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Intro to Sociology syllabus spring 2014-1

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Intro to Sociology Sociology 1301 Introduction to Sociology CRNS 22587/27115 Spring 2014 UGLC 126 TR 12-1:20 WELCOME!!! Sociology offers a unique perspective on human behavior that stresses social experiences Rather than focusing on internal biological or psychological factors such as personality or ability, sociology examines social factors that are external to individuals and have a profound effect on their behavior Culture and group membership are among the most important of these external factors for understanding behavior Unlike most other disciplines, sociologists are interested in why categories of people such as teenagers, patients, or immigrants behave the way that they The aim of this course will be to introduce the student to the sociological perspective, a perspective which isn't particularly designed to enable us to discover new, unknown things but rather to discover a new way of seeing old, familiar things; a perspective that is both dangerous and liberating We see the world the way we not because that is the way it is, but because we have these ways of seeing, and sociology is a way of seeing Also students will learn about major theoretical perspectives included in most chapters and how to apply them Borrowed in part from Bernard McGrane Sociology professor Chapman University Author of The Un-TV and The 10 MPH Car "I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I and I understand." (Old Confucian Proverb) Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Teri Hibbert Old Main 313 MW 11-1;TR 3-4 Intro to Sociology Email: Phone: Please use Blackboard email 747-5714 TA information can be found on Blackboard Blackboard Course Internet Site This class has a Blackboard shell that you can access through your my.utep.edu portal (use your email address and password to sign in) Blackboard offers a discussion board that students can use to ask questions of each other It is also possible to email the professor, teaching assistant, and other students in the class through the Blackboard email This email is different than your UTEP email As a requirement of this class, you must regularly check your Blackboard email for this class That is where you will find all class announcements and personal messages to students I also ask that you email me and the teaching assistant only through Blackboard for course‐related concerns This will help to prevent delivery problems with our UTEP email The syllabus will be posted here, along with your grades after each exam and assignment Required Texts and Materials SOC by Benokraitus, Nijole third edition only Email access: UTEP and Blackboard Green scantrons (form # 882-E-LOVAS) for exams #2 Pencils for exams Grading policy: 400 points Exams 100 pts each Exams 1-3: 60 multiple choice, green scantrons will be needed Final exam: 100 multiple choice, green scantrons needed 100 points Getting to Know You: see assignment and due date on Blackboard 100 points DVD essays/will be open later 600 points total Intro to Sociology Grading scale: A=90-100%/B=80-89%/C=70-79%/ D=60-69%/F=595 or lower ***DVD will be shown in class and essays will be due in word format When assignment is open on Blackboard, you will need to print it out and bring to class the day the DVD is shown Preparation The successful student comes to class and is prepared Notes for each chapter are available on Blackboard as well as power points which can all be printed out Students can use notes printed out to add in-class examples I will provide Also I may ask specific questions from the notes in class to assess understanding Have assignments ready to hand in at the beginning of class because that is when they will be collected Assignments will not be accepted if student is late to class or absent on the due date Make up exams are ONLY available for students with excused absences Excused students are those with legitimate conflicts (i.e., funeral, serious illness, or school sanctioned event) who let me know ahead of time that they will be missing class and provide documentation for the absence (e.g., doctor’s note or documentation from athletics dept.) All make up exams will be completed during the final exam time for the class at the end of the semester Computers All assignments written outside of class must be word processed using Times New Roman 12 pt font, one inch margins and double spacing A cover sheet is required See specific directions on assignment for DVD essays PASS A new program has been added to this class called Peers Assisting Student Success which will consist of two outside sessions weekly for study guidance Attendance is voluntary but I will offer some extra credit throughout semester for attendance at a certain number of sessions The leader will be in class on day one and present the information and it will also be posted on Blackboard as well Participation and Miscellaneous Considerations Intro to Sociology Students should come to class prepared Every student is a vital part of the class In some instances, coming to class unprepared will result in an absence In class, students are expected to be alert, attentive, and focused on the subject at hand Participation and attitude are very important in this class and throughout your college career You have unique and special qualities to share with the rest of the class In order to provide you with a positive learning environment, I ask that you silence your cell phones during class and keep them out of view Also any music players, etc should be turned off and put away Since notes are available on blackboard, laptops will not be needed for note taking I suggest you bring the printed out notes to add class information ie; examples which help students to understand concepts Remember I will also ask questions from the notes to assess understanding Please observe basic etiquette: listening when another is speaking, not working on assignments during class, paying attention, and treating others with respect and courtesy If a student is acting unprofessionally, he/she will be required to leave class for the day Permission is required to have guests attend class with you Unauthorized guests will be asked to leave Certain guidelines are needed to provide the best instruction possible therefore: Cross-conversations during class are disruptive and will delay instruction All students have the right not to be disturbed in this manner during the instruction time they have paid for Continued disruptions will result in the student/s being asked to leave If the disruptions are ongoing (2nd time I have to ask student/s to stop talking), I will send student/s name/s to Dean of Students and drop with an F Arriving late is also disruptive so please be on time or you will not be allowed into the classroom If late arrivals continue, the door will be closed and no one will be allowed to enter the classroom With regard to exams, everyone needs to be in class on time After minutes, the door will be closed and no one will be admitted to the exam There are no exceptions to Intro to Sociology this rule so plan accordingly regarding parking and construction issues on campus Your instructor may choose to make an exception to the above policies if she deems the circumstances warrant it  Copyright Statement Some of the materials in this course are copyrighted Violation of US copyright law can result in civil damages up to $100.000 for each work copied Copying of textbooks is not “fair use” under the Copyright Act The “fair use doctrine” only permits non-commercial copying of part (in general, not more than 10%) of a copyrighted work Do not bring a copied textbook to this class Your cooperation is expected  1.3 Student Conduct: [From the Handbook of Operating Procedures: Student Affairs] Each student is responsible for notice of and compliance with the provisions of the Regents Rules and Regulations, which are available for inspection electronically at http://www.utsystem.edu/bor/rules/homepage.htm  1.3.1 Scholastic Dishonesty: [From the Handbook of Operating Procedures: Student Affairs] It is the official policy of the University that all suspected cases or acts of alleged scholastic dishonesty must be referred to the Dean of Students for investigation and appropriate disposition It is contrary to University policy for a faculty member to assign a disciplinary grade such as an "F" or zero to an assignment, test, examination, or other course work as a sanction for admitted or suspected scholastic dishonesty in lieu of normally charging the student through the Dean of Students Similarly, students are prohibited from proposing and/or entering into an arrangement with a faculty member to receive a grade of "F" or any reduced grade in lieu of being charged with scholastic dishonesty Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, Intro to Sociology any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts  1.3.12 Plagiarism: [From the Handbook of Operating Procedures: Student Affairs] "Plagiarism" means the appropriation, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another's work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one's own academic work offered for credit, or using work in a paper or assignment for which the student had received credit in another course without direct permission of all involved instructors  Students with Disabilities Policy: If you have or suspect a disability and need an accommodation you should contact CASS at 747-5148 or at cass@utep.edu or go to Room 106 Union East Building within the first two weeks of class  Syllabus Change Policy: Except for changes that substantially affect the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice How to Earn a Good Grade in Sociology 1301 Commit to your educational opportunity You have made a major financial commitment to attend this university Now you need to commit your time and energy to the required course work, if you want to succeed Unlike high school, the majority of the work in college is done outside of class In college, the general rule is that students should be assigned approximately six hours of out‐of‐ class work per week for every three‐credit course Do the reading before class This is the first step towards an A Do your reading before class This helps you understand the material covered in class and gives you a chance to ask about anything that you did not understand in the reading Use a dictionary as you read to look up words you are unfamiliar with Keep a list of these words and their meanings in order to grow your academic vocabulary Highlighting or recording key points will make it easier for you to study for exams Intro to Sociology Attend class Being in your seat and ready to go when class starts is the second step towards an A Classes are designed to help you understand the most important concepts associated with each topic During lectures, I use different examples than those discussed in the textbook to enhance your understanding of these concepts Come see us right away if you’re having problems Telepathy really does not work We cannot help you if you not tell us you are in trouble or wait until the last few weeks of the semester to acknowledge that you are in trouble Please visit during office hours, or make an appointment We would be happy to see you Thanks to one of my colleagues for this list ... in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, Intro to Sociology any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts ... it easier for you to study for exams Intro to Sociology Attend class Being in your seat and ready to go when class starts is the second step towards an A Classes are designed to help you understand... allowed to enter the classroom With regard to exams, everyone needs to be in class on time After minutes, the door will be closed and no one will be admitted to the exam There are no exceptions to Intro

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 04:12

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