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RNZCGP Quality Symposium 2012 Programme Connecting for Quality Date: 10 - 11 February 2012 (Additional Lean Thinking workshop 12 February 2012) Venue: Oceania Room, Te Papa Museum of Wellington, Wellington Theme: Integration as an Enabler for Quality and Clinical Effectiveness Scope: Integration is a core principle and coordinating mechanism for new models of primary care, and patient care is greatly influenced by the quality of delivery processes Their experiences also depend on how well their care needs are communicated, and whether good quality information and processes inform people who provide care In 2012, the Quality Symposium builds on the Voyage to Quality theme and current work by general practice and primary care to improve outcomes for patients There is a focus on enablers that support clinical teams and patients to manage care in the current integrated environment The Symposium will focus on learning about practical aspects of implementation, application and integration of care Highlights: • Professor Glyn Elwyn – Director of Research, Department of Primary Care & Public Health, Cardif University, UK • Dr Judith Smith – Head of Policy, Nuffield Trust, UK • Dame Carol Black – National Director for Health & Work, NHS, Chair Nuffield Trust, UK • Dr Tane Taylor, Chair Te Akoranga a Maui – Presentation of the College’s draft Maori Strategy & RNZCGP Statement on reducing health inequity • CORNERSTONE – The new generation • Masterclass – Lean thinking DAY 1: Integration – general practice and primary care environment DAY 2: Self-management – practice team and patients DAY 3: Additional Workshop – Introduction to Lean Thinking RNZCGP Quality Symposium 2012 Programme DAY 1: Friday 10 February 2012 Integration – general practice and primary care environment 8.30 to 9.00 Mihi Introduction Opening comment Integration - an enabler for quality and clinical effectiveness Dr Harry Pert Hon Tony Ryall, Minister of Health Dr Jane O’Hallahan Session - Quality 2012 – International perspectives – Dr Harry Pert 9.15 to 9.45 9.45 to 10.15 10.15 to 10.30 KEYNOTE: Good and Bad Variation in Healthcare: Shared Decision Making as a possible solution Putting things in perspective – Clinical effectiveness needs good systems to support shared decision making - International comparisons against the Quality Matrix KEYNOTE Integrated Care: why does it matter and how we make it happen? Professor Glyn Elwyn Q&A Facilitator: Dr Harry Pert Panel: Dr Jane Burrell, Dr Chris Fawcett, Professor Glyn Elwyn, Dr Judith Smith Dr Judith Smith 10.30 to 10.45 Morning tea Session – Facilitators for integration - Dr Bev O’Keefe 10.45 to 11.30 11.30 to 12.15 12.15 to 12.30 KEYNOTE: A Case Study of an Integrated Family Health Centre – a Centre of Excellence for Rural Primary Health Care, Te Rito O Te Harakeke, Wellsford KEYNOTE: Vocational Rehabilitation – an integral part of clinical effectiveness – capacity not incapacity Q&A What will take us forward? Dr Tim Malloy Dame Carol Black Facilitator: Dr Bev O’Keefe Panel: Dr Tim Malloy, Dame Carol Black 12.30 to 1.30 Lunch Special General Meeting - proposed new rules for RNZCGP - 12:45pm - 1:30pm, Angus Room, Te Papa All members are invited to a Special General Meeting of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) to consider and vote on the College's proposed new rules (held in conjunction with the Quality Symposium) Session – Enabling clinical leadership and clinical effectiveness - Dr Jane Burrell 1.30 to 1.50 1.50 to 2.05 2.05 to 2.35 2.35 to 2.50 2.50 to 3.10 The value of CORNERSTONE General Practice Accreditation Programme and Aiming for Excellence, The Standard for NZ General Practice CORNERSTONE Clinical Effectiveness requirements Practice-based learning and innovation are important drivers for a quality culture The General practice contribution to clinical effectiveness & new models of care - CORNERSTONE – The new generation! Integrate and Innovate: Tools and Tips from Integrated Health Services in New Zealand Developing a College resource on integrated health services and key findings so far Q&A John Cody Dr Chris Fawcett Dr Tane Taylor Alice Jarratt Facilitator: Dr Jane Burrell Panel: Dr Tane Taylor, Dr Jim Vause, Dr Jane O’Hallahan 3.10 to 3.30 Afternoon tea Organisational development and change – Dr Harry Pert 3.30 to 4.00 4.00 to 4.15 4.15 to 4.45 4.45 to 5.15 KEYNOTE Organisational change and development around shared decision making – the complexities of change Alliance contracting & Better Sooner More Convenient – Current thoughts on enabling? KEYNOTE Assuring quality health care in hard times Workshop session Lessons from Day Summing up Professor Glyn Elwyn David Moore Dr Judith Smith Facilitator: Dr Harry Pert Panel: Professor Glyn Elwyn, Dr Judith Smith, Dame Carol Black, Dr Jane O’Hallahan, Dr Jane Burrell, Dr Chris Fawcett, Dr Tane Taylor 5.15pm – Close DAY 2: Saturday 11 February 2012 Self-management and shared decision making – effective practice teams and patients 8.30 Welcome & Reflection on day Patient participation in their health journey Treating people with respect, dignity & valuing diversity Individual and collective actions Chair – Dr Chris Fawcett 8.40 to 9.40 MASTERCLASS Shared decision making as a means of achieving desirable clinical outcomes • Interventions that provide support to patients who are facing tough decisions • Decision support pathways and aids • Organizational culture • Evidence of benefit to patients Professor Glyn Elwyn Case Studies of Patient Enablers Achieving success by working with patients, and valuing individual, cultural differences and diversity 9.45 to 9.55 Case Study of patient engagement - Kawau Bay Health Centre - Reflective engagement through Critical Friends Dr Kate Baddock 9.55 to 10.10 10.10 to 10.20 10.20 to 10.30 10.30 to 10.35 New Clinical Effectiveness module - Limited English Proficiency – A Pacific perspective on health equity - Pacific people are partners in the team Patient tools – Patient Passport - Enabling self management Comment Dr Ben Gray Taima Fagaloa Dr Pauline Boyles Professor Glyn Elwyn 10.35 –10.55 Morning Tea The College commitment to Maori and health equity – Chair Tane Taylor, Te Akoranga a Maui 10.55 to 11.30 Presentation of the draft Maori Strategy for consultation Launch of the position on reducing health inequity Dr Tane Taylor , Dr David Tipene-Leach, Dr Peter Jansen 11.30 to 11.50 A Maori health quality framework in a 30 sec sound-bite - A ‘simple’ quality framework (around Maori health) for the ‘simple’ GP Dr David Tipene-Leach 11.50 to 12.30 KEYNOTE The New Zealand primary care journey: how does it measure up in the international context? Q&A Dr Judith Smith 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch Achieving equity through innovation in practice, teamwork, partnership – Chair Andrew Terris 1.30 to 1.50 Setting the framework and tone for Quality in NZ - The Health Quality & Safety - A culture of quality – Triple Aim, IHI, Innovation Janice Wilson 1.50 to 2.50 MASTERCLASS SESSION Lean thinking Lean Health Care Mel Thornley 2.50 – 3.05 Afternoon tea Enabling Clinical Effectiveness through quality & information to support self management - Dr Harry Pert - Chair 3.05 to 3.45 INFORMATION Patients First enabling Quality & Information Additions to the Quality Toolbox Launch of the Health Quality Measures NZ Feasibility testing the use of the clinical measures Safe Medications Management – Medicines Reconciliation issues Andrew Terris 3.45 to 5.00 INTERACTIVE SESSION WHEN TRANSFER OF CARE WENT WRONG - Could this happen to my patient? An interactive session to workshop a Health and Disability Case To identify and understand the multiple points within the system where errors may happen and then apply the learning to your own situation Determine what processes need to be in place to ensure this doesn’t happen to your patient? Facilitators: Dr Liz Fitzmaurice Dr Judith Smith Professor Glyn Elwyn Dr Jane Burrell The biggest issues: Integration, Shared Decision Making, transfer of care issues, knowledge sharing and recording 5.00 to 5.30 Close and comments Lessons to inform the future Facilitator : Dr Harry Pert Panel: Dr Judith Smith Professor Glyn Elwyn Dr Jane Burrell Dr Tane Taylor Dr Jane O’Hallahan Dr Bev O’Keefe DAY 3: Sunday 12 February 2012 Additional Workshop: Introduction to Lean Thinking Day – Venue to be advised - Limited to 50 people Day workshop –Introduction to Lean Thinking – Mel Thornley Thornley Group Consulting and Training - NZQA Credits available 9.00 to 4.15 A one day introduction to lean thinking This Lean workshop provides an explanation of Lean methods, tools and benefits It will prepare attendees for the task of operating in a Lean environment or for the initial stages of implementing Lean The course gives a working overview of the tools and techniques used in a lean organisation This training is targeted at people who want to learn the basics of Lean is and how it can transform operating practices It is also suitable for anyone who works in a Lean organisation and requires an understanding of the processes involved Contents: • Introduction to Lean Thinking • Customer Focus • Establishing Customer Requirements • Understanding Value • The Seven Measures of Lean • Value Stream Mapping • Identifying Waste • Eliminating Waste • Making Work Flow • 5S • Standardised Work • Process Changeover Reduction • TPM • Lean Layout Design • Visual Management • Problem Solving Methods • Kaizen • Barriers Course Facilitator: Mel Thornley Mel has over 20 years experience in the business improvement field working in Europe, India and New Zealand Working as a consultant in a wide range of industries, he has helped and trained hundreds of people in the Lean and Six Sigma methodologies With a professional background in the automotive industry, customer service and engineering, Mel has a wide range of practical experience and knowledge to draw upon He is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Master Lean Coach and has a Masters Degree in Engineering and an MBA Mel is currently working with some of New Zealand’s best known organisations in the deployment of Lean and Six Sigma business excellence methodologies which are producing multi-million dollar benefits and an improved customer experience Keynote Bios: Professor Glyn Elwyn, Director of Research, Department of Primary Care and Public Health Cardif University Professor Glyn Elwyn is a primary care clinician who has research interests in shared decision making, risk communication, the design and evaluation of decision support interventions and the integration of health informatics into clinical practice He was appointed as an inter-school Link Chair at Cardif University in May 2005, and leads the Clinical Epidemiology Interdisciplinary Research Group at the School of Medicine He has published 173 peer-reviewed articles Together with Professor Adrian Edwards, he convenes the Decision Laboratory working on the development of web-based interactive decision support (www.amniodex.com, www.bresdex.com, www.prosdex.com) He co-leads the International Patient Decision Aids Standards Collaboration with Professor Annette O'Connor, Ottawa and has been a member of the lead faculty at the Summer Institutes for Informed Patient Choice, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (2007 and 2008) He collaborates closely with Professor Richard Grol and has a personal chair at IQ, the Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands He is the Royal College of General Practitioners' UK delegate to the European Association of Quality Improvement (EQuiP) He has developed the International Family Practice Maturity Matrix: a measure of organisational development in primary care www.maturitymatrix.co.uk He is the author of 'Groups' (a guide to working in small groups, Baxter Prize 2001) and co-edits 'Shared decision making: Evidence Based Patient Choice' (Oxford University Press, 2nd edition 2009) Dr Judith Smith, Head of Policy, Nuffield Trust, London Judith Smith is an experienced and widely published health services researcher and policy analyst Before joining the Nuffield Trust in February 2009, she spent 14 years working at the Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham where she was Senior Lecturer and Director of Research At the Nuffield Trust, she leads a team whose research focuses on the quest for better integrated care, the role and potential of physician organisations, the development of commissioning in the NHS, and the search for health system efficiency in the economic downturn Over the period 2007-2009, Judith undertook a research fellowship based at Victoria University of Wellington She was also a Visiting Fellow at the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute at the Australian National University in Canberra Judith's current roles include being a member of the board of the UK Health Services Research Network, and expert advisor on NHS organisation and commissioning to the Mid-Stafordshire Public Inquiry Information about Judith's recent publications and current projects can be found at www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk Professor Dame Carol M Black, National Director for Health and Work, Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Chair of the Nuffield Trust Dame Carol was elected to the Council of Royal College of Physicians in 1996 and became Clinical Vice President in 1999 In 2002 she was President of the Royal College of Physicians; a post she stepped down from in July 2006 She is Chair of the UK Health Honours Committee, a member of the Council of the GMC and a member of the Board of the British Cardiovascular Society In addition, she is non-executive director of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and a member of the Board of Governors of the Health Foundation In 2002 Dame Carol was awarded the CBE for her work on systemic sclerosis and in 2005 was awarded the DBE for her services to medicine

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 01:42

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