational Biology Local Search in Evolutionary Algorithms: The Impact of the Local Search Frequency 359 Dirk Sudholt Non-cooperative Facility Location and Covering Games 369 Martin Hoefer Optimal Algorithms. .. v, w(v) 1 and k ắ Rã , nd a vertex cover of weight at most k The weight of a vertex cover C is w(C) vắC w(v) ẩ ỉ V ệỉ ĩ Cể ệ, also known as R é V ệỉ ĩ Cể ệ, Niedermeier and For k-W Rossmanith [11] gave two algorithms, one with running time O(1 3954k ã kn) and polynomial space and the other one using time O(1 3788k ã kn) and space O(1 3630k) 1 We round the base of the exponent in all our algorithms. .. http://www.math.gatech edu/yu/Papers/k3t2-10.pdf 8 Jianer Chen, Iyad A Kanj, and Weijia Jia Vertex cover: further observations and further improvements Journal of Algorithms, 41(2):280301, 2001 9 Zhi-Zhong Chen Approximation algorithms for independent sets in map graphs Journal of Algorithms, 41(1):2040, 2001 10 Zhi-Zhong Chen, Michelangelo Grigni, and Christos H Papadimitriou Map graphs Journal of the ACM, 49(2):127138,... Fedor V Fomin, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, and Dimitrios M Thilikos Bidimensional parameters and local treewidth SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 18(3):501511, December 2004 12 Erik D Demaine, Fedor V Fomin, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, and Dimitrios M Thilikos Fixed-parameter algorithms for (k, r)-center in planar graphs and map graphs ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 1(1):3347, 2005 13 Erik D Demaine,... MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, and Dimitrios M Thilikos Subexponential parameterized algorithms on graphs of bounded genus and H-minor-free graphs Journal of the ACM, 52(6):866893, 2005 14 E.D Demaine, M Hajiaghayi, and K Kawarabayashi 14 Erik D Demaine and MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi Quickly deciding minor-closed parameters in general graphs European Journal of Combinatorics to appear 15 Erik D Demaine and MohammadTaghi... and MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi Equivalence of local treewidth and linear local treewidth and its algorithmic applications In Proceedings of the 15th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA04), pages 833842, January 2004 16 Erik D Demaine and MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi Fast algorithms for hard graph problems: Bidimensionality, minors, and local treewidth In Proceedings of the 12th International... NY, 2004 17 Erik D Demaine and MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi Bidimensionality: New connections between FPT algorithms and PTASs In Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005), pages 590601, Vancouver, January 2005 18 Erik D Demaine and MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi Graphs excluding a xed minor have grids as large as treewidth, with combinatorial and algorithmic applications... Sauerwald Exact Algorithms for Finding the Minimum Independent Dominating Set in Graphs 439 Chunmei Liu, Yinglei Song On Isomorphism and Canonization of Tournaments and Hypertournaments 449 VIkraman Arvind, Bireswar Das, Partha Mukhopadhyay Session 6A: Algorithms and Data Structures Ecient Algorithms for... thank Lszl Lovsz and Robin Thomas for helpful discussions a o a References 1 J Alber, H L Bodlaender, H Fernau, T Kloks, and R Niedermeier Fixed parameter algorithms for dominating set and related problems on planar graphs Algorithmica, 33(4):461493, 2002 2 Jochen Alber, Henning Fernau, and Rolf Niedermeier Parameterized complexity: exponential speed-up for planar graph problems Journal of Algorithms, 52(1): . (2003), Hong Kong (2004), and Hainan (2005). The symposium provided a forum for researchers working in algorithms and the theory of computation from all over. and Treewidth Based Exact Algorithms by Serge Gaspers, Fedor Fomin and Saket Saurabh. Two eminent invited speakers, KazuoIwama,KyotoUniversity,Japan,andTamalK.Dey,TheOhioState University,

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2014, 10:20
