California State University, Fullerton Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Coaching Performance Evaluation Name Sport Rating Period ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE EXCELL A B C D E F Graduation Rate Prior year team GPA Prior year team units Low % of athletes on probation Athletes on honor roll Low % of academic disqualifications G Low % of NCAA non-qualifiers H Low % of admission exceptions I Study hall attendance J Monitors academic goals TEAM AND RECRUITING SUCCESS A Success of team B Success of individuals C Citizenship qualities and conduct of student-athletes D Quality of recruits (Academic citizenship, athletics) E Retention of squad members FUNDRAISING AND FISCAL PERFORMANCE A Fundraising success through TAF & special projects B Fiscal responsibility management of budget C Success in promoting sport ADMINISTRATIVE PERFORMANCE A Ethical conduct (Knowledge of and compliance with NCAA, Big West and CSF rules) B Personal conduct (Enthusiasm, moral conduct) C Organizational management adherence to administrative deadlines, travel & purchasing procedures, contest scheduling, eligibility checks, etc D Public relations ABOVE AVG AVG NEEDS IMPROV UNSAT N/A ADMINISTRATIVE PERFORMANCE EXCELL (Cont) E Cooperation and communication with department personnel F Quality and supervision of assistants G Concern for health, safety, treatment and general welfare of student-athletes H Support of and attendance at department projects & functions I Professional conduct, role model for players and good sportsmanship ABOVE AVG AVG NEEDS IMPROV UNSAT Specific observable strengths of this individual’s performance Specific observable weaknesses of this individual’s performance List specific things this individual can to improve performance Signatures: Supervisor Date Coach Date Signature denotes acknowledgment that this review has been discussed It does not necessarily mean agreement with evaluation Recommend for contract renewal Do Not Recommend for contract renewal Director of Athletics Date N/A ... individual’s performance Specific observable weaknesses of this individual’s performance List specific things this individual can to improve performance. .. Signatures: Supervisor Date Coach Date Signature denotes acknowledgment that this review has been discussed It does not necessarily mean agreement with evaluation Recommend for contract...4 ADMINISTRATIVE PERFORMANCE EXCELL (Cont) E Cooperation and communication with department personnel F Quality and