.1 APRIL 15th - 19th „CWCM” – CARE WORK AND CASE MANAGEMENT AS CHALLENGE FOR SOCIAL WORK IN LOCAL AND EUROPEAN POLICY St Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Work we welcome you! The University of Applied Science St Pölten is happy to welcome Social Work Students and Professors from our partner universities for the nd time to participate at our International University Week The IUW takes place between April 15th to 19th 2013 We will offer different kinds of accommodation: Students hosts by Students Staying at the Hostel “Lillienhof” www.lilienhof.at The fee of € 120.- (Students) includes accommodation, breakfast and one meal a day (lunch or dinner) Bed and Breakfast as well as one meal a day are included The fee for the Professors is € 150.- (without accommodation) The University Week offers an opportunity to exchange knowledge and cultural specificities as well as personal experiences Field visits and Excursions are organised and will be pronounced until the end of February A welcome evening to get together, Sight-Seeing tours and a fare well party can be expected! Overview plenary-sessions: Charlotte Wekker/ Hanzehogeschool Gronningen (Netherlands): “The concepts of welfare new style and the T-shaped professional The social worker as a generalist and a specialist.” Bruijn Jaap/ Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Netherlands) “The most important, long term needs” Hilde Bloemen/ Kath University College Leuven (Belgium): “Care Work and Case Management from a radical structural approach” … / Bechelor Studnets Kath University College Leuven (Belgium): “Why case managemers what they do” Maria K Jeppesen and Lise Rasmussen/ University College Lillebælt: “Families at Risk From a Danish Perspective.” Gabriele Schäfer/ University of Applied Science Emden (Germany): “Psychological Interventions in Case Management” Dennis Smolders/Xios University College Hasselt(Belgium): „First things first: professional secrecy in dealing with victims and perpetrators“ James Hill: NN Boudewijn de Viers and Fred Brouwer/ Saxion University of Applied Science Enschede (Netherlands): “What is Family Group Conferencing and how does it democratize help and welfare in Holland?” NN / University of Applied Science Bern (Switzerland): NN Haselbacher Christine/University of Applied Science St Pölten (Austria): “Family Group Conferencing as a project in Lower Austria” Redelsteiner Chrisoph/ University of Appleid Science St Pölten (Austria): “Care processes – just long and winding roads or labyrinths? Zauner Martin/University of Applied Science St Pötlen (Austria): “Intensive Case Management” Manuela Brandstetter/ University of Applied Science St Pölten (Austria) : “Regional culture of social care – diagnosis on society or practice studies?” Josef Ginner/ University of Applied Science St Pölten (Austria): “Social Security System in Austria, how it works, how it is financed, what it means for casework” Esmursaeva Madin/ Master Student University of Applied Science St.Pölten (Asutria): Ines Brandner/ Social Worker (Austria): „Case Management and Streetwork with Sexworkers“ NN … For further contribution please send title and abstract as soon as possible to Andrea Pilgerstorfer: lbpilgerstorfer@fhstp.ac.at To take part please fill in the Application Form until January 15th 2013 and email it to Gloria Girlinger: so121806@fhstp.ac.at ...The University of Applied Science St Pölten is happy to welcome Social Work Students and Professors from our partner universities for the nd time to participate at our International University Week. .. Haselbacher Christine /University of Applied Science St Pölten (Austria): “Family Group Conferencing as a project in Lower Austria” Redelsteiner Chrisoph/ University of Appleid Science St Pölten (Austria):... or labyrinths? Zauner Martin /University of Applied Science St Pötlen (Austria): “Intensive Case Management” Manuela Brandstetter/ University of Applied Science St Pölten (Austria) : “Regional