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Tiêu đề Alpine Ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Biodiversity Sensitivity and Adaptive Potential
Trường học University of Zugna
Chuyên ngành Biodiversity and Conservation
Thể loại project report
Năm xuất bản 2010
Thành phố Zugna
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ACE-SAP project Alpine ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Biodiversity Sensitivity and Adaptive Potential ACE-SAP 3rd Annual General Meeting 19-20 May 2010 Mt Zugna – Rifugio Monte Zugna TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACTS OF EACH PROJECT ACTIVITY AND WORK PACKAGE A1 -BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION A1-wp1 - Adaptive genetic variation in the highly endangered Salmo carpio L 1758 A1-wp2 - Conservation genetics of three threatened vertebrate species A1-wp3 - Taxonomic delimitation and conservation biology of three endemic plant taxa A1-wp4 - Flora of Mt Baldo A2 - ADAPTATION - AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS A2-wp1 - Genetic diversity and adaptive traits in the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens A2-wp2 - Target species: Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C Agardh A2-wp3 - The adaptive potential of natural populations of two aquatic insect species in relation to temperature variations and pollutants A3 - ADAPTATION - LAND ENVIRONMENTS A3-wp - Adaptation in Alpine Conifers A3-wp2 - Cold regulated genes and cold tolerance in Brassicaceae A3-wp3 - Common frog landscape genetics A3-wp4 - Molecular basis of host-parasite interaction A4 - MODELLING A4-wp1 - Climatic Modelling A4-wp2 - GIS modelling - landscape genetics A4-wp3 - Ecological Modelling A5 - POPULARISATION A5-wp1 - Dissemination NOTES ACE-SAP PEOPLE HOUSEKEEPING DETAILS ACE-SAP 3rd Annual General Meeting, 19-20 May 2010 - Rifugio Monte Zugna 19 May 2010 schedule 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-10:45 Welcome - David Neale, Scientific Coordinator; Franco Finotti, Director MCR A1-WP1 Adaptive genetic variation in the highly endangered Salmo carpio L.- Paolo Gratton FEM A1-WP2 Conservation genetics of three threatened vertebrate species – Cristiano Vernesi FEM Coffee break 10:45-11:15 A1-WP3 Taxonomic delimitation and conservation of three endemic plant taxa – Simone Fior FEM 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:15 A1-WP4 Flora of Mt Baldo – Lorenzo Marini MCR A2-WP1 Genetic diversity and adaptive traits in the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens – Domenico D'Alelio FEM A2 - WP2 Target species: Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C Agardh – Marco Cantonati MTSN 12:15-12:45 12:45-13:45 Lunch 13:45-14:15 A2-WP3 – The adaptive potential of natural populations of two aquatic insect species in relation to temperature variations and pollutants – Valeria Lencioni MTSN 14:15-14:45 A3-WP Adaption in Alpine Conifers – Elena Mosca UCD 14:45-15:15 A3-WP2 Cold Regulated (Cor) genes and cold tolerance in Brassicaceae – Lino Ometto FEM 15:15-15:45 A3 – WP3 Common frog Landscape genetics – Cristiano Vernesi FEM 15:45-16:00 16:00-16:30 Coffee break A3 – WP4 Molecular basis of host parasite interaction – Barbara Crestanello FEM A4-WP1: Climatic modelling – Piero Cau FEM A4-WP2 Gis modelling– Landscape genetics – Duccio Rocchini 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:30 FEM 17:30-18:00 A4 - WP3 Ecological modelling – Luca Bolzoni FEM 18:00-18:30 A5-WP1 – Dissemination – Franco Finotti MCR 19.30-22.30 Evening meal social programme: after dinner, guided visit to the MCR Astronomic Observatory, at walking distance from the meeting venue 20 May 2010 schedule 9:00-9:15 Self-Evaluation opening - David Neale, Scientific Coordinator 9:15-10:30 Intra-Activity breakout group sessions 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:00 Intra-Activity breakout group reports and discussion 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:30 Inter-Activity breakout group sessions 14:30-15:00 Coffee Break 15:00-16:00 Inter-Activity breakout group reports and discussion 16:00-16:30 Summary and wrap up Key to acronyms and details FEM - Fondazione Edmund Mach MCR - Museo Civico di Rovereto MTSN - Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali UCD - University of California, Davis Abstracts of each project activity and work package A1 -Biological Conservation A1-wp1 - Adaptive genetic variation in the highly endangered Salmo carpio L 1758 Participants: Paolo Gratton, Andrea Gandolfi Within the S trutta complex, Salmo carpio exhibits very specific ecological features, including gregarious behaviour, planktonic diet and peculiar reproductive biology It is therefore commonly accepted as a ‘true’ species, strictly endemic to the Garda lake and critically endangered according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species The carpione is a middle-sized trout, attaining a maximum size and weight of 35-40 cm and ca 500 g Exceptional specimens may reach 50 cm and kg The body shape is characterized by relatively small head The background colour is silver grey, with small blackish dots on the back During spawning seasons there is some sexual dimorphism, with males showing a dark bronzed background and blackish fins Eggs are laid in two spawning seasons (peaking in December-January and July-August, respectively) in deep (50-200 m) lakebeds with plenty of oxygen The species has gregarious attitudes, particularly during seasonal migration between spawning and foraging areas The diet of Salmo carpio is mostly zooplanktonic Genetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear data led different authors to propose a hybrid origin for S carpio, by secondary contact in recent times of different evolutionary lineages of the S trutta complex This hypothesis is consistent with the post-glacial origin of the Garda lake Admitting that S carpio might have a hybrid origin does not negate its recognition as a species under the Phylogenetic Species Concept as it is an independent and diagnosable lineage Moreover, the adaptive differentiation from the two parental lineages adds interest for the species in an evolutionary context Some peculiar features of the S carpio life-cycle could lie within the wide range of phenotypic plasticity of the S trutta complex, and be a direct effect of the Genotype-Environment interactions in the specific environmental conditions and factors faced in the Garda lake (e.g trophic spectrum) However, behavioural and life-history traits directly associated to reproduction (two spawning seasons a year and spawning areas in deep waters of the lake) that create a strong reproductive barrier isolating the carpione from the lacustris phenotype of the S trutta complex, sympatric in the Garda Lake, are likely to represent a rapid adaptive (genetic?) response to a strong selection imposed by the environment Divergent natural selection (selection on ecologically relevant traits that favours different alleles in different environments) could have been the main driver to the incipient ecological speciation within the Garda lake The aim of this WP is to characterize neutral and potentially functional polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Salmo carpio genome Putatively neutral polymorphic loci available from other salmonid species will be assayed and compared to genetic variation in genes potentially under positive selection (candidate genes), which will be preliminarily searched for by comparison of expression profiles (DNA microarrays, Quantitative Real-Time PCR assays) The description of genetic variation, according to this approach, will be a valuable tool for i) phylogenetic and population studies within the S trutta complex, and ii) to formulate new hypotheses on the S carpio rapid adaptive evolution and incipient speciation A1-wp2 - Conservation genetics of three threatened vertebrate species Participants: Luca Cornetti, Barbara Crestanello, Michele Menegon, Elena Pecchioli, Paolo Pedrini, Cristiano Vernesi The main goal is to provide a preliminary ecological and molecular survey of three vertebrate species, selected for their conservation value The species of this WP are: common lizard (Zootoca vivipara), yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) and rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) The common lizard is an Eurasian lacertid that has both viviparous and oviparous populations The first are widely distributed from British Isles to northeastern Asia (Takenaka, 1991); the latter have only been observed in Slovenia, Italian NE Alps, Prealps According to mitochondrial DNA and karyotype, oviparous populations from Slovenia and Italian Prealps belong to a different subspecies, Z v carniolica (Surget-Groba et al 2002) In Trentino Z v carniolica has been recently discovered (Menegon et al., 2003), being relegated to low and middle altitude bogs Z vivipara is considered one of the vertebrate taxa facing the highest risk of extinction within the regional boundary B variegata, is distributed over much of central and southern Europe with an altitudinal range from 100 to 2100 m, while it prefers low-mid altitudes The species has experienced some local extinctions and population declines In Italy it is present to the north of river Po with fragmented populations Populations of this species might be locally threatened by the loss of suitable habitat due to anthropogenic pressure (e.g transportation and discharge of pollutants into wetlands; from Amphibia Data, IUCN) and mycosis The species is listed on Appendix II of the Berne Convention, on Annexes II and IV of the EU Natural Habitats Directive In Trentino there are evidences of rapid decline of some population of B variegata (Caldonazzi et al 2002) The rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta helvetica) is a bird inhabiting the arctic and alpine tundra of North America and northern Eurasia Isolated populations are found on mountain chains of southern Europe (Holder & Montgomerie, 1993) This species can be considered well adapted to high altitude and cold environment, being therefore particularly sensitive to perturbations posed by global warming and human activities In fact some range contractions with local extinctions have been reported (Flint, 1995) The isolated and fragmented Alpine populations are facing several threats: habitat fragmentation and degradation linked to climate change, tourism activities and overhunting (Ménoni & Magnani 1998, Zeitler & Glänzer 1998) The subspecies, L m helvetica, is added in Annex I of EU Wild Birds Directive; it is considered Vulnerable in Italian Red List and “Endangered” in Trentino Taking advantage of previous research conducted by participants, we will first provide basic information about where natural populations occur across Trentino and about habitat selectivity This allows carefully selecting sampling sites, which should be equally subdivided between the Eastern and the Western side of Adige valley Molecular analyses will involve determination of nucleotide sequence variation at mitochondrial DNA and allele frequency estimation at some (6-10) nuclear microsatellites Statistical data analysis will address estimation of genetic diversity within population and differentiation among populations by means of standard approaches (e.g nucleotide diversity, expected heterozygosity, Fst, AMOVA, etc.) and more advanced coalescent-based methodologies (Bayesian estimation of migration rate, effective population size and time of divergence in non equilibrium models, individual-based assignment, etc.) Whenever possible, the results of genetic analyses will be integrated with spatial ecological features in order to correlate the size and quality of the habitat with the level of genetic variation and differentiation for each species A1-wp3 - Taxonomic delimitation and conservation biology of three endemic plant taxa Participants: Thomas Abeli, Alessio Bertolli, Costantino Bonomi, Simone Fior, Margherita Lega, Gilberto Parolo, Filippo Prosser, Graziano Rossi, Claudio Varotto Species richness is a traditional measure of biological diversity It relies on the number of species present in a given habitat or region The proper taxonomic definition of endemic taxa, potentially more threatened with extinction than widespread relatives, is therefore particularly relevant to set conservation priorities aimed at maintaining biodiversity The identification of the closest relative (sister group) of a given taxon is moreover relevant for comparative studies, e.g to compare the inter and intra-population genetic variation of the two taxa In the Alps several endemic taxa have a dubious taxonomic position Two interesting case studies are taxa belonging to Brassicaceae, provisionally called Brassica repanda subsp baldensis Bertolli & Prosser and Erysimum aurantiacum Leyb Both these species are narrow endemics of the South-Eastern Alps with a very limited distribution Brassica repanda subsp baldensis Bertolli & Prosser is a Brassica repanda subspecies described for the first time only two years ago (Bertolli and Prosser, 2007, Willdenowia 37: 191-198) It has the closest morphological affinities to B repanda subspecies of the eastern Iberian Peninsula (subsp blancoana, subsp cadevallii and in particular subsp maritima) and not to the three subspecies known from the Alps and NE Italy Erysimum aurantiacum Leyb differs form the closely related species E rhaeticum and E sylvestre by a few traits The most relevant difference, however, is the orange pigmentation of its petals, a trait which inspired the name given to this taxon Another endemic taxon present in this region is Aquilegia thalictrifolia Schott & Kotschy This taxon is recognized as a true species, but its sister species is not known The species shows signs of decline associated to habitat change expected as a consequence of the ongoing climate change may seriously threaten this species Moreover, little is known about the conservation status of this plant (population ecology and dynamics) Both in the case of B repanda subsp baldensis Bertolli & Prosser and E aurantiacum Leyb a phylogenetic reconstruction based on molecular markers will be carried out to determine the taxonomic status of this taxa The phylogenetic reconstruction of A thalictrifolia Schott & Kotschy will allow the identification of its sister group Genetic analyses of all taxa under study will be carried out to characterize the genetic variation within and among populations Microsatellite markers developed for Arabidopsis and close relatives will be tested in both B repanda subsp baldensis Bertolli & Prosser and E aurantiacum Leyb Other SSR markers may be developed within the frame of this project A good number of SSR markers already available for Aquilegia species will be applied to the genetic characterization of A thalictrifolia Schott & Kotschy populations In 2009 twelve populations of Aquilegia were studied in detail, collecting data on population size and reproductive biology The main results revealed that the populations have a scattered distribution through the range Population size ranged from about 10 to more than 500 individuals and density is, in some cases, very high (up to 16 plants/m 2) Population biology studies showed that the plant is self-compatible, and despite its reduced distribution, it has a good reproductive performance, as revealed by the analysis of seed set and flower production Measurements of fluctuating asymmetry revealed that all the populations are under the same level of environmental/genetic stress, even the most isolated and small populations Genetic analyses, based on the same individuals selected for FA measures, will surely add further insights for the interpretation of this pattern of FA The germination trials started in autumn 2009 and were designed to test the initial hypothesis of a morpho-physiological dormancy requiring sequential warm and cold stratification, based on preliminary data gathered in 2006 Initial results are partially in contrast with the hypothesis, showing that dormancy can be removed without a warm stratification period and no alternating temperatures are necessary in the germination stage As widely indicated for the Ranunculaceae the embryo is underdeveloped, a cold stratification period is necessary and sufficient to remove both the morphological and the physiological component of dormancy Once dormancy is broken, seeds germinate similarly (>80%) in dark and light conditions, and/or under alternating and constant germination temperatures A1-WP4 - FLORA OF MT BALDO Participants: Lorenzo Marini, Alessio Bertolli, Filippo Prosser Objectives: to find priority conservation actions for a wide but circumscribed mountain territory, using as indicator all vascular flora The collected information is extended to a wide territory and to all vascular flora, even if not detailed Mt Baldo (66-2218 m, 411 km2) is ecologically various and well delimited by Lake Garda and Adige Valley Moreover Mt Baldo is one of the more famous floristic area of the world Calzolari in 1566 wrote the first field flora Linnaeus in his Flora Alpina (1756) gave to Mt Baldo the same importance as Swiss or Pyrenees.MCR collected data from this territory in order to create a database The database consists on 30.000 records bibliography and herbarium data (from 1554 up to now) and on 140.000 records collected on the field in the years 1991-2008 The data structure is: taxon, locality (observation site), date, altitude (min-max), observer(s) All data collected on the field are georeferenced (with points, polylines or regions), but we have not quantitative and ecological information For each observation site we have generally recorded only part of the taxa At the time we checked and georeferenced the whole dataset, with bot field, bibliographical and collection data We are gathering environmental data and we are choosing the grid for further elaboration We also expect to infer good information in order to plan conservation actions In the meantime the flora of M Baldo was published This volume constitute the first attempt of a complete flora (vascular plants) of the Monte Baldo The work is opened by a general section where the history of the floristic exploration of the M Baldo, the research methods and the results of some data elaborations are exposed It proceeds with the special illustrated section where the 1952 wild or naturalized species (or subspecies), certainly present on the M Baldo, are presented This means that in just 390 km 2, equal to 0,2 % of the alpine region, the 43 % of the entire alpine flora grows on the M Baldo For each species there is a picture, a descriptive text, an innovative point distribution map and other informations (the first botanist who have recorded a species on this mountain chain, the level of threat for the provinces of Trento and Verona, altitudinal range, etc.) This work is the first flora published in Italy which report a so large amount of information elements In appendix other 180 occasional species and 394 taxa signalled for mistake are commented At the end, the volume is completed by the list of localities and dates of each picture, by 1000 references and an analytic index of 5390 items comprehensive of the main synonymous and common names Achillea virescens (Fenzl) Heimerl Eryngium campestre L Cardamine heptaphylla (Vill.) O E Schulz Dictamnus albus L A2 - Adaptation - Aquatic Environments A2-wp1 - Genetic diversity and adaptive traits in the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens Participants: Domenico D’Alelio, Andrea Gandolfi, Monica Tolotti, Leonardo Cerasino, Adriano Boscaini, Giovanna Flaim, Graziano Guella, Nico Salmaso                                                                                                               ACE-SAP People ABELI, Thomas Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Ecologia del territorio Via S Epifanio, 14 - 27100 Pavia e-mail: thomas.abeli@unipv.it Tel.: 0382984854, Fax: 038234240, Mob.: 3387038738 ANGELI, Nicola Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Limnologia Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: angeli@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270383, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: 3404630596 BERETTA, Claudia Museo Civico di Rovereto B.go S Caterina, 41 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: berettaclaudia@museocivico.rovereto.tn.it Tel.: 0464452800, Fax: 0464439487, Mob.: -3928438053 BERNABÒ, Paola Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Limnologia Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: paola.bernabo@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461882741, Fax: -, Mob.: - 3479445388 BERTOLLI, Alessio Museo Civico di Rovereto B.go S Caterina, 41 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: bertollialessio@museocivico.rovereto.tn.it Tel.: 0464452800, Fax: 0464439487, Mob.: BOLZONI, Luca Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: luca.bolzoni@nemo.unipr.it Tel.: 0461939545, Fax: -, Mob.: 3408090018 BONOMI, Costantino Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Botanica Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: bonomi@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270381, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: 3483044940 BRESADOLA, Luisa Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige e-mail: luisa.bresadola@gmail.com Tel.: 0461615602, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: CANTONATI, Marco Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Limnologia Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: cantonati@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270342, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: 3209224755 CAPUTI, Luigi Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Idrobiologia Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: luigi.caputi@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: -, Fax: -, Mob.: 3491464993 CASTELLANI, Cristina Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: cristina.castellani@iasmait TEL.: 0461270381 CAU, Piero Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: piero.cau@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615395, Fax: -, Mob.: 3473958292 CERASINO, Leonardo Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: leonardo.cerasino@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615531, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: COLLINI, Margherita Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: margherita.collini@tiscali.it Tel.: 0461939532, Fax: Mob.: 3471439056 CORNETTI, Luca Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: cornetti@cealp.it Tel.: 0461939555, Fax: 0461948190, Mob.: 3389570057 CRESTANELLO, Barbara Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: crestanello@cealp.it Tel.: 0461939529, Fax: 0461948190 Mob.: 3336266942 D’ALELIO, Domenico Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: domenico.dalelio@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615323, Fax: 0461923500, Mob.: 3289064059 DI PIERRO, Erica Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: erica.dipierro@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615379, Fax: - Mob.: 3495112132 ECCEL, Emanuele Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: emanuele.eccel@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615397, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: -3280705398 FINOTTI, Franco Museo Civico di Rovereto B.go S Caterina, 41 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: finottifranco@museocivico.rovereto.tn.it Tel.: 0464452800, Fax: 0464439487, Mob.: FIOR, Simone Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: simone.fior@iasma.it TEL.: 04616155108, FAX: , MOB.: FLAIM, Giovanna Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: giovanna.flaim@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615377, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: FRASSANITO, Rita Università di Trento, Laboratorio di chimica biorganica, Dipartimento di Fisica Via Sommarive, 14 - loc Povo, 38100 Trento (TN) e-mail: frassani@science.unitn.it Tel.: 0461881548, Fax: -, Mob.: GANDOLFI, Andrea Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: andrea.gandolfi@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615532, Fax: 0461615956, Mob.: 3286189944 GIRARDI, Matteo Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: girardi@cealp.it Tel.: 0461939555, Fax: 0461948190, Mob.: GRATTON, Paolo Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: paolo.gratton@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615596, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: 3495158864 GRAZIOLI, Valentini Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali Via Calepina, 14 - 38100 Trento e-mail: valentina.grazioli@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: , Fax: , Mob.: GUELLA, Graziano Università di Trento, Laboratorio di chimica biorganica, Dipartimento di Fisica Via Sommarive, 14 - loc Povo, 38100 Trento (TN) e-mail: graziano.guella@untin.it Tel.: 0461881536, Fax: -, Mob.: JOUSSON, Olivier Università di Trento, Centro Interdipartimentale per la Biologia Integrata - CIBIO Via delle Regole 101, loc Mattarello 38100 Trento e-mail: jousson@science.unitn.it Tel.: 0461882933 - 0461883937, Fax: 0461883937, Mob.: LA PORTA, Nicola Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: nicola.laporta@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615396, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: 3387888736 LA ROCCA, Nicoletta Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Biologia Via Ugo Bassi 58/B - 35131 Padova e-mail: nicoletta.larocca@unipd.it Tel.: 0498276273, Fax: 0498276260, Mob.: - LEGA, Margherita Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: margherita.lega@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615421, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: 3467658618 LENCIONI, Valeria Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Idrobiologia Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: lencioni@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270371, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: 3209224766 MARCANTONIO, Matteo Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: matteo-ma@tin.it TEL.: , FAX: , MOB.: MARCHESINI, Alexis Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: alexis.vodafone@vodafone.it TEL.: 0461939532, FAX: , MOB.: 3494046787 MARINI, Lorenzo Università di Padova, (per MCR) Viale dell'Università, 16 – 35020 Padova e-mail: lorenzo.marini@unipd.it TEL.: 0498272807, FAX: 0498272810, MOB.: 3355397924 MARTINELLI, Cristiana Museo Civico di Rovereto B.go S Caterina, 41 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: martiger@tin.it Tel.: 0464452800, Fax: 0464439487, Mob.: MENEGON, Michele Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Zoologia vertebrati Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: menegon@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270374, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: MORO, Isabella Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Biologia Via Ugo Bassi 58/B - 35131 Padova e-mail: isabella.moro@unipd.it Tel.: 0498276255, Fax: 0498276260, Mob.: - MOSCA, Elena University of California at Davis One Shields Avenue – Davis, CA 95616 e-mail: emosca@ucdavis.edu Tel.: +15307528412, Fax: -, Mob.: +1 5302200934 / +39 3407782324 NASCIMBENE, Juri Università di Trieste, Dipartimento di Scienze della VIta Via Giorgieri, 10 - Trieste e-mail: junasc@libero.it Tel.: 043942894, Fax: 043942894, Mob.: 3487256627 NEALE, David University of California, Davis One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616, USA e-mail: dbneale@ucdavis.edu Tel.: +15307548431, Fax: -, Mob.: 3334457151 NETELER, Markus Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: markus.neteler@iasma.it Tel.: 0461939545, Fax: 0461948190, Mob.: OMETTO, Lino Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: lino.ometto@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615108, Fax: -, Mob.: PAROLO, Gilberto Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Ecologia del territorio Via S Epifanio, 14 – 27100 Pavia, Italy e-mail: gilberto.parolo@unipv.it Tel.: 0382984854, Fax: 038234240, Mob.: 3470045292 PEDRINI, Paolo Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Zoologia vertebrati Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: pedrini@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270310, Fax: 0461233830, Mob.: 3209224759 PERTOT, Ilaria Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: Ilaria.pertot@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615515, Fax: 0461615500, Mob.: 3358359204 PROSSER, Filippo Museo Civico di Rovereto B.go S Caterina 41 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: prosserfilippo@museocivico.rovereto.tn.it Tel.: 0464452800, Fax: 0464439487, Mob.: RIZZOLI, Annapaola Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: annapaola.rizzoli@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615433, Fax: -, Mob.: ROCCHINI, Duccio Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: duccio.rocchini@iasma.it Tel.: -, Fax: -, Mob.: 3921185553 ROSÀ, Roberto Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: rosa@cealp.it Tel.: 0461939564, Fax: 0461948190, Mob.: SALMASO, Nico Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: nico.salmaso@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615323, Fax: -, Mob.: SCALFI, Alessia Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, sezione Limnologia Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: alessia.scalfi@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270383, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: 3405392470 SCIUTO, Katia Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Biologia Via Ugo Bassi 58/B - 35131 Padova e-mail: katia.sciuto@unipd.it Tel.: 0498276255, Fax: 0498276260, Mob.: SPITALE, Daniel Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Limnology and Phycology Section Via Calepina, 14 - CP393 - 38100 Trento e-mail: spitale@mtsn.tn.it Tel.: 0461270342, Fax: 0461270376, Mob.: 3479505651 TOLOTTI, Monica Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: monica.tolotti@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615256, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: TAGLIAPIETRA, Valentina Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: tagliapietra@cealp.it Tel.: 0461948190, Fax: 0461939527, Mob.: VAROTTO, Claudio Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Via Mach, - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) e-mail: claudio.varotto@iasma.it Tel.: 0461615108, Fax: 0461650956, Mob.: VENDRAMIN, Giovanni Plant Genetics Institute , National Research Council Via Madonna Del Piano 10 – Sesto Fiorentino (Fi) e-mail: giovanni.vendramin@igv.cnr.it; gg.vendramin@gmail.com Tel.: 0555225725, Fax: 0555225729, Mob.: VERNESI, Cristiano Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione Loc Viote del Monte Bondone - 38100 Trento e-mail: vernesi@cealp.it Tel.: 0461939523, Fax: 0461948190, Mob.: 3297364173 ZEN, Eleonora Museo Civico di Rovereto B.go S Caterina, 41 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) e-mail: zeneleonora@museocivico.rovereto.tn.it Tel.: 0464452800, Fax: 0464439487, Mob.: - Housekeeping details • The lunch will be served in the Rifugio Mt Zugna If you have any special dietary requirement (e.g vegetarian etc.) please notify the reception desk and we will sort out meals accordingly • You are kindly requested to wear your ID badge at all times: This will let staff know you belong to our party and will be granted access at the meeting rooms at all times  Rifugio Monte Zugna is a mountain refuge If you spend the night there, you must provide your own sheet, pillowcase, sleeping bag and towels, while blankets are at your disposal  If you are in need of assistance not hesitate to phone us Our telephones are: museum switchboard +39 0464 452800 Claudia mob +39 3928438053 If you need assistance please not hesitate to phone or text us Note that Mt Zugna Refuge and the MCR Astronomical Observatory are located at 1620 m a.s.l The temperature can be easily 10-20 degrees cooler than in the valley, please dress accordingly How to reach Mt Zugna: ACE-SAP funding body PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO Servizio Università e Ricerca Scientifica ACE-SAP coordinator ACE-SAP partners the network of science museums in Trentino, Italy

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 02:56


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