Exploring Ecology A SCIMAX@WFU Middle School Science Teacher Workshop Figs aren’t for vegetarians… Lush tropical rainforests grow on poor soils… The Dodos were doomed… Join instructor Kerry Alley of the WFU Department of Biology for a one week workshop exploring the ecological processes that cause biological oddities, natural paradoxes, and other amazing phenomena The workshop also addresses the relevance of ecology to our most pressing social issues, and will include hands-on and group activities and field trips! All participants will receive a copy of the National Science Teachers Association manual “Exploring Ecology” (see www.nsta.org for a preview of the text) Where: WFU’s Winston Hall (Biology Building), Rm 128 When: June 19-23, 9AM – PM Why: Integrate ecology into your courses, improve your activity library, update your content knowledge, get classroom supplies, $375 stipend, 3.0 renewal credits ***This workshop has space limits and will fill on a rolling basis Please fax this form ASAP to Angela King (fax 758-4656) to reserve your space Please register me and fax me a confirmation letter I understand that if the workshop is filled, I will receive a fax saying that my name has been put on a waiting list *Please complete ALL information below Communication will be by fax or email Name: Email: School: School Fax: (required!) The subject you teach the most: Home Phone * Teachers who sign up are expected to arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop to qualify for a stipend Teachers accepted into the workshop will receive an electronic confirmation before March 31st Questions? Contact Angela King at kingag@wfu.edu Complete and return this form ASAP by fax to: The workshop will fill on a rolling basis!!!! Angela King Department of Chemistry WFU Fax 758-4656