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Worksheet for Determining Best Interest for School of Attendance Use this worksheet to determine whether it is in a child’s best interest to remain in their school of origin (“current school”) each time a school move is considered due to a change in residential placements The presumption is that a child will remain in the current school; a child should only change schools if remaining in the current school is not in their best interest The caseworker or facilitator should complete this worksheet in collaboration with the family and others in the child’s life Maintain this worksheet and supporting documentation in the case file Best Interest Determination Child’s Name: Grade in school: Current School and District: Potential New School and District: _ Date of Meeting: Meeting Facilitator: _ Supporting Documentation Attached:      Report cards and progress reports Test scores Attendance data IEP or 504 Plan* Transcript with current credits, if in high school*  Discipline records  Evaluations of student  Written input from absent participants  Other:  Other: * Must be attached and considered if applicable Determination at end of meeting:  The child shall remain in the school of origin (Presumed outcome)  It is in the child’s best interests to transfer to the new school o Note: If in the child best interests to change schools, the child should be enrolled immediately with all records provided to the new school Participants Role Child* Printed Name Signature Agree with determination? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Child’s Guardian ad litem* Yes No Educational Surrogate Parent, if any* Yes No Rep from current school who knows child* Yes No Rep from new school w/ knowledge of resources Yes No Current Caregiver (current placement) Yes No Future Caregiver (new placement) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Parent* Parent* DHS Caseworker* Other: Other: Other: Other: * Required If required participants not attend, the caseworker should document attempts to invite the participant and obtain their input prior to the meeting Discussion of Child’s Best Interest Which school does the child prefer? Why? If the child is not present, how was this information obtained? Is the child’s safety impacted by which school they attend? How? Describe the nature, quality, and duration of the child’s relationships in the current school How many schools has the child attended over the past few years? This year? How have past school transfers impacted the child? How will the placement change impact the child’s other relationships outside of school, such as friends, family and kin, faith and community organizations, etc.? What school the child’s siblings attend, if applicable? How is the current school serving the child’s academic needs, including gifted or special education, vocational opportunities, and other interests? How could the new school serve these needs? How would changing schools affect the child’s ability to earn full academic credit, proceed to the next grade, or graduate on time? How is the current school serving the child’s social and emotional needs? Consider ability to participate in extracurricular and other activities, access to support services, the child’s cultural needs, etc How could the new school serve these needs? 10 Does the child have a positive relationship with an appropriate adult at the current school? 11 Is the new placement expected to be a short or long-term? What is the child’s permanency goal, and how is this impacted by the school selection? 12 Could the school transfer be timed to coincide with a logical academic juncture such as at the end of the school year or semester or an event that is significant to the child? Consider the academic calendars of the new school and the current school 13 How would the length of the commute to the current school impact the child? Consider the length of the commute on various modes of transportation, e.g., car, school bus, public transit (Note: The cost of transportation is not a permissible factor.) 14 Does the child’s parent(s) prefer the current school or new school? Why? 15 Document any other factors the team considered in reaching a decision

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 01:56
